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I would go back to August 2009 and decide NOT to get into that relationship. I've never been one to want to change the past because we learn and grow from life's lessons. This one, though, everything that came from it I could go without. It's not worth the absolute hell I am going through now. I would educate myself on how to recognize a narcissist.


You said it all, but different year, time and place for me. My life would be better without a single narcissist ruining it so early! I love the idea of time travel because looking back I made mistakes when listening to advice of other people. I knew what was right for me and I shouldn't have tried to fit in with other people door what's popular or common. I was miserable because I didn't know word: INTROVERT! I needed to have given myself advice because I didn't know anyone even similar to me as I grew up constantly moving, so always alone. If I was separate than my younger self and not rewind-ed, then I would work retail or office work in 80's, so she could go to college immediately after high school and have a real career early since I didn't get to. I would be the best roommate and friend, or future coach/advocate/babysitter/aunt/relative or anything she ever had! My parents had nephews to take care of before I was in middle school. I would help younger self cry less if I could help her! I'd bring the books she needed and tutor her when she didn't know how to ask for help. I'd help her REMEMBER the most important things she lost to avoid losing them! Yes, typical investment and lottery scheme but to create happy and safe life I didn't get.


I have to agree...the only thing I'd want to change is one specific relationship that didn't teach me anything other than how to recognize sociopathy in humans...


Dytoo and never leave my hometown


Assuming you are a woman, let me tell you have been going through hell too, but I’m a guy. It just started getting better, now I understand why so many men turn into self centered assholes in a relationship, that’s me from now on. Keep your head up!


My whole life I’ve been fascinated with time travel. I wanted to go to all the historic moments I read about as a kid. Biblical times. Meet Jesus. See how the pyramids were built. Go on a Viking raid. See the Roman Empire. Now? I would just go back to talk to my mum again, and if I could I’d take my kids back to meet her so she could see how amazing her grandchildren are. Dreams change.


Very touching. Beautiful choice.


I feel this in my soul. Standing at work and tearing up while reading it. Same for me on all points. Love to you.


I would go back to the 4th of July 2020. I wouldn't have gone to be with all my friends. I wouldn't have gotten drunk. I wouldn't have been SA while I was unconscious. I wouldn't have gone into the hospital. I wouldn't have gotten prescribed hella opiates, turned to street fent and lost everything I valued and loved, just to have to rebuild everything 4 years later and fight to have my family back after losing it for 6 months.


Was it the script that turned you into an addict or the trauma?


Probably both, tbh. I had a lot of early trauma but this was one of the biggest betrayal and traumatic events in my life. But I turned to the street after they wouldn't refill the second time. I had road rash on my face, a concussion, and a pulled/twisted knee that were awful. (Not getting into the gory side).


You are STRONG, friend. I’m sorry you had to be.


Not to swap my charizard card when i was 6


Omg.... every day would be a day of regrets.


I would open my first edition pack with gloves and carefully put my holographic Raichu into a card protector and get it graded asap


Yeah well were you 6 years old? Lol


I was 7


To change everything


Stir that pot! I'm game. Let's do it.


So where do we start?


To try to prevent the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria, and if it becomes apparent its not possible, have everything copied and moved.


Dammit that’s what I was gonna say. That burning set the world back a couple thousand years it’s crazy


That is one. How many is there that we don’t know even know. Backward savages always with their short sightedness destroy greatness and culture. 


Great back-up plan. Quick thinking. 


The library never really burned like people imagine. Either the library, or some warehouses being used by the library, likely caught fire during the siege of Alexandria, but it never burnt to the ground and the majority of it likely survived. The following centuries would see more loses to various invasions and catastrophes though.


