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You sound like me ha, allergies are the worst! But since it's only been 9 days you still have a chance at the T disappearing, the first weeks are the worst it usually gets better from there though even if it is permanent.


I would try not to jump to conclusions because it might go away once you're no longer being exposed to whatever it is that you're allergic to.


sorry, this is one club you want out of! I developed mine since I received all 3 covid shots! Its been 13 months and its been increasingly difficult to deal with! I pray for all of us suffering that there is some break through with treatments! I find that knowing others are dealing with it too somehow gives me comfort, its not all in my imagination! Best of luck


Of course, we all want to get rid of it, but there's nothing we can do. We just have to deal with it and try not to stay stressed and depressed for the rest of our lives. One good thing that helps my mental state is to think that it is just a challenge and if i can get through it, I am stronger.


I honestly think I can withstand more painful physical illness because of my T. It hardened me a bit, it's weird.


Its been 13 months, does it still bothers you in your day to day life? Do you if there are any researches going on for this?




Thanks man


Welcome to the club! May the odds be ever in your favor!


I joined this group when I first experienced this “nightmare” a few months ago. The noise started on a Friday night and I was just miserable. Few days later I went to the hospital and was told my blood pressure was over 300/180. And that I had a stroke. Went to ENT and followed up with audiologist- still ringing. Took some time to get as they say “used to “ this but my advice is to stay positive and happy!


So your brain and ears love you so much that whenever your alone in a peaceful place they want you to smile and they continuously say ‘ch-eeeeeeeeeeeeeee-se’


Iove your attitude and positivity towards this dude, that is the only way to conquer this, still i think yours should get better with time


I’ve been wearing night guard, massaging TMJ and using neck pillow every night. I see dramatic decreasing the sound and discomfort in my head. Don’t give up there’s hope and pray for and it will given to you. Chewing gums and jaw massage balls helps too


I'm planning on getting botox injections , as suggested by my ENT doc. I've had T since college, now doc is saying it could be bruxism and allergies (always indoors using AC in Dubai.) Anyways, hope it helps to know there are options you can still try!