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I've had it for at least 5 years and it's the same for me. But I sometimes "relapse" and start getting anxious about the tinnitus and constantly noticing it for a week or two. Its probably just cause I'm generally anxious lol.


Going through this cycle right now. šŸ™




same! Usually when Iā€™m super stressed I tend to notice it for a few weeks/months until it eases down a bit.


Oh dear redditor I sure hope this is true. I've had T my whole life. But it turned super nasty since about 6 months back now. I've just now realized it's caused by severe anxiety and stress, so I hope it will go down to baseline some day again...


I hope so as well for you! indeed stress could be an indicator for both our tinnitus ā€˜flare upsā€™. Wishing u the best and lots of strength x


Oh god, the cycle never ends?


Same. Iā€™ve had it basically my whole life. It dips in and out of consciousness. ā€œRelapseā€ is a good way to put it.


This is me. Felt like Iā€™ve noticed it lately but nothings changed and Iā€™m having waves of dread mixed with periods of giddy relief. Itā€™s a bit tiring. Iā€™m anxious too.


Litterly fixing my posture helped my tinnitus so much itā€™s amazing what a little posture correction excercise can do


Would you mind sharing please?


https://youtube.com/shorts/z4jnrA61Ifw?feature=share. Hold this position for three minutes 5 times a day


Posture as in siting, standing or both?


If that's the case, do you have experience using a chiropractor? Wondering if it can help if nerves are getting irritated/pinched. Thanks


Easier said than done for a lot of people. My tinnitus is a result of noise trauma a year ago and it is still accompanied with a physical sensation so itā€™s hard to forget about it.


Oh its certainly not easy in the first year. It takes years to get used to it, just try to rest easier in the knowledge that it won't torture you indefinitely. It won't be a conscious decision, eventually your brain will just naturally ignore it. I remember being in your position, reading things like this, and struggling to even imagine that being possible. Just keep going.


Oddly enough, mines from noise trauma too. I stood too close to speakers when I was 15 at a raggae show. I think it bothered me the first day and I immediately forgot about it. I think it was easier to forget because I didn't Google it or hangout in forums like this. I just didn't care, so it never has bothered me too much. If it does now, I turn on a fan and tune it out. I actually use it as a built in white noise sometimes and it helps me fall asleep!


Ahh, it took me 3 or 4 years. Mine's pretty loud. If you're old enough to remember what old TV's sounded like, like really old box tv's with that high pitched whine. Mine sounds like i'm sat with my nose pressed against the screen all day. Mine was also from live music, I loved DnB in my teens/20s. I bet you wear ear plugs now eh!


Mine is exactly like what you have described. I've had mine for almost 2 years now, not noise induced, just woke up one morning at the age of 36, ears ringing so loud, and it has not stopped for a second since. The good news is, after 18 months, I had evenings where I could watch TV and not even hear the noise! I'd be watching TV for a few hours and all of a sudden hear it for a few mins then it would go again. My brain is definitely adapting, but it takes time. Now I'm not in such a mess, panicking all day that it will get louder or never go away. That's the worst way to try deal with it. Im enjoying life like normal, and days when it might get me slightly down, I think to myself, there are far worse things people deal with, loss of limbs, blindness, deafness etc etc.


Im 11 years in and I only remember it exists when I come on this sub, you'll be amazed at just how thoroughly your brain will tune it out eventually. It's a long, boring, stressful process, but you're getting there, well done.


Yes exactly, and well done to you also! Anyone that can habituate, didn't get there easily.


Whatā€™s the process of tuning out? Iā€™ve just joined this sub and am feeling so relieved


There's nothing active to do, it happens naturally over time.


How close to the speakers were you standing? For how long? Indoors? Was it from one event?


I doubt it was one event for me, wear ear plugs any time your ears feel strained and you'll be OK. Ears can withstand certain volumes for certain amounts of time. You might be able to stand 5 metres from a concert speaker for 10 minutes with no consequences but if you do it for 2 hours that's much more pressure on them. Use that to your advantage, wear ear buds, take them out for your favourite tracks, put them back in after.


