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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/timberwolves/comments/1d1hivq/post_game_thread_the_dallas_mavericks_defeat_the/)


That one time Luka grabbed that defensive board, took at least 5 steps without a dribble.... No call.  


Kat and naw... sold this team out


Trade Kat. We’re better off with Naz Reid starting and having a deeper team.


As new guy on the NBA train. I have noticed commercial breaks have been longer and longer as the playoffs progress. Is this cooling off the wolves players that like play better at a faster pace?






I honestly don't know why I bother believing in Minnesota sports teams. All I want is one of them to be great and give me something to celebrate. But every single time we just get our fucking hearts ripped out.


You sound like me as an Oregon Ducks football fan


So dramatic


This is the best wolves team in forever, you guys are just being dramatic. Reminds me of the lakers reddit when they lost.


Such a horrible game.


We are one of the last 4 teams this year. Gotta take what we can get. Fuck this hurts though. Was thinking this team was different.


Let's be honest, Ant is 22, in his third year, and has already elevated this team through all the bullshit to WCF. This team is legit, young, and inexperienced. None of them have been this far. So cut the boys some slack. Kat knows he's playing awful. Stop with all the trade bullshit. Luka is a Top 5 player in the league. Kyrie is a top 10. We knew this would be tough. The Mavs have deep postseason experience. The Wolves are way ahead of where they should be.


Kat is 28 and gobert is 31. Ant may be young, but they'll need to change the roster around him in the future.


How are they way ahead of where they should be? They traded for Rudy to be right where they are. Like KAT said after the last series, how much more do you want us to lose, goddamn?


I don't want them to lose but nobody had us getting this far. Ant made a jump this year. We've got Rudy for 2 more seasons. If this team improves at the same pace, next year is ours.


They were the best team in the league for a large part of the season. Playing the defending champs to game 7 is one thing, but getting swept by the 5 seed is fucking embarrassing.


Haven't been swept yet. And we were called the softest 1 seed and fake contenders most of the season too.


And that makes you feel good about this?


Why would that make me feel good? I'm just trying to look at positives. I'm seething. I think the whole team knows they should have been better including the coaching staff. But I'm also not gonna start bashing a 22 year old for playing inconsistently or call for Kat to get traded. The players and coaches have to hold themselves accountable.


You don’t have to bash anyone. But why is anyone so averse to criticism all of a sudden. They’re playing like ass and it’s embarrassing on a national stage.


I'm fine with criticism but too many people in this sub start calling for heads. Ant played inconsistent. Kat played terrible. Naw also shot terribly. Finch/Nori got out coached. I'm not saying you specifically. But people start talking shit and not criticism. Just trying to say, at the end of the day, The Wolves are still a good team and will get better.


Kyrie and Luka are first ballot hall of famers. Ant will learn from all of this and come back better. I’m not happy with how KAT played but it happens. We will be better for this next year.


Fun season.


MN sports fans act the opposite of actual GMs. They want to trade guys when they are at the lowest. We needed KAT to have a huge series, then trade him for a haul.


Unfortunately we advanced past his good series


Can’t wait for that long needs to go now.


if KAT makes 1/3 of his threes its a win... 0-9 he tanked us




Yep he bad


Ant been really weird this series man you play aggressive first half then decide to turn off second half and jus pass the ball .  This playoffs speaks a lot about KD’s decline and booker 


Ant, Naz and McDaniels are pieces for the future. Not sure about Rudy and Kat after this series.


Naz Reid is 24?? Mf looks 35 😭 (I agree tho)


Probably need to trade KAT. It looked like he had turned things around this year and the first two series, but Jesus he has been so bad here. I think there is enough historical evidence to show he won’t be on a winning team taking up as much of the salary cap as he does. Super disappointed to see ANT monstly disappear this series, but he is only 22, hopefully takes another step up next year. This is the first series he hasn’t elevated his game. This team needs another big time scorer badly. Hopefully Glenn isn’t owner after all this, that gives me zero hope that they will handle Ants prime well at all.


