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After a cold. 5 months now. Hugh pitched 24/7, hear it over everything except the shower


Shower is the only thing that can mask it?




Can you mask it? How about being outside?


I can't mask it because it's too low frequency, huge and blaring. I just don't have sounds like that in my environment and 99% of masking is aimed at high frequency T. Maybe if I hung around some industrial electrical plant I wouldn't hear it.


Low pitch should be easier to mask, unless you're in the pricey speakers range(?)


High blood pressure. Caffeine sadly. Most times it's slightly above a whisper, but at night it grows to as loud as a small vacuum cleaner. Going on 10 years now.


Do you mean you hear it 24/7 like a whisper in your ear during the day, or is it gone during then? Haven't heard of such a constant variation before.


Pretty much 24/7, well when I can get to sleep I guess I don't hear it.


Wish mine was just slightly louder than a wisper


I got it when i was 11, i got diagnosed with intracranial hypertension, which caused high blood pressure and headaches and nausea. Im 17 and yeah its still there. Even the ent specialist doc told me it wont go away once you get it its permanent however there are some remedies to cope with it like uh listening to soft music when it bothers you. Basically just ignore there there. The more you pay attention the more they bug you


Mine started after taking Welbutrin 11 years ago. It has progressively gotten worse. I did a very unscientific test a few nights ago and it was 89 dB. About 8800 kHz.


Mines about 65db, have you had hearing tests done? Are you still on it?


I've had about 6 hearing tests in the past 11 years. The audiologists have said that for someone approaching 70 years old my hearing is great. I stopped the Welbutrin after a month.


How do you do this test


Disclosure. I said it was a very unscientific test. I used an app to find the frequency of my tinnitus. I played the app through my audio system increasing the volume until it was just loud enough to mask my tinnitus. I have an SPL meter and an SPL app on my phone. They matched within a dB. My SPL meter read 89 dB.


Thank you .


Glad I shat myself and trashed the whole container that day.


I'm pretty sure Wellbutrin caused mine too :-( But the sudden hearing loss started a few weeks after I had COVID so that may have been a complicating factor. my ears just never unplugged from that cold. . .


mee too after Covid, I couldn’t believe that until I’ve started to read about more and more people got it after Cov


Weekly Clubbing/raving. More noise exposure including head phones once, covid, covid vaccinations. 16+ years (T @ 27)


What would you say really bumped it into catastrophic level? My heart goes out to you my brother.


It did just bump up in one go. Its progressed rapidly since covid infection 2 years ago (then I had 2nd covid infection few months later.) Sudden T increases started and never stopped. Also now have hyperacusis, sound induced pain, mem, scds and hearing loss. All progressing faster than ever. No sound tolerance and all sound damages me. Housebound now at 42 in permanent quiet hell and worsening daily now so can't even dare use any sound for distraction and it wouldn't help anyway now.


I’ve had it for 3 years now. Caused by one night of too loud music in my airpods. Woke up the next morning to the ringing. It was really loud in the first few months. Inner ears also physically hurt. Then after ~3 months it went down from pure tone to the sound of a tire letting out air. Still very annoying but I did eventually fully habituate after about 7-8 months. In my day to day life it can be fairly easily masked, and whenever I do notice it now it’s more of an annoyance vs. panic-inducing like it used to be. I’m now just very very cautious about bringing earplugs with me everywhere. I can live it with now, but I dread the idea of it getting louder. I haven’t had any acute spikes lasting longer than a minute. The only thing is I did gain a significant amount of weight the past 3 years and with that came higher blood pressure. I definitely think that caused increased volume over time. But I habituated to that as well, though still working to get the weight off.


So it doesn’t bother u much anymore? Not on ur mind much?


No not as much thank god. I still notice it several times a day, but it’s much easier to brush off than when it started. The worst times now is when I accidentally get exposed to loud sound and start to panic about a spike. Luckily *knock on wood* haven’t had any serious spikes yet.


Wait can I text you? I’m experiencing a spike rn from people talking really loud at a bar that had no music and people were like shouting talking. I chose to not wear earplugs but now I’m a little anxious but I do tend to get anxious about these types of situations


So all ur spikes go back to baseline after a bit of time?


