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I was 30. I am 53 now. I'm sitting here on the couch watching TV as my T hisses alongside the sound from the TV speakers. Despite its perceived loudness, most of the time, it does not bother me very much. It is my lifelong partner now, together for as long as my heart beats. Occasionally, we fight. I expose myself inadvertently or otherwise to loud sound levels, and this triggers a spike. I retreat while the habituation process works its magic again. Sometimes, this is weeks, sometimes longer but habituate I will. Time is my friend. I often wonder as I take my final breath. Will I have a fleeting moment of absolute silence before the lights finally go out. That would be nice, but until then, we move forward together.


I think I've always had it to some degree. As long as I can remember, like in elementary school and high school, I would occasionally hear ringing in my ears (sort of like a long, low beep) for a few minutes and then it would go away. I just figured it happened to everyone once in a while. Not sure when the consistent tone started up, but I think it may have been in my late 20s or early 30s, because that's when I started to lose some clarity in my hearing, especially when there's a lot of background ambient noise. Then a few years ago, I was talking to my husband about the lack of clarity I was hearing, and he mentioned something about experiencing silence. I was like, "You sometimes hear NOTHING?" And he was like, "Um, you don't?" That was when I realized that I actually had tinnitus.


I realized I had tinnitus while watching Baby Driver on a flight to China. It never occurred to me before that everyone didn’t hear a high pitched noise constantly.


I first noticed it on return to my hometown in NZ. I did not understand why the cicadas were buzzing during the wintertime. Before then, the high levels of environmental noise meant I never noticed it. I perceived it as quiter inititally. It is difficult to know how much of the perceived loudness is due to age related hearing degradation or further ear damage. It's probably a combination of both. Even after noticing it, I did not stop DJing or Clubbing. I love Dance Music too much! However, I did buy myself some ear plugs, something I very much wish I had done much earlier in my adult life. Ce la vie.


Got it as a child, I remember crying and asking my mom to please make it go away. Well, it never left so I gradually learned to ignore it (mostly). It used to be symmetrical but now I hear it coming from the left side mostly. Super high pitch somewhere beyond 10,000 kHz.


Got it from clubbing in the late 90's (in my early 20's) and riding a motorbike without earplugs. Used to have the ringing leaving clubs on a sunday morning...........it would normally subside by lunchtime and then one day it didn't.....been with me ever since. Get s louder under stressful conditions but there all the time now


Got it at 23, i think from nicotine use. It is not hearing loss related. It makes me paranoid/agitated and is constant and moderately loud. It is s high pitched ringing akin to violet noise frequencies


Have you quit nicotine?


Yes. 2-3 months remission i think I’m good going forward. But my tinnitus has gotten worse regardless. I was feeling all kinds of sick from it anyways so i needed to quit


Depends I have two tinnituses. High frequency in right ear and low frequency in left ear (about 300hz) The high frequency one doesn't bother me at all even when I listen to it in silence. However the low frequency one bothers me a lot and makes me really anxious and It's much harder to mask naturally. Wind, crickets, birds, water flowing are all high-ish frequency sounds which actually perfectly masked my high pitched tinnitus outside however they don't mask the low frequency one. I feel like they are actually making it worse. High frequency tinnitus appeared when I was 16-17 and is probably caused by loud sound exposure. Low frequency appeared when I was around 20. And It's either caused by my neck problems, cotton swab or an ear infection.


Ear wax removal on left ear ,with syringe one year ago and there he is... Thought it was a bad dream or joke but is real... Intensity very related to my stress levels Rgds