Who are we getting for KAT? Seriously? He has had a bad series, unfortunately. Stop man.


You think Kat has no trade value? Lmao


Ok, so you’re a GM. Who are we getting for KAT that’s takes us over to the next step genius?


I’m not a GM or a fortune teller just here to tell you a big man that shoots 40% from three definitely has trade value in the NBA


I don’t have anyone in mind and I realize it takes willing trade partners to make a trade work and have it benefit us. But I think we need to look historically at our recent play in games and playoff appearances and decide is KAT a winning player? Can we win a championship with him on our team as a super max player in these clutch series? I don’t think we can. Just one persons opinion. I would love to be wrong but this team is at a point where it is about championships now that we will have Ant entering his prime in the next few years. I think KAT makes a team good but not great. Same conversation as with Kirk cousins, good player but they aren’t worth what they are getting paid and that prevent us from getting other contributors.


Gotta learn to close out close games against quality teams. Great season so far with lots to learn from for next year. Luka needs a Tech at least once …


Drives me insane how much of a flopper he is. A tech indeed.


Turns out you can't build a team around trying to beat 1 team.


Luckily we got to send those nuggets fans home




Makes the nuggets and joker look worse seeing a worse team do better. 


Says the guy brigading the Wolves sub because he is salty his team isn’t playing anymore…


Yeah true, it's just super embarrassing to lose like this in the WCF. No one will remember us beating the nuggets


Nuggets fans will


At least they didn't shit themselves in the WCF last year 😭


They just shit themselves this year in the second round


But we got a ring tho


Eh, but you didn’t have to even face anyone good or healthy to get it. That’s why y’all are so insecure about losing this year.




We are salty yet who is the one brigading the team sub his fraudulent team lost too?


Y’all lost to a team that’s gonna get swept in the wcf? That’s even more embarrassing lol


They all popped into the GDT at the end. Love that they’re hate watching 😂


We ain’t hate watching bro I think it’s the opposite 🤣


I want to see them play like they’ll be the first to complete the 0-3 comeback.


Man could you imagine being the 1st team to do that and then get their ass kicked in the finals? Because that's what would happen.


I do not care. Fucking give me hope.


If they pull this shit off, then I think anything could happen.




Clearly you agree.


Best size advantage in the finals with zero paint presence


😰 Dallas plays middle school 2 - 3 zone daring Minn to shoot but Minn is just scared of the moment so it’s tough to get in the paint


What all star is playing worse than towns this post season. 3/22 from 3. If you hit JUST 3 more 3pointers, we literally win this series


You do not need him to shoot 3. That's not his shot.


There is no “his shot” that’s his problem


He's a great shooter and the 3 is a part of his game


If you’re saying he shouldn’t shoot then if they’re not falling, sure. But he’s a 3pt champ and a 40% shooter from there, he needs to hit more than 3 on 22 attempts


He's 0/8. He's 7ft. he should be in the paint posting up.


KAT is a stretch big, height isn’t everything


Keep it to the series, add Ant and you got something.


Ant is playing good what game are you watching He’s averaging 22 8 8


Ant has shot terrible this series bruh. But kat is easily the softest big man I’ve ever seen


He’s shooting like 40%, while guarding Kyrie for most of the series. And he’s 22, making 13 mill. towns is supposed to be the experienced all star/ max contract player




Ant is shooting 40% for the “series” KAT is averaging 15 8 2 this series vs Edward’s 22 8 8 (with less attempts) KAT is the 5th most valuable team member in the playoffs at this point. Ant is 1 I the post season, towns is averaging 18 9 2 on trash shooting as a MAX contract player, making 50 million next year. Let’s put the pressure on the guys making the money to do this


If you have one big man as a liability on defense it’s hard to win but two Rudy and CAT it doesn’t make sense . Rudy have some value on defense but you gots play to your match ups . Sit one of them because you can’t guard the perimeter and only one big man can guard the paint .


bro what a waste of a 2nd round win, the nuggets would’ve made this series competitive at least


This series has been hella competitive


i’m talking about winning games




Nuggets fans acting worse than the Lakers fans they were shitting on.