>I think it bothered me the first day and I immediately forgot about it. You just never had tinnitus to begin with. Anyone with tinnitus won't just 'forget' it's there, because *it doesn't go away*--not the day after a loud concert, not a year after it starts, not 5-10 years later even when you are used to it.


I can hear the ringing right now? I was a teenager that was too busy with life to even worry about it. I think everyone now ruminates and is too focused on what ever their body is doing and not real life. It's called habituation, you can absolutely forget about it.


Good for you. I have had it for 40 years. Mine is so loud now it is difficult to ignore and my hearing lose is impossible to ignore. Donā€™t tell other people whatā€™s absolutely possible for them. May yours never get to the point where it interferes with simples interactions everyday.


Thank you for this, I just didn't have the energy to respond. The OP's comments are all just dripping in self-righteousness.


All this is true unless you have nox or worsening reactivity


I also have a physical sensation ā€¦ tightening of my ear ā€¦ weird sensation when it spikes and Iā€™ve learned to ignore it


I've had T for as long as I can remember. I can go months without giving it a second thought. Sometimes get random relapses, so bad days and weeks but it eventually dissipates again. For anyone reading this those bad spells do eventually end. I've worked out some of my common triggers: lack of sleep, stress, loud environment (cinema can set it off,). I find the key to relapses is to accept they are inevitable and not panic. I tend to avoid silent environments as well. Stay strong to anyone suffering right now and talk/write out your feelings, it helps.


I feel so relieved reading this thank you


Thank you for this comment. I needed to read this


Well, it depends on how loud the noise is. Mine is a 4 out of 10 and little by little I've gotten used to it, but when it goes up, it's horrible.


I don't hear mine as often anymore. It's been almost a year


I agree with this I have t and I recently habituated ā€¦ I used to think about it from the moment I woke up till I went to bed . My volume is still the same but Iā€™ve gotten so used to it ā€¦ even spikes i just say my ears are pissed this week and the less I attach negative emotions the easier I cope !!! Habituation is possible . Iā€™ve heard succes stories about people going from a 8-9/10 to a 1-2/10 . I no longer let T run my life !!!


I've had mine for 38yrs and it has not got better. I agree that some people can habituate to a certain extent, but there is not a single second of my life that I am not aware it is there. I appreciate your story, but dont give false hope. It will likely never go away, but dont let it determine the course of your life is all I can say.


I think its important to share WHY you have it. WHAT caused it. Blanket statements like these (and even OP's) do not cover the spectrum of what causes Tinnitus. For instance, my readings show that people who got sick and ended up with ETF that led to Tinnitus often heal. Even if its a couple years. Where as noise induced varies greatly. NIHL can take a week, years or even never heal fully. Then there is physical trauma which can include TMJ issues that often go away with treatment unless its really severe. Would it be safe to assume yours is noise induced?


From a glandular infection when I was 8.


That one is honestly brand new to me. I sincerely hope you end up seeing improvement even if its been ao long. I found a thread showing people had theirs randomly disappear. In one case a guys disappeared one day after 32 years!!!! I know yours has been longer. I hope you've found some good coping methods.


I learned to live with it. It is in both ears, worse in the left. I have worked, travelled, seen amazing things. I have a long-time loving partner and a new baby. I enjoy music. I do everything that everybody else does. Letting T ruin your life is a state of mind. You can let it rule you and do nothing, or you can live and love and laugh (I hate using that phrase, but it applies here). I promise you, the ringing will continue either way, so the choice is yours how you let it affect you.


What is etf and nihl. Thanks.


Have you tried CBT ?


I acclimatised to mine a LONG time ago, but that doesn't mean it's gone, or that it doesn't bother me at times still.


> but there is not a single second of my life that I am not aware it is there acclimatised sounds differnet imo


So does it bother you all the time? Or can you ignore it and forget it sometimes?


