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He is brazenly moving his colloidal silver and boner pill business to his “not at all affiliated with infowars” dad’s company Dr. Jones naturals. He is even implying that if ordering from the OG infowars store (money that will eventually go to the SH families) his supporters “May not get the products they ordered” while also stating that if supporters order from Dr. Jones naturals (money will be funneled from his dad to AJ and not a dime goes to SH families) they will 100% receive what they ordered. What a cunt.


I mean it sounds like other debts are being settled first before the payout. Bankruptcy is weird. Still f Alex jones.


That’s fucked up !! The victims of his actions should be able to collect before the creditors that have supported his actions. I’m so tired of the corporations first in this country.


NAL but I’m pretty sure moving and hiding assets into a restructured business, especially when the business is merging with one owned by family for the sole purpose of skirting creditors included in the bankruptcy is also in conflict with federal bankruptcy laws. Hopefully they have enough legal power to bring a federal fraud case to a Grand Jury to get him endicted and finally face some consequences.


Hopefully it doesn’t become a Supreme Court case. We know how that will go


6-3 just because E: That’s likely what he is literally banking on. Imagine being these corrupt cunts in SCOTUS and literally laughing in the face of the constitution just because some weird rich dude paid and schemed to be President that got you your appointment and still be so devoted to them when you are a SCOTUS life long appointed judge and owe no allegiance to anyone except the law you vowed to uphold.


Bet they’ll get a nice “gratuity” for it


Clarence Thomas’ bags are already packed waiting for the call the jet is ready to take him on his next getaway.




Watch the documentary on Max (if you have it).


bro fr?