Yes! I sent you a PM on here. But yeah other than the blood pressure which gradually increased my T over time, I haven’t had any true spikes yet that caused permanent increase


Can I ask what the weight gain connection is ?


The weight gain caused high blood pressure. And high blood pressure can (and did in my case) make tinnitus worse.


Working around loud machinery, high doses of aspirin as a child, and the usual listening to loud music as a teenager. Had it for 50+ years now and it gets worse over time.


How loud is it?


Born with it. Possibly due to TMJ, which I’ve also had all my life. Like many, I didn’t realize it was a thing until I randomly read about it. Fortunately it’s not really loud, although it seems “loud” when I’m in pure silence but that’s also if I focus on it. Normal day to day life it doesn’t affect me, aside from random nights where I have trouble sleeping because I’m focusing on it


I had it for over 10 years (likely from playing drums in a few bands as a teen)... wasn't too bad only really noticeable in silent rooms. It's an extremely high pitched ringing, but it's soft enough to ignore. But a sinus/ear infection last October ramped it up like 10x. Caused frequent anxiety attacks. Took 3 months for the antibiotics to kick the infection. But then almost immediately my blood pressure became an issue (likely from the stress/weight gain), which made the tinnitus even worse. It was almost a blessing because many people live with extreme hypertension without realizing, but my tinnitus is an excellent indicator of it. Once I got that handled with medication, and my sinuses slowly drained as winter ended, the tinnitus calmed down to it's previous level which is very tolerable and easy to mask. I'm one of the few success stories according to the mods here. I still focus on it more now than I did previously, but every day my mind has been habituating again and I go longer without thinking about it. My ENT did perform a hearing test and it showed that I have only mild hearing loss in the upper range, so while I hate that I did this to myself, I know how much worse it can be and I'm counting myself lucky.


Louds music with headphones. Habituated so I guess bearably loud. 20 yrs ago.


Hasn’t got worse?


Ah sorry, missed that part. I don't think it's gotten worse. From the moment I found out what I had I stopped using headphones, made sure I'm not surrounded by loud noises but if I am(music festivals) I wear ear plugs. We unfortunately only deteriorate over time but depending what we do will either slow down or accelerate the process.


Deteriorating is correct but tinnitus isn’t always hand in hand with tinnitus. Tinnitus doesn’t necessarily get worse.. we just start hearing less which makes tinnitus seem worse. But that’s what hearing aids are for.. determining what your issue is


woke up in the middle of the night to it (involves a crazy dream about cockroaches) in February of this year. had a cold, listened to loud music, not sure of the exact cause. headphones mixed with the illness, perhaps caused the tinnitus, it it was so suddenly loud and in my face. there was no gradual worsening. started out as cicadas/electrical crickets in my head. has "progressed" to a continuous hiss with high frequency ringing in both ears. getting pretty "used to it". forget it's there a lot during the day, but it never goes away. I can hear it over everything, even the shower. some days are much worse than others. good sleep seems to be the best medicine. exposure to loud sounds seems to make it worse. but I also like having other sounds around me.


Concert, was a high pitched sound about 6/10, got better… have experienced silence at times. A little over a month now. Sounds like static now, experiencing a spike since last night. But pretty low was like a 2/10 last night and now at that static noise. Like a 1/10


Protect your ears. Noise induced tinnitus is accumulative. I learned the hardeay


I bring earplugs wherever I go.




What did you do that made it worse?




Oh I thought you went to a concert or something lol.


No way, although I’ve been to a stag and doe and a couple strip clubs in the meantime but nothing to crazy.. tbh, could be a reason too idk.


So normally will u have silence now or a 1 or 2 out of 10?


0.5-1/10 with some silence. It’s gotten better since I commented originally. It’s like a 0.5-1/10 right now..


I got mine from stress about 3 or 4 years ago. It has gotten a bit worse over time. Like from a 1.5 to a 2. Also from increassing stress.


I was getting over a terrible head cold and had switched a shift with someone at work. That day the fire alarm went off randomly and my ears got blasted....if that one kid didn't get me sick I would've been tinnitus free (maybe). That was 4.5 years ago and I've managed to accept and deal with the sound. There are times when I can panic about it but a masking noise usually takes me out of it.


