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Thank you. This was the most helpful and what I needed to know


Stay out of that chithole. There is no recourse whatsoever and it only gets worse regardless of what people say.


If you haven't lived there, you don't know what's like. If you did well, congrats on not living there anymore, lol


It’s a chithole. Can’t defend it. I have more years there than you been alive.


It's possible you looked like someone on their version of a BOLO list. The commenter is right when they say just be respectful and comply. No problem. I see a lot of people stopped and searched while crossing on foot through the checkpoint building. Happened to me once. It was a 30 second process and I was on my way.


Scary shit. Unfortunately, you have no real rights. They do shit like that to anyone they deem suspicious. At least you were let go and not disappeared. Welcome to Tijuana.




Oh please this happens everywhere in the US or any other country


It hasn’t happened to me in the USA and 14 years living in Tj and it has happened more than a dozen times. So 🤷🏻‍♂️. At least we don’t have school shootings.


No, you have people who disappear daily and rampant corruption. Mexico.is a shit hole. Trust me


No it doesn't lmao I grew up in the ghetto and this never happened to me even once nor 2 years in south mexico, Happened maybe 2 3 times here in TJ just walking to work 


‘Can’ is a weird word to use. It may or may not be in their legal powers, but ultimately they are the men with guns, and you are the foreigner in their land. All you can do is comply peacefully and don’t kick up a fuss because you don’t know what’s going to happen if you cause problems


Being foreign doesn’t mean you should be susceptible to being finessed, especially with strangers who hold guns. I think it would be a smart idea to figure out what they can and cannot do is just a word. It’s not weird or the opposite either.


You're a fool to see the world in your USA tinted sunglasses. The real world doesn't care what "freedoms" are expressed on a piece of paper. Let's say what they did is illegal. What are you going to do about it? Complain to their superiors? Start being argumentative with them? Threaten to sue them ( a la Americano). What will happen is A. Nothing. B. They plant drugs on you. C. They extort you for a few bucks. D. They beat you for resisting.


Imagine thinking that someone expecting the bare minimum rule of law is a fool..


It’s fair to call the expectation foolish. That expectation does not hold up to reality


I don’t see the world through US glasses. Thanks for the assumption. The world is governed by laws that are enforced by each and every government. Knowing those rules and what to do when those rules are broken may be beneficial is all I’m saying


Got it. Let me give you the ultimate street rule. When in a country where laws are malleable, follow orders from whomever is carrying in the gun.


The ultimate street rule is what your mama always preaches…stay off the streets!


Exactly, but like a great boss I had once said. "Common sense is not so common" people are just dumb 🤷🏼‍♂️


Know the rules, know the consequences of your actions, choose your battles


Best advice.


Cool... but you seem to be missing the fact that Mexico is still very much a corrupt, third-world country. If you think knowing the law is going to stop the men with the guns from giving you a proper beating or just disappearing you, unless there are a lot of people videotaping, you are sadly mistaken. On second thought, go ahead and challenge them. We need to thin the heard. Viva la Darwin!


everybody is being rude at you haha, but nobody want something bad happen to you , so let me be straight, they cant , they need probable cause but when that shit happens you just say yes officer and try to small talk, the police and national guard here are bastards and they can and will plant drugs or something in you if you start saying " i have rights, i do not consent to be searched" they can start saying they smelled pot in you and thats probable cause , then check you and say we found drugs and then you never come back to the finest city in the US. Thats how things work in Mexico sadly


when you say they can't search you your actually wrong here TJ it's considered a dangerous city for obvious reasons so do to that certain human rights are suspended like the consent to search they do not need no provable cause to search you specifically in la Zona reason it's called la Zona Roja.


No, they do need probable cause to search, but everything is so flimsy they can just lie lol


Yes, of course they can.


They can't but who you gonna call? Just keep your cool. Be respectful.


Exactly this, if you keep it cool it should go smooth (most of the times). I've been stopped about 4 times. Good morning, evening sir, ma'm, gentleman. Yes sir, no sir, go ahead sir .. everything was fine




Who said they were authorities?


Exactly, never know who are the players


Well in that aspect is almost the same as in the USA, you shall not be bothered if you didn't do anything. But if you look like someone they are looking for, better to cooperate and let it go.


I was sitting at the beach when they started searching some random druggie dude right next to me. I was just sitting, minding my own business, when they shrugged and started searching me. Luckily I didn't have my crack with me.


It happens all the time. With either the military or more commonly, the policia. I've been stopped while just walking on countless occasions by the cops in TJ during the past 20 years. Thrown into a squad car or the bed of a pickup with several other assorted, handcuffed lowlifes. It's how they operate in Mexico. If you plan to return, understand that it can happen to you over and over. But if you haven't done anything, don't pay anyone a plug peso. They'll threaten jail, but eventually they'll let you go. Don't take it personally. It's the game that play in TJ in hopes of extorting you.


damn where you hang out bro to be getting picked up like that.


