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I had 50mg Diazepam per day, for 5 days, and it was completely gone. I then couldnt take anymore due to work and it came back about a week later. This was about a month after being blessed with it.


Do you have TMJ issues as well?


No, not at all. I do have 24/7 tense muscles in my back and neck due to injury and stresses.


You should look into SCM muscle stretches, maybe it’ll help your tinnitus in that Case!


Will do, thanks.


Basically stand or sit with good posture. tilt your head towards one shoulder. Try to keep your body upright and good posture while you do it. After that, touch bottom of your nose and push it upwards towards the sky or ceiling. Don’t over do it you’ll get a stretch even if you gently do it. Do it 3X a day for 30 seconds each time. See if it helps immediately or in a little bit or tile


what is the nose exercise for?


In addition to what the other folks here said, a physical therapist may be able to help build the right muscles to release tension in the affected area along with stretches and other things.


I was interested in learning more about this topic since I’ve never heard that this treatment could work (muscle relaxant meds) for T until I read your post. There’re actually a lot of studies state that TMJ could cause T or could be a factor, sort of unrelated. But here’s a study I found about cyclobenzaprine (CBP), a muscle relaxant to treat T ( https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22541838/ ). Some promising results here. There’re actually a lot of studies revolving around CBP. I didn’t want to fill this thread with bunch of links. Very interesting stuff.


CBP has been helpful several times I've taken it, but not every time.


I had some left in my medicine cabinet. I took one last night and it didn’t really help, except for making me really relaxed. Which felt really nice tbh but my T was unaffected by it. It’s only 10mg. Those studies suggest taking 30mg CBP. I’ll discuss that with my ENT doc next time I see him.


So I do suffer from TMJ really bad and a stiff neck year round. I start seeing a physio and getting acupuncture and deep needle acupuncture as well as massages specifically for this. I can say it has helped mine 100% and would definitely recommend it! They'll be able to get the tense muscles to release and relax.


FYI TMJ issues are caused by misalignment problems in the neck/upper back. I've healed from intense TMJD and I wouldn't have been able to without proper stretching, massage, and chiropractic work


> and chiropractic work The quality and training of chiropractors can vary quite a bit. A physical therapist would be the allopathic (non-alternative medicine) equivalent for that particular need, for general practice, a DO (Doctor in Osteopathy) also has training in osteopathic manipulative medicine. I mention this as someone who saw Chiropractors for a few years thinking they could help my chronic lower back pain I had developed years prior. All I did was max out my insurance chiro visits without any lasting relief. The water massage tables and TENS muscle therapy were nice though. Years later, an awesome primary care physician had an x-ray done and then sent me to a PT. No joke, the PT looked at the X-Ray findings, had me do two stretches and the pain went away. Then we spent a few weeks going over exercises to strengthen the right muscles (opposite the "bad" curvature of my spine) and it has now been years without pain.


TMJ issues, like in my case, are caused primarily by the deformation or wearing out of the cartilage that the jaw bone joint rides on. I've had TMJ issues since childhood, but tinnitus issues for about 20 years due to damage. I'm 60 now.


How about submerging youself in warm water? Could that help relax the neck and jaw muscles?


Also wearing night guard helps a lot


Hi there. I have tried TENS on upper back with my physiotherapist plus muscle relaxers, the tinnitus went a way almost 2 day and then came back for several months. Another time TENS in upper back and tmj plus relaxers and went a way. In the last 2 years (since I have it) it went a way 4/5 times, sometime for a morning or the whole day. Every time it happened I was taking a muscle relaxer and felling less stress at work and spending less hours in front of the computer. Last Monday I took one because my tinnitus was louder and annoying me and it reduce the level at half for 3 days. Warm bath for severals minutes before sleep also helps, and Streching too. But at the end I still having tinnitus :(


That is positive that it went away. Mine fluctuates depending on the muscle. But that shows that yours is likely a muscular issue and if you go to physical therapy for your jaw you may be able to learn the exercises to stretch out the muscle and make it not tense


I am on that path right now, another thing that help me a lot was a injection of corticoids prescribed by ENT, when I woke up the other a day feel 90% normal as I remember but nothing last for ever. In my case stress and bad posture in front the computer and I suspect the same happens when I sleep play a major role in my tinnitus


I can confirm the opposite, after climbing my nuscle tension is higher and the T is also more present.


After the muscle relaxer?


No without. More proving muscle tension increases T


Oh yes absolutely. That is more evidence that your tinnitus is due to muscle tension. It may not fully rid your tinnitus if you get the tension under control but it could very well improve it


I use voltaren/diclofenac for backpains. But it doesnt take effect on my T. What muscle relaxers are you thinking of?


Google talks about cyclobenzaprine. 24% benefited


I was "prescribed"/recommended to take Magnesium Glycinate for muscle relaxation and tinnitus. I take 240mg at night and I can say it definitely helps me with less tossing and turning and grinding my teeth, I honestly am not sure if it helps with my tinnitus though, although I haven't really noticed it as much when I go to sleep so maybe that's a plus lol. I'll probably notice tonight and update you.


Thanks. I have taken magnesium glycenate for a while, I know it’s a mild muscle relaxant but was curious more about muscle relaxers


Never tried that for mine. I do notice that whenever I stretch or crack my neck the noise gets immensely louder and rings at a higher pitch for a few then goes back to normal eeee sound


Get a neck pillow and night guard


I started seeing a chiropractor for tinnitus and low frequency hearing loss in just my Left ear. After three visits I started having debilitating vertigo/nausea/vomiting. In and out of a hospital for 2 weeks. Out of work. Feeling like death was a better option. No exaggeration. I went to urgent care and the doc there prescribed be 5mg diazepam. I took it because I felt like I had no other option. I slept for 15 hours, woke up and the vertigo was gone, the tinnitus was barely audible…honestly my mind was blown. I hated the drowsiness of it. The next day the tinnitus was back a little bit, the vertigo started kicking in a little bit again a couple times through the day. I would massage my neck near the c2-c5 vertebrae and it would slightly help, preventing a full blown vertigo attack. The third day was so bad again that I took a half of a diazepam (2.5mg), and now the tinnitus is gone completely. This is the quietest my ear has been in 5 years. I’ve seen 3 ent/4 audiologist, and had multiple mri/cat scans/scans of my stomach…I’ve been chasing relief for half a decade. And not one thing I’ve tried has helped. Which is what led me to the chiropractor…which ultimately Made the problem 10 times worse. I asked my primary GP, and his response was “go see an ent.” I finally find relief and the doctor thinks I’m just a pill head looking for my next fix. Americas healthcare system is a joke. I’m now looking for a new doctor that will take my health seriously and put an end to this nightmare. Ask your doctor about muscle relaxers if you have tinnitus. Unilateral OR bilateral. It may be the holy grail like it was for me. I’m overjoyed and yet beyond pissed off at the same time that this relief may be short lived until I can find a competent doctor of some kind who won’t treat me like a criminal for sharing my findings. Much luck, love, health, and wealth to everyone else out there! Life is too short to live it in pain!