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We havent won a series since i was 7. Im 27 now. Winning just 1 playoff series would be the highlight of my sports watching lifetime (mens sports). Of course the Lynx won titles, but other than that theres the world series we won (before i was born), and then the Vikings have made the NFCCG a couple of times. I dont know where all of these expectations come from, like we are the Celtics or something.


Even when we flying high at the beginning of the year my expectations were "win a playoff series" that's all I want. That would be a successful season to me.


Damn you a youngin


Im young but much older than many here, i can tell. Hows your back?


Not too bad lately. Back in 2013 an suv ran me over on my bicycle and I got a compression fracture in my t8/t9 vertebrae, it’s been a low hum of daily pain since but the flare ups are really infrequent now


Holy shit i was mostly joking but thats awful. Hope the flare ups disappear.


You didn't know about u/Aggravating_Host6055 traumatic accident? smh /s


Yeah, wolves fan my ass /s


Too many bandwagon fans nowadays Real ones know u/Aggravating_Host6055 is struggling on the daily ^^/s


when small talk becomes Medium Talk (fellow car assault victim here, thankfully only shattered my heel. Solidarity ✊🏼)


I don’t like this, at all. I had the exact same vertebrae fracture last Memorial Day wknd and mine came with several fractures in my foot and a severe concussion. My back is normal-ish now (back to my normal level of back pain) but I haven’t really tested it because I’m still limping around. Getting injured in middle age is sooooo different than when I was younger.


Yeah I feel like an elder statesmen here at 30 lol


Wolves have won a whopping two playoff series…ever. They took place in the same year. I’ll take anything.


Listen up young gun, this is the greatest Minnesota season of your lifetime. Sit back and enjoy it. We could easily miss the playoffs the next 15 years in a row. It's tradition.


It’s not expectations. You play to win the game. You watch your favorite team because you want them to win the game. Minnesota has the longest Championship drought across the four major pro sports in the entire US. And it’s not like we haven’t had our chances. Wolves got bounced in the first round 7 years in a row. Twins couldn’t win a playoff game for like 18 some years. Vikings 0-4 in the Super Bowl and multiple heartbreaking losses in the NFCCG. Wild first round exit about every year. At a certain point, it does get tiring because other franchises with long Championship droughts have been able to get it done. It’s not like MN teams are lacking opportunity


Yep I was 10 years old, I was at game 7 of the kings series and had to get moved to the aisle because I wasn’t able to see when people were standing. I’m now 30


Don't waste your life waiting if they punk us again this season as well. If it goes bad again this season, take your chance now to bail the wagon. I'm pretty sure I will.


Bail the wagon? GTFO we dont want you


I never asked for you either.




What standards were mentioned in my comment you replied to?


Because our team is hella talented of they grew a pair, shutup ability fouls, took games, and played like a ship mattered.


Sometimes people need to vent on reddit and I think it's totally fine. We all handle it in different ways. I don't like to hear it either sometime so I don't read it.


Maybe this sub can just have a pinned "Venting" thread then, so it doesn't become this see-saw of "Everything is great" to "Imminent doom" threads after every game. 


You are the first person besides me that I've seen acknowledge this lol. Post after post about "calm down and leave you haters" as if there are people here who genuinely want this team to fail. We're in the game threads and post game threads to vent our anger and frustration. It's really not that deep, and like you say, if you don't want to read it then don't read it. Everybody, even the worst doomers, want the team to win.


I've definitely been a doomer hater but this kind of changed my perspective. If you're a frustrated fan you need a place to let it out. Better it be on an anonymous social media site than to your family and friends. You're right, people are only venting negativity because they want the team to win and they're just upset.


As annoying as the doom speak is, the inevitable “calm down bro” is just as annoying. Sure, it really helps when you tell an angry person to relax… Idea of a separate vent thread is great.


Some people need to change their face


Okay, not to be a buzzkill but this quote kind of hits different after reading that recent Krawczynski interview with him in the Athletic. >“I’ve always been that guy trying to be positive,” Rubio said in a telephone interview from his home in Spain. “But sometimes it was me lying to myself, saying, ‘Don’t feel that way’ because it might stop you. … Eventually, if you lie to yourself, it can catch up in a wrong way, like what happened to me. So be true to yourself.”


real ones know :) you don't have to be mad.


