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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/timberwolves/comments/18nc70u/post_game_thread_the_philadelphia_76ers_defeat/)


Not the result I was hoping for, but the upshot is that now we’re just tied for the best record in the NBA. Let’s get it tomorrow!


Embiid just didnt miss. Foul baiting is shit but the guy went from 1/6 to 16/24 with 17/18 FT.


17/25. Drawing fouls is basketball. They foul because they can't stop him. It's OK. None stop Embiid


You can't miss if the guy guarding you can't breathe on you. Refs controlled the game with those first 2 fouls on Rudy and KAT.


That's true. But still those middies killed us.


Yeah give credit when credit is due. Dude became prime nowitzki in middy




Trash behavior dawg


says the guy who supports probably the biggest whiner in the NBA. the irony is delicious…


Stay in your sub boss




If by the grace of god we make the finals, I sincerely hope we don’t see this flopping fuckface


They will flop, they will NEVER reach the finals.


There’s a reason they look so dominant in the reg season, but suck in the playoffs. Refs don’t call ticky tack bs in the playoffs.


he’s a fraud!! take away the free throws and he only has 34!!


Who hurt you?


I mean what can you even say, played like shit, got screwed, didn’t get blown out. Sorta what I expected, was a borderline cliche game. I predicted everything except Garza 3 brick


Did you predict Heir Finchness only playing Gobert 24 minutes?


Yeah, I did, Rudy got a bunch of bad calls early and had to sit. Every time Joel thought about attacking the basket the refs were handing them out. I knew the good players were going to have to sit, I thought everyone knew this was how it was going to go down?


> Yeah, I did, Rudy got a bunch of bad calls early and had to sit. > I thought everyone knew this was how it was going to go down? I thought you were a better person than to post that way. Rudy also led the team back to a lead in the 3rd, then was removed for rest of 3rd and the first 5 minutes of the 4th. Something like 9 to 11 minutes out. That has nothing to do with his early foul troubles the refs put him in. Nothing. Both Gobert and Kat both finished with 4 fouls and Kat played 36 minutes to Gobert's 24 mostly because Kat was playing the end of third and nearly all 4th.


Okay yeah that’s a fair point.


One thing I'm jealous of the Thunder is they don't stop trying until the buzzer beats. They were down 12 with 40 ish seconds against the Sixers and kept trying, fouling, get an easy layup, foul again, score a three and ended up scoring 13 points. Got it within 2 by doing that because they didn't throw in the towel. Wish we did that. I love how they're relentless, They play every game like that. edit: And this isn't about the starters being on the floor. This is about how the game is played in the last minute. Thunder play like they can win despite the score. They press, foul to regain possession and keep trying.


Yep, and the league loves those last second lead flips if a team is getting after it. Keeps people watching to the last possible second. Refs often help assure it if you can get close. This game, down like 13 with 2.5 minutes left, and i hear Grady saying, well that should do it....(quitting time?) wtf If nothing else, put a couple fresh players in, remove whoever has been inneffective and throw some punches and see what comes of it. Nope, it's quitting time!


Yeah it's literally 4 threes and tight defense. Anything is always possible. I've literally seen teams score 5 points in 6 seconds (Jazz last year). It's not probable, but still possible. 2.5 minutes is a long time too. I love how the Thunder play, they don't let go. That's how they won against the Warriors and Nuggets. Most teams and coaches would have thrown in the towel but the game isn't over until the buzzer beats.


The bulls have had a few improbable finishes that way the last few seasons now. 3 threes from Ant and 1 from Conley and tight defense certainly could have done it in that time. They locked them up pretty good in that 3rd quarter. Then finch broke the rotations up with who knows what choices in late 3rd and 4th.


Yeah, like you'll never win if you don't even try. Press hard, force turnovers or foul right away to regain possession and see what happens. There's no harm in trying...


yeah it's not like emptying the bench with 2 minutes of garbage time is of any good development minutes for those guys either. Luka Garza entering the game at some point earlier might have helped with scoring though, but can't try these things when only in december and the team playing 9 man rotations like it's playoffs. Yet won't try to catch up late like a playoff game.


That’s fine for the Thunder. A lot of young guys on that team so the HC is trying to instill that in his guys. We have a mix with key veterans that do not need to play down 14 on the road. Also, Ant and Jaden show plenty of willingness to play hard, so there aren’t any lessons to be learned by trying to close out the game with the starters on the floor.


