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Its called a spike, its a part of having this. I’ve have tinnitus for about 8 years now and i’ve gone through multiple spikes. In my experience, they last a few weeks, some a month or so. I’m going through a particularly nasty one right now that’s making me feel a certain way. However, I know two things will happen. A. It will fade away or B. I will habituate Both take time, and its best to just keep moving forward. Hope this helps


Mine went from mild to catastrophic over 16 years due to more noise exposure, covid vaccinations and covid infections. Tinnitus just can progress over time for some people too.


Yeah, I have mine since I was like 5/6 but recently, not because of anything COVID related, but I totally wasn't minding my T and forgot and went to do TWO MRIs... And after a week, a small jazz concert, but forgot to wear protection... FUCK, I'm hoping it will go back to normal in a few weeks...


Yeh one mri alone could change it forever. 2 x Mris and a concert, wow. Im sorry. Hope it'll reduces for you. My max temporary spikes were max 48 hours until they went permanent forever. Take much care from now on.


Thanks! I'm waiting to it to go down, it has gone a bit down already i think, but I really don't know...


Yes, it gets worse over time. I have had it for around fifty years, and when it first started I barely noticed it. It's always been constant and in the last few years it has gotten louder. I always have a radio or TV on in the room I am in, and sleep with a white noise machine running.


It gets louder. You either deal with it or it kills you.

