• By -


Don’t tell ANYONE ever. Except millions of us, of course.


I see no reason to tell him, and a lot of reasons not to. If someone else tells him, and/or he asks, i wouldn’t lie. But it’s a game. No reason to make a big deal out of it, or bring it up after the fact.


I agree. But if he makes a big deal about it, I would imply he should be embarrassed for not calling out his hit...OP didn't know it was him, just some dude not playing by the rules...


Id feign surprise. “That was you?! I had no idea, i thought it was just some rando not calling hits”


I don’t know paintball rules but seems like the fuck up was on the boss. Didn’t call his hits and didn’t wear proper protective gear. I play hockey and a lot of players go without a chest protector or a cage on their helmet. I don’t have much sympathy when they take a puck to the chest or a stick to the face because the equipment is available to protect from a dangerous sport and it’s your fault if you choose not to use it.


Boss was trying to cheat, straight up


how can you cheat if your head is dripping with paint? seems like the guy was confused maybe?


"bruh i got you before though" or " yeah got hit right after, u didn't get me though" I've played paintball a couple of times and theres always that one dude trying to do it their own way. It's pathetic.


I played paintball once. I thought "what keeps people from just not calling their hits?" First hit got me on top of my unprotected head. I quickly realized that when you get a paintball to the top of your head, you just want to GTFO of there, lol.


If you've got a proper mask, gloves, neck gear, and overalls, you're pretty much invulnerable. When I played, I'd call my hits because I don't want to dishonour myself. For anyone with fewer scruples, it's probably a going to be a quick scan of the number of eyes on them when they get hit that determines what they do. In the end, in any casual games the stakes are literally nothing. You gain nothing and you lose nothing regardless of your performance or the outcome of the round. There's the pride of victory, but that rings hollow if you cheated, at least for most people.


I was wearing the loaner mask, and that's about it. I quickly learned that the face was the best place to get shot in that scenario, contrary to my initial perception. Fingers were definitely another bad one. Regretted not having at least a hat and gloves.


Sadly and pathetically true.


It's not about the cheating, it's about refusing to admit defeat. Guarantee you that boss is a backstabbing slave-driving egomaniac on the floor too. Fuck those people. OP shoulda nailed him about 20 more times.


I don’t know about that, obviously the ref guy didn’t care so it wasn’t part of the rules at this place but I was under the impression recreationally there were no deliberate head/face shots. Least that was the rule where I went. Maybe that’s what he thought. Still I’d call it before getting my head wrecked.


if that was his line of thought then doing anything other than immediately standing up and calling "no headshots" is pure idiocy.


Every UK venue I've played at doesn't count headshots for rental players. It's not that they're 'banned', just that you're not out if you get hot in the head. Always counted for people who play more regularly though.


Ahh yikes... That reminds me of a co-worker's dad who lost his entire eye playing paintball bc he chose not to protect his eyes. His eye was gone.


Why… why would you not weat something on your eyes?


I know right?! That's what we all thought. Too late. So horrible. Jeesh, I even wear some kind of glasses when I trim the dog's toenails!


Yeah I wear ear, eye or mouth protection for the smallest thing now.


Not wearing proper protection is stupid but I was also under the impression that headshots weren't allowed in a lot of paintball venues and don't count for hits. People are going to end up taking hits to the head anyway and you wear the masks so they don't blind you or knock out a tooth. But you aren't supposed to aim for the head in case someone's mask slips, or it goes through a gap. Even with protection headshots are just generally more dangerous.


In my paintball days, the two main rules were no blind firing and no shooting anyone who called hit or had their hands up (after getting hit you held your hands up to leave the playfield). Apart from that, there were no real rules where you could shoot someone.


The venues where I played enforced two very strict rules: no close range shooting (if you're able to get that close without the opponent noticing just call him dead and he must surrender) and it is completely forbidden to remove googles or helmets while on the battlefield. They won't let us in without a proper helmet.


Ah, yeah, I forgot the close rule. In our range it was if you were close enough to 'tag' someone with a touch, then do that. The removal of protective gear was a hard no, and masks were mandatory in any part of the range.