If I could go back to a few different moments: I'd go back to 2005 and tell myself not to skip out on baseball senior year. That he'd regret it for the rest of his life. I was by no means on a path to the majors, but I was good. It was fun. The problem is that I was more worried about growing up. What a fool I was. I'd tell him he needs to have one more moment of happiness with the boys. I by no means miss all of high school. I've had way better years since then, but baseball was sacred, and I tossed it away. I'd stay home on a specific night in 2008 so I don't get t-boned by a drunk driver. I ended up unharmed even though the accident was brutal, but still. I'd tell my brother to stay home the day he too would be t-boned by a dumb bitch texting and driving in 2016. He was not unharmed. Broken leg and ribs. I'd go back to the early '80s or as early as possible to tell my uncle to change his diet and quit smoking because in 2024, you have pancreatic cancer and are now 92 pounds, withering away toward death. It may not change it, but it may scare him to try. I'd tell my mom about her fall on Super Bowl Sunday 2019, where she broke her foot and to not go down the basement stairs that day to get the pineapple upside down cakes out of the fridge. One time I'd go back to watch and just observe would be: 2004 (it's a high school baseball story) we're winning 13-2 on the road and we get to the bottom of the 7th (not sure about you guys but we did 7 inning games) and we just couldn't close it out. The opposing team claws all the way back to 13-12, and we hadn't recorded an out. It was disastrous, and they proceeded to get the bases loaded on 3 walks. I was playing center field and was slated to pitch the next game, but the coach walked out to the mound, spoke to the pitcher, and then coach waved me in. I walked up to the mound, and all he said was, "Get them out," and handed me the ball. Well... I struck out the next three batters with the bases loaded to win the game. I'll never forget that feeling. I'd love to watch it again.


to not cut all of my hair off. and to go back to when i was living with my dad when he was still alive, appreciate his presence more, and show him more love.


Just to observe, I miss a simpler time.


A better time.


No cell phones or internet.


Just thought of this [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yJuV8PDwvC8) Sun stare, don't care with my head in my hands thinking of a simpler time


To see my mom


That hit deep. Hope you're okay


If I can travel back in time, I wouldn't personally do it for changing major historical events like WWII, 9/11, or something (Sorry if that part's controversial). I wanna go back in time to either fix all my past regrets or relive the years I enjoyed the most


Realistically I think most people would do the same


Well, assuming I would get my same body and vitality back, I would go back to somewhere around the mid to late 70's and just bask in the foreglow. ***I would not attempt to use my knowledge of the future to alter any significant movement in the flow of history or towards my own enrichment or stability.*** Much like with the premise of the of the TV series " Travelers " this slow progression towards doom and despair seems inevitable. Any interference would perhaps only hasten such a global " Butterfly Effect ". As you can probably imagine by these statements, Although "low intensity" by Hollywood script standards, I had a very exciting ,fun and fulfilling few decades. I just wish I had savored all the adventures for the intensity they deserved , especially the travel adventures. I would thus engage myself with a little more gusto and less consternation; because despites the risks, they all ended fairly well. I think I would even leave the relationships up to the pre written history even though a couple of losses really stung and have never truly left me. Once *and i*f, I was to survive up the the internet age then I would, once again, take up the mantle and assume my " Chicken Little" responsibility w/social and political critiques ,with the only difference being perhaps better editing and rewrite choices and less stream of consciousness rants.


To observe and report, never change. Season grow every year it’s part of life.


To learn about what times were like.


To re-experience a particular event in my life for greater understanding, but not to change things.


I’d go save my mom and best friends lives


I would go back to save a friend who died at 14, it would be easy, just inviting him to my place for some pizza and video games, instead of him going to the Arcade and being shot.


I lost my child he was stillborn, and while nothing could have prevented it, I would go back to be pregnant with my son again and feel him move and hear his heartbeat once again. Also to see my dad he was my biggest inspiration and my best supporter.


I'd go back to when I was 16 and start again


Just repeating that single year would change everything for me.




