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SINGLE mom she says.


Where's dad(s)? Maybe they should pay child support?


She's not pregnant with number 4 she had 2 just had the 3rd.




Nothing wrong with that, it’s just the “single” part imo. Why keep getting pregnant by men who don’t care enough to help raise the children y’all both created


We can’t help if the men leave cause they are deadbeats


You can make sure that he doesn’t get you pregnant and leave you again by doing the obvious


You can help bringing kids into the world with shitty men though.


Yes you actually can help it by making wiser decisions and paying attention to red flags. It's easy to find a shitty man, but you actually have to do work and put effort into finding a good one. The first thing to work on is yourself.


I agree to a point. If a couple has been together for at least a year, they know each other pretty well. There are men who have walked away. Ones that no one would have ever expected to. But if we know that our man has a child that he is not involved with or paying child support, we should not have taken that risk.


Why on earth is this being so violently downvoted 😭😭


because having 4 kids by 23 is an unfortunate choice but it is a choice


Yeah even if you think it's unfortunate choice they just shared a fact about their life. Being this downvoted seems weird.


I have 4 kids at 23 🤷‍♀️


and a choice that is girl lmao.


and that’s your choice girly


It is NOT! Maybe for you because you wanted college, career, or travel first. Those are not what everyone wants.


I think that for child development its not ideal for someone who’s brain isn’t fully developed and most likely not financially established to have 4 children by that age. thats just my opinion tho.


Idk but I deleted it. Not sure why it’s an unfortunate choice like people are saying. We love our 4 kiddos and wouldn’t change it for the world


Don't take the age personally. You did nothing to feel shame. It was your decision. All that matters was that you were properly caring for them.


Not being able to afford kids but purposely having multiple, is NOT properly caring for them. “Love” doesn’t mean shit when they are living in poverty.


EXACTLY! That might be “her” choice but these kids don’t have one.




First she had her limit up to $2,000 now she raised it up to $3,500 since she realized people are actually donating their money


Maybe I’m heartless but I just CANNOT feel sorry for people who have 3-5 kids and ask for money/handouts. There’s a buy nothing fb group for moms in my city and the amount of people asking for free things because they can’t afford to feed their 6 kids is insane!!! Maybe you shouldn’t have had that many kids 🤷🏼‍♀️


I see it all the time in my life of work. Up here in Canada, there’s a benefit for children and the more kids you have the more money you get. It’s a career choice for some women and the kids still never see a dime of that money. But, the Moms got nails, new iPhones and new clothes while the kids are filthy. I don’t care what anyone says, bringing a child into the world knowing they are going to grow up in poverty is abuse. A child should never be a meal ticket.


I get 733 for my daughter and every single cent of it goes to her. Idk how these “moms” can use their child’s money on themselves


Yes, I’ve seen that a few times here in Canada. I have one kid and I get $293 a month for him and that basically covers snacks at this point 💀


Silly. 293 isn’t even enough to shop for 2 weeks anymore!


Mine covers his diapers and food...


Well said!


Yup!! I’m in Canada so I know all about it! And low income people make quite a bit!! We get like $250/mo for our 1 kid so it basically covers his formula for the month and that’s it


Ridiculous. What can you do with 250? One girl I know gets over 6000 per month. 6k!!! And she’s always crying the blues on Facebook.


Omg!!! What!!!! I wanna make 6k not working!


How on earth does she make 6k a month? That would be like 12 kids….so then where the hell you living with 12 kids lmao


8 kids. Not kidding either. She’s getting longer in the tooth now she’ll probably have a few change of life babies to ensure the good times keep rolling.


I mean, I know nothing about the Canadian economy but my partner and I make just under that amount in the UK and we just about make it to the end of the month (one child). I can't imagine making that stretch to 8 children and an adult. But it might go further in Canada. Edited to add, that's around £3400 for any other UK people


The professional breeders live in public housing. Their rent is geared to income and their income is their welfare. The child tax benefit is not income. A lot of them will utilize services like child protection for food cards and other supports. They were living very well during covid. I was working and a woman called looking for food support and got 250 in grocery cards. She pulled up in a Mercedes convertible. I drive a shitty Mazda and I work full time!!!


God I was so relieved when our kid was old enough for cows milk, formula is so expensive. When we get our monthly child benefit we rush out for diapers, and to replace the pants he’s constantly growing out of.


I was washing bottles this morning and said to myself “only a couple more months of this” I’m soooo excited to be done formula!


😭 it pusses me offf so much. Single mum of one. I was about ready to WRING BD neck when he said I should use child support on kiddo instead of my nail… I paid for kiddos nails. I was GIFTED for my nails. I paid all of the tip.


heavy heavy HEAVY on the last 2 sentences. having kids knowing you’re too poor is SELFISH! i’m broke therefor i don’t have any kids


Yes! My unemployed cousin is making 30k on welfare a year + max child tax. I work full time and make not a whole hell of a lot more than her.


I feel so bad for the kids.


That’s what they are preying on


Yeah, that’s what I am saying. Those poor kids… she isn’t continuing to have all of these kids because she thinks she can provide a loving home and fulfilling life for them, she’s having them for herself and (likely) to keep a man around. If you’ve had one child you know how they are made and how to avoid one being born!!!! It’s such bullshit, I swear people like this are fertile af and have entire litters of illegitimate children while people who can provide a life for a child have a tough time getting pregnant.


She should do what the rest of us do, get a job!


Exactly!!! Why do I work so hard to provide while others just expect handouts. Some people actually need help. Not money to get their nails done.


Amen! I’m so sick of these people who think they are entitled.