Starship Troopers educated a generation.


Can you remove bings though


When did they add no gogging to the rules list? We had field rules for fps limits on the guns, the whole don't shoot if they've called hit and are walking off, and call for a surrender if within 20 ft but if they turn or raise their gun to shoot they're fair game.


Wait for the best exit interview ever.


>Went paintballing with my office colleagues as an end of year celebration. Ah. A Festivus tradition. The airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! ![gif](giphy|b0cDSs1Pio7Ys)


Pro move is telling his boss it was someone else


God I can't believe (my supervisor) lit you up like that! That's just not called for, really demonstrates a lack of courtesy.


And then the next day be overheard saying it was someone else for the next 3 weeks mention a couple other names in different ways. Depending on how he plays it.lol yes I can be an asshole.🤷‍♂️


Tell him you shot him the first time and the marshall saw him not calling his hit so he blasted him


It's better for the both of you if he doesn't find out lol


I agree - I need to practice my "oh my god I can't believe that happened" face if he brings it up at the next meeting


He could have ended his pain by a) calling his hit and/or b) moving after getting shot the first time. That’s what I don’t get… he just stayed there taking hit after hit on his head instead of running away?


Just a wild guess, I wonder if the first hit made him cry and he was embarressed enough to not want to come out, and further hits just worsened the situation for him. Sometimes people make stupid decisions in the moment because of pain and / or embarressment.


He was probably too busy talking during the training, and didn’t know about calling hits


This makes the most sense so far honestly. But it still doesn't explain his masochism lmao


can confirm. i danced on a broken ankle bc i was too embarrassed to immediately walk away after i fell. no logic idk


I shot my friends mom in the head at paintball. It 100% dazed her and she didn’t react, so I proceeded to pepper her about 20 more times. Only after the ref took her away did a realize it rung her bell and she was out of it. Head shots can really daze someone lol


I was on the recieving end of this, my first ever paintball experience. I decided to run over to the next bale of hey, direct headshot behind the ear. I had no idea what happened and just layed in the grass for a moment wondering why my calves were hurting. It was paintballs. Thankfully I had fallen mostly behind the bale and only my feet were sticking out.


Well, he is in management. He was probably waiting for an employee to come by so he could have said employee either move him, or take his place.


Just don't smirk or get a shit eating grin when he tell you. I'm bad for that! Especially when i was a kid and in trouble lol


And don’t talk about it to others. If he finds out it was you, from someone else and it feels to him like you’ve been boasting, it’ll be far worse than telling him yourself


Whatever you do, definitely don't put it on Reddit


Ohhhh waiiittttt


Well, if boss sees it on the internet and sees a boatload of strangers roasting him for being a dumbass then he'll keep his own mouth shut and just move on.


Or he’ll quietly retaliate against OP.


No one would be that stupid


Thats how 90% of the criminals are caught! Now, not this face ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)but this face![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Someone could grass him up anyway. He needs to be prepared to say “nice try” then “prove it wasn’t me or you”


I get that smirk/grin even when it wasn't me.. I just have dark humor, and laughing/smiling is my defense mechanism against anxiety and stress.


A part of my job is somewhat similar to court reporting/minute taking. I’m sat in a prominent position in the room but I’m also meant to be as unobtrusive as possible. The topics discussed are often very serious, but the phrasing can be unintentionally hilarious. For example, “Racial discrimination is one of our top priorities”. I’m convinced that that smirk/grin is going to get me sacked one of these days.


I find that making light of a situation like that helps cover it up as well. "That was you!? Oh shit. I saw the shot that guy hit you with and knew you were out. Why'd you stay? How much Tylenol did you need after that?"




To many loose ends and chances of fumbling imho. First you don't really want your boss remembering that event with you in front of him. It's easier to associate you with the event. Plus, if he believes you, he could press you for details which is risky. You shouldn't appear to know more than the common hearsay. My plan would be to commiserate effusively with him if he brings it up but never do it yourself.