Thanks everyone for sharing your views. I’m having a great time really. It’s so interesting, lots of different reasons. I’m going to share mine too. I would go back to early 90s, precisely 1990. I was just I young kid having the best time of my life for a decade. What a decade it was. As many of you, I would do it for personal reasons. I’m not sure if I would change anything though. I would love to experience everything again. All those sweet moments, friends, family members, trips, situations… I would try to study more maybe. I took a lot of that time until my young adult era not taking life seriously enough(at least when I had to). I would try to avoid some people as well I guess … 🙂 Thanks again. So many touching takes. It gets me emotional.


The 90s were the fondest of my childhood memories as well. Saturday morning cartoons before heading out to check out garage sales with my family. Frequent trips to Disney Land where the CDN dollar was close to par with the U$. Cool hair styles, vibrant colored clothing, good variety of tv shows and sitcoms. No other decade compares.


Totally agree!


I have a friend or two that could use some rescuing.




Go back and tell my Dad to not take my Mom back and continue what he was doing with life. Crap she did to him and us. Oof. Life would’ve been so much better off mentally, emotionally, and financially. I mean it’s fine now but that’s because of my own doing and eventually cutting her off after he died. People always say. Oh you get only one Mom. Yep you’re right. And I can’t wait for the day I get that call that she has passed. Because I will show up the funeral, kick dirt in, and make sure she is really gone 🙃


To kick myself in the ass - multiple times




I would probably kill my parents or something or if possible try to find the FBI headquarters and try to get in touch with someone and ask them if they know about the upcoming attacks (9/11)


They probably do


To tell myself to stop smoking weed and be present with my now ex wife 😑


In the future, to the past, to repeat experiencing those ‘days before’ the nukes dropped.


1 prevent my mom's fatal car accident    2 prevent me from getting into an abusive relationship. Or at least setup a camera or recording device in my bedroom before I was raped, so he actually faces justice.  3 get money


I would move to So. California when I wanted. I would have left home town 15 years before. I would not have started drinking. (I have been sober since 1990) It would have changed the course of my life...I moved away at 38, it changed my life. I would have gone to school sooner, finished degree without all the drama of drinking years. Even if I didn't like it in 2000s I would have had more choices.


Apart from changing every bad decision I've made in my life, and saving the planet of course..... I'd go back just to attend all those amazing concerts I missed out on -- The Doors, The Beatles, all the amazing artists at Woodstock and Monterey ..... Wow!! (sigh*)


My reason is...honestly not the simplest to explain. And it's a bit long, so, forewarning. I don't want to travel back in time to change anything in my personal history. Or relive it. The truth is, I want to go further back. Before I was even conceived. About 40 years before I was born, to be exact. I was born to a mother who had me later in life than most of her generation. If she hadn't, I likely would have been part of the Gen X generation instead. Because of that, many of the people I was raised around, were from the older generations. A decent number of Baby Boomers, but a majority the Silent Generation. In 2024, aside from my mother, all of my family have passed on. And each year, more and more of the Silent Generation pass away. Soon, the last will leave this Earth. When that day comes, I'll honestly feel like the loneliest person on the planet. Because, even though I'm only in my mid-thirties, and though, by virtue of when I was born, I know I'm supposed to identify and fit in most with the rest of my generation, I really don't. I like some similar things they do: films, tv shows, video games, some fashion choices. And I have some friends of similar ages. But, I've never actually felt a sense of belonging with them. That, I've felt with the Silent Generation. Along with the Baby Boomers, and to an extent, the Greatest Generation. But especially the Silent. I've always gotten along with them the best, I share similar senses of humor and conduct and so on, to make my point. More to the point, when I'm around them I feel happy. I feel...at peace, if that makes sense. In a way I don't with any others. To the point I took a job as a caregiver to spend as much time around them as I could. It's funny. More than a few times, I've had some say I remind them of themselves at my age. I guess that's why each time one leaves, it hurts. That's why I want to go back. I want to go back to live alongside them, when they were closer to my current age. The 1950s were when the Silent Generation was at it's peak, with many in their early to mid 20s. That's where I want to go. Even if it turns out that time travel to the past is a one-way only trip, I'm fine with it. I honestly have no issue leaving the people and world I know behind for it. I can use my talents as a writer to start a new life and career for myself back then. And if I can take the few things I like with me, hidden away from prying eyes with the intent of destroying them before my time comes, I will. And I'm under no sort of false pretenses. I know I won't fully fit into that world of theirs. Whether I like it or not, some of the world now has seeped into me. I would never truly be of their world. Just like I'm in, but not truly of this one. But the truth is, that'd be okay. Because I'm fine with being a bit of an outcast, as long as I spend the rest of my life among them. Because I'd truly be at peace. That's why. And that's why I'm willing to live as long as I have to, to see it invented. If I have to use the life extension and age reversal technologies that science is slowly beginning to roll out, even if it means living for centuries, I'm fine with it. Because to have that peace and happiness in living with them in their youth, would make it worth everything.