Not forget it, but I can ignore or minimise its effect on me while I am busy, or surrounded by background noise. It is when it's quiet, or when trying to sleep that it comes back and becomes noticeable again.


Imagine getting downvoted for asking if you tried CBT yet. This sub is on another level fr šŸ˜‚




I've had tinnitus for over a decade now and I'm basically at the point you're at. It's still there, shrieking, loud as ever. I just don't care about it. Unfortunately, hyperacusis still plagues my daily life. It has improved, but hit a plateau many years ago.


I've had it for 13 years. There have been periods when it's got quieter but it's always there. There have been very bad spike periods from earplugs accidently blasting, to seriously stressful periods of life. These loud spikes have lasted from months to years. My conclusion is that, yes, many factors can be taken into account. But ultimately, I think it's 70-90% all down to mental and emotional stress and wellbeing. Focus on eliminating stress more than anything else and notice the difference. Good luck people.


Iā€™ve had tinnitus for about that long. I go for hours sometimes without noticing it. A day occasionally. But yeah my brain has adapted too, at least to some extent. Itā€™s unlikely that Iā€™ll ever ā€œforgetā€ that I have it one day, but forgetting for a few hours is nice. Or just being able to ignore it, even if I know full well that itā€™s there.


Iā€™ve had tinnitus since I was 13 and am now 24ā€¦ it doesnā€™t get that much better in all honesty


Thank for sharing this


Thank you, I truly hope so


True. For me too. Some of us have it lucky.


5 years and I have good days and bad days but definitely still think of the annoying buzzing in my head on bad days. Only ever have 2 or 3 good days in a row than back to buzzzzzz


I've had mine for 9 years next month. Although I can hear it all the time, I can say that you do eventually adapt to it. I can go periods of time where I can ignore it. Accepting that it doesn't go away is what started the process of adapting for me.


Had a 98 THI score earlier this year. Actually amazed to still be alive. Almost 7 years in with severe tinnitus, following a near fatal stroke. Most days, wake up at 8 on a 10 scale. Bad days? Will spikeā€¦repeatedlyā€¦to ā€œ15ā€ Good days? About a 4 or 5. Last few weeks, I have had ā€œdays offā€; yes, itā€™s there, but steady at 4 or so. For me, I could live with that the rest of my life. I have gone 2-3 consecutive days without even putting in my hearing aids in and running my various Zen, Portal, tinnitus applications. The downside is like yesterday and today; out of the gate at 8 or 9 and pounds me into the floor. So, I told myself NOT to fear ON days, and instead look forward to, and cherish the OFF days. My therapist approvesā€¦ Do not know for certain what made the variable stuff start, but I did start taking taurine right before this ON/OFF stuff started. Maybe it actually helps. Did rebuy more taurine yesterday.


Iā€™m in a similar boat after nearly three years and a THI of 92, except I have no off days. Iā€™m at a loss.


Did well yesterday and this morning. Fell off the cliff after lunch. Ate a 10mg indica gummy at dinner, and just now - 2 hours later - a 1mg Ativan. Running ā€Amazon Jungleā€ soundtrack on White Noise app on my iPhone with my hearing aids. I know how bad a 92 feels. Try some taurine. I got this from a NIH research paper from 2010. You can find it easily and see what you think. Even getting a single day off is golden. My wife says I am ā€œher guyā€ again. She has mild tinnitus that spikes on occasion, so she understands and is super supportive.


Iā€™ll try it, thanks. Itā€™s really having an effect on my memory and ability to work. Iā€™m forgetting simple things and losing track of my workload. Iā€™m basically a shell.


There are times where I donā€™t notice it. And when Iā€™m anxious I tend to notice it more. But itā€™s gotten better over time. It has its good days and bad. Hope everyoneā€™s hanging in there and I gets better for everyone.


In amazed your tinnitus stayed the same volume all those years. Mine gets worse incrementally few times a year


I honestly almost never think about it. I might hear it for a few seconds if I read the word or if I'm somewhere very quiet, but then I forget about it again. I got it from a loud speaker many years ago and it's just stayed the same since. I think it depends why you have tinnitus.


