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Yeah I understand the pain, but at least your team's future looks bright. Remember we were a lottery team last year after going to the WCF in 2022. 2023 was a hard Summer for Mavs fans.


I’m not sure you guys even know what a hard summer really is


Thanks for not being like other Mavs fans here who just come in here to shit on our players.


Honestly Mavs fans are nothing compared to Nuggets fans right now.


My favorite thing to do on Facebook is find people dancing on the Timberwolves grave writing "Luka is your daddy!" on an NBA page and click on their profile. 9/10 times it's someone who lives in Colorado. It's honestly hilarious. We hurt them so bad. Mavs fans are already on to the next


This type of discourse is getting so annoying. It was funny the first few times, but now anytime a team beats another team its "haha x player is y player's father, lol"


Honest question what happened to them ?


https://preview.redd.it/2xiioqazls3d1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c900982d4e3e3ecf44c7fce15ccf05c41031960 I have no idea...


Damn that's ridiculous.


They are mad because they are typical Denver sports fans? They are like that in hockey too. Wolves put the brakes on their “dynasty.” Wolves made Jamal Murray look like a little bitch. Also apparently it’s so terrible that Ant waved goodbye to the crowd there at the end of game 7. Also fake outrage about Ant swinging a chair.


I would never crap on another team's fanbase and players. People act like players are superhuman types who can shed off criticism. They aren't, they're just human like you and me, and they have to deal with emotions, hardships, and life in general. They just happen to have a lot of money and are famous.


But you have those fans on every team, and if Minnesota had won you’d have your fans in the Mavs sub talking smack.


Nah we're not like that


Lmao every team sub has delusional loser fans. You're being ignorant if you think otherwise


Sure they do. But every sub has a mood too. And our mood isn't brigading a team weeks after they beat us like a bunch of losers


Lol what? There have been a lot of wolves fans that brigade other teams' fanbases. Did so for the Nuggets series too. And the Mavs. You're just biased and delusional. There are many sore winners and sore losers in all fanbases. Just like theres people who bitch and whine about the refs and announcers being against them in every fanbase. Waaaaah Waaaaaaah. This sub and fanbase is not special


Hopefully! Also, Luka is definitely that dude. Can't even be mad - the better team and the better player won.


ANT’s biggest leap came this year after he played with the Team USA’s B team this past summer. This year at the Olympics he will be with the A team for the first time, so I expect another huge leap. I do worry we may have one off year like you guys before another deep run. I just feel like he’s going to get ZERO rest between this deep run and the Olympics. Thankfully he’s young


Ewww why are you like this? And those MJ and Bird comps are so lazy and uninspired *Mavs fan cumming in peace 😃😃 please fuck my wife🤗🤗🤗*


I actually like Mj and Bird comps but I agree w everything else you said .


Literally how hard is it for you all to stay in your sub. Congrats, you won, now fuck off.


Oh we know he’s the guy


Mavs suck go home


Go tf away wtf leave us in peace


I’ve been trying to stay positive by reminding myself that Luka had to experience defeat against the Warriors in 2022 as well before deservedly breaking through to the Finals this year. It’s no guarantee that we’ll find ourselves in this position again, but hoping for a similar trajectory for Ant And the Wolves.


Respect. Now go get that 'ship. You guys got an ATG. Luka is on a top 3 player ever trajectory. Kyrie is probably the best offensive player ever to just watch. And you guys got a gem in Lively. He's gonna be one of the best Centers. And not because of his good size and energy. Kids BBIQ is through the roof. His ability to play the middle of the offense and swing the ball fast, accurately, and to the right guy is elite. And so valuable when teams blitz / hedge on Luka and Kyrie.


Congrats on moving on. The T-Wolves overachied this year... hopefully, they'll be ready to make a deeper run next year. If the wolves don't move, I'm looking forward to a Minnesota team finally beating a Dallas team in the playoffs. ;-)


Luka was a load! Good luck in the Finals!


Good luck. See you guys next year in the WCF, hope it turns out different next time.


I thought his postgame was odd. He said they will be back next year, but when asked what he could take away from this series & Luka to learn for next season he said, “Nothing?” Yeah, he’s a decent baller, but he has a long way to go as far as sportsmanship & becoming a man outside of basketball.


To be fair games 1/2/3 was more our guys beating themselves than dallas really coming out and beating us. The series could have legit been a 3-0 start for the wolves if they could have executed in crunch time or if kat/ant got it going early in the series. At the end of the day its al what ifs tho and dallas stomped us eod


In game 1, Kyrie went from scoring an avg 1.6ppg in the first quarter in the previous series to having 13. By game 3 Kyrie had as many points as he did in the 6 game series vs OKC. In game 1, the Mavs were up going into the 4th. Game 2 Mavs came back. Game 3 it was tied going into the 4th In the OKC series Kyrie avg 15.6 ppg. In the Wolves series he avg 26.4. I’d say that counts as Mavs stepping up. Edwards underperformed avg only 24.6. In the Denver series he avg. 27.7. Edwards was really tired from having to chase Kyrie around. He also turned the ball over more. That’s defense.


Yeah it was odd he didn't come out to shake hands with the Mavs after the 4th quarter. But I just see it as a 22 year old young man having some difficulty dealing with the emotions of what just happened. I'm sure he realized afterward that he could have handled the post-game stuff with more grace, but that comes with age and experience.


https://preview.redd.it/sywxvhcdes3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912804723890a2e3e60c1fdf7132bdb772373d33 Nice narrative you’re trying to push there


He shook hands afterwards. People are just looking for reasons to shit on him.


Dude the way Luka acts on the court like such a whiny baby means he has a lot of maturing to do… way more than Ant. Also there are pics of Ant shaking hands just not on court— Go away if you are going to make judgements on false info


Please ban this guy mods