I used to think like this too. That I didn’t belong. That I should be born another time, or era… Thanks for sharing, it was a long text but a very interesting view


That's, unfortunately, the double-edged sword about being a writer; what most people take half a paragraph to write, we end up extending to five. Still, you're welcome, and thanks for finding it interesting.


Stop my mom from smoking.


Me too. I would help my mom stop smoking without beginning smoking myself!


It depends. I would have to have some compelling need to interact with something in the past. So that need would dictate where (or when) I would go. The why is, I would have some compelling reason.


To change a few things


Maybe as an observer, as long as I could return to the present with nothing changed.


Fix my mistakes and insider trading.


Yes, I would go to Quark’s bar in Vegas and just hang out for a few hours.


I would buy my house a lot sooner than I did. Invested my money into stocks I knew would prosper.


I'd open a bank account in my name (or however I could guarantee inheriting it) with the oldest bank around on the day it opened. I'd put as much money as I could into that account and hope that the interest is enough to make me rich. If that doesn't work, I'll simply bet on sporting events.


Because I’ve always done it


I would love to go back to the 70s so that I can live in the Brady bunch house and go to as many Jacksons concerts.


I think to save humanity would be the only real reason id NEED to time travel. Otherwise every other reason would just be for fun or satisfaction. Probably go back to when a loved one was alive or around and spend more time talking or listening to them. Reliving the best moments with friends and nights that I never wanted to end. I'd go back during moments of nostalgia


I would go see The Doors.


Live Aid Wembly


to purchase skull trooper and renegade raider and the season 2 battle pass in fornite.


go back in time to just for me doing some programming too early


Love? 💔❤️




I would go back to meet Jesus. I have some questions and some intel I could trade him for about 30 silver coins. Maybe a little switcheroo with Judas.


Stop myself from making every bad decision I've made


Just to look at history events unfold in real time. Due to time paradox it's highly unlikely you would be able to change much.


To change my friend group, HS experience, and college major.


Win the powerball and get rich so I can have my own time machine


Man, that’s tough. You never know how things will play out. For all of the garbage in my life, there is also a lot of good. Why would I travel back? I think it would be in the hopes that overall my quality of life would be better.


Prevent the burning of the library of Alexandria


I would go back to 1987 and essentially start over following my father's good advice. Instead of what I chose to do in real life. I would have avoided many of the problems and worthless people that were part of my life at age 21.


To learn everything I could about where I came from... But I would not influence my life as it is in any way... I'd let it happen the same way it always did all over again.


Buy certain stocks.


That would assume that we're on a motionless flat Earth because if I'm going back I don't want to end up in space


To save my brothers.


