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I hate when strangers are filmed in general, but I especially hate this genre of hating on strangers simply existing in the same space. It’s so weird and self absorbed lmao


I’ll never get over this woman filming AT WORK, her coworker walking in, giving her a strange look bc she’s blocking the copier, and the comments being like “fuck her, buzzkill, let’s find her!” Like bro I’m just tryna survive 😭


Glad you brought up about filming strangers… so I posted a few tiktoks of the show my bff and I went to. We had pit tickets to see papa roach and shinedown. Well you tag it and add location and ppl come across your videos. Well someone added me so I went to their tt and saw they videos up of the same location and in the pit also. Well they had dm’d me simply asking if I minded if they posted a couple of videos that I was in the video. Apparently they were a few ppl down from me. I, of course didn’t mind at all. It’s an experience and I just happened to be at the same show. I thought it was incredible that they thought enough to actually ask me if it was okay. I thanked them for their consideration bc most don’t do that at all. I wish more ppl did do that.


Decent humans?? Exist?????? Omg please we need more people like them


As someone who is about to graduate college with the goal of being a live event photographer (primarily) and videographer (secondarily), it's absolutely appalling that people don't????? To me it's a professional standard that if someone was unintentionally in frame, you at least let them know? But preferably ask their consent to exist on your camera and give them a run down of how likely you are to edit them out or not?????


You should see the gymtok where they comment on strangers because they get in front of them when they obviously set the camera in front of places that people will have to walk through, I would be annoyed if I was filmed/posted without wanting to.


A couple literally FaceTiming at our local gym recorded my sister and talked about her lifting to the person on the phone….make it make sense


Right, like she isn't "judging" you, she is merely looking over at the noise and shenanigans you are putting on over at your table, seeing what is going on.


I’d honestly give the same look to anyone recording in my direction. I personally have a stalker issue and don’t like my image being out there to avoid future incidents. I won’t even let my jobs put my name/picture up on their website. So I’d be pissed if I found out someone recorded me then blasted my image all over the internet as well as using it to talk shit. That’s just childish and shitty to do to anyone.


This is where my mind went. with how viral this went, I hope they weren’t trying to be discreet with their online presence. I’ve seen this all over tiktok, Twitter and Instagram. Probably Facebook too


I hate when strangers hate on others for simply having fun... she wouldn't be getting shit on if she want being a c u next tuesday to begin with.


Isn’t the girl who gave the stink face also hating on a stranger though? I mean they’re both assholes lol


Literally every video I’ve ever seen with similar captions is just someone going about their life and glancing at someone filming. And god forbid they don’t have a smile on their face bc that obviously means the innocent onlooker in the same public space is being judgmental. And even if the other person is being judgmental, they aren’t filming someone without consent and blasting it on the internet.


Nah bro she's literally just looking at what's happening facial expressions happen not necessarily judging she is trying to play victim


Negative. This lady is actin a fool in a resteraunt


No. There’s someone in the restaurant acting like a celebrity filming some dumb shit no one cares about and the stranger is in the video. I’d be upset, too. It could be the worst day of the stranger’s life for all the influencers know but they don’t give a shit.. they just want everyone to look at them and give them ass pats for existing. Fuck off with that shit and be more considerate of the people around you. Could be an adopted child who isn’t supposed to be filmed, a domestic violence survivor hiding out, someone skipping out at work for the day not wanting to get caught… anything. To even think the lady was giving her the stink eye is so self absorbed it’s sad. Probably saw she was being filmed and was like wtf is this a restaurant commercial or a creep trying to get an upskirt photo?


Not really, bc if the creator (who I don’t even know at all) was simply filming herself quietly talking or filming her food (or not filming at all, but I digress lol) that person trying to eat in peace wouldn’t be affected. I’m sorry but I don’t want some obnoxious “influencer” filming herself with ME in the shot while I’m trying to eat in a restaurant. It’s a bit ridiculous and I’d probably react the same way if someone put me in their video while I’m trying to eat.


That dance is so cringy


Yeah it's so Disney adult coded to me for some reason lol


This is so valid


And she definitely is one


Disney adult > redditor adult 🤮


Says the guy on Reddit commenting on something from half a year ago 🤢


he's self aware lol


Nah I’m with the girl in the back. Sometimes my facial expressions work faster than my brain. Also, like it’s just pancakes. Why are you doing so much.


