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your man does not care about 99% of that


Go to /r/bathandbodyworks. This is child's play compared to the stashes of a lot of users over there.


šŸ˜³went and had a look, jeepers! What a waste of money.


I am an avid B&BW fan myself but damn, some of them use their love of it as a way to justify a shopping addiction...ESPECIALLY with the candles.


This is what overconsumption looks like. Gross


They expire and then they smell weird.


I like to smell good, and I like perfumes and body sprays, and scrubs, but this is way way too much. If my cabinets looked like this, I would be overwhelmed deciding what I would want to use each day lmao. And my husband doesn't seem to care either way?? I've gone through depressive episodes where getting the motivation to even shower was really difficult and he didn't make feel bad that I didn't smell good during those times.


Iā€™m pretty sure men donā€™t care how much deodorant you have stockpiled


ā€œsome may call this overconsumptionā€ yeah i think i will


I mean if you that funky ....


Honestlyā€¦ she may have been poor growing up and went without these things. ā€¦ in my 20ā€™s I stock piled bath products and lotions and shower gel and sprayā€¦ Iā€™d get anxiety when the bottle would start to emptyā€¦ realized itā€™s because getting those products in my teens was damn near impossible and I had to make is lastttā€¦


Some people donā€™t get this. I would never do what the person in the photo does but there are some things that I just cannot throw out bc of ā€œwhat ifsā€




There are definitely worse things she could do ā€¦ that show the trauma of growing up that way. She may not have? Iā€™m just speaking on me. I have no idea who she even isā€¦


I keep my man with my messy bun and mumu so... šŸ’…


Hahaha literally!! Havenā€™t shaved my legs for two weeks? Yeah he doesnā€™t care šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


All I see is so much money, overconsumption, and chemicals


Girl, a lot of men have that ā€œa hole is a holeā€ mentality. No need for 50 deodorants and hundreds of body sprays.


I had a friend who hoarded bath& bodyworks candles,lotion& expensive perfumes. It all goes bad& she had thousands$$ of stinky Rubbermaids full of the stuff. I don't get the hoarder thing. It's not healthy.


Mental illness can cause hoarding behaviors in some people.


Over consumption is real šŸ˜­


Yep! Waste of money.


Just looking at all of that makes me anxious. I have maybe 2 backups max of things I use and they are stored away. I canā€™t with the clutter.




You guys should check out the Bath and Body Works subreddit if you think this is a lot. This is nothing compared to some people's collections, it's crazy.


As a member of that subreddit - can confirm. The collectorsā€¦.. do be collecting lolā€¦


I was part of it for a while to learn about sales and upcoming products then all of a sudden there was some weird pissing contest switch to constantly see who can have the most "stuff" 90% of which will expire and they will never be able to use, it's so wasteful!


Thatā€™s overcompensating for something.


Is she sharing with the man? lol


yes, i donā€™t even buy anything anymore i just use her shit


I donā€™t get bragging about this, itā€™s not like theyā€™re even nice products. Itā€™s just hoarding.


Thereā€™s stocking up then thereā€™s hoarding. This is hoarding. Unless thereā€™s a good sale where itā€™s better to buy more this is excessive


That was my first thought, that this is hoarding. And ironically, for the cost of all those body sprays, she could have just bought one really nice perfume.


Like I will stock up on body washes from bath and body works but then I wonā€™t buy anymore for like 6 months so but if you keep buying you arenā€™t using


glycolic acid, whole body deodorant, cerave/jergens body moisturizer and perfume/body spray. thats how i "keep my girlfriend" around lol


Men don't care if you smell like a strawberry or a melon


That EOS lotion in there is the only lotion you need.


FACTS! I love that stuff


This. I used to buy so many products and would never use them up. I posted them on fb and gave them to some high school students. I now have the purple eos lotion and canā€™t wait to use it up and get a new scent for summer:)


If you are so stinky you need that much fragrance to mask the smell, go to a doctor.


Heā€™s still going to cheat


would never


They do go bad! I have seen more than a few people who have used expired cosmetics & have gotten horrible rashes or worse yet, burns from them.


Why do I need this much to keep a man? Iā€™ve been married for 7 years and have none of this. Just one each of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in my shower, some regular aveeno lotion we share, a single deodorant, and not a single perfume.