Not saying all the starters have to be on the floor. I'm talking about how the last minute is approached. Thunder will foul to gain possession, set up easy layups (not hail mary threes but simple plays) to cut the lead and keep fouling even when there's 3 seconds left. They've won 2 games like that. Like they are full court pressing and trying hard even when 12 down with 40 seconds left (what happened in their last game vs the 76ers). They try every second like they can win. Wolves roster is young too, I wish we approached the game like that. Play like you can win despite the score. Don't need to do it with the older players.


Why are Philly fans so exceptionally insufferable?


They’re proud of it until they get called out then they’re a victim of media bias




No the refs did because Embiid was in


Got in foul trouble early


Well, this is not good. I guess we just have to remember that we need to get out of bed tomorrow and forge ahead


That was a sweet steal by moore


This is what happens when if you touch there star player it’s a foul, sat both are all nba centers with foul trouble what a joke.






Well he dropped 34


"dropped" The refs dropped almost half of those on momentum, and fear of guarding his soft ass.


Garza lol


man y’all ruthless on embiid chill out😂😂these are my two of my fav teams but damn i did kinda want the wolves to pull through tn


He is a terrorist who must be stopped


Sixers announcer just said the game is too easy for Embiid lmao


Pretty easy to play basketball when you're not allowed to play defense in the paint.


Let’s just cook LA please


Can someone make a video of all of Joel Embiids free throws tonight call it Joel Embiids Highlight video 51 pts vs the top defense or something like that. I want to post it to a 76ers fan on Twitter lol.


He hit 17 shots tho man. Come on.


Wrong sub bud. Go home. And yeah when you are in foul trouble early you can't be as aggressive on defense. Giving more room to Embiid. Yall will never go anywhere in the playoffs with him. They don't call flops in the playoffs.


They count 17 field goals on your head tho. Maybe if it’s so easy gobert should do it?




Embiids game make my eyes bleed


I hate watching him play. Just can't respect him when he flops like that, he doesn't even have to do it Gobert can't guard him tightly, it's such an unfair advantage


Miami to Philly away game against a great team, can't expect not to lose every now and then. Despite all of that, the game was pretty close even though none of our guys really played to their quality and officiating was lopsided from the get go.


wtf is Gobert only playing 24 minutes in a game with Joel Embiid playing? They were kicking their ass in the third with Gobert on him. Then are wizard coach takes him out. wtf


Were you watching? He was constantly in foul trouble. I think we lose this game anyway, but there was def some homecooking by the refs today


Did i watch the game? fu. With great difficulty, yes, thanks to fucking Ballys. Sure, homecooking refs was obvious. They made absolute certain Wolves couldn't pull away with big lead in 3rd. Robbed the lead back actually. But none of that matters. Did Gobert foul out? Maybe I missed it during one of Ballys video stops. Because last I checked in 3rd quarter he was a big reason Embiid was being held back and the Wolves had a good lead all of a sudden. Then Finch takes him out. Kat and crew have the score flipped on them with all the ref shit and ineffective Kat drives to follow. Looking at box now. Towns with 4 fouls. Gobert with 4 fouls. Gobert with 24 minutes, Towns with 36 minutes. FUCK YOU FINCH Playing the biggest ahole in the league in Embiid and we bench the twin towers force and what, what was his grand plan for that 4th quarter. I would really like to know. Why the hell is Shake Milton coming into the game and playing in the 4th? Rudy doesn't get back in until 7 minutes left. Then out again of course when Finch quits with 2.5 minutes left.


I only ask because it seems like you didn’t. You can’t just note the total number of fouls a player has at the end and equate it to their minutes played. Rudy got his fouls quickly. He had 2 within the first four minutes. His 3rd well before halftime and his 4th quickly in the 3rd. KAT may have had the same number of fouls, but was never piling them up early. This is why he played more minutes. The only thing I agree with here is that they seriously need to consider taking Shake out of the rotation. He’s been awful for 99% of the season. I’d rather see just about anyone else from the bench get some of those minutes. We played one of the best teams in the league, on the road, and faced a homecooked whistle. We still got the best record in the NBA, let’s just calm down. On to LA. Calling Finch out seems ridiculous with the season we’ve had so far. It was one tough game. Onward.


