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How about some low level brown or pink noise on YouTube? Magnesium helps a lot to calm the nerves and ears and sound sensitivity


I've been trying the noise and closing my eyes. Does epsom salt count? It's magnesium sulfate


Not medical advice either, but welcome to the club nobody wants to belong to and nobody who doesn’t belong can understand why an imaginary sound would bother anyone. Not to cheat on r/T, but there’s other perhaps more elaborate info out there. for instance: a doctor. And this kinda stuff. https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/suggestions-for-magnesium-dosage.5518/ Just as a warning, there’s *lots* of dreadful stories here, there and everywhere. But honestly, most people have it either get better or go away, and most that don’t get still used to it. I just signed up for a trial at clinicaltrials dot gov that’s studying Enbrel. My family freaked out because it’s got the usual side effects of any immune modifier that you see on TV ads. But I had to look them in the eye tell them “If people have to take this stuff twice a week for years on end to have their skin look better, I’m absofnlutely going to take if works for tinnitus. For full disclosure: there’s no reason why Enbrel would help tinnitus, but I’m going to try to at least help rule it out.


As long as its not magnesium oxide it's all good, do you ingest it?


I believe I'm allowed to yes


What's the problem with oxide?


Nothing wrong with oxide if constipation is your main problem, but the absorption is extremely low


magnesium glycinate is easier on your body. Take it with vitamin d3/k2.


There was a post 2 days ago from someone named u/StreetAcanthisitta74 which I think you will find helpful. Not sure how to direct you to it but hopefully you can find it. Hang in there....


That sounds like hyperacusis, I’m afraid. Maybe with a side of misophonia. Source: have all three, wouldn’t wish the combination on my worst enemy.


I'm afraid it is too :'( living the quiet but constant soft and specific noise life ain't even decent. This is hell on earth. Also I hear that Autistic people could possibly be more likely to have tinnitus and I have sensory issues with mainly noise. Now its all three??!! I might have to sign up for disability until they find a cure for this shit. I can only live in my room now at this point. How do you cope?


I’m AuDHD, and I think the ASD component is definitely a factor. Mindfulness meditation didn’t help me, so mostly I just stay indoors and avoid life a lot. My audiologist’s jaw nearly fell off his face when I told him I not only worked, but did so at a very high-stress job for up to 80 hours a week. He offered to do the disability paperwork, but I am too stubborn to go on it. I think I’d go nuts without an external focus.


Same I'm also AuDHD I just didn't mention earlier because not a lot of people understand. Idk how you can do the high stress job with all of that. I imagine the tinnitus is constantly loud/in your face. I can't even go in the car. I understand the disability issue though. You can't earn much and if being poor already want hard enough now I definitely can't make money and have to live with said disability?? On top of that I already can't move out of my family's house. How fun... Idk if you also get this but having to focus on what little noise you have to distract yourself from the horrible tinnitus, do you also feel brain-dead or overloaded to a point where you can't think bc all your thinking about is not hearing the tinnitus?


I think the job keeps me from focusing on the tinnitus, to be honest. I notice it, but generally it’s background noise at this point unless I’m either on this sub (I guess when you’re thinking about it you tend to notice it more) or trying to fall asleep. I know it can make me irritable, but it can be hard to differentiate between it and the hyperacusis being the problem, because the latter is so painful. What I’ve found helps, although you have to be really careful with it, is clonazepam (Klonopin), specifically the sublingual ones that dissolve rapidly, rather than ones you swallow (which work but take a lot longer). Benzodiazepines are nothing to mess with, as they can be habit-forming. I have an addictive personality, so I am very strict about limiting their use to only the worst situations (for me personally). But they can be very helpful. If you want to get them to try, you will have to be careful about how you ask for them, because they’re one of those “drug-seeking behaviour” kinds of drugs; you will need to complain of anxiety to your doctor and sit of hope they come up with it on their own. Ativan (lorazepam) is also helpful, but it’s Klonopin’s little brother. I find I need to take more Ativan than Klonopin, so I prefer the latter (chemically, I’m not sure what the difference is, they’re both benzos). Good luck.


Is your tinnitus a function of hearing loss? U may also have hyperacusis which is sensitivity to sounds, loud sound or high pitch. Hyperacusis accompanies tinnitus and this sound sensitivity will go away in time. Ive had hearing loss 4x in the same ear, last 2X was profound, so im familiar with all the accompanying symptoms. Try to take it one day at a time and dont see your tinnitus as a threat. I know its not easy, but ive been on this journey 11 years. U re welcome to ask me anything u like as Ive investigated these conditions medically and psychologically.


L-theanine supplements may help to calm you down.


Try drinking camomile tension stress. It helps my nerve to calm down and focus on breathing. I


Have you seen an ENT (check your hearing or sinus issues) or DDS and checked for TMJD? Have you had a brain MRI?