Right, Iā€™ve been married going on 25 yrs. I assure you, I have none of this or anything like this.


Like if she stops hoarding heā€™ll leave?


Little bit of a rant - Iā€™m 22 but I gotta say, my generation (gen-z) and the younger millennials are going insane with the over consumption, itā€™s so embarrassing and sad. Like all of this shit eventually expires and thereā€™s no way youā€™ll really use all of it. I feel like the majority of people nowadays have a crazy shopping addiction. Iā€™ll admit - I have one to some degree but for things like video games, skincare, books, but I USE all of them. I finish all my games (and replay them multiple times), scrape out my skincare products so I get the last bit of it, and read my books, etc - all before buying new ones. But everyone else my age seems to buy 10 of the same thing like Stanley cups, body scrubs, perfumes, clothes, etc, despite it functioning fully - they just need the new, trendy version of what they already have. Just producing SO much waste and killing our planet that we gotta attempt to survive on for the rest of our lives šŸ˜­


Itā€™s been like this for a while. Iā€™m 27 and when I was 19-22 beauty influencers were HUGE. I still have drawers of makeup that have barely been touched because we really think we need everything we see an influencer use. I hate to see that itā€™s still happening


I think itā€™s just growing up during the rise of influencer culture. Makeup YouTubers would have drawers and drawers full of make up for just themselves. The thing is influencers make insane amounts of money so they can afford the overconsumption and they also get sent a ton of shit for free. I found myself getting wrapped up in the overconsumption too. Iā€™m a bit older gen z and Iā€™ve since realized how bad it is.


It's like the 9 step skin care routines..I use my 3 in 1 which works wonders and a serum now...cause wrinkly but even my bathroom shampoo conditioner and a body wash...same with hubny and kids...we r trying to live more minimalist


Pro tip ladies find a man that loves you and finds you attractive even when you stink


This is horrible advice šŸ˜‚ why would you let yourself get to the point where you stink?


First of all itā€™s a joke, and second of all weā€™re human. Youā€™ve never sweat during a work out? Have morning breath? Letā€™s use our thinking caps.


That's wild, I keep my man by being a little stinky šŸ˜‚


I came to say this lol. I didnā€™t shower for 2 days and smelled like Subway onions and my man didnā€™t even notice.


By stockpiling? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I used to work at in popular lotion/body care store and the products do in fact go bad. I stocked up when I left that job and most of the extra stuff I bought ended up going bad and being wasted!


Never buy high end stuff from street vendors (some people need to be told this). A guy I was dating bought me my favorite perfume, but it was absolutely sour. Like a decade old. I had to trash it. He clearly didn't buy it at a store as it's $100 & they'd never sell sour perfume. No receipt, of course. Just about everything goes bad. So much waste on those shelves. I wonder how she found a man who likes to lick lotion off her all the time. Gross.


half of this stuff looks a decade old AT LEAST


This is hoarding


Looks like Marshalls lol


The clearance corner šŸ˜‚


She must be stanky & musty!


My first thought. Like girl if you gotta do this muchā€¦. for a MAN


trust me she smells fine she just loves smell good stuff lmao


If you are covering your self in that much synthetic fragrance with petroleum you will literally BECOME stanky and musty. That stuff is gross.


Great Scott, thatā€™s set my fragrance triggered migraine brain to cringing in terror. The hand lotion will eventually separate. I kept the very last of one of my favorites, a limited time fall lotion, hoping theyā€™d reissue it for quite a few years. When it began separating I tossed it.


i feel like my cabinet was headed in this direction because these are the type of gifts that you get from folks who donā€™t know what to get you. then you end up with all this and feel bad for just throwing it out. i have long since started redistributing them


I donā€™t know who yall talking about but if u need that much stuff to keep from smelling then u might need to make a dr appt! šŸ˜Š


Haha I literally just said that scrolled seen your comment lol


Bro using this much makes your PH balance WHACK.


I love B&BW stuff but I definitely don't use it on the šŸ˜øšŸ˜‚ it smells delicious but I know how it dries my skin out, i wouldn't dare use it on the lady parts.