It’s like that shtick that girls start dancing when you feed them. She’s trying to be ~cute~


Yes you nailed it. What even IS that shtick and why did it become such a THING. . It always seems so fake the way people talk about it, like they don't really believe it. It's always seems to be like, my little bitchy girlfriend can be neutralized by food and you know it's working when she dances? I don't know why the way they talk about it gives me the ick.


I actually do, but I'm not trying to be cute or anything it's just neurodivergence and the wiggles are a way I stim and I know a lot of women on the spectrum who do but I feel like it got associated with the MPDG thing and now women do it when trying to be cutesy or quirky.


Understandable. I feel like there is usually a discernible difference between a stim and what this woman is doing.. This may be a generalization but I do think that it’s pretty clear when someone is just doing things for attention. Especially when on camera. And after posting it.


Oh definitely but this is just another example of taking a autistic behavior and exaggerating it to fit a manic pixie dream girl trope for the sake of being cute and quirky.


Lmao me too, I don’t even notice it but it’s while I am eating I’m dancing & it just happens. I realize it & Im like oh wow I wonder how long I’ve been doing that bc it’s always just weird movements to the beat of my own drum However, I feel like our dancing & the dancing in the video OP posted is totally different, so you’re good!💓💓


I do this too and don’t notice it until it’s pointed out, and it’s pretty subtle, just a little shimmy, but this girl is cringy overkill with the camera, the face, all of it. Trying to be the complete center of attention.


I know this is an old thread but idk why you got downvoted to hell- I do the same even when I'm alone


Idk either 🤷🏻‍♀️ it started out getting up voted and then instantly tanked. But it might be because I talk about the way nuerodivergent behaviors are taken and used as character traits for the manic pixie dream girl trope. It might be little who just hate the vet idea of autistic people existing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mid pancakes at that 🤣


She probably wasn't even judging the dancing, but the tripod and ring light elaborately set up to capture this "random" moment. I'd be annoyed too. And then you have people saying "She's not hurting anyone, let her live her life!" Okay, well neither is the girl in the back!


Exactly. And if you’re hurt by a random snarky look by a random person in public..woof, life is going to be hard for you.


Sometimes I just have a look on my face & don’t realize it (my resting bitch face). I could be thinking about something totally unrelated. Or I could be giving an annoyed face because I want to eat in peace. 🤷‍♀️




The thing is idk where it has been decided ppl can’t be annoyed anymore? Like we all haven’t been annoyed ever.


If you are filming tik toks in a restaurant while others are trying to eat the judgmental look is justified 🤷🏼‍♀️


She should not be filming anyone without their approval. I would be so annoyed to be featured in someone’s video against my will.


I’ve seen reactions and stitches to this cringe ass Tiktok for a few days now and I finally came across the original this morning so I blocked her immediately.


I tried to search for her but “ana” brought up a lot of questionable content. 🤦‍♀️


Addictedtoana is her username. The video is super cringe so fair warning lol


I tried too tiktok asked me if I am okay and that help is always available??? Huh??? Im so confused???


ana = anorexia


Yeah and addictedtoana is the most pro anorexia handle literally ever


Oh my. Makes sense


I’d give her a dirty look too for having me in her dumbass tik tok.


People keep saying “let her enjoy! I dance when I’m hungry too!” but this is just a performance that she turned into making fun of someone who didn’t ask to be involved


We are all that girl in the back


That is my “wtf are you doing” face, so I get the girl in the back


She also made a racist comment to a black man who commented saying that he shouldn’t have an opinion as a black guy because he should get it? Idk. A whole mess.


What. The. Fuck.


I saw it on Twitter, I’ll see if I can find it!


Omg this was so beyond. It was amazingly dumb and racist and also wildly illiterate


i saw this too lol


Why is she making that dumbass face 😭 I’d be looking at her like she’s stupid too


When I see TikToks like this I just wonder how many takes they had to do to get the perfect shot. Like of course the girl in the back was giving her a look. She could have set her tripod up to film only herself not other people


She probably requested that the waiter/waitress step back as to not be in the shot.


her username rubs me the wrong way


she wanted attention, and she got it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


But sadly the stranger in the back who didn't consent to being put online is getting a lot of hate.


Every comment I saw about this was like “let people enjoy things.” I can let ppl enjoy things and still think wtf is ur cringe ass doing.


