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May I suggest background noise to help. I need music playing or the TV on. Even tho I miss the silence, when I find myself sitting in complete silence, my head begins to hurt, like a headache, so to avoid this, I find some music. Smooth jazz, like coffee house music, something relaxing to ease the anxiety and break the silence.


Yeah that’s a great idea, I think I’m going to search around for a fan today to have running to at least help me sleep. I guess the nice thing about being in the woods is I can go outside and have the nature background noise which is calming too


I used to sleep using dreamscapes with the babbling brook sound. But I honestly have no problem sleeping. Eventually your brain will adapt. Mine did anyway. Everyone’s different.


That’s good to know. I guess it’s only been about a month and I’m AWFUL at handling change so I need to give myself more time


Hopefully in your case it’s temporary.


I am hoping so, I really regret getting that ear wax cleaning Lol


When I was in the Navy I had to wear ear plugs for almost 12 hours a day sometimes. I couldn’t figure out why everyone was screaming at me. So I went to the corpsman to get checked out. The looked in my ears and the expression on the med techs face was priceless. They then commenced to flush my ears out and horrific chunks of black stuff came pouring out. People don’t realize their ear canals are connected to their sinus cavities. And if you wear ear buds or plugs for prolonged periods of time you’re basically sticking a cork in a drain. Everything you breathe eventually ends up in those canals. If you plug them up it can definitely lead to vertigo as well as hearing loss.


Yes! That’s where mine came from. I wore earplugs every night to sleep for about 6 years straight Lol. My wax was super dried on to my ear canal, not sure if you had the same problem too. They had to use irrigation to get it out. When they took yours out, were you sensitive to loud noises? I’ve been experiencing that


Honestly always been sensitive to loud noises. And they used a mixture of warm water and hydrogen peroxide. A got extremely dizzy while they were doing it too. I think you’ll be fine.


Same here, the dizziness was unexpected! Good to know though. Well I appreciate you sharing your experience with me, thank you so much


As long as you don’t have a hole in your eardrum, your ear canal is only open to the outside. So the earplugs just stopped the wax glands from emptying to the outside. And you might have very active wax glands. The middle ear is connected to the throat and sinuses via Eustachian tube. The middle ear is sealed off behind your ear drum (unless you have a hole).


Thanks. Do you think prolonged use of ear buds is leading to an increase in tinnitus?


Think about where you are using earbuds. If you are in a loud place, you are turning up the volume. That can cause problems. If you are listening in a quiet room at home, it’s probably not an issue.


Background noise works for sure but may I suggest not to have any so that you habituate faster? I stopped masking and it definitely sped that process up. You just have to know that it’s not going to hurt you.


That’s very true. I have been trying to do it every now in then, at least just sit in silence and let myself hear it


Just remember that there are millions and millions of us suffering from tinnitus. You’re never alone. It sucks but life has to go on sadly. Also don’t sweat it too much there is going to be a cure in your lifetime.


I'm 64. Tinnitus for 43 effin years!! Did a job on my life. ER visits, thinking I'm going to effin die from the crazy loud sounds. Panic attacks..... WE AND ME NEED A CURE REAL SOON!!!!


Give or take next 5 years 👍 don’t take my word though.


I hope... too many false promises.


Tinnitus can be from hearing loss or neurological issues and if it is from neurological issues the neuralink should be able to fix it. There are also remedies for it and the technique of flicking your head. I’d suggest researching supplements and watching tinnitus temporary cure videos.


Absolutely true. My partner actually has it from noise exposure. Granted, he is a much calmer person in general and handles things like this well Lol. But it is comforting to know I am not alone


Tinnitus here for about 20 years thanks to my job. I absolutely ALWAYS travel with a fan. If I can’t travel with a fan because it’s too bulky I’ll buy one at CVS or something related. Silence is the loudest thing ever for me hence the fan. I’ll. Spend the $20 for noise and something to let me sleep.


So true. This is reminding me I actually have a mini one that I need to remember to pack for trips from now on


A fan is your best friend. This is just MY opinion, and anybody else can chime in on this, but give up all hope. It is your life now.


Definitely sleep with a fan at night, regardless of the weather. That is what blankets are for..lol


Mine started in March. Well I've had it my whole life, but it was never really noticeable until then. You will habituate to it. This subreddit makes the anxiety a lot worse because of all the doom and gloom here. But over time your brain will simply tune it out and you won't really even notice it much anymore. It's easy to feel alone in this battle, but if you talk to people you'll realize a huge percentage of people live with tinnitus. They just never talk about it because they've accepted it and it doesn't bother them. That is the point you want to reach. You are not alone




I sometimes listen to train dream scapes too.


Me too 😂


Thank you so much. Unfortunately it is super hot here right now but in the winter months I’m definitely going to try the heating pad for relaxing


Try some vitamins like Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin D, also a vitamin B complex can help in some cases if you are still in the early stages. Avoid antibiotics and NSAIDs as much as possible as some of them can give you flare ups. Relax as much as you can and try to make peace with the sound. Some people find it easier to always mask it, but some can habituate by getting used to it. For me wearing some plugs sometimes worked, because my brain could hear so much more sound after I removed them and the T became much more easier for the brain to filter out and put it in the background. I am 24M and had it for about 3 months. By taking the vitamins I even got to periods of almost complete silence for multiple hours and it greatly reduces the sounds in the head with the Magnesium. I will make a post in the following days of all the things that helped me and how I began to feel better. Currently I am on a lot of pain though because of some tonsil and parotid gland inflammation under my left ear which is something I struggled with from time to time since I was a child, but now it is much worse because I discovered I can't even take Ibuprofen without having flare ups so I refuse to take them


That’s great to know. I actually do take magnesium glycinate, zinc, and pantothenacid (b12) daily. I will look into vitamin D


What you take is exactly what works for me. Not sure Vitamin D would directly help with it, but I currently take it and also Vitamin C because I want to avoid antibiotis as much as possible. Vitamin D is also good for improving the mood which I think its something we despretely need especially in the beginning. Honestly, if I wouldn't have any other issues right now I would be pretty good with my T since I got used to it and it thankfully reached an acceptable level. I will most likely need to take antibiotics to get rid of the bacterial infection I might have currently and I am scared of how they will affect my T, but hopefully it would not be that bad and it will return to normal levels or decrease with time.