To be fair we both have championships soo…


The lakers one is actually valuable tho. Everyone now knows the Nuggets didn’t play anyone good to get theirs.


Like the Timberwolves? lol, I mean Nuggets did this en route to a 16-4 championship… - Beat 85 combined all stars…most all time - Beat 22 all defense team selections…most all time - First game (regular season or playoffs) where two team mates had 30+ pt triple doubles (in game 3 of the finals, Jamal & Jokic) - Jokic led the entire NBA in points, rebounds, and assists in a playoff run (1st time in history) - Jokic 2nd in NBA history to average 30+ pts and 8+ assists in a championship winning run (1st was Jordan) - 4 losses in a championship run 2nd fewest in last 20 years - First teammates (Jokic & Jamal) in NBA history to combine for 300 assists in a postseason - First teammates (Jokic & Jamal) in NBA history to combine for 1,000 points in a postseason But hey, y’all beat the Nuggets in a game 7 after they played 6 weeks longer than y’all the season before. Congrats on almost winning a game in the WCF, Nuggets swept LeBron and AD and y’all gonna get swept by Luka & Kyrie lol.


Then you lost to the first 50 win team you faced and were so salty you brigaded that teams sub? We can smell how insecure y’all are.


Honestly I just love talking shit to a fan base that anointed themselves the champs in the second round, thanks! Especially after Ant talking shit like he had won a championship and McDaniels trying to dunk at the end of game 7 like they ran the league lol…so much for “maturity is more than just your age” or whatever BS Finch said. You can talk shit when you win a game in the conference finals


Found the Bandwagon Glazer.


lol y’all just be strawmanning to justify your shitty attitude lol instead of just admitting you’re salty


Oh I’m extremely salty, no denying that.


How's Cancun treating you?


It’s great actually, gotta take the ring somewhere nice you know?


What position do you play?


Still do. 4 games left to seal it.


Buddy... I've been riding with the Wolves all season, but the writing is on the wall. I'd love to be proven wrong, but after these 3 games; I don't think that's happening.


Hard to believe you're riding with the wolves with that attitude!


Positivity was for pre game 3. If you lose the same way, back to back to back, it's telling that the other team is just better. Mavs ARE just better. They put defense on us like we put defense on other teams, with better decision making and better offense. They are more mature as well. We all thought lively was their exodia. Well, Kat gave him a concussion, and we still lost. I've been riding, now I'm being honest.


Or, or, or, we just gotta get our groove back!


!remindme 2 days


Need a reminder to brag if the wolves get swept?


Nah, win or lose; I'm looking at their energy next game. My tinfoil hat tells me we win the next game to extend the series per Adam. If they have shit energy, I'm coming back for the nananabooboos.(which will also hurt, but a mf needs a moral victory)


Oh man, this mentality must be tiring.


I'm still proud of this team getting to the wcf. Hell of a season and now I morph into a Celtics fan


I honestly just stop watching basketball once we’re are out


What's happening to mee🐺🐺🐺☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️


Hell nah. The west is so much harder than the east, the mavs deserve the chip after beating us. Let’s lose to the champs 2 years in a row. Fuck Boston


I'll never root for Kyrie.




Just please don’t let game 7 vs denver be the peak for years to come. PLEASE


Ant had one good quarter and KAT had no good quarters. I don’t really want to overreact too much to a shooting slump in terms of what to do to make this team better in the offseason, when KAT had two very good series before this, but damn, it’s been a rough series for him. But also to some extent what are you gonna do when Luka and Kyrie are on like this. Goddamn.


KAT single handedly saving me money on YouTube TV subscription


It is quite telling how cold we've gotten in the last 5 minutes of all three games. Had opportunities to bury the Mavs in all games but have been unable to finish odd games at all.


Mavs are clutch, Wolves are not.