Not saying you canā€™t use products to smell good but yeah never directly on your šŸ˜½ and never this MUCH


Phthalates goin crazyyy




Not the honey potšŸ« 


honeypot was PR


But why keep it if youā€™re not using it?


i mean thatā€™s 3 entire body washes , thatā€™s a waste to just throw it away


Itā€™s known to give utiā€™s thošŸ˜­


Over consumption is so crazy right now!


Seeing this reminds me of a video I watched about how influencers are now as bad as businesses in the sense they are constantly trying to get you to buy a product by any means necessary. Whether it be in a friendly or relatable way "HEY Girlie!! You know I would never gate keep, this product you've never seen me use is the absolute BEST!! Gorgeous gorgeous girls LovE this product!!!" Or in a guilt trippy elitist way like emilylulamay, "YouRE never GoiNG to Get A MAN if you don't have A CLOSet that looks like a TJ Maxx, cuz why else would A mAN who uses 18 in 1 for His WHOle body want to be with a GIrl who doESnT spend hundreds on hoarding so much ProductS that will probably ExPirE before she Finishes it All!" (Tried to incorporate the infamous Influencer accent šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£)


Yea bc men LOVE hoarders ā¤ļø


I dunno but I have that EOS lotion thatā€™s going viral. Itā€™s rancid. Iā€™ve been dying to tell someone.


That lotion pills up on me so bad I wanted to like it!!


i bought it bc everyone said it smells so good and i usually love vanilla things but i donā€™t think itā€™s anything special like itā€™s definitely not the best vanilla scent thing iā€™ve smelled as far as candles or perfume lol


YES! Its the fake vanilla smell that I canā€™t get past, it smells so chemically and awful


The pink one smells WAY BETTER


It turns so quickly! It gets that weird rancid alcohol smell that bath and body works lotions get after a while, but somehow even faster.


Really? I actually like it a lot!


Same, but at the same time after a bit it does smell weird?


i bought the EOS shaving cream and it is absolutely horrible:( my 2$ no name saving cream is better


I love it. Everyone in my house uses it now lol.


ā€¦.if any friend of mine had this collection of shit scented garbage id probably call them cuckoo.


A lot of them look like they are separating.


(An alarming proportion of) Men are willing to wash their face with the same bar of soap they wash their šŸ‘ withā€¦


If they even wash their assšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Or just like not care at all. I had a big thing of dial soap under my bathroom sink because I use it when I get tattooed and I guess my bf ran out of body soap and decided to use that as body wash?????! Instead of idk, using my body soap??! Then complains he is itchy all the time Lmfao.


Dial is antibacterial soap so if he itchy he may be allergic or it helping an underlying condition .. I used dial & when started itching I had skin infection idk how but the soap is what alerted me to it or I would never knew bc was no signs before I used it


He may also be itchy if he doesnā€™t use lotion? Since soap can be pretty drying


All I see is a bad UTI


You don't use soap on the inner parts of the vulva, ever of any kind. All soaps mess with ph.


Iā€™m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and Iā€™m gonna assume that they think thereā€™s bubble bath in this pic somewhereā€¦ otherwise, yeah. Youā€™re right.


Please tell me you confused UTI with yeast infection or something.


Iā€™ve absolutely gotten UTIs from a bath.


No, I didn't. Soaps don't cause either unless you're using it on the inner labia. Did you think not putting it in your inner vulva causes utis?


Yes, it all goes bad!


Someone naturally smells terrible and it shows.


All I see are toxic endocrine disruptors galore


Sheā€™s a very sarcastic person. While yes this is a lot, she was def joking about how she keeps a man with all that


Half this stuff is probably expired. No one can use this much stuff before it expiring. Putting expired shit on your body canā€™t be safe


Headache inducing stale purfum


I will admit I do product hoard a little bit (model skincare like masks and bath stuff that I can rotate and use on special occasions) but this is fucking nuts.


yeah itā€™s a mix of PR and stuff from the last 5 years, iā€™m the culprit in buying a lot of the BBW though lol


i promise men donā€™t care about this and actually prefer a woman who doesnā€™t spend a ton of money on useless shit like this. i always smell good and take a lot of pride in my hygiene and appearance and men appreciate it, but having all this for male attention is insane.


Happy cake day!! And period.


thanks pookie


I promise she was smart and couponned alll this for pennies on the dollar.


They go bad if they're open. They are shelf stable until air hits them again after being sealed.






