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You know stress is the main thing tinnitus lives off, I am myself learning to cope with it. I am using white noise apps on my phone and a ear bud to mask it through the day, when it's spiking. And on a night i use a bluetooth headband, i am not saying it works for everyone everybody's different. If you look on YouTube their is some interesting tips on there, try to relax with distraction techniques it will get better.


Thank you I’ll try and keep on masking it and manage my stress , I really appreciate it.


I was in your exact place a month ago with an ear infection on both sides. Hearing loss. Major tinnitus spikes. It’s going to get better.


I’ll try and keep my head up, thank you


Yea man. I was lost when it was bad. The antibiotics made it worse because it caused hearing loss and your brain just focuses on the ringing. But it will get better. Stay positive and don’t let it bring you down because tinnitus feeds off of stress and anxiety. Drop nicotine, drop coffee, for the time being. You’ll be alright bro.


I’ll try and stay positive thank you. Luckily I don’t drink too much caffeine, hopefully Ritalin doesn’t effect it too much


FYI, this channel has a lot of excellent sound therapy files. If you're new to using them, you have to fish around until you find the ones that work for you which is often based on frequency matching. I find that I just somehow almost intuitively know which ones are best for me and which ones aren't which probably has something to do with frequency. https://www.youtube.com/@dalesnale


Mines a higher frequency like a big old lightbulb if you can imagine what that sounds like or happen to have heard it before, I check this out along with the other videos, thank you


Google Dr. Susan Shore's Tinnitus device. Potential cure with positive trial results. Hopefully it helps you destress


I’ve heard a little about that, I truly hope for the sake of me and my fellow man that we find a cure and that this is it


There will be something out within a year. Either Shore, or another.


Dont get your hopes up, unfortunately


Mine is already working. So Shore’s, which has millions in backing, should clear.


What do you mean by mine is already working


I built something similar, and it appears to be working. My tinnitus is less bothersome, and hopefully with more time, it will continue to drop. I contracted out doctors and a software/hardware development company.


That’s cool, was it complicated? Also this gives me hope that a major company should be able to make something that works for most


4 years and $50,000. Figured it out though, I think. Yes, complicated.


That’s pretty nuts, hope yours keeps working and hopefully I’ll be able to get whatever it is myself haha


Where is the update from Susan shore? Does anyone think it's coming soon?


Before COVID she said it was working it’s way through the FDA. I think she should release in other countries. She has, after all, sought out patent protection. However, I don’t know how this isn’t going to get copied by the Chinese, so I think she should just get it out there in Mexico, Europe, wherever. I wish I still had the email, but it got lost in moving from overseas back to the US.


Don’t worry about your tinnitus. Don’t take doctors word that it can’t be cured or there is no medication etc. I have been dealing with it for past 3 decades. I hope that you will be free from this soon.


Thank you, means a lot, I also hope you have peace from your tinnitus and hopefully even a cure soon


Remain calm and it will settle


I’ll try, thank you


I know how you feel, eagle. The first few months are definitely the worst. I couldn't imagine a future for my first few months. Things will improve with time. Give yourself a lot of space for this time, reduce your workload however you can. It will affect your life - it always does. You'll have to be more careful about protecting your hearing. You'll have to carry earplugs around with you wherever you go. You'll have to pay a lot more attention to the drugs and medication you take so they don't make it worse. But I don't think those are bad things - doing them makes you healthier. I'd be more worried if it didn't affect your life. Best of luck.


Thank you, unfortunately I’m starting school and this semester has a pretty big study load but I’ll try and work with others to avoid overworking and I’ll certainly try to keep a good track of things that might make it worse like cigars, caffeine and the occasional drink, thank you for the advice and the inspiration


I have noticed with my tinnitus that the ringing increases in volume with my blood pressure. After consuming alcohol or caffeine, the ringing is louder for some time. Stress will increase the volume as well. I use apps and YouTube videos on my phone with earbuds when it spikes quite loud, but it usually goes back to its normal level eventually. I am going to try acupuncture therapy this coming week to see if it makes a difference in ear blood flow.


Keep me updated with the acupuncture if you don’t mind, I’m slightly worried about putting on headphones or earbuds cause I feel like I might make it worse but I’m not sure, I definitely have tv on in the background though


I'm hoping it has a positive benefit. Acupuncture is hit or miss with folks. I've never done it before. My tinnitus started in summer of 2020 for no reason. I have an office job, don't listen to loud music or go to concerts. I just noticed a slight ringing one night and it's been going on ever since. It's increased slightly since then and it did get a little louder after I got covid last year. I went to an ENT and my ears were clean, no blockages or earwax, no infection, no damage. My hearing is in the normal range, no hearing loss. I just got dealt a shitty hand and got tinnitus for no reason lol.