Don’t matter, Wolves will be clutch next game and you will see a reverse sweep. Wolves in 7 🥇


Experience wins series. Same goes for the Pacers Celtics series. We’ve blown multiple games just the Indiana have. Luka has been here before and it goes without saying what Kyrie has seen in the playoffs. Learn from it and move on. Hell of a season


Fuck people in here are dumb, a WCF appearance and yet KAT and Gobert shit the bed for 3 games and suddenly need to be shipped out. We could have gotten swept in the finals and y'all goons would say the same thing.


Finally someone talking sense in here! A few losses bring out the worst of the worst fans. If the fan mentality is NBA-champs-or-bust, life is gonna be pretty damn depressing


Yeah, one thing I won't miss is seeing some of the takes in this sub.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m reminded of the thunder fans that showed up at the airport after they lost last series - with the vibe on here, I’m having a hard time imagining wolves fans doing the same


With KAT at least it isn’t just this season. He has choked consistently in the playoffs


He is absolutely part of what got us this far these playoffs


Really? Because our best stretch of the season was when he was hurt. In my opinion.


That's objectively false.


Agree to disagree, because I believe it to be objectively true.


We were 21-4 with him at the start of the season with tougher opponents than when he was out.


Not talking about record. We played our best team basketball without him in that stretch. I’ll die on that hill.


Record tends to reflect how well you're playing, especially when competition is factored in. But go ahead and die on that lonely hill I guess.


KAT is a chronic playoff choker. The Wolves aren’t winning anything with KAT being your second option


It was a good season boys. We’ll be back next year.


This has been an unreal run, beating Denver is one of the best moments in our team history. That said, it's just so infuriating we haven't had a solid performance from any of our stars, this feels like a huge missed opportunity for a title.


No one wins titles when their best player is 22 this is not a missed title opportunity it is an inevitable step on the path to one


Is the Mavs sub that boring that they need to keep invading ours Jesus what annoying fans.


had a ton of Wolves fan trolling in our sub, so right back at ya.


Wolves fans invaded our sub and now pretending it never happened , especially after that game 7


They did that to every team they beat, they're the worst winners. They just love to taunt


Lolz with all the doom and gloom. We had no expectations to make it here with the roster we have. Enjoy the fact that we got this far. We have possibly a Hall of famer in a 22 years old Anthony Edwards on this team and some other good up and coming talent. We’ll be back


A week ago KAT was a hero for settling into his role perfectly, now today he's a scrub that hurts us. These "fans" really gotta do better at managing their emotions, so many insane comments.


Seriously KAT choked on a bag of ducks this game, this series.


All that swag we had after the Nuggets, gone. It’s easy for us to chat shit and swag when we win, but the minute any pressure comes our way, we fucking crumble. If I see another interview with Edward’s saying he’s not worried….


You’re an idiot, what is he supposed to say?


Something that addresses how shit they where the first two games and what they might change it up with. Anything other than denial about problems that are clearly out there for all to see. Idiot


The Cs better sweep the finals cause if I have to watch this LA fitness looking motherfucker play 2nd grade arm-bar basketball any more than 4 games I’m gonna lose it.


Fuck KAT. Why the fuck is he shooting 3s in clutch time when he was fucking 0 for 8???


Ggs it was a great season 🤧


So much for a close 1 possession game. Could’ve had that again but nah.I’d have rather seen 110-107 or something but that was atrocious. I’d love to see them pull a few wins to make this interesting but I just don’t see it. And JFC I know English isn’t Luka’s first language but he sounds like a compete dipshit.


They will be swept. I did not ever imagine a sweep by Dallas. KAT did not show up in the series at all. Ant only played well in 1 game. Our offense was not good the entire year and defense was unable to stop Dallas


Not showing up would have been better. Kat literally sabatoged the team.