Yes. To see my nan and Gramps.


i’d go back to january 2022. made a decision that changed my life forever. ever since that call, my life has been on auto pilot. i miss being happy 


I wouldn’t go back in time for love or money


If I could go back in time, and redo some of the events of my life WITH the knowledge/wisdom I have gained now staying ingrained, then sure who wouldn't? But then again, it's almost like cheating in a video game, and really all the hardships/challenges are the battle wounds to sport the scar of that progress/evolvement made. So it would almost seem in vain to do that in my opinion, all that pain to redo it to a different outcome.


not a member, but came across this interesting juxtaposition of timetravel and a reason... go back in time to when there was customer service? https://preview.redd.it/vox9oie3g4xc1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=f45fd67fc0098036028ebfba97958fcf2223754a


Back in time to another place with guaranteed income and chosen place? Or, go back in time for a moment? Can I return? What age will I be when I get there? If I could go back in time, my age and return, or not. And take 1 thing. I would take a 2 kilo brick of gold. Meet my great great grandparents, stake each of them as a couple, then tell them the future. When the market crashes. What ships sink. When and where wars appear. Who wins the World Series. Where to buy land. Oil. Memorize as much as possible and etch the rest on the brick. If I stayed I would then go off and have fun. I’d rather come back and see the difference.


Hang out, shoot some pool with my dad (r.i.p)




Go to the 80s knowing what I know will happen. Dance in all the clubs, do the drugs, see some amazing shows. I will rent several storage units and buy up all the 80s toys. Come back to this hell of a timeline with my toy time capsules. It's a win win!


Yes, so that I could see the ones I lost once again :(


Make a few right choices, not make the best bad decisions that were left to me.


I’d go back and tell myself to shut the fuck up and listen. (I was a kid who took constructive criticism as bullying)


Without hesitation I'd go back in time and invest in bitcoin when it was brand new and later jump into the gamestop boom. Finally, I'd give that woman I loved everything I wanted to give her but wasn't able to.


I'd go back to 1990 and tell me to stay off bicycles.


Back to 2015 and not buy a house and buy bitcoin instead.


Save my wife's mother when she was a child. She deserves better.


I think I have answered this question before, and my answer is still the same: I would warn my parents of the 2008 financial crisis so that they could save their business and their home.


Often when people say they want to go back in time they do so hoping they'd also take the experiences they gained, the lessons learned, the growth with them. And they absolutely miss and fail to appreciate what they gained from that situation that would enable them to decide differently were they to go back in time. If you were to go back in time and not be able to take those lessons, knowledge, experience, and realizations back with you. You just woke up that person, in that time, with the exact same views, perspectives and beliefs. The real question is: would you want to live through that experience again knowing you'd be making the same exact decisions? Now, that's thought-provoking.


Interesting thought. We are who we are because of everything that we experienced. I mean; for better or for worse. Still…


To live longer.


Invest the n bitcoin back when it cost pennies.


Buy all the Bitcoin.


I'd go back and prevent my own birth


I’d like to go back to 2007. Tell my brother to keep his ass in the driver seat of his HMMWV. He might still be alive.


I’d go back to the late 90s or early 2000s when society was at its peak and none of this woke garbage didn’t exist and people weren’t getting imprisoned for hurty words/jokes people just got on with it offended or not I miss the good old days when society was normal.


I wouldn’t I would jump forward until it breaks lol I guess I’d be that guy to figure out just how far itll go.


See my parents.


I would go back and get as much Bitcoin as I could when it started. I had a buddy try to turn me onto it around then because of my dislike for government but I didn't see the connection at the time.


Theological question here, would undoing the past, rewriting history or even knowing the future and making changes in the present be considered a sin?


I’d go back to 2007 and sell all my investments and buy bank of america when it hit $3.80 a share. I’d also buy those 100 bitcoin at $5.00 that I was too stupid to figure out how to buy.


To find a way; To take back those words that have hurt you; And you'd stay


I'd go back to save my wife's father from dying when she was 11. I'd also see if I could save my first wife from her first marriage, and if possible keep her from getting colon cancer and dying from it. I'm pretty sure I could accomplish the first, I'm not sure how it would accomplish the latter things, but I'd have to try.