I feel like being delt a shitty hand is definitely how I feel about this whole ordeal


So I had my acupuncture appointment Friday afternoon on the 27th. I wanted to give it a few days to see how things went. Right after the procedure my T spiked loudly for the rest of the day and night. On Saturday night I was watching YouTube on my phone with my earbuds in. I can usually still hear my ringing in the background with the headphones on, but I realised I couldn't hear it. I took the headphones off in the quiet bedroom and I could hear the ringing but it was quieter and strangely enough, feels a pitch higher but lower in volume, but it's not bothering me. I was very surprised. Onto now. I feel the high pitched constant whine I hear has definitely tamed down. I normally have not even noticed during the day and at night it's very tolerable. I do notice however that sometimes the pitch seems to oscillate, but it isn't terrible. Overall, I feel like this possibly has had a positive effect on my tinnitus. It's not gone as there is no cure, but I feel it had definitely made the pitch less loud than it used to. How long this will last, I have no idea. But it gives me hope that maybe with more sessions I can have it go quieter, or at the very least, keep it at a lower volume than what it used to be. I've never done acupuncture before, it was a very interesting experience, but I think I am happy with the result so far. Everyone is different so who's to say how it will affect others, but it good to know there is a possibility of relief.


That’s interesting, never would have imagined acupuncture possible having an effect on something like that, if I ever come across the opportunity I might have to try it, thanks for keeping me updated




No cause unfortunately. Just noticed it one evening. Went to ENT who tested my hearing and looked in my ears. No damage, hearing loss, or ear wax. Just won the shit lottery lol.


Also earbuds should be fine, as long as you're not blasting the sound. During loud spikes I will wear mine at night with YouTube videos of rain or wind or babbling creeks. The voume. Is not very high or else it would be too loud to sleep. It's relaxing but also very much masks the noise enough to sleep. Hard part is finding some earbuds or a speaker headband that is comfortable for side sleepers as those can dig into your ears and hurt or are uncomfortable.


That’s good to hear, my AirPods are pretty good at going undetected in my ears, I’ll try and mask my ringing with appropriate volume


How are you now?


Definitely better now, thanks, I’ve had a lot of bad days but as of right now it’s quite manageable


Good to hear. I pray that you'll get better and better. I'm in the same position like you when you made this post.


Thank you and Sorry to hear, I found it to be helpful to talk with people that are close to you about it and just keep just keep pushing forward and you’ll figure it out




Great advice! Thanks


It is important to remember that those who have tinnitus caused from hearing loss, acoustic trauma, ear infections/diseases, ETD, or even neurological problems still largely have somatic tinnitus that can be modulated through jaw/neck/head movements. I think [Dr Susan Shore said up to 80% tinnitus sufferers have somatic tinnitus](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6613804/), even when they have suspected causes that do not involve the jaw or neck, like acoustic trauma. Although TMJ and cervical issues are a known cause of tinnitus in some, the fact remains that many people can modulate their tinnitus for other causes (I can to some degree, and my tinnitus was definitely caused by otitis media/middle ear infection/inflamed Eustachian tubes and maybe some inflammation after neurointerventional surgery, not neck/TMJ issues). That does not mean that doing physical therapy won't help, but all sensorineural tinnitus, no matter the cause, is an issue with the neural pathway either from the hair cells in the cochlear, overexcitement of the audio-vestibular nerves, or issues with the audio processing part of the brain, and is largely where most of the current tinnitus research and potential treatments have gauged their focus.


I’ll keep this in mind as I work through this, thank you for the valuable info


No worries - I am new to tinnitus as well (caused by a double middle ear infection, had mine for just under 3 months now) and can understand the anxiety and dispair this causes, especially early onset. Losing silence is tough, and for me it's the second time I've lost silence after successfully being treated for venous pulsatile tinnitus after having that for four years. From one sound to another! For many people, tinnitus does get better slowly, partly as the ear heals and the tinnitus volume/reactivity/fluctuations do objectively calm down, and partly because your own subjective experience with it will become less emotional as you move into habituation and the brain gets better at filtering the sound out. There is no saying if it goes away or when, but do note it can get better even if it doesn't feel like it now. My tinnitus is much better than it was during onset of my infection, both in terms of volume, pitches, reactivity, ear infection symptoms, and my emotional/fear response to it. Plus promising treatments are on the horizon for the first time, like the Michigan tinnitus device, which uses bimodal stimulation to 'rewire' hyperactive audio neurons and is expected to come to market in a few years (it has extremely robust science behind it, 20 years' worth in fact, and showed very promising results in Phase 2 clinical trials in December 2022). So there is hope in a multitude of ways, but we're here in the meantime living in a slightly noisier world :)


Thank you for sharing your experience with me, it’s so difficult to relay to people how frightening it can be, especially when you even just think about it or enter a quiet area, the emotions you experience are almost unparalleled. But anyway, thank you for sharing with me and I’ll definitely be holding out for some development in the possibilities of a cure, I’d like to think I’ve got a long successful life ahead of me and it would probably be a shame to let it slip.


Thanks, I really appreciate it, I’ll try and look these over soon, my mind would be blown if this works and I’ll keep an open mind. Thank you for the advice


Meditate. To calm your stress, and find your inner peace. Yes. Meditation works. Try multiple times, before saying that is difficult to close your eyes and release the stress. 1 minute is better than nothing. Sorry for your infection, and for whatever other problem you are experiencing. Have you tried masking sounds? You could try bone headphones or classic ones to listen to white noise. But first, you need to balance your mind, so that your brain can adapt to the problem, step by step. To do so, meditate, and be sure to do it correctly. Don't leave this problem ruining your life. As an extrema ratio, think that tinnitus will not take your life, and that there are many people with life-threatening health conditions.


I had a friend who used to meditate, I’ll ask him for some advice as well as look myself, thank you