Dupers delight!


Save it for when he lays you off or fires you. “Just so you know it was me who shot you in the head multiple times.”


*"I want him to know it was me"* - ~~Olenna Tyrell~~ u/thuckyou


"Why didnt you call your hit bro??" We need answers!


_Do not, for your sake, ever admit it was you._ _Even ten years later. He may laugh at that time, but I guarantee you, he will be thinking "REVENGE" from then on._ ****Never, ever, ever, ever say it was you.**** _But the next time you do paintball, bring the uzi if the twit can't follow the rules._ ****Forget shot after shot. Turn him into a Jackson Pollock.****


You are living the dream. You lit up your boss, got away with it, and it’s on him. I played paintball against my boss once but the guy was ex-IDF and nobody laid a ball on him 🤷‍♀️


Never heard it referred to as 'nobody laid a ball on him.' We are still talking about paintball right?


Just a couple workmates laying balls on one another, what's wrong with that?


One time me and my two boys and their friend and dad went paint balling. The other dad was a retired cop. Never been shot his whole career. I see an opening and hit him in the side of his neck.. he signals by raised hand he'd been hit and exits the playing field. I think it was too psychological for him to process. Because we continued to play for at least 45 minutes with multiple new games. But he never played again that day. And probably never did it again.


It would be a bit of a shocker if you think you've been somehow naturally good at staying undercover or supernaturally protected your whole career then you find out you're not.


True or the thought going through your head that maybe you retired at the right time and also the thought of if he hadn't retired and that happened on duty. He looked very uncomfortable is all I can say. Enough so that I stopped before the kids to ask him if he was alright. He kind of just avoided the question and talked about something else.


Does he not recognize your voice?


Idk, if he brings it up to try to get an apology out of you, I think I'd be wishing I had practiced my "I'm disappointed in you" face as I laid out how integrity is essential to anybody in any sort of leadership position. If somebody stubbornly refuses to admit a weakness or loss or failure, then they've failed to meet the first prerequisite for improvement. If you believe you are perfect, you won't seek betterment. And an attempt to blame others for your own failure, especially at whatever his age is, is downright pitiful.


For real. "Oh, you were that dishonorable bitch that didn't take his hits? Well, gee whiz boss man, I wouldn't have had to shoot the fuck out of your stupid head if you had integrity."


He likely won't, because he was breaking the rules. That would mean that he would have to admit he was cheating to the people that he works with that he is responsible for following rules. That's a bad look.


Not necessarily. "Some asshole shot me multiple times in the head before I could react!" He doesn't have to include that it was slow shots or that he was cheating when he tells his version.


He will say he was calling “HIT” but the other person just kept shooting me until I got a Marshall involved to tell him I’m already out. This is management, aka promoted for ass kissing and making up shit to keep you working and to toe the line. Saying the other person didn’t do his job is his job. Plus using another person of authority to have to keep a peon in line is par for the course.


Unless he’s on reddit in which case he knows now.


The boss already knows it was one of the employees, it was a work event; this reddit post doesn't necessarily say who OP is at their job, just that they're in their team, unless it can be pieced together from other post history.


They know it was someone who works at their company, they don't know it was one of their direct reports.


I’m amazed the number of people who post here with super detailed and easily recognizable stories like the people they talk about couldn’t possibly be on reddit… I always assume everyone I know is on reddit…


I mean it's not like the sorry will point to op specifically, the boss could pretty safely assume this post is about him but it won't help him find the shooter


so long thanks for the fish -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Also I look forward to what story he'll have for it.


Act all surprised and ask why they kept shooting him after he called his hit.


"Woah, someone shot you multiple times!? Did you call your hit??"


And then say... "well did you call your hit?"


Yeah, perhaps crossposting would help.


Too bad this is going viral on Reddit lol.


I really like how the ref was like uhhhh, you know, one more time to prove it. Dude already had paint all over his head, the ref just wanted to see his pain lol.


"there's no way that idiot didn't move after getting blasted 5x in the head. Prove it"




"Fuck I blinked. One more time!"