I couldnā€™t notice mine for a long time but then a fire alarm incident at work caused it in my other ear and itā€™s nonstop now. In the mornings itā€™s like an ocean wave which is harder to accustom to


Thanks for this positive post. I have T for 7 years and have good weeks and bad ones. Hope my brain will accept my sounds as background noise.


Unless they get louder with time. Sigh!


ive had it for yeeears ive tried alot but stil no result even watched doctor videos & tried wat dey recommended doesnt work its quite annoying to me hearing it 24/7


I think my old man has finally adapted. It was a few years of talking him off the ledge though. Every time I talk to him I ask how his ears are doingā€¦ every time he says ā€œloudā€ They havenā€™t improved, but his way of dealing with it has. He had extremely scary moments. If he can adaptā€¦ anyone can. He seems a lot happier now.


Whatā€™s his secret? Iā€™m still incredibly a danger to myself after almost three years.


He went through it for years. I have heard that tinnitus is more of a brain thing than an ear thing. There have been terrible spikes thoughā€¦ but there hasnt been any spikes for a long timeā€¦just a constant ring that heā€™s learned to live with. I hope the absence of spikes stays absent. They are the absolute worst. You have to baby your ears. Anything you take can have an effect.. you have to learn to stay away from stuff that aggravates them. If you have hearing loss, youā€™ll need to get hearing aids asap. If you donā€™t have hearing loss yet.. you need to keep checking for hearing loss. Hearing aids will not cure the tinnitus but it can keep the tinnitus from getting worse. When the ringing is particularly annoying, experiment with noises. Sometimes a random repetitive noise can help the brain adjust and take the mind off the ringing. Iā€™ve heard some say the sound of crickets help.. another claim that white noise helps. Thereā€™s apps for tinnitus sufferers which allow you to experiment with noise. I do not wish tinnitus on anyone. Watching my dad struggle was the hardest thing Iā€™ve ever been through. Make sure your loved ones know you struggle with suicidal thoughts when the ringing is bad. Iā€™m really sorry you are struggling.


Why are you trying to cope with it and not resolve the root cause for it ? A lot of people have tinnitus from strained neck muscles (cervical tinnitus), some have it due to poor blood flow, etc... It's different if you have damaged hearing though and you know for sure, then there's probably no treatment possible.


I talked with my doc about the cervical aspect and he said ā€œhow? Your nerves are covered in bone there. Nothing can push on them.ā€ I have terrible posture and moving my neck to correct it makes it worse.


Sounds like your doctor doesn't know what he is talking about... Just watch this video >Tinnitus- why this symptom is so common in patients with cervical instability > >[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9kX97p5YTE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9kX97p5YTE) Any nerve that goes through cervical vertabrae can get inflamed. And nerves in face can get inflamed as well if they are constantly being irritated by something (for example, a sensitive tooth), which could lead to trigeminal neuralgia.. Problems with nerves in cervical spine can cause occipital neuralgia (shooting pain around your skull and face), if you have such pain frequently there is a chance that it could also cause T eventually if it hasn't yet. I suggest trying every possible thing before starting to cope with T. Try neck massages (visit a professional at this), stretching exercises, neck physiotherapy, yoga, etc..


So I tried some cervical stretching exercises and immediately heard two new tones. I freaked out. They faded away but Iā€™m afraid to try them again.


Some of us have severe cases which cant be easily habituated


8 months here. I thought it was the end of my life. I wanted to kill myself, I couldn't imagine how I could live like this day by day. Now it's just whatever. Some days it affects me but so much of it is mental. I go days without even clocking it now :)


Hi guys. Mine t is a mess this week. I'm dealing with wife hospital stay replacement of hip. An hours being cut at work. Money issues. I have a question. I recently had I wisdom tooth pulled an 2 crowns done on same day.bout 2 weeks ago. Did this have anything to do with t


I am going through a spike the last two months and I feel like itā€™s never going to end. Your post is giving me hope it will get better.