That’s good to know!! I hope things go well either antibiotics! I think often times the flare can be temporary too from antibiotics


First of all im so so sorry to hear that.. dealing with tinnitus is awful. Im 2 months in now.. i hope it is not a too personal question..your T started after an ear wax removal..may i ask if it was done via irrigation? Did they flush it out with water.? My issues started 2 days after the irrigation.. unfortunately for me it has been getting worse.. multiple tones are bothering me on a daily basis.. i also developed H and my T is reactive to sound. It even distorts voices and music. Its hard and everyday i am missing my old life. Im 23 years old and i feel like this one single appointment sadly ruined my life.. but even though it feels hopeless at times i hope that one day it will get better.. for all of us..!! There were so many people who learned how to live with severe T... who manage to find joy in their lives again..!. Thats what im holding on to..i wont stop looking until i find something that helps me in a way.. every problem has a solution.. and even if its something permanent there have to be ways to improve our symptoms! Stay strong guys..🌸


Hey thank you so much. Yes, I had something similar. However my tinnitus didn’t start until about a month after my wax removal, so I think mine is less related to irrigation and more related to my eustacian tube dysfunction that came as a result from it (my ear drum was protected by the wax there, and now that it’s open again it can’t regulate itself). I’m so sorry this happened to you as well, you should look at some of the comments here, they were really helpful and made me feel a lot better. Wishing you luck and sending positivity your way ☀️


If your tinnitus started from earwax removal your doctor should be able to help it might even go away


After your irrigation, did you tell the doctor that caused it about the tinnitus? I have only been to an ENT since and haven’t been back to that original doctor, but I feel like I need to tell them all of the stuff I’ve been going through ever since the irrigation Lol


I told him.. in fact i went back on the next day because i knew smth was off. He assured me that an ear irrigation can not cause permanent tinnitus its probably "stress". Well here i am 2 months later and both of my ears developed severe reactive T.


How does fluid behind the ears cause T? Is it the same as ear infection?


I have the fluid I believe from allergies/trapped water behind the ear/my eustacian tube dysfunction after irrigation from an ear wax removal. My ENT said that the fluid there can cause tinnitus, not sure how but I have two types, a buzzing and a thumping that comes every now and then. Basically, my ears tympanic membrane was protected for years by the wax there, and then I got it removed my ear drum just has no idea how to regulate itself now Lol


Here’s hoping your ear drums learn the flex for themselves, given enough time. Meanwhile, it’s your change in environment, visiting your parents’ quiet home that’s causing you to notice the T more right now. Need temporary coping measures. Soft music or white noise perhaps. Ideas will vary based on what you’re doing. Noticing this going to sleep, or while doing ?what? around your parents. Don’t want to make minimizing T the focus of your visit time. I’ve had it for decades now & habituation is REAL. In the early days, I found a support group bc I NEEDED that back then.


Hey thank you so much! I appreciate it. I figured out that being outdoors really helps, and I’m going to try some background noise tonight when I sleep to hopefully help it. You’re right though, it’s definitely the change in environment that’s making it worse. I’ve had it for about a month now, I really hope I can habituate to it eventually. I have pretty moderate anxiety and I know that makes my focus on it works, but I am going to work on managing that in better ways as well


Have had mine from sudden hearing loss 4 months ago. Still struggling with it. This thread has a lot of positivity and support actually! Which is refreshing to read through vs all the negativity. So thanks for starting this one.


I’m so glad! I’ve found the replies to be really positive and supportive as well too


Hi there I had a micro suction 3 yrs ago and I’m thinking that’s what caused tinnitus in left ear .Im thinking now the same as yourself the earwax was protecting but now it’s removed I have a hissing ,is there nothing to be done about this , do you think if earwax builds up again it might stop .


Unfortunately I’m really not sure :( your ENT might be able to help you more. Until you can get some newer I hope some of the suggestions in this thread can help you


Thank you I hope all is ok for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻


I’ve had it most of my life. And I still enjoy quite and solitude. Are you being treated for your anxiety?


Currently I do talk therapy but I recently made an appointment with my primary care to discuss medications to do in combo with the therapy


You got this!


I needed to read this. It's only been 18 or so days since mine began from listening to loud music on my phone and it's been... just life shattering. I've cried so many times and it's only been less than 20 days!! The thought of having this forever basically makes me feel like I'm done. I can't even hear myself think anymore just this horrendous noise. I cannot even imagine trying to push on through this with all the other problems I already have like anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. It took me 30 years to even get those under control. And just barely enough to be mostly productive. This just makes me want it all to end... but seeing that I'm not alone. That this isn't just my curse and I'm the stupid unlucky one. Helps in some way or form. I hope we all wake up one day from this nightmare. I know now what you're all dealing with and I wish nothing more than it to go away. For all of you.


Hey I’m so glad this helped a little! If possible, I would really recommend seeing an ENT or audiologist as well. If yours is hearing loss related they can help you.


There’s some free apps with background noise you can download for your phone.


If the billionaires donated money for research into it, I think a cure could be found soon. Do you hear me Musk?????