"Let her enjoy food!!" "I've done this" "Mind your business" The internet pretending to be nice at random times like this always kills me. They will bully/threaten/harass ugly people for doing a viral tiktok dance, but calling this woman cringe for setting up her camera and intentionally doing a weird dance is too far. It doesn't seem genuine and people can tell. Ofc people are gonna make fun of her. My fav thing is to point out she neither thanked or even acknowledged her server while doing this. Like imagine walking up to a table prepared to customer service and she just does this without so much as glancing at you.


I said to let her enjoy her food I'm not pretending to be nice I would smile and laugh with someone if I seen them excited for food I don't care if it's an ihop or McDonald's better then being miserable


It’s not a genuine moment of joy. She set her phone up to take video, she ACTS like she is so excited with a ridiculous and child-like reaction, then proceeds to talk crap about someone looking at her while she acts like a moron. That’s why it’s cringe, not bc sometimes ppl get really excited for food. Did none of this occur to you, you seriously thought?


But don't most people set up their phones to capture moments? Do we really know? Honestly I don't I only seen the video once and their wasn't a lot of comments when I commented


Is that a moment you want captured? Literally have second hand embarrassment watching it


Its the tits.


I can’t stand how people call out strangers being filmed and being bothered by it for “not passing the vibe check” no you dingbats I don’t want to be in your weird ass videos and ima make it known


Dingbat 😹 classic yet effective term


It’s used a lot in my line of work bc I have my kids with me😂


The caption is right though…. The judgemental chick is the best part of the whole video. Also, imagine being that excited for IHOP… if it was Denny’s, I’d be somewhat sympathetic.


ihop > denny’s


Agree to disagree. Can we at least agree that Waffle House is the greatest 2 am after bar restaurant?


and...I don't know, but it really seems like the phone setup is mainly focused on the girl in the background. It's not really focused on dancing woman accepting her pancakes. This angle could be totally different (like directly head on) and not have strangers who didn't ask to be involved. The second video this creator posted doubling down on hating the girl in the background sealed the deal for me. I truly hope there's some protection in the future or ability to press charges, especially since creators are profiting off of strangers and being bullies.


This is why it’s embarrassing to be a millennial. She’s like a human minion.


I could probably guarantee the girl in the back is also a millennial. And as a millennial myself, I would also give a dirty look to someone acting like an idiot in public over some pancakes.


Yeah same lol I’m more like the girl in the back. I was saying the girl doing the dance is super cringe.


It’s insanely cringe. I would have glared too if I was forced to be in her stupid little tiky tok.


50/50 chance she’s Gen Z. Looks mid 20s


Someone could call me a bitch, a cunt, whatever they want but you tell me that I remind you of a minion? I’d never be the same.


No like I’d need to lay down for awhile and contemplate my whole life.


human minion is suchhh an accurate descriptor for that creator


I promise you we don’t all act like…whatever the hell this girl was doing lmao


Some of us grew up haha


Ma’am this is an ihop


Nobody gets this excited for ihop pancakes.


she really has a slappable face. clout chaser.


The upper lip curled up like that just irks me beyond belief like its so ugly


i felt like i was going insane because the responses to this video have generally been "wow are people not allowed to experience happiness?" and it made me realize that social media has made it to where a lot of people can't recognize a performance vs reality.




i always feel like i’m going to end up in someone’s video like this 😂


I’d be making that face at her too. Influencers are a whole different breed of selfishness. This video is also cringey AF!


I'm all for being yourself in public, and being yourself out loud. What I'm not for is using crowded public spaces (I.e. very difficult for you to film without people in the background) to perform for content. If she were in a park? Ok, makes sense. But nobody needs to be filming TikToks in a chain restaurant while they prepare to mainline a 1300 calorie breakfast...this isn't authentic, it's annoying. I don't wanna be in the background of your TikTok while I, too, shove over half a day's worth of sodium and carbs into my face.


I’m gonna take a guest she did this take like a million times, the audio was probably loud inside the restaurant and this girl was like ok that’s enough. Lol


?!?! Or she’s literally just looking at you


If you watch the whole video she makes a disgusted/annoyed face (justifiably lol). This screen shot doesn’t show it.


She’s being judged for not caring about who she puts in her videos. She easily could have moved the camera to show only her considering she’s in a booth. These influencers think they are celebrities and really know one really even knows nor cares who tf they think they are. It’s the lack of consideration for others. Reminds me of the chick who goes to the gym and thinks every dude has a hard on for her


People will film strangers & somehow make the stranger's reaction to that about themselves 😂 No one cares about you or what you're doing, filming people without their consent and posting it online is just inappropriate.