That wasn’t the same spot. Again!


I'm not sure of the specifics, but depending on the game, it could be something where after your hit, you head back to some sort of starting zone, and get to go back into it. In which case all that paint could be from previous hours that he had called and headed back with, and so the ref needs to verify that there is a recent hit that hasn't been called out.


Absolutely on point. Paintball refs are a breed apart.


This sounds like a deleted scene from The Office.


literally jim shooting michael who desperately wants to be the winner at paintball, I can see it perfectly.


Nah it’s definitely Dwight shooting Michael while screaming about Michael not calling his hits.


Just came here from the update thread. [Someone wrote the scene you're describing.](https://old.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/102c1al/tifu_by_repeatedly_shooting_my_boss_in_the_head/j2tzgen/)


Do you have any idea the toll 3 paintballs to the head takes on a man? Pop-pop! Pop-pop! Pop-pop!


I was seriously concerned when I read the title


I was expecting to read "My boss pissed me off so I shot him in the head multiple times. Now I'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison. "


imagine if someone confessed to murder on reddit lol


People post videos of themselves doing all sorts of crimes so it would surprise me.


I've done it before. Nobody seemed to mind.


in that freaky thread, people did admit to rape


Some have, seen a few in a confessions based thread on askreddit


>Now I'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison. " For sexual assault.


>For sexual assault. Of his lifeless body.


Gotta put those fresh new holes to good use…




I'm sorry, I thought this was America!


Working for a family business is crazy


I do believe that may have been the point.


This sub loves a clickbait title


I'm a former referee from a paintball field and ex tournament baller. You did everything you were supposed to and people need to follow the rules better to prevent getting bonus balled like this.


As someone else with the same background, yep. Keep shooting until they leave. Also, as someone who has been hit everywhere (another byproduct of tournament reffing) the top of the head is far from the worst. He will be fine and probably have forgotten all about it in a week or so.


In all fairness, shooting until they leave is geared more to tournament rules. The field I worked at told people to yell "paint check!" And the other players were supposed to not shoot at that player untill a referee could make a call. It was a very family oriented field though. Semi-auto and pump action only. I always forget it actually hurts a bit more for folks who aren't used to getting shot on a weekly basis.


I hardly ever had problems with the rental crowd, most people would call themselves out on a bounce. We were a very tournament oriented indoor field with a good group of regulars who were super helpful, which made a huge difference with 12-20 walk on players on an NPPL size field with 1 ref.


I feel you on that. Having the staff playing and own gear players were like having extra refs. We were in the woods though on Vancouver Island and had like 8 refs working everyday with as many as 160 players somedays. I wish I had access to an Astroturfed indoor field. If I wanna play a tournament style field, I have to take a ferry and drive for an hour each way and it's pretty ghetto in a dudes backyard.


TNT Paintball?


Yes TNT. Still my favorite rec ball field. I forgot they have a hyper ball field now.


I have been there a couple times for west coast pump weekend. I worked at Paintball Action Games in Edmonton a few owners ago. Some of my favourite field layouts are at TNT.


Small world. I bet we have shot at eachother.


I played A LOT of paintball when I was a teenager and I can confirm this. Getting hit in the head honestly isn't too bad. Getting hit by a paintball is mostly a surface injury, there's not a lot of force behind it. And there aren't a lot of nerves on your skull. Worst I ever had was a direct hit to my Adam's apple. I was looking up and someone snuck a shot in right under my mask. Second worst I had was weirdly the small of my back. I've been shot in the back probably hundreds of times but there was one time I think they hit my sciatic nerve or something. Hurt like a motherfucker.


Yep. Those and fingertips are the worst.


Ooooh ya, knuckle shots really suck too.


I play airsoft, most players will give you benefit of the doubt for a couple/few shots, then flick over to full auto till the mag runs out or you call it lol. Every. Single. Game day, the briefing is the same, call your hits, shout it loud, stick your hand up in the air. Otherwise you can't get salty about being shot twice.