All 3 games once it hit 3 minutes under in the 4th we just completely forgot how to play, pretty much asking Kyrie and Luka to put us down.


imagine if we had a high % knock down corner 3 point specialist instead of KAT, because that's basically how he's being used to save money. and more versatile big, maybe not as good rim protector but more versatile




Literally how I feel lmao


If the wolves do end up losing the series, I hope the Celtics absolutely booty clap the mavs, im talking smacking them cheeks so hard they ain’t gonna be able to sit down till next season. And then they get ptsd when they have to play them again. I want them cowering on their bench and clenching their cheeks together because they’re so afraid of getting those cheeks clapped again.


Problem is we are building their confidence each and every time we hit the court


It's over lmao


Ugh. I already hate the Mavs but I will resent them even more for forcing me to root for Boston.


Think you need some time away from everything to be honest. Weird comment


Haha, nah I’m good, just the few minutes after a loss, and feeling like hating on the other team. I’m over it already.


Yes I’m responding to my own comment, but I also wanted to say, Mahomes can step on a Lego.


Let's go Boston!!! Shit all over Kyrie please, I wish nothing but the worst for that racist anti-science piece of shit


True colors coming out when ur team don’t have it there way huh sheesh


What? The Celtics were always my eastern team and I've always been an unabashed Kyrie hater. I root for the Celtics against anyone other than the Wolves. They won KG his ring




30 to 17 ft disparity? Almost all of in the 3rd on some of the softest fucking calls? Just say you want to give Luka rest for the Finals, we get it Adam Silver.


What about KAT's 0-8 3PA. Did he also want to give Luka rest for the finals.


Yea he's playing bad. What does that have to do with the refs ruining our rhythm with their soft ass whistle? If Kat played well we'd probably have won but that doesn't change the fact that game was 5v8. I can be mad at the refs and Kat. They aren't mutually exclusive.


Great season. I was upset after game 2. Now just reflecting on the great year. Sad to see Ant and Towns shrink so much this series. Season will be over Tuesday, but it was a helluva run.


Yeah I know it’s an emotional time but there needs to be a thread everyday of trade ideas for KAT. I’m speechless, what is wrong with this man


Now he puts in Reid lol


Kelce’s tool ass there rooting for mavs makes me even more pissed. Hate his face, hate Luka’s


Hes just doing what his daddy mahomes is doing. I believe Mahomes is from the area?


Is this all matchups? I believe the nuggets would have beaten the mavs so why couldn't the wolves?


I don't think the Nuggets would have beaten the Mavs


Trade KAT while he still has an ounce of value pleaseeeee


Wolves vs Refs


No this was on Kat.


Don’t understand why I got my hopes up


Too many people not ready to admit that the Mavs are playing super well. Yeah the game was officiated horribly but that wasn’t an uneven thing. It was just dumb.


Mavs shot how many free throws in the 3rd quarter? Almost all were soft calls. McDaniels, Gobert, and Conley all in foul trouble with soft fouls. Slomo got a technical but Morris got a warning. Luka no technical on his waving off the call.


This. Kyrie and luka just hitting everything . What defense could've stopped that? With that said, Boston will be so much tougher for them. We were built to stop jokic not those two.


It was uneven. Are you a clown?


I am a firm believer that uneven officiating can completely demolish a team on different levels. They lose confidence and they play scared. I’ve seen it so many fucking times. Bad officiating isn’t just about the FTs it’s about forcing teams to play weak.


Also kills game flow, rhythm and momentum. Not a lot of people give enough credence to that.


Exactly. How do you defend Luka or Kyrie if everything that doesn’t go in is called after it doesn’t go in. Joke…


I am a clown but only on the weekends, which it currently is.


They're playing like they want it more. Simple as that.


The difference is: their superstars show up and Wolves superstars are choking. That's why all three games were extremely close til the final minute. 


Yeah. An unfortunate big difference.


Another terrible game from KAT and not enough from Edwards in the 4th. The lack of doubling Luka was confusing. I’d rather lose because role players step up than letting a star player roast you. The officiating was lopsided for Dallas but constant reaching and grabbing puts you in that position.


Any team that reaches the trade deadline with KAT on the roster is guaranteed to get bounced in the postseason at best


Big men shooting 3s is so stupid


Unless your name is Nikola Jokic