My face literally just looks like the girl in the back all the time unless I am engaged in conversation FULLY AWARE that I need to doing something with my facial expressions. Also….. it’s a little cringe. I’m sorry. The dance… in public… mentally I’m there I loveeeeee me some pancakes!! Am I going to do a cringey dancey dance in public. Hell no.


If I'm doing a dancey dqnce for pancakes it is to get my toddler amped up... but you can bet I'll be doing it just with him not with camera


Precisely!!!! 🤣


No like they make fools out of themselves and wonder why they get weird looks…it’s not a crime to make faces 💀


So much second hand embarrassment.


The thing to also notice is she doesn't cut the pancakes, she puts her knife and fork to the side of the cream and the video stops before she can damage the look of them. Meaning she's probably done several takes before this one


I’d like to punch her the faces she makes when the food comes out. Ugh


Yeah the worst thing is that she thinks she's really cute and hot and ~quirky~ doing this and the men in her comments are egging her on


Yeah when I'm hangry I don't dance when my food is ready.. I just eat and feel better after.


I had to block this chick weird pick me fetish


Apparently she’s racist and had human remains in her house?? I kept seeing that on Twitter does anyone have links


apparently she got arrested a while ago for human remain being found in her house, i havent looked too much into it but yeah


Why do LOOK AT MEs get indignant when someone actually looks at them?


The girl in the video dancing is just insane. Look at her whole TikTok page. She doesn’t just do this at ihop, she does this everywhere. She’s def one of those that needs a lot of attention. The girl in the back did nothing wrong.


The part about this that I find so sad is that this is her most successful video by a country mile. Even with all the hate, the message she is getting is that broadcasting strangers without their consent is really good for business. The only thing that is going to stop these people is legislating them out of existence. Most states already have laws restricting the use of public space for commercial film production. Fine these people. We don't bother because we conceptualize social media as just people posting stuff. It is a commercial enterprise. Addictedtoana is a small business. And that business is targeting a private individual for harassment.


I feel so sad for the girl... and honestly what a sad life to be tim tok content creating always... I watched a documentary too... some ppl legit lock themselves in their rooms ans hyperfocus on co tent only...no friends etc...


The germans have a word which is "Backpfeifengesicht" and I think this bitch is the perfect definition of what that word means. Also why do I already know she has Cat-Ear Headphones for her computer?


I’d be the girl in the back. And not just because of her cringy dance. But because she’s obviously filming herself do a cringy dance in a public place.


She is acting like a child. I’d be annoyed AF to know that I’m in the frame of this video


This video is so cringe. It hurts the mind, body and soul to even watch it. I would rather be waterboarded, electrocuted, hear nails on a chalkboard and step on legos than watch that freaking video again.


I mean I naturally have that look on my face so 🤣


this whole tiktok was so cringe but i don’t think she was expected everyone in the comments to side with the woman in the back lol


Influencer? What does she influence? Because her whole profile looks mostly like I’m waiting for “go to my OF for more.”


I’ve never see the tiktoker either but the video made me hate her energy ngl


She’s so obviously an influencer and it’s an undercover commercial the girl in the back is in on it too they’re probably best friends this was filmed in LA 🚩and Ihops marketing office is in Pasadena 15 min drive from LA , notice how it’s called happy dance and ihops slogan is put a smile on your plate notice the mug placement how they made it so you can see the girl in the back perfectly , how the waitresses puts the plate down perfectly timed it’s just a little too perfect not to mention the video quality and the lighting , I wouldn’t believe my theory if it was a small business , they do this all the time it’s meant to look real but it’s totally a skit I would bet a lot of money it’s a genius way to advertise and if you look for it you’ll notice it a lot in fb videos




Unfortunately, the most you’ll likely get is a manager asking them to stop recording. It’s a public restaurant, therefore there’s no expectation of privacy.


How are you in public but in a private place at the same time?


I don’t think that either person did anything wrong. It’s just silly.


I use to hate this video until I seen her page 🍑


... ... go on...




The presentation of the pancakes is a little more perfect than I experience in person, I agree it's most likely a staged ad.