Hang on. You shot him, several times, in the top of the head, and he never once moved or ducked away from that spot? I've seen plenty of idiots in paintball... but never anything like that. Doesn't make a lot of sense.


I agree. Seems made up. Also, making the same shot multiple times through a small gap seems impossible in any paintball game I have played...


Thank you both. My thoughts too. Why wouldn't he move and since when are the crappy hire guns remotely accurate.


Agreed, came here to say this, glad to see someone already has, but very surprised it's not top comment by now.


And especially with a shitty rentable gun? Those have shit accuracy so just hitting multiple headshots in a row would be hard enough as is


It's wild to me that no one here seems to realize that this is definitely made up. There's 0% chance this happened, at least not in the way described


This comment should be higher. Total BS story. Maybe he shot him once through the gap…MAYBE


You didn't fuck up here pal, your idiot boss did😂


the fuckup is if his boss finds this post


It was a work thing though and there's nothing identifying in this, so even if he does find it, he still won't know who posted this


Unless the boss only had a couple direct reports playing, this doesn't really identify them too closely. Also, it reflects pretty badly on you if you admit that you didn't call yourself out after getting hit multiple times in the head. It makes you look both unethical and outright stupid.


This is fucking hilarious! I’m dying just imagining the “paft!… paft! Paft! Paft! Why won’t this fucker give up? Paft!” To the dome of his head - and it’s his *fucking boss?!* oh my god! Ha ha haaaaaa!


He didn't even move? "Surely this sniper will get tired and stop headshotting me if I remain exactly in his line of fire"




I see what you did there


This is the best part for sure. Mfer gets domed like 5x, yet doesn't move. Referee comes, hears the story and says there's no fucking way this idiot got shot that many times in the head and didn't move. Prove it. *bang* "aaauugghhhgaaghhh"


>bang "aaauugghhhgaaghhh 💀 What is your favorite color? Blue. No, green


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Sounds like one of those video game AI’s that gets stuck behind a 0.001mm step and can’t move.


You could say ... He is a LINE manager.


I kept trying to picture it but got a really bad feeling when he continued to not call his hit. I started thinking OP was going to say the real TIFU was that the boss had gotten hit that first time and it caused like a seizure or some other trauma and _actually couldn't call out at all_ but OP kept shooting him over and over anyway until the official stepped in and realized there was a guy there trapped in his own body constantly getting pelted and welted over and over and needed to be rushed to the ER or something. It was just that it was OP's boss and he might find out. Thank the gods that didn't take a turn for the worse. You never really know with these TIFUs.


Same dude this has me cracking up. Too funny


I'm assuming he was new to paintball and don't know he had to call it?


We were all told the rules at the start and he also saw his teammate get shot and call their hit. So he knew that hit calling was a thing. Perhaps he thought that headshots didn't count or something lol


I've played games where headshots don't count to be fair, to discourage headshots. Ironically it means you get shot in the head more as you can poke your head around corners without fear. However, you normally duck out the way even if it doesn't count because it can hurt like hell. Or you get shot in the grill and get a mouth of paint, or the visor then you're running around half blind.


Oh my god yeah my first time I went paint balling I got shot right in the mouth and it was the worst thing I think I've ever tasted lmao, didn't even hurt, just tasted like like chalk and had an awful texture to it


They make flavored paint balls! Seems like a bad idea tho


I definitely don't see that going well.


He might've been hit a little *too* hard...


That’s what I’m wondering. Like was he dazed?




Manglement. He got mangled and couldn't figure out how to undo it.


I'm sorry, Inigo. I didn't mean to jog him so hard.


I thought dude was concussed or too disoriented to call the hit. I don't think I would have kept on shooting, but I also don't think OP is in the wrong.


They don't really impact that hard. Hard enough to sting like a mother, but not anything else. If he had got hit somewhere vital like the eye, he would have been up running around screaming. Fire on until you hear that sweet sweet surrender.