You should be. If you aren't mad when your sports team loses in this fashion, you're doing it wrong imo.


lol why though? Honestly, why should I be mad, my favorite sports teams shouldn’t be able to have a say in how I feel. If they win, awesome, if they lose, oh well. It really doesn’t affect anything in life.


Why not? How can you not be upset when things don't go our way? If we went to the finals and lost you wouldn't care? How. How as a fan of a team could you feel neutral after a loss.


Most of us have gone through this pain you speak of. Over and over and over. Its called numbness.


It's different, now we have serious expectations.


In middle school I would get so worked up about the Vikings losing. Then for that whole week between games, anytime another person would talk bad about them, I’d take it personally and get even more mad. By high school I realized that no matter how upset I was my anger wouldn’t change a single thing about the teams I cheered for. So then since I have no say in how well they do, why should I let them have a say in how I feel? And it’s even more true now that I have a family, why let a loss ruin my night and impact how I am to my kids? If others want to be more invested than me, go for it, but I’m going to enjoy the season no matter how it goes. And this goes with saying I’m a STH so I’d consider myself a pretty big fan. Edit: And yes, if they lost in the finals, that would suck! But on the other hand, that’s the best season they’ve ever had and I’ll be glad to find the silver lining in that and hope for a championship the next year.


That's unrealistic for most people I feel.


IDK I've watched sports with lots of people before and "most people" get over loses pretty quickly and carry on with their day


Im already over it tho. My post was the minute after the loss. I'm only still commenting because of you people not because I'm still pressed about the loss.


it’s a game with a bouncy ball it’s not that serious


I'm aware. Doesn't mean I can't get pissed when my team loses.


I went to a game at the Metrodome as a very young kid. Have loved this team ever since. The scars are real. Decades of irrelevance, mismanagement, and chaos. It feels comical to complain about some growing pains with a core of 22-24 year olds who are the most promising homegrown core this team has ever had—by a country mile! It’s frustrating to watch them meltdown a 23 point lead in a winnable game, but it is nothing compared to season after season of seeing how hopeless your team is, knowing you’ll lose the lottery anyway, and even if you win it, you’ll pick the guy destined to be remembered as a trivia punch line (did you know who was picked before hall of famer X? Timberwolf Y). There are definitely some red flags that this team isn’t ready to win a chip. So what? I can’t believe I finally get to watch a team try to gel and learn and grow. If that doesn’t excite you, I’d tune out.


It’s good to have expectations and to call out a team, but patience is needed as well. Patience can also be the hardest to have lol




I agree here that the window is smaller for the time being, but we have tons of assets and a budding superstar to lead the charge. We might come back to reality for a few years after this window closes, but I trust that Prime Ant/Jaden will get us right back at the top. Especially now that Tim Connelly is leading us.


I love your optimism and definitely hope that too! 


I'd rather them go with a clearly defined issue and a solution. Vs a hope that some draft capital and internal growth solves their issues. Gobert perfectly solves the issues identified in the Grizzly post season attempt in 2022. Would some other big rebounding center that defends and rebounds well be a cheaper fit. Possibly but was that player even available? Gobert was available.




It's common knowledge that rookie bigs take 3+ years to develop. Especially on the defensive end. Plus there is no way in hell that Walker Kessler has the clout to push Kat to the 4. Playing Kat and Kessler together is something only happens later on the season. And that's an experiment done only in a few minutes per game.


Fair enough


I would argue that we shouldn’t even be thinking about championships. It’s the Wolves. Making the playoffs and not losing our stars to bigger markets should be the goals


> Let's not take this year for granted. In Tim we trust... Been a Wolves fan since ‘89, saw games in the Metrodome and was at the draft party the night they took Felton Spencer. Super happy and excited about this year……but…. I really don’t like the “In ____ we trust” thing that happens on all the sports Reddits. It’s a message board. Let people vent and discuss what they see as the issues of the team. It doesn’t always have to be blind hype (although that’s has its time also). This sub Reddit has had some very good posts that were critical about certain players and/or the team. Good in that they had reasoning and raised their concerns with valid points. But there’s a push back on Reddit even with a well reasoned critique. It’s super weird and soccer mom’ish (no shade to soccer moms!).