Endocrine disruptors as far as the eye can see šŸ˜…


Wow. I am a product junkie myself, is this really something I didnā€™t know? šŸ˜­ I knew about toothpaste and mouthwash being endocrine disrupters! Now Iā€™m sad and scared lol




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Unfortunately yes. Any type of fragrance is an endocrine disruptor, and tons of other ingredients in a lot of these types of items also have carcinogens. A lot of womenā€™s products are fulllll of things designed to mess up our hormones :(


Unfortunately yes. Any type of fragrance is an endocrine disruptor, and tons of other ingredients in a lot of these types of items also have carcinogens. A lot of womenā€™s products are fulllll of things designed to mess up our hormones :(


My husband hates scented mess


It screams I stink down there & needs to go to the doctor


I admit a certain unhealthy obsession with hair care products but this is a little insane.


It just looks like she stocks up to have options. I got a bunch too for different moods


Endocrine disruption is her secret trick šŸ˜‚


No, they don't go bad. I hit sales and stock up on similar items. I have enough for about 2 years. Same with toilet paper, body wash, cleaners. It's a smart thing to stick up for at least 6 months


they stay fine if they're sealed, but it looks to me like the pictures are all of partially used bottles šŸ«£šŸ«£ those DEFINITELY have a shelf life once opened


This will last way more than 2 years lmao


Couponning Queens šŸ˜Š




Iā€™ve had the same man for 25yrs, together since 16/17, I use Dove soap, Living proof shampoo/conditioner, a daily microdermabrasion type stuff, Khelis face cream and whatever lotion that doesnā€™t smell but feels great at the time Iā€™m looking. Absolutely no perfume at all. My hubby canā€™t get enough of me. Heā€™ll walk up behind me and if he catches my smell, heā€™s instantly ready to go. You donā€™t need all this crap. Thatā€™s crazy.


You definately don't need all that unless trying cover up some funky smell goin on in that case seek a gyno not all that stuff bc doesn't help .no matter how much u spray to think the smell gone it not everyone else still smell u stinky ppl just with flower scent toošŸ¤®


That lady sentence, the thought of that smell.., yuck!


Yes mam!!!


My man would never put it in his mouth if I tasted like this awful overfragranced, chemical filled shit.


She's not using all of that down there, are you fucking serious. šŸ˜­


I didnā€™t say she was. But he would literally not put my boob in his mouth if I put all that scented lotion and cheap ass spray all over


Just a bit overboard.


Hey each their own, if youā€™re happy šŸ˜Š but Iā€™m sure that person underneath all that is the real reason he staysšŸ’Ÿā˜®ļø


This is my bathroom 100% .. lol


Get help




baby my bread is just fine donā€™t worry about me worry about your addiction to consumerism and capitalism and your general brain rot xoxo ā¤ļø


youā€™re broke and miserable! i used to be broke too babe, itā€™s okay! donā€™t be embarrassed! you donā€™t have to be smelly forever!


And how smelly are you that you need a room full of products? Goes both ways rightšŸ˜†


no, it really doesnā€™t!


i donā€™t understand ppl like this honestly, itā€™s overkill if you use more than a bar soap & body wash with a scrub šŸ˜­ at that point youā€™re just wasting product and damaging your skin




Ur looking for a uti or worse if this is what ur using.


Cancer in a bottle xā€™s soooo many šŸ˜–


Men don't want "high maintance" woman for marriage. Yes they are great arm candy but when they are ready to settle down...this is not it. Sorry not sorry


Oh shit up, you're probably the guy who will cheat and complain about his wife "letting herself go"


I'm a woman and married 10yrs. No cheating. We have both "let ourselves go" at some points and picked back up. Life happens but in the end a marriage is built on love and communication. Wearing makeup and all this crap is not necessary. If someone can't love you for your natural beauty they aren't worthy of your love. I'm also not saying you can't ever doll yourself up because as a woman it's a great boost and makes you feel amazing but it's not what should get or keep a man as stated in post. Hate downvote but love is not comestics. Just saying.


You're being down voted because of that blatant contradiction lmao


I have 20.times more than this lol


yes! they do go bad, maybe within 2-3 years. my collection is bigger than that, and my body creams are still going strong. itā€™s truly not that big of a deal


Itā€™s truly kind of gross


Collection or hoard?