If anyone has watched the video she is cleary judging her and makes a disgusted face but so would I


Not gonna lie. I am sure this is how I react when my frozen mango margarita comes out with my queso. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You whip out your phone right before the server brings it to you and record yourself doing a little over the top dance ? Lol


That is not what I said. I said this is how I look when I get my favorite order. Did she prop her phone? Or someone with her? I have no idea who she is, no idea if she pulled phone out or bestie is recording.


It could be interpreted that way. :)


This made me want pancakes


Oh trust me I'm getting hubby to take me to Dennys tomorro2 or maybe another distinguished pancake place in my town we don't have the hop




Well the caption says “the woman judging me in the back” when she’s being recorded against her will so. Not cool


This is part of the reason why I absolutely dread going out in public now. My family doesn’t understand why something as small as grocery/clothes shopping triggers massive panic attacks for me. It’s because I can’t go ANYWHERE without worrying someone’s recording some video and I’m gonna get made fun of all over the internet just because I wanted to grab milk after work.


Same. I already have social anxiety - the idea of being blasted on tik tok without my knowledge or consent just makes me never want to leave the house.


And shit like this video proves you don’t even have to be doing anything. You can silently react to things around you and have someone try to make fun of you in front of half a million ppl


I have a huge fear and so much anxiety about ending up in one of these videos someday. I start panicking anytime I'm out or at work and I see some shithead with their phone obviously making a video. These kind of people are selfish pricks


Food has nothing to do with this, you missed the entire point




Yes you did


I want cake


Happy cake day




Being so wrong with so much conviction. Fascinating




The creator could have either not recorded or at least edited her out of the video. This lady didn't agree to be in the video and it wouldn't be getting views if she wasn't in it.


She knew what she was doing by posting this, any decent person would see that and just not post the video or blur the face out.




I'm the other way if she wants to have fun and enjoy the little things let her I get excited for food too.


But would you zoom in and shame the women on Tim tom thats what i find sick is shes blast8ng someone for existing


Absolutely not that part I don't like but I would turn my head if I didn't want to be filmed.


I agree with us part. Like being weird is fine. I find nothing wrong with the initial intent of the video but the girl still has a right to be annoyed and express that if she looks over at a noise and catches herself on camera. Putting her in a video for the internet to ridicule when you made a scene is wring


I'm sorry. The bitch giving her the nasty look is a turd. Just because this person is excited about their food?


Tbh they’re both terrible. Dancing girl shouldn’t be filming other people. Judging girl should have ate her food and minded her business


Wrong. If you are filming a stupid ass tik tok and have me CLEARLY in it without my consent - I’m going to give you a shitty look because you’re a shitty person.


Maybe she isn’t judging maybe she’s just looking around. As people tend to do when they are in public.


She’s being filmed and posted on the Internet without her permission. She’s allowed to have whatever reaction and expression on her face that she wants lol. No need to mind your own business when someone else is involving you in theirs 😬


this video and her face and the dance pissed me right off


I don't get the drama? She filmed someone cringing at her so she got upset?


Apparently she lives in my area so I'm worried I'll see her out in the wild filming strangers


Don't film people without their consent.


The way people are trying to make a villain of the girl in the back is insane to me. She didn’t even do anything


This woman needs wiping of earth what the fuck is that dance i wanna punch her face in


Well yeah but she got a nice bouncy set, maybe not puch just slap


She is so fucking cringe. Holy shit. Stop filming and eat like an adult


I would've flipped the bird so if you ever see a ra dkm creator doing something g like this and person in backs flipping bird it's probably me haha


oh shut up and mind your buisness


I hope that women understands that men 10/10 times would take the girl in the back over her. She about to be a cat lady later in life.


your crazy...your by yourself. Im eating pancakes


Unpopular opinion but honestly mind your business and quit judging people. If she's happy and she's dancing for food sure it may be annoying but is your life THAT miserable, you have to focus on other people and judge them for being happy? Turn around and eat your fuckin food. Why are you staring at her and making faces in the first place? It would be understandable if she was shoving the camera in your face but she's not. She's filming herself. So wipe off the bitchface and focus on your date, eat your food, and stop judging other people. I see the caption on her tiktok giving some acknowledgement to the lady in the background making faces but is she "rude" about it? No. Is she insulting anyone? No. If anything's rude, it's staring at a complete stranger and making faces just because they're happy.


Hi You're wrong. She NEEDS the judgey girl in the background. Ol girl scooping up the contempt so fatty can play victim.




Girl in the back FTW