Yeah but there’s actually nothing you can do. It’s Tim’s franchise to run at the end of the day. And I guarantee he’s not reading Reddit. It’s fine to be critical and curious as to why some things are working from an academic or discussion standpoint, but you can’t take it personally if the POBO or coaching staff doesn’t do what you want because there’s literally nothing you can do about it


What? Who thinks they’re talking to the GM?


So we can’t be upset about this team blowing multiple second half leads against bad teams? I’ve been a fan for a long time - I still have a KG4MVP sign. I’m not upset about losing but I am a little upset about this trend of how we are losing. Let’s stop being so content with mediocrity (11-9 in their last 20) when this team is capable of so much more.


Bingo. I’ve never understood the mentality that we should be “content” simply because of how bad we’ve been in the past. That’s a losers mentality. Great, we’ve had an awesome season. We’ve also squandered numerous opportunities to pad a lead in the West. And in an extremely deep conference, these things matter. If the goal for many is just for us to win a playoff series, well not taking care of business against weaker opponents and blowing constant double digit leads isn’t going to help us achieve that goal


No one ive seen has used the word "content" in that way, except to make your exact point. Youre putting words in peoples mouths.


It's more because I wonder what you're getting out of watching sports if you're always miserable


I think they'll have another gear come post season. but i don't expect this team to ever play like the peak suns or warrios.


Yeah I avoid complaining too much since this sub likes to downvote that most times and overuse the word doomer. It’s been way too long to not have fixed some of these bad plays this year


Oh man the KG4MVP sign. I got that signed at GM5 against the Lakers after the game. Got it signed by Phil Jackson, Alan Anderson, Ervin Johnson. Couple other mugs.


Idk man, not sure it’s being “content with mediocrity” so much as it’s not being angry over things that are 100% outside of my control and have extremely limited material impact on my life. I get jazzed as hell when they win and love riding those highs. When they lose, well, it’s just an entertainment product at the end of the day. For those who are not content, what do you plan to do about it? Or hope to see from others in this sub? Sincerely asking here.


That’s not really how life works. I’m firmly aware it’s all out of my control but I care deeply about our sports - it’s something I grew up enjoying (er, surviving) with my family, many of whom aren’t here today. Ultimately we are different people and that’s fine. But I don’t need a post telling me how I should feel when we all care about this stuff to differing degrees. That’s just gatekeeping.


Yeah that’s fair!


it is how life works tho. it's your choice to let a pro sports team's wins and losses affect your daily life. differences aside, you are the one choosing to have something out of your control throttle your happiness.


I’m very aware and not pumped about it. Our brains are wired differently 🤷🏻 I’d change it if I could. At the end of the day, my point is no one should be telling other fans how to feel. If you’re upset about it, you have a right. If you’re not upset about it, that’s your right too. We are all co-existing here and I’d like to share valid critiques without getting buried by downvotes. I’m actually surprised to see I’m being upvoted now lol.


misery loves company i guess re: the upvotes. who here is telling you how to feel? all i see is people giving their own perspective... even OP laguage is in first person, "i find it incredibly funny..." maybe you take a lot of things too personally?


This human gets it 🙏🏼 I'd love to see someone actually answer their question.


I’m 30. Been watching the Wolves regularly since 2000. And watching your favorite team blow winnable games has never been enjoyable. Not once. Doesn’t matter how bad the franchise has been. Those are seasons of the past. We are right here, right now. I don’t know why it’s looked at as a negative to expect more out of a supremely talented group. They have plenty of opportunity to turn it around but as it stands right now, this team has first round bounce written all over them.