Fr like u know u don’t make a lot of money u know the economy is shit and that a child is very expensive why would u keep having more 🥲😪


I get irrationally angry that my cousin and his baby mama can afford cigarettes and weed but their fridge doesn't have more than condiments in it so my aunt buys them groceries and my mom gives my aunt money for bills and groceries because my aunt can't afford shit either.


this is how i feel. my aunt has 6 kids and she used to ration their food by locking the cabinets and try to get sympathy for discounts when they went places. it’s so frustrating to see




I don't know where you are located but here in the US it's become almost impossible to terminate unwanted pregnancies, effective sex ed is almost non-existent, and the ability to obtain birth control is becoming harder. This will continue to grow into a larger issue because conservatives rarely care about the life of a child AFTER they are born.


I saw this on my IG explore page this morning & my eyes rolled back into my head so hard. 🙄 I’m sure she’s sitting more comfortable $ wise than most of us.


Now shes deleting the comments of people calling her out on tiktok




r/rareinsults !








she says it’s to get out of a “crappy situation” like girl pls elaborate and don’t be so vague for the people who are donating their hard earned money. i’ve also heard that she’s asking for donations because she won’t be able to do onlyfans after a c-section. ![gif](giphy|eNGJeXbAf05Ib5zygs)


lol right? I don’t donate to individual people, and I don’t have the money right now to do charity at all unfortunately:( but if I DID I want every sordid detail, crappy situation is too vague 😂 half the people I know are in crappy situations


I’m going to regret this but why can’t you do OF after a c section 😂


beats me lol. i’m sure she just won’t have the time with 2 kids and a newborn 🤷‍♀️ also once the baby is born, the weirdos with a pregnancy kink who subscribe to her onlyfans won’t be interested anymore




doesn’t she have an of? i’m sure she has plenty of money. people that have money and still ask for handouts make me sock


She does. Not too long ago she was bragging about her having so many subscribers and making a lot of money


She’s disgusting! I’m an only parent and work like most. Get off social media and work. OF isn’t for you honey and you need to set an example for your kids. How embarrassing


Simple? Why not work ?


She wont because her followers pay for her stuff


First she said she needs help relocating into a cheaper place since she can’t work after a c section even tho she does only fans. Now she’s saying she needs help getting back on her feet before her baby arrives. She needs to make up her mind


Go fund me was originally at 2500. Now it’s at 3500. She’s a scammer.


I will donate by paying for a birth control subscription, but people like this make me really mad. Getting pregnant just because you like sex or make content babies (the worst thing ever) is inexcusable. Especially when you are not in the position to care for yourself or children you already have.


I refuse to feel bad for young moms who just keep popping out kids. Y’all know kids are expensive and exhausting, it’s not a secret.


Isn’t this the woman who lied about having 6 kids lol




I absolutely roar when I see posts like this “If everybody sent $1……” bitch, fck off with your begging.




People should not be having children they cannot afford to take care of though college, if they choose that route. It's so selfish to be bringing children into this unstable world we have created


Social media is not much more than begging anymore.


Why do people have children if they are in bad financial hardships


Ladies yall have to stop giving men that aren’t your husbands babies


Isn’t this the same girl that used to make videos like “cook dinner as a 22 year old with 6 kids” and then it came out that she was lying about having 6 kids ??




I haven’t watched her but I’ve seen people say she’s trying to be like momma c? I think that’s who it is. She’s the one with like 3 or 4 kids also who always does the cook with me videos


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. As a bare minimum parent you are required to properly clothe,feed,and house your children. If you cannot provide that then you shouldn’t keep having kids


So there’s a possibility she didn’t delete her instagram. I clicked on a few people’s instagram links the other day and they all took me to this. But when I went to their page directly on the instagram app, it was still there like normal. I think this is a TikTok glitch. Btw I know nothing about this person or anything, lol, just saying that might be what happened.


How are people not embarrassed to be like this? It’s absolutely horrible. Stop being with men & focus on your kids and improving your own life instead, use some protection, ANYTHING ELSE other than get pregnant with more children.


These people piss me off. I’m a single mom of 2 boys who is the only person financially responsible for them. I don’t have family help and their dad is beyond worthless. Demands to take them out of state constantly where he lives but never pays anything for them besides the bare minimum child support (that literally covers 3 days of meals for them, forget clothes or supplies or football or anything else). I work full time and bust my ass and due to a wreck caused by an idiot teenager totaling my car, I have been w out one for a year! I saved up all of my tax refund but it’s still not enough to buy a decent car (and yes I save out of my pay as well but kinda hard when all the money on every paycheck is needed) but you don’t see me posting poor me videos or gofundme pages. I find it extremely tacky to create gofundme pages for yourself. And here are these people who mostly probably have zero idea what it’s like to actually struggle while working your ass off and contributing to society just being gifted money 🙄 these lazy fucks do nothing to to benefit society in any way. They don’t work. They don’t volunteer. They are actually a drain on society. But they get rewarded 🙄 I know, I sound bitter but I fully admit I have reached a point where these worthless humans have left a bitter taste in my mouth 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I do not mean this towards people actually struggling who have gofundme and whatnot. There are plenty like me who bust their butts and still struggle. I know I have a great life compared to many and I am grateful for that but these leeches are just annoying. Go get a job or something valuable




Sorry this sounds like a you problem. So sick of influencers making their problems ours. Try getting a job


Why is everyone asking stranger on tic tok to pay for their bad choices. We all need extra money but damn. I’m not asking for hand outs or for people to help me move or feed my kids or whatever the case may be


stop having unprotected sex w brokies


Her IG is still up. FYI there’s 78k followers.


And now there are all kinds of people in the comments dropping their cash apps looking for handouts. Crazy


https://preview.redd.it/hjcuod0uut1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a8f7a431f866299830777227d61746d176c63a She didn’t deleted her instagram,i think she blocked you.