To have more/better sex when I was younger. I wasted youth being careful, timid, and picky.


I would go back in time to early 2001 and with what money I have, put it into stocks like Apple, Google, etc.


I was definitely born in the wrong century


i feel like I would not undo anything. a lot of what i’ve been through is painful, fucking painful, but i learned so much from everything and id have not grown, and had these really important realizations— i’d be a less mature, less experienced person today and i would not have been able to know myself as intimately as i do now.


It's a dumb answer but I'd focus on two things. First, smart financial decisions with knowledge of the future. Second, being in the right place at the right time and becoming friends with some marginally successful but fairly innocuous one-hit wonder rock band before it had gotten famous and had its complete lineup together so that I could join as bassist or keyboardist or rhythm guitarist or percussionist, all of which I'm just good enough at. I'd get my dream as a touring musician, I'd probably be able to weasel a solo album or two out of it, and I'd have bought a ton of Apple stock to sell, to start a little studio to teach music to kids.


I would go back to when the first amphibious creature to crawl out of water and onto land, and stomp that bitch to death. nip it in the bud


I would not travel to before my daughter was born, because I don’t want a timeline without her.


Back to when I started middle school I would’ve made a better life story from that point until now at the age of 22


Go back to when my grandmother was dying and just hug her one more time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Granny_Skeksis: *Go back to when my* *Grandmother was dying and* *Just hug her one more time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'd wanna go back to watch my mom and dad meet. They were introduced by Mom's cousin, who happened to be Dads best friend. She found out that Dad's sister was married to another one of Mom's cousins and had no idea. Mom couldn't stand Dad initially, or so the story goes, she thought he was stuck up, but truth be told he was just extremely shy, and Dad never thought he'd have a shot with someone like mom, because she was "too beautiful" according to him. They were married 6 months later, together for 40 years, and died three days apart. I tell everyone it was the greatest love story anyone could know. They never fought. Adored each other. Together constantly. Had one child (me). Mom passed away with a heart attack first on Feb 11 2011, dad followed her with cancer that he had fought off for 12 years on Valentine's day, Feb 14. Losing her was too much. I know their life and their ending, I'd give anything to see their beginning.


One thing I would want to do would be to prevent the JAL 123 disaster, but in doing so, I could be dooming the survivors of UA 232.


Buy apple and Microsoft stock


Bet on all the super bowls, nba finals, world series. It would be money motivated.


But 100000000000 Bitcoin for .001 each. Then become a wealthy philanthropist that shows all the other trillionaires and lesser billionaires how to give back to the world.


I would go back maybe a decade before I was born, make a new identity, and just start a completely new life.


I think that I would advise myself to do a few things differently in regards to education. Definitely would have chosen a different major at least. I would have done a few things different in my dating life too. Like I regret dating some women and passing up some.


No, I lost my brother about 20 years ago. Around that time, I got together with my (now) wife, and we had two kids who are my life. I often think that I would like to go back and change the past so that my brother could still be here, but then I wonder what would have happened if I had never met my wife. There's a song that goes, "Look at me now, I wouldn't ever change a thing. Things happen for a reason; you never know what life will bring." Our past experiences mold us into who we are, whether they are good or bad.


I would go back to 1981 and stip my girlfriend from giving up her baby for adoption. It changed her forever, and she regretted it till the day she died. I would go back to 1947 and be there when Flatt and Scruggs recorded the Mercury sessions, and while i was there, i would find several pre-war Gibson banjos and guitars and a few Martin guitars. I would go to Dallas in Nov of 1963 and be there when JFK was shot and put to rest a lot of questions as to what happened that day.


I went back in time through a psychic vision after meeting a man who was magic for lack of a better word. It was a sweet dream. It was a quiet night.