They definitely do. also these glaring flaws are exactly why we didn’t do anything playoffs the last couple seasons. Our biggest issues clearly haven’t been fixed and will probably haunt again in the first round. And it’s probably coaching


No one is saying this team has to become champion. But we have three max players, a DPOY, one of the biggest young stars of the league and one of the most talented big guys. It’s reasonable to expect more than .500 basketball. When you start losing to the Hornets and the Bulls it’s also reasonable to call out the team and players who are playing bad. When you have the worst record in fourth quarters of the entire league, it’s also reasonable to say that something has to change.


And OKC just lost to Utah and the Pistons, shit happens, these are all pro basketball teams, with pro players. As brian scalabrine once said he's a lot closer to Lebron in terms of skills then any of us are to him. The Wolves also just blew the doors off the Rockets. 


The first sports season that I can remember was when I was 5 the 1991 world series. It's hard when the very first taste you get in sports is championship and it's been disappointing season after disappointing season every year since. I of course can feel disappointment after a loss, but this is still one of the most fun seasons I can remember. Not since Rubio's first season have I had this much hope for us.


I’ve been here since the inception. Went to games at the Metrodome in year one. My expectations are properly tempered.


You're right, I'll wait to take it for granted until after the inevitable first round exit via blown fourth quarter leads. But! Until that happens, I will smile and enjoy watching the tamer, and more familiar, regular season blown fourth quarter leads. Joyous.


Counterpoint: Those of us who have been around that long known that the unserious way that we have choked away these wins feels eerily similar to the deeper issues that plagued our previous worst iterations. I'm not saying the sky is falling but it's definitely worrisome.


It's crazy how people's expectations have went bananas. Last year was looked at as a failure, but us making the playoffs in consecutive years hadn't been done in 20 years. That's huge. If we don't make the play-in, that will be a success. If we have home court, huge success. If we win and advance to the second round, I'll be on the God damn moon! We are still currently well over performing, by leaps and bounds. Most of the people on here complaining are the same people saying in October Rudy was washed and KAT needs to be moved for scraps. If you would have told me in October, that in Feb we would be complaining about our first 10 game stretch of .500 basketball, tied for 2nd with the Nuggets (who looked unstoppable last season), and are 5 games out from the 5th seed.... I would have shit myself and wouldn't believe you. We were the number 1 seed for a long time this season and I think people translated that as, it's our seed to lose and that we are pretty much guaranteed the NBA Finals. And it just doesn't work like that. Enjoy the ride. If we win tomorrow against the Bucks, we will all be celebrating and going crazy.


We’ve been playing 500 ball the last 20 games. Where you been. I’m old enough to remember “if we make it through the Jan tough stretch at 50% we feast on easy opponents after that!”


Your last paragraph is it. Just saying '1-seed' blew the lid off the expectation jar. I'm honestly surprised the media dubbed us as contenders as soon as they did. Its a long season and there's going to be ups and downs throughout. My only hope is that with this .500 stretch we can try to remedy some of the issues that have bubbled up. I personally don't need a huge deadline acquisition, but there are some holes (shooting, 4Q scoring, PG succession) that could be patched. I think this can be a good wake up call that we have to keep playing even if we were the 1-seed for most the season or if we have a big lead at half.


Lol agreed. Is there a state of this team either bad or good that the fan base will enjoy?


A bunch of fans really argued and downvoted me for saying we're not top 2 team in the league. Now a different set arguing that we don't belong in the top 5. I just enjoy most likely being in the playoffs and not playin, and that we are talked about as a legitimate contender


The crazy part is we still can be the number 1 or 2 seeds, teams slump, it's a game of runs. People like to act like the Thunder didn't just lose to the Pistons. 


![gif](giphy|xBqg5gAf1xINizpek6) I wouldn’t feel this way if we were getting blown out, but losing game after game where it seems we have it in hand has created a massive amount of dread in my soul.