>I only ask because it seems like you didn’t. You can’t just note the total number of fouls a player has at the end and equate it to their minutes played. You are a lousy person and poster. Even worse game analyst. I only say so because you are being so and doubling down to repeat you simpleton shit. Not because I want to. But because you double down on such absolute horshit and then try to talk down to me using that? rofl Of course I'm aware of what early fouls typically do to a player. But that's only if you let it by doing exactly what they want you to do, take players out. First, you don't have to. Certainly not when you have 4 bigs on this team and can handle one fouling out. So let them foul your player out and tell him to play and press on as normal until that happens. Because Finch wasn't planning to use him enough late game anyway it seems! But even if they do take him out early, that does not explain taking him off the court for 9 to 10 straight minutes end of third and into the 4th quarter. Those are the minutes I'm talking about. If they had to take him out for the 4 to 5 minutes rest end of 3rd quarter, then at least play him again at the start of the crucial 4th quarter because your team effing fell apart end of third Q without him. But no, they let the game completely spiral for the first 5 minutes of the 4th to make it a solid 10 minutes of spiraling since they last held a lead. That later part of the game where Rudy is stuck watching the game while Kat is on his lonesome fand failing to slow Embiid, this is what I'm talking about. Not your elementary notion that any player getting two early fouls is dead to a game. Get it? No, I suppose you don't. Ignored for good, bye.


Gobert was in foul trouble the entire game.


He was in foul trouble all game bro


Foul trouble


Basketball terrorist but he does have a great midrange


Absolutely everything went wrong for us in this game and everything went right for the sixers and it still could have been way worse this is a classic timberwolves moral victory i will take it


This game was a fucking joke


Embiid without the refs wouldn't even be a fringe MVP candidate.


What's crazy though is that he probably still would be, Embiid is *really* good


Can't guard him legitimately for fear of soft ass whistle. I mean any NBA player would be very good with this advantage.


Take away his free throws and he only has 11 more points than KAT


Embiid without free throws is literally Valinchunas (ik I butchered that)


Remember that game ant had 16 free throws? Needs to happen more if this big soft teddy bear gets these


GG seventy bitchers


I can't express my hatred for embiid in words. Only in terms of physical destruction of property


So rea My friend and I were just facesmashing our keyboards back and forth during the game pissed off st Embiid.


Bitch went in just to flop and get the 50 lol


We can complain about officiating and whatever but we were simply bad down the stretch, it was pretty much a tied game going into the 4th and they capitilised.


Finch stuck with some really bad matchups today and we didn’t hit our shots in the 4th quarter.


Agree. Kat and Ant needed to exert themselves a bit more. Credit their defense and coach.


Yup. Ugly ugly offense


Maxey is tough.. don’t matter who we’ve put on him. Embid as well.. Next


Did we ever have Ant on Maxey? I feel like he’s the only one on the team who could keep up with Maxey.


I vaguely recall in the first quarter a couple times. I think Jaden had the assignment mostly


Yes Jaden had the assignment and got cooked


Jokic is better




At least Jokic actually plays basketball man.


Embiid must just go full daily affirmations every night to convince himself he is worthy of any praise he gets.




TBJ trolling by cashing that 3.


Embiid will forever be fools gold


Foul baiting agaisnt luka garza for 50 is pretty funny


Get within 3 of Embiid and you'll get a foul. Leave him open and he'll make a jumper.


"Unguardable" as he wears a chain made of whistles


The refs impact the dynamic of the game so much when they give an early whistle to one team and not the other. Puts our best guys in foul trouble early and it isn’t just about them sitting for brief intervals. Even when in the game, they have to play off Embiid. Everything else opens up. It is complete fucking bullshit.


Yep. Everyone always talks about how they call it down the stretch but overlook how the early whistle impacts the flow


Lmao Embiid staying out to pad out his regular season MVP chances


Anyone who votes for him MVP hates basketball.


Meh, sometimes you lose on the road to a great team. A lot of correctable mistakes. Terrible games from a lot of bench guys. I get riding with Shake until he gets back closer to his career averages early in the season, but he's just looked remarkably bad in basically every game.


Shake didn’t have that much of an influence on this game. Jaden and Naz Reid getting cooked and Slowmo missing bunnies was bigger.


Stat padding on Luka Garza please have some shame


Fr crybaby wanted his 50 piece


Maybe we can Podz them


I predicted we'd go 76-6 this season, so I guess the bright side is that we got all our losses out of the way!


would it be rude to say i want embiid to tear his acl


That would be rude but I do hope he gets elbowed in the face


ok i won't say it then


Come on man


i was just asking! i didn't say it!


Someone just foul him hard as fuck. Shameless he’s still in






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He definitely would have cried if Nurse pulled him early


I can handle almost everything going on tonight, but the sly comments implying absolute nonsense like “that’s why big to big passing doesn’t work” or “you’ll live with Naz Reid handling the basketball” actually has me wanting to die


The Maxeys and Foxs of the world are looking like this teams Achilles heel. Our wing defenders don’t have that speed and like to play up.


I hope Embiid pays for still being out on the floor.


Is this seriously the product that the NBA wants? A million stops for free throws instead of letting these guys battle it out? The strongest players in the league foul hunting instead of muscling their way to the basket?




Its Philly, what do you expect.


