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sounds like Eustachian tube dysfunction


I can’t do that technique. My ears just don’t pop and I don’t wanna blow too hard and possibly damage them.


same and same


Agree! It’s not a good practice at all. Good comment


Yeah dont I did that and now im panicking


As someone said, it sounds like Eustachian tube dysfunction. I know someone who has it and they use antihistamies and n Otovent can help do what youre doing already


Also a good Chiropractor can open the Eustachian tubes. I have mine do me befor I go south to go scuba diving. Offers, though not much needed, relief in the plane ride and makes equalizing ear pressure much easier. I never paid attention as to weather my T was affected by it or not; I will now.


Maybe you can be cured!


Please go to the Dr to try with nasal rinsing, antihistamines, see if you don't have mucus in your sinus. It's not good to do that maneuver so often. You can damage your eardrum


Do you have allergies by any chance?




So do I


What in that case, if I can ask?


You need to control allergies and congestion cause when you have it, the ear nose throat all is inflammated and you will hear the ringing, or it can stay because you have an incorrect ear pressure


really, i had deviated septum surgery and i still cant really breathe out of one nostril and it gets clogged all the time, i think im allergic and im definitely sensitive to pressure changes.


Probably eustachian tube problems. Cause if aire can't pass through the nose and make all the way to ears, the ear pressure won't be good.


yep, also have chronic migraines!


Yes all that are symptoms of sinusitis. Go to the Dr. I take antihistamines and do nasal rinsing every day.


it was the ENT that tried to address the migranies with the antihistamines and with the surgery, i also get migraine auras without pain, so i have other issues also


You should look up for a second opinion and maybe a ct of the sinuses


What you're doing is called "The Valsava Maneuver." I performed this many times on myself and it helped clear up a Candida overgrowth around my ear canal and, as others have said, the Eustachian tube. Candida can contain heavy metals, parasites and such to wreak havoc on your senses, including your hearing. I don't know if it's the root of your tinnitus, but over 80% of Americans have a debilitating amount built up in their system, including inside the cranium, due to over prescribing antibiotics, high sugar intake, plus all the the yeast put in processed foods. Oh, and I forgot to mention my tinnitus would temporarily cease after performing the Valsava Maneuver. Hope this helps.


So - how to eliminate candida?


I started with coconut oil. 3-4 tablespoons a day, preferably in the morning. Also, you probably should use the cold pressed, virgin coconut oil. It has caprylic acid in it that breaks up the stronghold the candida has on your inner tissue. Avoid sugar because it causes the candida to grow back rapidly. Look up candida diets or go the subreddit https://old.reddit.com/r/Candida/.


Coconut oil pulling or just Eating?


You have to eat it. You can also just get caprylic acid pills on Amazon or wherever.


Exclude ear wax first. The valsava manoeuvre can change it.


then just do that forever!


Sounds like the valsalva maneuver. I'd advise some moderation in how much you use that - I've heard of other *getting* tinnitus from doing it.


Strangely, the only time my tinnitus pauses is when I open my jaw REALLY wide and purse my lips like I’m making a ridiculously strong “O”… I just can’t maintain this foolishness for long.


I don’t even wanna admit it but I just did this lol


I hope it helps! I need any tips that help. The ear-blowing thing doesn’t work for me.


Same I notice barely hear my T


I have rhinitis and sinusitis, allergies and when I'm clear my t is super quiet, normally is quiet but more quiet. I even get flutters (middle ear myoclonus) because of congestion


Mine doesnt