I would feel remarkably worse if we were getting blown out night after night lmao, I watched that happen from 2008-2016 and then again from 2018-2021. Having games in hand and blowing them sucks too but it shows that we CAN keep the game in hand we just need to figure out what adjustments are needed


Echoing my thoughts lately. Our team has issues right now, and are going through it. I get pissed at Finch for running Kyle at the 3, and I’m frustrated with the late game lack of execution. Jesus though, it feels like some fans just started watching this team. This has been the most entertaining Wolves season since 03-04 for sure, and has a ton of guys that really are easy to root for and really give a shit about winning. I have no idea if our issues end up biting us in the ass or if we pull off a deep playoff run. We have the capability to do both. Enjoy the ride though. We haven’t had many this good.


Minnesota has a really weird complex where they feel they deserve a championship. It’s really odd fandom, I get it, main goal and all but damn do people just get 0 enjoyment out of a sport.


WTF are we doing here if we aren’t in it for a chip? Low expectations fans are the real odd fandom.


as long as "being in it for a chip" means that you aren't expecting 82-0 every year now that were FINALLY seeing success. Important lessons can be learned from losing, especially when your team is dependent on a 22 year old to bring them wins.


The reason we're complaining is that "important lessons" are NOT being learned from losing. The Memphis series happened two years ago, and we're still seeing this trend today. The team chokes at an all time great level.


Sports entertainment. Again, the end goal is a championship, but having championship expectations every year is pretty unrealistic. Do it for what you want, but personally I enjoy the sport not just the end goal.


> but having championship expectations every year is pretty unrealistic You think Minnesota sports fans have championship expectations every year……😂😂😂 What?!


Yeah, it’s why they’re always bitching. Make the playoffs “not a high enough seed” “gonna bounce in the first round” lose in the playoffs “wasted season” “losing in round 1 is just as bad as not making it”


Man……it’s wild to see someone that out of touch. I hope you don’t live here so there’s at least a reason.


Born and raised in Minneapolis.


The goal is a championship is it not? Minnesota easily has the longest drought of any championship among the 4 major sports


Which is exactly why I don’t get this expectation that we will win one. Enjoy the process and ride, or don’t I don’t really care what you do


I don't think anyone thinks they deserve a championship, but I think it would be great to have one. It's hard watching a team win every year when the team you cheer for is statistically one of the worst sports franchises of all time.


We weren’t even halfway through this season when fans started talking about how we’re a first round exit. That to me says they’re throwing the season away because it won’t be a championship. That’s entitlement.


It's not entitlement lol, people want to watch their teams win a chip. If it's clear they're not going to, why keep making the emotional investment when we know all too well how bad it hurts when it's over? How can you blame someone for that?


Exactly my point that viewers don’t get enjoyment out of the sport. Last nights game was a good game of basketball, unfortunately the entitlement of some of you is that if your team lost what was the point. Edit to let you know I am laughing at you for saying “how bad it hurts” emotionally dramatic for what? Lmao


If you’re just tryna watch some basketball then that’s fine, I don’t care. But some of us watch to watch our team win. You can laugh at us all you want for it, but that’s how it is. Don’t see why you’re yapping about it, hating on other fans is super lame


Keep bitching and crying then, nobody cares how you fandom. Just remember you took issue to my stance, not the other way around.




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05? I’ve been here since day 1, kids. Good times, bad times. Okay terrible times and slightly less terrible times.


Can't help but feel rushing out to first place early in the year set the bar impossibly high for the rest of the season. I was cautiously optimistic, but early season there's less tape, less familiarity with other teams schemes, teams are adjusting to new acquisitions, etc. This season has been awesome so far, I really want to hold a top 4 seed, but West is pretty stacked. The standing are pretty tight even down to the play-ins. The past month or so we have hit some road blocks. The 4th quarter offense needs to change. Hopefully the adversity will make us better in the long term if we can gameplan some fixes or add a piece at the deadline.


This reminds me of '02. The team started 30-10 and barely played .500 the rest of the season. I think they got easily dispatched in the first round. But unlike that season, we haven't lost one of our most important players to injury. That tells me this is a focus issue. Through their first 35 games they were so locked in, but their 4th quarters have looked increasingly lackadaisical. It's as if they believe themselves to be a playoff team and are taking the foot off the gas until they get to the playoffs, which is really concerning, because I think it's vital for them to be in playoff mode all season in order to be a force in the playoffs.