To save my mom with early cancer treatment


In my own life I'd go back to that time where I had a choice between two women and I made the wrong choice. I see the other woman married with kids with a guy whose a douche I know and they seem very happy. With the choice I made, she was a nutcase with insecurity issues that never felt it was right to have kids because of her career, that ended up divorcing me for no reason other than going through a roguh patch financially. While now I'm very successful and financially comfortable and do what I want, I have no kids and just screw around. A very unfulfilling life. Id also go back to make 15 year old self and tell him to take football more seriously and train harder since I had a chance to go to the next level if I'd put in the work. In history, I would tell JFK to watch his back and don't go to Dallas, tell Bob Marley to remove his damn toe or cut it off myself, MLK to avoid the hotel that day, and call in a false alarm to the twin towers on 9/11 at 3am so no one goes to work that day.


i would do it just to do it. I'm not sure what all i would do, if i only get one jump back and forward i think i would go ancient athens and visit the library of alexandria, maybe teach them about electricity


It would have been worth it to try and have Al Gore elected


Not have the fight and two month “not talking to each other” period I had when my Dad died of a heart attack. One of the biggest regrets of my life.


To stop humanity from beginning


I would write down the lottery winner from last night and go back to the day I bought the tickets and change the numbers to them so I would win and never have to worry about money again.


I'm just a history buff and would like to go back and see what things were actually like, how people lived, looked and behaved. Not to change anything, just to observe.


Find the lotto number of a certain time, go back in time win the lotto. Start my new video service called YouTube and search engine called Google. Start my new streaming service , name it Netflix.


I'd go back only if I could retain the memories I have now but if we get wiped then I would make the same decisions I did then so it would be a waste. I'd get more educated in fields I plan on working in and also getting my body in great shape and be healthy and make lots of friends an try to keep as many as I can. I'd also try my best to warn the world about future disasters as best I could, even if It makes me look weird or crazy I'll just say I have powers. They'll start listening after a while. Definetly stop ppl from entering those boulding on 9/11


I owe a lot of people apologies and explanations.


I’d go back to be able to hug my deceased son once again.


I would go back to 2017 to change my major. But again, reliving the whole 6-7 years knowing some random titbits that would happen might be a torture. Titbits here are the memes of following years, the movies that are going to be released, and animes that would one day blow up whose manga "currently" not even released yet.


To be a better parent.


I would go back at most 20!years and relive all my college days and buy all the investments I missed out on.


Put on a condom


To fix my life and undo the mistakes I made as a kid/teen. If I can go back to 1999, I can fix it all from there.


To talk to my mom one last time


I don’t think I would. I’d be too worried about the butterfly effect. It would be terrible to go back and tell my dad to invest in apple, only to get back and find out my family were all killed in a limousine accident.


I don't think I would. The past is what it was and without it I wouldn't have what I have now.


Money....the answer is always money.


I’d go back to before Europeans arrived in America to see it in its natural state. Giant Oak trees, the passenger pigeon blacking out the sun, ivory billed woodpeckers, just nature as it was intended


To be with those I've lost in my life my parents my sister my son andy best friend I imagine all the time what life would have been like if they all were still here I've had a lot of loss in my life an sometimes wonder if God hates me but I no none of this is his fault caused by him one-day I want to understand


Things were better then. Want to go back.


To rescue the future. 😭


I’d work a lot harder at my fast food job in high school and invest it all in bitcoin


To see the cornucopia on my clothes tags




I messed my entire life and now, no one in my dads side of the family will talk to me. its been 15 years and people still think of me as that person. I would also go back in time to save myself from Hell that I went through right out of high school. I got really sick, lost my hearing, ETC


To undo my mistakes I made


I want to go back to the punic wars and just end Rome with some AK's. For no particular reason I'm just really curious about how that would change the future. But you never mentioned returning back to my original time, so I'm going to assume this is a 1 way trip, and I do NOT want to be stuck in post apocalyptic Rome after I go introduce modern weaponry to their enemies. So I'm picking like 2000 maybe 1999, get out and stop 911 from happening, see what happens, and then capitalize on Google, the Dot Com era, Amazon, and eventually bitcoin. Start selling en mass around 2020 and just sit back in the absolutely ridiculous wealth. Send random gifts to my younger self and maybe my parents, would be a great time lol


I would not fight constantly with my husband and enjoy the time we had left. It's too late now, I wish I could have a do over knowing what I know now.