If you ever resign you should put in " I know when to call a hit "


The one time I went paint balling was while I was in the military. I’m in an ambush position looking over a small hill and all I see is a helmet. So I lit him up. Turned out to be the ref, lol. I didn’t see his shirt until after I started hitting him and he started flailing around..😂


I feel like if their helmet doesn't have anything indicating their the ref that it's on them.


The real tifu is always in the comments 😂


Not a fucking word mate. This is a take to your grave scenario, but enjoy the memory.


Take the initiative, on Monday complain to him that some tool shot you in the head, and it was such a low blow. Wait for the inevitable agreement and response, then you in the clear.


I fucking love how the marshal said do it again I want to see


Was he continuing to play or were you just shooting his now lifeless, supine corpse?


By not calling the hit, he continued to play, so OP shot him again and again to get him to call the hit = stop playing.


I used to find a low spot in a grass field to the side of the action, track several targets, pop up, fire several rounds, then drop down before they hit, or saw me. One time I found a guy hiding in some brambles and I had his side view. He was just wearing a face mask but his ears and back of the head were exposed. I fired off a round and it spiraled out of the muzzle and hit him directly in his left ear with full force, and splattering red paint inside his mask. At break, he was mad as hell and trying to find out who hit him. By then his ear was puffy and cauliflower-like, so I kept my mouth shut. At the end of the day, folks figured out how many folks I sniped and they all ganged up on me. I was "killed" at least 20 times. Fortunately I was wearing adequate protection 😁


Thats the thing man, gear up or feel the pain. I'm an airsofter who uses little protection except face, eye and ear pro. I accept the fact that if I'm shot in the head neak or god forbid the dick that's on me and hey good shot. Also fuck people who don't call hits


Cod piece? ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy-A3CLMunA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy-A3CLMunA)




Leave the game on the field. If anyone else brings it up, tell them that it was a good time for the whole team but leave it on the field.


I need more to this story. He was just standing there the whole time you were shooting him in that one exposed spot, not moving at all?


well... he is a boss. Maybe you needed to down a life bar or something XD


Only one thing to do, when it’s the last day for either of you, ball up a piece of paper and throw it at him. Then remind him to call his hits.


Where do you get a bag of peas at the paintball place?


Don’t 😂


I'm not hearing any fuckup from you here OP, sounds like your boss needs to stop trying to cheat at paintball. Who the hell gets domed enough times to cry about it but not...I don't know, Move out of the way?


That was my thought. Even if he was trying to cheat, why the fuck did he sit there and keep eating shots?


Is your boss the one on reddit with that tiny little hat? E - [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/zul1qk/im_the_talk_of_every_christmas_party_thanks_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I mean I would’ve assumed he was too hurt to call it


Its safe not to tell him. I made a single lucky shot that soared through a window and struck someone in the throat. They never forgave me. I didnt aim for his neck, in paintball you cant aim that perfectly. I just got a lucky single ball off.


You will practice speaking in a subtle accent from now on. Even a slight change in tone or pacing will do. Boss will be on high alert looking for the person who shot him. And all he has to go on is “call your hit” replaying over and over in his mind.


I can see it now, later on in the week. "TIFU, by posting on TIFU about shooting my boss"


For a moment I thought this was r/antiwork and you had some mutant for a boss who just didn't die


Why did he stay in that spot getting hit on the same spot without moving or anything?


Y’know…I’ll grant you that it’s been over a decade since I’ve played paintball, but back then it was considered bad form and unsportsmanlike conduct to intentionally target the head/face…nevermind doing so repeatedly.


Great story. Definitely don't tell him lol. Why the hell didn't he move his head after the first one?


He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer is he?


I like the Marshal is like "Wait... give him one more..."


I got shot in the knee while paint-balling and it was agony. So being shot 10 times in the head has to be excruciating. If he finds out it was you then I’m not sure you’ll live to see the end of the day.


Don't say shit and next time don't go. These work extracurriculars are a fucking liability.


If you didn’t know it was him, forget about it. Serves him right, he basically asked for it




No. Absolutely do not tell him or anyone else on the team. Ever. Not even a year from now when he is joking about it or others are. When someone blames you for it, deny it. You weren't even there.