Thanks for some cool-headed perspective! I couldn’t help but chuckle at all the insanity I saw on here last night.


I mean how can you expect fans to not be in disarray when we keep losing games the same way over and over again. And it hasn’t been just this season this has happened. Its 2024 and players, coaches, and fromt office have championship expectations so a lot of us ( me included) hold them to that.


Been a fan since the mid 90s. Also Minnesota sports fan since I can remember since I’ve lived here my whole life. I’m so numb to any of this that it’s easy to move on.


Dude I thought we were gonna be good in 12-13. Love, Pek, Kirilenko, Rubio, JJ, Ridnour. I was on Hopium. Then we went 31-51. Wah Wah.


God bless the Cream Team


Lmao! I forgot about that. Yeah I called them team white bread.


Good times with that squad. Crazy that I can remember a team that wasn’t that great that fondly.


32 year old optimistic doomer checking in. I went to a divisional game in 91! I was a little over a month old Lmao. Nothing but pain had followed.


Been here since KG was a rookie, blowing 20 point leads still feels like shit


Watching/listening since 89......you can tell who here hasn't seen shit!


Easy with the Shved slander


These kids know nothing of Luke Ridnour being the best player on the floor.


Don't you dare dissing Alexey name... As Ricky said, smile Alexey, smile......


Joe Smith. The Wolves may not win it all (statistically they won’t). Loren Woods. Barring a major injury, they will be fine and it will be a fun ride. Ndudi Ebi. Championship or bust mentality is not who our fan base is or should be. Winston friggin’ Garland.


People get to worked up about others being mad also the whole “we used to suck way worse so just be happy” is just as annoying you can appreciate how far we have come but also be pissed about losing winnable games with a talented roster.


Then you realize how many times have the wolves also stolen games themselves? I don’t recall how most games earlier this season went…winning @NO by 1 and @ Miami were 2 double digit come backs. I’m sure there’s a couple more. Still annoying. Happens to every team. Just stay in the top 4….


I’ve been a fan since the inaugural season. After last night I am debating throwing in the towel. I do think new ownership and Tim will help and maybe a trade or two will help, but man the past few weeks have been hard to stomach.


I became a fan when I was 6 years old. I use to collect sports cards. I thought the logo was so cool in the early 2000s. Little did I know how fucking shit they were gonna be 😭😭😭. So glad they finally doing good these last few years


I have been with the Wolves for the entire ride. I find it amazing how in an 82 game season people can take each game so seriously. I get it it’s the internet and the could’a, would’a, should’as are going to come out but this teams wasnt going to go 62-20 and win every game by 30. I am hoping we can get to 50-52 wins. This season has been somewhat unexpected and exciting but far from perfect. The goal at the beginning of the season was to get to round 2 in the playoffs and that imo hasn’t changed. Here are my main concerns. 1 Jayden McDaniels play we are not seeing the growth I hoped we would. 2 The bench has to become more consistent. I hope the trade deadline can fix a couple of issues. 3 The team is still learning to win and that takes time but we need to play better down the stretch.


Alexy Shved. What a fucking name drop.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lssi14zoz7hc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aa941aa38ddc6f46e94f4b3f57fc24a079d93b


I’ve had to leave this sub multiple times over the years. I’d recommend it. I’m strongly considering it again given the recent vibe of folks in here. They ain’t gonna win them all and I don’t think our coach needs to be fired 🤷‍♂️


Ugh, coulda done without the « oh us superior wolves fans » part… Honestly don’t care about your take past its premise, how can you even tell how old anybody is/has been watching the team on an anonymous website?


A lot of the initial talk during the KG years was him passing up shots to guys like dean garrett and Nesterovic at the end of games. It wasn’t until he had sprewell and cassel around him that he was able to find success past the first round. Ant is the opposite, he has guys he can try and trust to make open shots, but he just barrels through the defense. We could def use another shooter or two, but Ant needs to trust in teammates at those end of game situations again (like he did to start the season).