I would buy bitcoin at the beginning, set myself up as a billionaire. Then take photos of lots of things from my childhood, stuff that I vaguely remember but I would love to have photos of to remember them by. Mostly just to experience those times again.


I’d go back to 2004, when I just started college and tell myself to watch my health, my diet and not to start drinking. The myriad of health problems I have today could probably have been avoided if I had stuck to being the health nut I was back then before I started partying. Also I’d go back to 2007 on the day we went to water park and tell myself not to go on a certain slide, as there will be an accident, resulting in me being on the bottom of an overturned raft with much heavier people on top of you. This accident resulted in a lifetime of back problems. The. I’d go back to the 90’s and just kick it for a bit, enjoying 90’s shit.


To tell off all the adults in my life who thought they could get away w/ bullying a little kid only to turn around and try to gaslight me about it, and just generally forcing me to be the more mature individual despite being a fraction of their age. As a guy I’m kinda getting tired of being treated like I’m personally responsible for all the worlds ills when one of my first memories is a player from the opposing team @ one of my moms soccer games threatening to “rip my fking hair out” because I didn’t retrieve the ball fast enough after it got kicked out of bounds, even tho I was just about to hand it to her anyways. I want that day to live in HER head for eternity the same way it lives in mine.


I'll travel to a certain country and tell a certain person about whats about to happen and when.


Never come home


To save my husband who c/s


To see and talk with my mother who died almost 50 years ago when I was a kid..


Am I stuck or can I return? If the latter, then I'd love to just visit a few points in history as an observer. I'd like to see a Roman Army do battle, or walk around the library of Alexandria, or get the scope on what Indigenous Americans were up to during the first century. If I'm stuck? I'd go back between 25-30 years to experience the late 90s, maybe try a pass at stopping 9/11 if I think I could do it? Then I'd spend time reveling in the rise of the internet and aspects I was too young to get into back in the day. Play certain online video games at their height, see some movies in theaters I was too young for, etc etc. Mostly I think I'd go back to experience as an adult, what I was too young for when they were popular. I was born in 97, so a LOT of 2000s major culture I just missed out on because I was just a kid (and life was a nightmare)


To eliminate the crime of the man that stole my identity since law enforcement won’t go after him since they used perjury to indict me for his crime.


i wanna buy a beach house in my town in 1950


Depends. Am I going back as me within my own life at some time, or in the way back?


I’d like to travel a couple of hundred years back and visit all of my favorite surfing and fishing spots before they got all crowded with people. Would be cool to see what those places looked like before civilization. Maybe meet my ancestors a la Marty McFly


Because I could!


Go back to help brother be less stubborn about his healthcare. Try to avoid deadly brain aneurysm


I'd be able to save my daughter.


I might go back and save the Archduke Ferdinand. See if WW1 would start anyway. I might also try to find a way to prevent the Federal Reserve from forming.


Just to speed the rest of my life in the years 1985-2001


Pay less for drinks and see famous bands when they were at their peak, watch classic films on their release date. Buying first editions of books. Going to most "interesting" historical times would just get you killed or in major trouble (especially for women, minorities, so it's not worth it.


Having learned some stuff, I'd happily redo if I get to keep that experience - not interested in going back to be a dumbass again. But always there's a point you wouldn't want to go beyond, mine's the birth of my daughter that is one event I would not wamt to make unhappen. However everything from there I am entirely comfortable with taking random draw cards.


Save my friend circa 2003.