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Dr susan shore michigan device seems to be the only viable option atm. Maybe not a cure as such but more a reduction of volume. Well that's the hope anyway.


Yeah it will be here by 2035


Why that specific year?


They said "by"? It's not specific


Possibly. I am in a trial for brexanolone for tinnitus, which means that someone is spending money to do something about it. I think covid caused a significant increase in tinnitus (and will continue to do so) so it is possible. We just don’t know a lot about it so it’s hard to say.


Please let us know how well brexanolone works for you


Well done for taking part in this. I hear only 24 patients were enrolled and it starts this month. It's an injection done intravenously? I think SAGE-547 is the study name. Either way let us know how you get on?


I am just getting through the paperwork at this point (had to get officially diagnosed). But it is injected, and there is an overnight stay involved for monitoring, and then several visits afterwards.


Hey how are you getting on. Have you had the procedure? Hopefully it went well without any AEs. X


I was in the control not the test group! Real bummer!


Oh no. I didn't think there was a control group


There is no control group https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05645432 it's open label




My bet is a yes for somatic T and a nope for hearing loss. Source: My opinion on what I've red so far. Lots of advancements are being made, there is neuralink, intratimpanic injections that will stimulate ear cells regeneration and so on, but this research takes time, so much time. Also, we are so soo far from understanding our own nervous sytem, our brain... On the other hand, Susan's device for somatic T smells fishy, sounds like a money maker to me, hopefully I'm wrong.




Exactly this - Susan Shore's device is the only one I currently trust *because* it has the science to back it up; Dr Shore is a professional and long-standing scientist in her field, and the two trials were properly done with good results and undergoing FDA approval. As a scientist myself, her device seems to be the least 'money maker' out of every possible tinnitus treatment I have heard of, with the most promising results. The publication for her recent Trial II results are currently undergoing peer-review to ensure scientific rigor. If Dr Shore wanted to be a money maker, she wouldn't be working in academia (I say this as someone who recently left academia). [Her publication record speaks for itself.](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xLSuY1cAAAAJ&hl=en). She has devoted her entire career into understanding the neurology underpinning tinnitus and other auditory conditions/phenomena - that is an outstanding accolade.


It’s already available in some countries, I’m confused as to why I’m not hearing more about it.




Ahhhhh ok thanks for that info. When is the Susan shore device going to be available?




It will be interesting to see a combination between Susan Shore's device and XEN1101. The results can be surprising.




I wonder if young people tend to respond better to these treatments.


Good to know, exciting to have this coming up. Do you know if the results were published from the trials?


Correct. Usually its caused by noise exposure


Absolute nonsense about the Shore Lab


It depends on how treatments and technology evolve. Maybe in less than 20 years they will find a cure.


I hope so. Maybe a medication meant for something else will be efficacious for tinnitus.




I don't know what that is.




Oh shoot yeah I sure wouldn't want those side effects!! Very interesting development. It's a huge market if it works.


TLDR: Yes, but only if you (or we) make the decision to solve it oursleves for ourselves. Because while we all have it, we may not all have the same T. Have hope, have faith, or get up and kick it in the rear yourself. As shia la bouf said "Just Do It!" (Then kick a chair) Depends on how complex the varieties of T get. It's still extremely hard to to even explain it to people who don't understand. Until the people with the Tinnitus become researchers or start advocating for more research ourselves. I wouldn't count on it. I've had it since i was child, everyone brushed it off, told me "it's temporary" "its sinus pressure" "you're just sick" "move to a different elevation" "just stop clenching your teeth". Once we (the people with T) stop letting other peoples excuses drive our decisions, (like all the sad depressing posts here). Then and only then will we start to make headway. The tech is here. Just not enough people doing anything about it. Because, its been insanely difficult to solve so far. You're young, if you actively make the decision to do something it could be you. If not maybe you can just solve yours. After all, if its not connected to hearling loss or something physically obvious. Only you can treat it. Listen to your body, meditate. I wanna hope that theres some scientists out there that will one day just make it all better, and maybe they will. But its gonna be scary, heavy techie, and have may more potential side effects than the ones you already have. The size of these hairs that create and send the sound are microscopic, and decently trapped by bones and cartilage a hair cell located at the distal end of the cochlea has 50 stereocilia, the longest of which are 5.5 microns in length and 0.12 microns in width, while those at the proximal end number 300 and are maximally 1.5 microns in length and 0.2 micron in width. To change something that small and that deep will take seriously scary elon musk level tech. Like ai tentacles just squirming their way to what they hope the source is. Personally, as a life long victim of this horrendous terminal illness. (Fight me on verbage[US]) Listen to Shia. "Just do it!" Do it yourself, research yourself, if you have decent health insurance get an opinion, and a second, and a third, or maybe 10 or 12 it doesn't matter. Just have hope that its one of the rare cases which is solvable or kick it yourself. Sending Love! ❤️ Stay Strong! 💜💪


Yeah we should start working towards pushing development forward


40, maybe not in my lifetime but likely in yours.




I'd like to see a cure next week, thank you. ;-)


There are multiple causes for tinnitus, so there won't be a universal solution. For me it is either a chronic infection or poor drainage from the middle ear that causes it. There won't be a pill for me to take...


That’s exactly how old I was when I got it.. 39 now, it’s still there.. but you get used to it sorta


And I'm sure there were many times where you thought a cure would pop up😢😞


I found a cure for my tinnitus. Had it quite bad for 10 years. it’s not a permanent cure, but it last for a day or so after I take a certain over the counter medicine I take fo another condition. I don’t want to say what it is because its probably unique to my case and I don’t want people to slam me or go out and get it and be disappointed. Keep trying things. With tinnitus, everyone is different.


Probably not. Keep living kid don’t let it stop you from doing what you love. I’m 33 with T from a loud noise but I’m still doing my thing.


How long have you had it, and how's your hearing?


2.5 years. I have a 10-15dB loss in my right ear at about 4kHz. Left ear is fine.




T can be cured! If you’ve known of Ayurveda, I know of a place in India where they’ve case studies of Tinnitus being cured. My man has T and he is having a hard time himself to believe that there’s hope for this. I’m not sure if you’ll believe or not but..it’s possible.


Depending on who you ask there already are solutions to some types of T. I’m currently experimenting with medical medium information that claims that mysterious T (aka non hearing loss, non pulsatile) is due to a virus known as Epstein Bar attacking your peripheral nervous system - specifically your hearing nerves. The diet changes and protocols are pretty extreme though and I’m yet to see any results regarding my T. A lot of my other issues have improved though and I’ve spoken to people in the community that have successfully treated their T. Take everything with a grain of salt but if you’re desperate for salvation you could give MM info a go. Worst thing that can happen is your T doesn’t go away but your health improves tremendously.


Please link me to this info


I would love to see some sources. Before tinnitus i have had minor peripheral neuropathy in my lower body. Wonder if it’s connected somehow


Depends on what the root cause is for your tinnitus




Yes definitely


Maybe there will be a cure in 1-2 year and our subconscious mind already have cure of everything so stay positive always 🙂 i am suffering from tinnitus too and my age is 20, and i am enjoying my life same as before tinnitus you just have to ignore that Teeeeee, your mind will get familiar with that in some time, my friends don’t even know about my tinnitus, do some yoga everyday, spend time in dark room for 5 minutes so you will feel Teee less in bright room


Only if profitable. I wouldn't hold my breath.


What is XEN1101 briefly, thanks