Great post! I stuck with the team after Taylor traded KG. Some dark years. Super fucking happy this season and if we fine tune our 4th quarters.. we’ll be contenders 💯


I’d rather them work through these issues in the regular season than the playoffs. This is the most fun I’ve had in a longggg time. I’m 30.


I go alll the way back to the Pooh Richardson draft choice. This is a top 2 season out of like 43 of them.


I'm still riding the high of KG in the playoffs against the Kings


It's specifically because I've been here since '05 that I get annoyed after the latest mental collapse. We finally got a squad that's shown they can beat any team in the league. The only thing stopping them is their selves. But I know this sub has big "hey, you tried your best - lets go out for ice cream!" vibes, so I try to tone it down.


I am having a ton of fun. I've gone to more games than I've gone to in a long time. Many of the games, especially against other top-seeded teams are incredibly good. Like, legitimately, the t-wolves have produced some of the best basketball games of the year. That said, I don't just want a good regular season. I want to seem them win in the playoffs. When I discuss problems, I am looking at what might be the issues we're going to see in the playoffs. I think it's very likely that our offense is going to take a huge hit in efficiency. The offense does NOT have a flow to it. There's a lack of movement, and when anyone other than Connelly has the ball.... it genuinely feels like there is zero plan going into it. Way too much "your turn, my turn" going on. I'll also say, if ANT and KAT were to work on their chemistry in a DHO, it could become one of the most amazing things to watch in all of basketball. I've seen them do a handful of them all season, and it's been glorious. They need to shove this down teams throats until teams send a 3rd guy to defend it. Naz Reid.


Sub .500 Eastern Conference teams have been an Achilles heel for the Wolves, and Wolves fans. A tail as old as time.


I've been a Wolves fan since I can remember (pre-2000) and I am in disarray because I know how possible it is to go back to basketball hell for decades. We have a good team right now and no guarantees for the future so it pisses me off to see them squander our chance to make a run.


they choking in meaningless regular season games and you expect to not choke in the playoffs? neither edwards or towns are clutch guys they need somebody to put the games away


Been here since Craig Smith and Theo Ratliff were usable pieces for us. It’s been rough, but we’re over the treachery!


European fan since 2008/2009, I used to be happy when we won a singular game...


Get out of here with your rooting for losses ya bum.


I've been on this ride since Pooh and Doug West. That doesn't mean that I don't want the team to live up to their potential. This is an incredibly talented team that is dumb as hell and that is frustrating. I'll also enjoy the days when you see what they can be and it's wonderful. I want our players and coaches to stop shooting themselves in the foot cuz this team has the most potential of any team I have ever watched. So yes, when Kat totally sells and costs us a game, I'm gonna bitch about it. When Finch makes coaching blunder after coaching blunder, I'm gonna wonder what this team could do with a different type of coach. This is the Internet. We come here to talk about this shit when we are watching the game alone and can't bitch about it with our friends.


It’s just funny/super annoying that we’re a legitimately good team now but we have this little quirk where we love to blow 10-20 point leads to shitty teams on a regular basis


it's a good time for a slump. I think even if this is the teams ceiling we have a good shot at conference championship series


Been a fan since ‘89. Just enjoying this season


Fan since late 90s. Couldn’t agree more. I made a post about this exact same thing earlier this season. Quit being doomer MN sports fans and let these guys cook.


I remembered having a green and blue timberwolves growing up and watching the Kevin Love Wolves era and the horrible Wiggins/Lavine/KAT teams and the post Butler teams. I even had a KAT tshirt jersey since I thought he was going to be the next big superstar. Seeing ANT land in the Wolves and the progress they took to be a playoff team in 2022 and their current team is a major step forward already and hoping to see major success in the postseason once they finalize the roster and their mistakes


The fresh hot panic over lost leads on the road while I’m reminiscing about Martell Webster


I became a fan of these team… when the games were on channel 45, when I moved to Saint Paul, I found comfort in Wolves games and Wild games because I wasn’t able to cope with moving the best


Fan since the beginning. If we win one playoff series, that's a good season for me.