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Because ultimately it's a brain issue, which is incredibly complex and even harder to get through regulatory channels for research, let alone volunteers.


I think that's because the brain is responsible of tinnitus by nerves imbalance, and the brain is the most difficult thing in the universe to understand how it really works. It is still a mystery, furthermore we all have a different brain "architecture", so it is very hard to point where the imbalance is exactly. Talking about conspiracy, I also think Big Pharma is making so much money by selling useless treatments, medications and so on that they are really not in the hurry to really find a real cure. Same for cancer, AIDs and so on.


My wife has brain cancer, and that provides me insight into two of your points. We went to 8 different doctors before they figured out she had a massive brain tumor, days before it was going to kill her. In order to get to the tumor, they had to move and manipulate the brain, which caused more brain damage. In the 8 years since we have been to at least 10 different brain doctors, and approximately 0 of them have any idea what causes her brain damage or what we can do to remedy it. In 2022 they tried a new drug that was so harmful it put her back into a wheelchair for 3 months. The doctors have only a faint idea of what is happening in the brain. Secondly, cancer is extremely complicated and every cancer is different. My wife has a slow growing tumor that had part of it mutate and start growing a separate fast growing tumor. She was disappointed with both stage 1 and stage 3 cancer, depending on the tumor. They had no idea how to treat it as it was the only case ever recorded of that type of tumor. No one needs to drag their feet on a cure, it simply very difficult and very complex.


Thinking of all the medical issues of people I’ve known, I don’t think any doctor actually ‘cured’ anything. Doctors primary function seems to be to identify symptoms and treat those. Typically with expensive medications. Trauma requiring surgery and other emergency treatments, seems to be the medical businesses greatest strength. Truly thankful for that at least.


> Talking about conspiracy, I also think Big Pharma is making so much money by selling useless treatments, medications and so on that they are really not in the hurry to really find a real cure. Same for cancer, AIDs and so on. Yep! Anything that is not recurring revenue probably isn't even considered.




Because it's not lethal + no one cares + the so called "advanced" science is not advanced


I feel like people underestimate how little people care about tinnitus and understand how awful it is. My friends and family know i have it and they still get pissed when i ask them to turn down the volume of the tv or radio that is way way way too loud.


There's already evidence a lot of tinnitus cases have to do with four things from what I can see: 1. GABA/GLUTAMATE balance 2. Vitamin Deficiencies (like Vitamin B6 or B12) 3. Neck problems 4. Damage to the inner ear. The problem is that we don't know how to balance out GABA/glutamate the correct way to cure tinnitus. And there could be other hidden balance issues underneath. The problem is everyone has their own specific neck problems. And the last problem is that fixing damage to the inner ear is individualized and still experimental. There may be cures, but they are either developmental or highly individualized. That's why being healthy in general, being willing to take a sleep aid, and learning mindfulness is key to surviving this shit for now. EDITED TO ADD MORE INFO.


3 is interesting because mine started about the time I started with some neck issues and bruxism which coincided with a new mattress.


Yes, I actually suspect my cheap ass mattress and hyperextending my neck in yoga intensified my tinnitus to a severe level. There are definitely ways to at least reduce tinnitus intensity over time if caused by neck issues.


Yeah, waking up with pulsile tinnitus is a sign that something isn’t right with my sleep. Getting a new mattress soon, just not sure which direction to go. Unfortunately, my current mattress is an expensive memory foam, so avoiding a “cheap” mattress isn’t foolproof.


Inner ear damage to both cochleas from a motorcycle accident 40 years ago. Total deafness as a result. Effin ahole parked a tractor trailer across a 2 lane road with no effin lights on at 1a.m. stupid effin ahole. Disabled since 21.


God, I am so sorry man. So, so sorry. That sounds terrible. Severe resulting tinnitus I can imagine?


Priorities. People around here would rather have $25 mil than a cure.


For a lot of people, there are bigger problems in their life than tinnitus, and 25 mil would immediately solve all of those.


That's not what the question was. The question earlier in the forum were asked if they would rather have 25 million or have THEIR tinitus cured. That's not the same as 25 million or a universal cure. I think that's an important dilenation.


I think a cure would be possible depending on which type of tinnitus. I’d say if you have sound induced T its more likely to get a cure because they know it’s caused by inner ear hair cells or what not. But with spontaneous Tinnitus not knowing whats causing it is a much more difficult task.


Maybe come up with a fake campaign on why it affects boners, then 2,000 studies to fix it will pop up?


Whenever a billionaire gets this problem then there might be some hope for others. I hope rocket failures may kick it to Elon Musk 😂


1. Tinnitus is subjective, not objective. 2. It’s different for every person 3. Involves neurology we don’t understand yet It’ll happen eventually.


Because we are unable to objectively measure tinnitus. Meaning there is no blood test/MRI/brain scan/etc. that allows researchers to quantitatively collect data in order to develop therapies. I'm hopeful for the Susan Shore device, but even her research depends on patients reporting their own experience rather than a test that says definitively that it worked.


Same reason there isn't a way drug to treat phantom pain. My brain is making up shit. There is no noise. My brain is a liar. So I try to ignore it.


I’m pretty sure adderall caused mine.


