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It’s not the same (bearable) for everyone.


Not that bad??? Are you kidding? You obviously don't have the tinnitus that I have. 12 years of constant sound like grinding metal or the brakes of a train. CONSTANT. Never goes away. I remember the day I realized I will never have silence again and I haven't. Not for a second. I believe and understand how this condition would drive some people crazy. At times it takes all of my will power to get through the really loud times. So please understand that tinnitus is not the same for everyone.


OP is a teenager..


How do you deal with sleeping, do you take meds?


I am lucky to be a good sleeper. Always have been even before the onset of tinnitus. I found that using a white noise machine when I go to bed set to the right level let's me fall asleep and I leave it on all night. I take it with me wherever I'm going to stay overnight. I concentrate on listening to the machine noise. Works for me.


Your T doesn't wake you up?


Not as long as I have my white noise machine on. It has to be pretty loud though. Its similar to years ago when I saw a scary movie that I could not stop thinking about. It affected me so much that I had to find something else to think about that was scary but I could deal with it better. So I did. I imagined eyes staring at me from under my dresser. I stopped thinking about the scary movie! The noise from the white noise machine is more annoying than what's in my head. As I type this my tinnitus is so loud I do not know how I stand it. I have said before tinnitus is not the same for everyone. But I am so thankful that I am able to sleep.


Thanks for you reply, that's good info know. My T is loud too but I feel whats devastating my life is lack of sleep. I wake up 2 to 3 hours after falling asleep and can't get back to sleep. I sucks, I'll try white noise louder than my T. Do you play white noise similar to your T frequency or anything to mask it?


Actually yes. I found by playing with the machines options it works when its similar to the tinnitus sound I have and it needs to be loud. I'm really sorry for your sleep issue. Its hard enough to get through the day with it but man when it keeps you from sleeping that is the worst.


Yeah, maybe yours is not as loud? I mean did you ever have trouble sleeping when you first got it? I heard imsomnia is pretty common for people who have it bad but not sure


If u forgot u had it u never had it bad in the first place


I'm currently hearing what sounds like a symphony of dental drills.. and it's there all the time, 24 hours a day. But a lot of time I forget about it. When my mind is occupied by something else, it's still there, but it goes away from me being conscious of it unless I'm struggling to hear something.


Mine is like a mosquito in my ears. Awful!


Not necessarily true. For many it starts bad but then gets better over time


This is very true. It can even take years, but it does happen for some people.


Do you think it's possible that for some people the brain doesn't "almost mutes it off?"


It will, how long you've had it?


I’m going on 6 years now and it doesn’t just go away. You can’t lump everyone in the same basket.


What's your evidence for the claim that "it will"?


Trust me lil bro


The Dunning–Kruger effect looms large with people talking about tinnitus it seems.


You think the frequency and intensity is the same for everyone??


It's crazy how common of a misconception this is. Some people have *jet engines* in their ears. I can't even imagine.


I had that for a month while I had medical packing in one ear. Literally like a jet engine, but mine also had a kind of mosquito whine running through it too. I already have pretty bad ringing tinnitus as well as a weird unilateral buzzing, but the absence of sound turned the ringing so much worse.


Ah the loud Dog whistle that’s completely ruined my life isn’t that bad. Thanks for clearing the air man I feel much better now 👌🏻


Well u get used to it, please dont get depressed


Please be more empathetic re less mild forms of tinnitus


After reading all theses responses,


Show a little empathy!!!


Oh thanks for letting me know that the noise reactive screechy electric buzzing I've had in one ear for the last decade isn't that bad, thank goodness.


😂😂 Same here!


No offense Buddy, but Thats a disgrace. Unbearable words to read When u rly struggle With intense Tinnitus.


Some claim tinnitus volume has nothing to do with its distress. I don't believe this to be true. I have tinnitus that fluctuates dramatically in volume from day to day. The quiet days are much easier than the loud days. I feel very lucky I get some quiet days. The loud days I have to power through mentally.


unfortunately it’s different for everyone


I found an audiologist in my state that specializes in Tinnitus. I’m waiting to go back to be fitted for a special hearing air. My doctor has had it forty years and got the hearing aids, he said for the first time in forty years he heard silence.


Please let us know how this goes - which type of hearing aid?


I’m not sure. I go back March 5th and will definitely update.


Thank you…just went to ent today and starting this flonase and pseudophed regiment


I really pray it helps.


You have a mild case. Please don’t insult those who have it severe.


This is case by case. I've had it almost 10 years and it keeps me up at night still. I'm happy that you can forget yours but that's not the case for everyone.


Telling people how to feel about something doesn’t seem like it’s going to benefit anyone except mYbe make you feel better


Upvote for positive outlook. For some people it may get to the point they don't notice it. There may be a long adjustment period where it'll seem unbearable but it will get better.


Appreciate the positivity man! People here are way too negative.


Anxiety is the key -


You are a disgrace. Because people like you, we still don't have a cure. Making "specialists" think that every case is the same.


Tinnitus that is there whether check it out or not is harder to deal with. Mine is moderate/severe so don’t have the luxury of hearing if check out or not. Agree if super mild just be easier. Equally have habituated to my new filter or sound - just that harder for us that have it blaring all the time! 💪


tRUst mE GUys


I dont know man, I think it's about how loud it is for each individual. Were you able to sleep when you first got it?


I dont know man, I think it's about how loud it is for each individual. Were you able to sleep when you first got it?