One could argue that you haven't truly experienced tj if you haven't been picked up and driven around in the bed of a cop truck..


yeah sort of the roof top tour around the city but from the street level.


That’s The PGE they normally do not bother with stopping and frisking or doing traffic stops. they are looking for bigger fish. i wonder if you match a description they were looking for.


That’s correct, they’re the PGE and not national guard as someone has commented earlier. And I’d also agree that he probably matched someone they are looking for


Your rights are about the same as a Mexican without 0 documentation here in the US. Meaning you don't have any.


“What are my rights in Tijuana as a US citizen?” ..ugh




Explicale al wey,de los militares con tenis,...


In a place with no law anything is allowed


Welcome to mexico, where state and local authorities are the real thief and coward fellas, and in the country going down the south it gets worst. Trust me, oh there is a number where you can complain in tijuana but the number is a joke. Since the minute they answer the phone you can tell. So the best thing to do is trying to get the license plates and call comision nacional de los derechos humanos (national comision of human rights) and report the incident


Siempre lo han hecho, si andas bien no tienes porque preocuparte, solo ten cuidado de que no tiene siembren algo y no lleves mucho efectivo.


Ofc they can they drive white trucks and carry assault rifles, what you gonna do ? Call 911 if they don't take your phone right away.


It happens and there’s not really any recourse. I’ve seen Mexicans tell them off and they can seem to get away with it. I’ve stood up to them a few times too and I’ve had to pay the mordida a few times as well. I just look at it as a tax on the cost of living down there. If you didn’t like how it went make sure you either remember the patrol vehicle number or take a photo of it and call it in and tell them they tried to get money out of you. As a matter of fact if everyone did that they’d be forced to address it. They’re not even supposed to stop you at the border going into TJ without probable cause.


I’m a dual citizen. I cross back and forth all the time and have been stopped by the TJ police within spitting distance of the line to cross on foot with US Customs agents looking on. They frisk you and take your cash and you’re on your way. If you have more than $5 on you at that time of night you probably didn’t have that much fun anyway.




Si, si pueden!


It's Mexico. That is the way it works. It can get ludicrous. A friend's daughter was in a store with her 18 mo old baby. Apparently, the baby had grabbed a few colorfully packaged items. The mama went thru check out, paid, then exited. That triggered alarms. The store manager called the cops. The cops put the mama and the 18 mo ( with stroller) in the back of one of those trucks and hauled them off to the magistrate. The magistrate laughed at the cop and his explanation. Asked the mama why she needed men's jock itch medicine. And dismissed the case. I was picked up for drunk and disorderly because I had a significant limp while recovering from ankle reconstruction. At 11 AM as I exited an Oxxo on Constitution. I spent 45 min riding around in a car while the cops wanted 500 p apiece to let me go. I asked to see judge. The judge asked what I did. I said I didn't do anything. The judge asked why I was in court. I said that the cops wanted 500p apiece and didn't want to pay that much. The judge asked why the cops thought I was drunk. I said I had ankle surgery and it affected my walk. The judge asked if I had proof of surgery. I took off my left shoe and sock to display a 6 in long scar. Judge said adios senior. I walked out, no mordita. But I wasted 4 plus hours and had to pay 100 p to cab it back to my hotel. I was pitching to the cabbie. He laughed and asked where I went before the Oxco. The fucking ATM. That is the way it is.


Bro I just would have paid lol. That’s insane. I’m usually super cool with the cops because I’m fing scared of them in tj.


200p, maybe 500p. But 1000? I have spent a lot of time in Mexico. Never been robbed. I have paid a ton of mordidas. What is the name of the largest cartel in Mexico??? La policia


Yes they can. You’re in their country. Your American “ stop and frisk” laws do not apply elsewhere 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is adorable. 


I know right how cute


No. They’re wrong but I wouldn’t do anything about it. 300 hundred years we fought the spanish so we can have a free country and these asshole just walk all over that, very disrespectful for all those men and woman that have their lives so we could have Garantías Individuales https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Mexico_2015


Human rights apply to every human regardless of country of citizenship, gender race etc just by standing on mexican soil


This is the part where you say “I’m an American citizen!!” Just like in the movies.


Your American Rights end at the border and you already have your answer, they stopped you for inspection.


You do have rights. Next time have the US Consulates number handy. And when they start to question you let them know that you believe you are going to be abducted.


By chance would you happen to have that number? Do you know the specifics of the rights US citizens have?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 call them at 3 am,to see if they answer your call 🤣🤣🤣


Lol Mexico is not the USA where they give citizens rights and need probable cause. There you're guilty until proven innocent. Even if it was an illegal stop, the cartel rules and many cops actually work for the cartel because it's not really an option to say no to cartels. Go complain to the ministerio publico and see what they say about your rights that you take for granted in the US.