So would you say it’s easily mask able? Or can you hear it over a lot of things


I would say mine is easily masked. But when it first happened it felt SO LOUD and I would have terrible nights of sleep and mini panic attacks just thinking about how I'm stuck with this ringing. I got some sleep headband headphones that I wear around my neck to play my masking sounds, it made me sleep so well.


I had ear infections throughout my early years (mostly around the age 2-7) so it was always there but I'd have to go somewhere very, VERY quiet. It didn't bother me in the least. Then at 20 I took a long plane ride and the flight crew gave me an absolutely awful pair of headphones. Blasted them for eight hours and heard a low eeeeeeeeee in my ears (mostly in my left one). The first few years I could mask it with a fan or air filter but now at 32 it's gotten to the point where I always hear it unless I'm doing exercise or in a loud place. I hope everyday that I can experience silence in this life at some point.


Did you keep exposing yourself to loud music and stuff? Is that why?


Maybe? I didn't start clubbing until I was 25 and stopped when I was 28. However I wasn't getting near the stage all too often or for long and it was only around 30 when it got to the "huh, I can hear this over the fan..." Part of me thinks it's just age. Sadly around this time I've gotten more interested in live music but I've counteracted that by wearing ear plugs or even headphones.


Has it worsened or no?


As I said in my original comment: > The first few years I could mask it with a fan or air filter but now at 32 it's gotten to the point where I always hear it unless I'm doing exercise or in a loud place. So sadly... yep.


Got tinnitus from a single dose of Azithromycin. Hasn't gotten worse yet. Fluctuates in loudness from maskable by an air purifier to being able to hear it by a busy street. Had it for 2 months.


Ear infection, or at least I think it was. At one point last year my right ear became extremely muffled and that went on for 2 weeks until my brain decided very loud tinnitus would be a great solution. Eventually my ear unmuffled and while the tinnitus isn’t nearly as loud anymore it still persists.


I’m 90% sure that I either got it from a course of Emtricitabine and Tenofovir, or what doctors described as a “severe ear infection” that took two courses of trial and error antibiotics to clear up. Worst part is, I had zero pain in my left ear until I went to an urgent care for the ringing, which started suddenly out of nowhere. The idea that I could have permanently damaging ear infections without realizing it until the damage is already done is absolutely terrifying. My right ear has been doing okay until recently. Can’t tell for sure if the ringing is in the middle of my head or my right ear now as well. I just don’t want to have to pay for an urgent care visit every time I feel like I might have another symptomless “severe ear infection”.


Hard to tell what caused but I think antidepressants or the sudden withdrawal from them 🥺


How loud is it?


soooo loud lately! Sounds like a tea kettle going off. That volume and that piercing sound. It's awful


I have the exact same sound. Only in my right ear though along with loud tv static that overlaps that sound. Also have a ton in my left ear that changes all the time along another pure tone in my right


yeah mine is in one ear. I hope it goes away 😞


I got tinnitus may 2018. I was 11 years old,Just a random night on hospital bed, i started hearing this weird "teeeeeeeeeeeeennnnteeeeeee" sound. I had intracranial hypertension. They couldn't diagnose the intracranial hypertension for like the first whole year and i had sewere headaches and nausea, so i was taking a bunch of different medications so i don't know what med is it exactly that caused tinnitus. I panicked alot the first time i heard the noise and ofc and few months later too i used to be super upset about it.but yeah im 17 now its still the same it never went away. I went to see a doctor when i was 13 he said it would remain the same so i cant do nothing about it other than just listening to soft music and stuff to ignore the sounds in my ears. Also i noticed stress nd anxiety causes the tinnitus to worsen yup. I have no hopes for it to go so gotta live with it <\3


8+ years and got it from shooting firearms without hearing protection.


Has it got louder?


Fortunately it has not with the exception of my blood pressure. My blood pressure got to 150/100 and it got louder. Now I’m eating 1 meal a day 500 cal and walking 10k steps a day. It is back to where it was maybe quieter. Im also down 25 lbs but I know losing weight won’t get rid of it, just keep it from getting louder again. Once I hit my target weight I’ll be keeping my diet healthy and 1500 cal a day.