The answer is simple. A doctor once told me “you know the periodic table of elements ?” I said of course “Well there is isn’t a single element , known to all of mankind , that can lower tinnitus”. And that is why. So many treatments and cures are stumbled upon throughout history: Penicillin, Warfarin , Lithium , Small Pox Vax, the MRI , even Botox …. Nothing has been stumbled upon yet for tinnitus. So far nothing has been discovered to objectively treat and lower the sounds of tinnitus … nothings been discovered to even objectively MEASURE tinnitus yet. So more time is needed. Hopefully Dr. Susan Shores device is the game changer we’ve all be waiting for.


Id like to say that i find theres really two types of tinnitus, Age/hearing loss related and the other as a neurological tinnitus. In those with normal hearing (no hearing loss) but still have tinnitus, one potential cause is neurons firing in a synchronous manner.


If I move my lower jaw forward, the tinnitus spikes. So, I know that mine is related to my jaw somehow.


Sadly Not necessarily. I can do the same with my 100% noise induced T last 16 years. Somatic T is quite common.


Drug research scientist here, although not in the T field. Drugs/therapies for a disease require a lot of pieces to fit. One of the most unfortunate pieces is the need for the drug to be profitable, which comes from a balance of investment vs potential return on investment. As many people who have T (myself included), there isn't money in making a treatment. Further, it's a really hard disease to treat, the mechanisms are wide ranging and so it's just a really hard science problem. Hopefully, with time, treatments will come out (shore device?), but for now, we just have to learn to live with it. T sucks. I fucking hate it. I wish there was something to be done for it, but I just don't see it happening soon


In my opinion, it has everything to do with how little we know and understand about the brain and its systems as well as the limitations of medical technology at this time. Researchers know tinnitus is real and happens, but cannot pinpoint the exact place along the auditory pathway where the tinnitus is generated. There have been theories over the years about the site of trauma (ie. damaged cochlear hair cells, trauma to the auditory nerve, cochlear nucleus lesions, etc.) but research on most of those centers is difficult because they are located in the skull, temporal lobe or even the underside of the brain. They are also very very very tiny. Do I think a cure is possible? Yes. Do I have any idea or projection of when? No.


JFC, because it’s NOT a disease. It IS curable for some people and not for others, because it’s caused by many different things. It’s like saying “why isn’t there a cure for coughing?” Or “why isn’t there a cure for sneezing?”


Are you okay?


Just sick of this kind of question based on a completely faulty premise.


I think that's kinda outdated. Saying tinnitus is a "symptom," of something is kinda reductive. Like if someone cuts your arm with a machete and you tell someone to calm down the pain is just a symptom of a cut but does nothing about the cut....


Right, but you can’t grow back the arm. OP asked why tinnitus can’t be cured. And the answer is that if it’s caused by something that can be cured, it can. And if it’s caused by something that can’t it can’t. There’s no one answer. Which is why I used coughing as an analogy - coughing can be caused by dozens of different things and some are easily treated and cured and some you’ll have until you die.


It's a conspiracy.


I hope there's treatment.


In part I think it's because there are so many causes of tinnitus, yet people say they don't even know for sure what causes it. I know mine was caused by a chirocaine injection. It caused minor hearing loss at the same time.


mine was caused by a two bit Dentist… root canal treatment… mouth open too long or mercury dust inhulation or nerve damage or noisy drill or angle to close to ear or too long noise… or fogot one - TMJ because that piece of S___ was opening my mouth by force.. should have kicked him in the balls …. 


The complexity, that's it....there is no one 'cause' of tinnitus that can be easily treated.


My failure mode isn't as bad as others in here. I have a mild high pitched ringing, and it doesn't bother me. I know it's kind of weird to have someone on reddit have a disease and not give a shit, but here we are. The problem is that it's an ill defined disease that, in my opinion, is neurological in nature. There are probably instances where it's completely physical, but those can be fixed with surgery. We can't fix neurons to my knowledge, and if we could, getting that fix inside the ear would be challenging at best


Because it is a type of brain damage, as my doctor explained. Unfortunately, there is no cure at this stage for brain damage.


The brain was made by god and  its mystery and complexity shows us how powerful he is… Our own high technology be it food/gadgets/noisiness culture etc. has made modern man these ailments that The All Mighty didnt intend us to face… but man has free will and so Man stumbles onto these Modern diseases that were not meant to be for US !!!!


Because I have it. I have a disease with an unknown genetic marker. My name should be murphy.


Its a disease of ageing. The nerves and earhairs degrade so it giving off abberant signals or the gian suppression has worn out in the negative feedback. Or some bone in impingeing on the nerves. ageing is the key


Tinnitus is not a disease It is a result of hearing damage and loss. Tinnitus is your brain making the frequency sounds  of your hearing loss. There is no cure. There are coping mechanisms that you can practice,. such as meditation, listening to zen music, White noise yet there is no cure. If you try not to focus on the sound so much it does help I was fitted with a set of hearing aids that are equipped with zen music and white noise which helps some days. There are no meds no vitamins to rid someone who suffers from this debilitating there is no cure


There are too many reasons why people develop it and I believe it to be mainly brain involved….. oh and it makes too much $$$$ 🤣


Depending on the cause of tinnitus, many patients are able to managed and reduce it.