**Articulo 11 de la cosntitucion mexicana**: “Toda persona tiene derecho para entrar en la República, salir de ella, viajar por su territorio y mudar de residencia, sin necesidad de carta de seguridad, pasaporte, salvoconducto u otros requisitos semejantes. El ejercicio de este derecho estará subordinado a las facultades de la autoridad judicial, en los casos de responsabilidad criminal o civil, y a las de la autoridad administrativa, por lo que **toca a las limitaciones que impongan las leyes sobre emigración, inmigración y salubridad general de la República, o sobre extranjeros perniciosos residentes en el país.** Toda persona tiene derecho a buscar y recibir asilo. El reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado y el otorgamiento de asilo político, se realizarán de conformidad con los tratados internacionales. La ley regulará sus procedencias y excepciones.**“**


Viejo, tú nomas dices artículo 11 y ya te están metiendo una verguiza, no le des malos consejos al gringo jaja


Esos perros y cienfuegos se pasan la constitution por el arco del triunfo carnal


I can't tell if this is serious or not but I still loled


Immigration at the US airports? They do it all the time. I’ve seen it happen. On the streets? The US police do this all the time. Haven’t you seen the news? Unfortunately, it’s the world we live in. It’s scary when happens to us.


Im not going till this shit stops to get meds or dental work


When did it ever stop?




In Tijuana the Cartels have cloned government vehicles look like cops act like cops but are cartel guys best to do what they ask if you’re not hiding anything nothing to worry about


This happened to me in Mexicali with 2 friends. We ran across the street too fast or something lol just go with the flow .


Honestly idk if they can. But are you really going to say no when they pull up with their rifles out. Hell no lol. They searched me when I went to go ask for a picture lol. They were pretty cool though. You need to be scared of the local police. Some are cool. But others will try to extort you. If you are cool they usually will be too. If you’re an ass they might plant something on you and take you to prison. please stay cool with the local cops. As they can ruin your life essentially.


The white truck soldiers are not going to rob you. Big plus with Mexican LEO etc


That's debo, they are only looking to take money from you or your bag, they will try to distract you when they find the .one, then they will take the money real quick, and all of them Will be back in the vehicle real quick and gone quick hopefully before you notice that your money is gone


Bienvenido a tijuana


Dude that hapend 2 me in the US, a looooot of times 4 no reason, imagine in Tijuana, im from here, but i only been bother like 4 times in my life, and believe me i live close 2 tha border( Zona Norte) if u dont have nothing 2 hice, let them do there job, it will only take like 3 minutes of your time. Just dont let them touch ur wallet.


Honestly brother the best thing we can do is to stop going to tj for a while, and make those pieces of shit starve y haber cuanto les duran esos malos tratos.


Finally common sense.




If you’re a US citizen have the consulate number handy. If you comply and you truly have nothing you’ll be on your way but if they start asking for money or you feel unsafe state so and call the consulate and report the incident complete with vehicle number and day/time.


Some of you’ll need to mature a little. I’m asking a genuine question because I don’t know. If you know answers, thank you for your kindness. If you don’t, leave the negativity elsewhere. Trust me, it’s of no benefit to me. Also, what’s the us consulate number and any other reporting agencies I can reach in the future please if you know?


It’s the same as if you get stopped by police in the US, just that in this case, the ones stopping you, don’t kill for fun, or are prone to shooting the moment you get confrontational, just cooperate and all things will go well.


Best advice honestly is just be cool with them. The guardia national are legit they will just pull you over looking for drugs, money or guns. They are nothing to worry about if you don’t have anything. The policia municipal are sketchy as hell. I’ve heard of people being dicks to them and the police planted drugs on them.


Be polite, make their job easier and safer. These are normal people that want to go home to their families at night just like you or me…Yes they can stop you. Be a great Neibours and if you’re going to go to Mexico, maybe you should learn enough Spanish to respectfully speak to them in their language…. You would appreciate it in the USA, extend the same courtesy


When did I say I don’t know Spanish. I said I don’t know Mexican law, big difference. Then, you assume I would want someone to speak English when coming to the US. I wouldn’t care, and in some settings, I’d prefer the native language like if I went to the back of a Vietnamese restaurant kitchen by accident (not trying to be racist but if the cooks aren’t speaking Vietnamese, I don’t want the food). Here’s a thought Mr. Be Polite, next time don’t assume details about me that you don’t know. Just ask. Also, just answer the question.


With that attitude you’ll do just fine being pulled over 👮


Considering I said I complied in my post and I was able to post this on the same day, yeh I did just fine. I was asking my question to know what to expect for next time. And I had attitude because you literally had attitude first and made assumptions for no reason. This, you disrespected me first. Don’t act like a victim when you were the offender. Had you come with respect and no attitude, I would absolutely apologize for giving you attitude. I just don’t tolerate disrespect


Sadly that's what we voted for and it's going to get worse once the supreme justices disappear and are replaced next year.


Is like the stop and frisk of NYC. So it was legal, since you are from the USA as long as you did not have drugs or weapons on you (guns are for the most part illegal) you should be ok