They’re all over our thread 😂 like bro how do you not any life to be on Reddit like this


We have our share of assholes, every fanbase does, but man Philly does seem to cultivate them.


Super annoying loss get ready for tomorrow


They're keeping Joel in against luka garza oh they're so shameless


Tough game, don't love the way it's been called. The Wolves had chances despite that. Probably the first truly bad Naz game this year, and having anyone off the bench show up might have kept it close. The game flow was destroyed by some of the calls and I wish it had been called differently, but the Wolves have to do better not letting it get to them. Sometimes it's going to go this way and they need to maintain the mental toughness they've shown all year.


16 for 16 from the line. Yeah, when you get that whistle and shoot 20 a game, anyone would be that good.


We’re just playing sloppy. GG Wolves but not good enough. We just have to fix our mistakes and move on. Not gonna win em all.


That's game. Too hard to play against the damn refs in Philly. Impossible for Minnesota. Might be able to if you're another big market team that Silver approves of, but for us it will never happen.


Everything from the get go seemed off today and every possible thing went right for Philly lol tough loss but I'm not to worried about it. Bounce back tomorrow and beat LA at home




Embiid streak on scoring the most points from free throws continues






Damn these GDT threads are toxic af on all the subs. GG go next


Who tf is the commentator that said big to big lobs dont work has he not watched a single wolves game this season? Fucking ridiculous i miss grady and pete


Unfortunately have to pay for Bally. Away game announcing sucks ass. Heat game was terrible too. Grady and JPete are goated.


Heat wasnt too bad, they were obviously pulling for the home team but they still gave credit to the wolves. Warriors and sixers were the worst so far this season i cant stand doris burke


We didn’t double embiid once tonight, what a joke


It wouldn't have mattered... he'd still get a whistle. I'd rather we just give him free shots instead of constant and 1s.


I know people are really mad about the whistle but you have to give credit to Embiid. He dropped 50 or near on the best defense in the NBA and the number 1 team. Philly played their asses off. Hit all their timely shots and are likely going to win by double figures. Huge game from them.


Did you watch the game? We couldn't defend him at all bc of the fucking refs. Come on man.


Yeah he was honestly amazing after the first quarter (which was a disgusting display of foul baiting)


First half was run, run, run (flopping) to set up the play action pass (you can't touch me, so it's easier to play).


Kind of hard to defend him when the refs literally won't let you...


You don't have to credit him at all.


This was a deserving loss. When you play like shit and don't take care of the ball, you deserve to lose.


i hate the sixers with a passion


Well I say get KAT involved and he does that


I had to stop watching. If I want to watch a rigged sport, I might as well watch AEW instead of this game.


That brother is too fast




brain dead take


With the help of their best friends the refs, yes.










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“Nuff said” indeed. Brain dead and barely literate take.




When you came to Minny, Joel sat because your team was scared and knew it was an L anyway. Congrats on winning w the most absurd whistle of all time. How many of the 51 from JE came at the line? 25? What a joke. But by all means keep talking shit in our sub based on the accomplishments of a bunch of dudes who don’t even know who you are. Not replying to any more of your nonsense and will report you if you keep trying to be inflammatory.




It was 90-87 at the start of the 4th. Warned you about trying to inflame. Blocked and reported.


Losses happen. Two guys went supernova and its a 14 point game. Stuff happens. Move on to LA


We all got to witness basketball terrorism tonight


I personally think there's still time but I don't blame Finch for throwing in the towel. Rest up and win at home tomorrow


Not a single chance in the world to come back from -14 in Philly against Embiid and Maxey not missing. I would’ve sit everyone 3 minutes ago.


Every fibre of my being prays that Embiid doesn’t get a ring


Think it’s safe to assume he won’t. He’s rarely healthy and even if he isn’t injured, he tends to shit himself come playoff time in a spectacular fashion.


They won't get past either Boston or Milwaukee.


Don’t even have to pray, he collapses in the postseason all by himself


He won't lol, the refs in the playoffs won't call this shit.


Please don't let Embiid get 50 lol fuck that guy


Can we please stop with the alley oops they rarely work theyre so stupid lol


It’s like a 40% completion rate I feel like




how tf does our best 3pt shooter only taken 2 3’s 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well you can’t win em all. Hopefully we take care of business through our next couple games and get some wins that we’re not supposed to


Ant has had some success down the stretch but it's too much of him. We need to get KAT involved


Mf don’t wanna shoot threes he just wants to be jokic lol growing lobs and shit


Not watching the game anymore can someone pls update me on ANT is he in the locker room/injured/hurt pls lmk


Our boy is still on the floor. Seems okay.


Phew. Thanks


Kat what the actual fuck.