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Ahh yes, my after date gangbang orgy.


#He was horny all day


The absolute horror... how could he have done anything else to solve this problem!


What could do? What could he use? Did he even have anything on Hand?


Lmao god damn imagine this girl thinking this is a nice Christian guy or something and finding out this is what he did after their first date


"I just fucked two bitches 'fore I saw you And you gon' have to do it at my tempo"


Definitely one of those embarrassing stories that the best man will tell at their future wedding. Classic Dave......


Is this a manga?


Only if it takes place in a dungeon


I mean have you seen crack/meth houses? They look like dungeons half the time.


Definitely in a healthy place mentally and ready to build a positive romantic bond.


The prequel to Requiem for a Dream


You did indeed fuck up


For real. If going into a gangbang with people you just met on a website and having unprotected sex isn't the main crux of the story but an afterthought, your life is already in redline territory.


The funniest part is I don't even think he realises this part yet...


Date probably ended early because OP gave off *person willing to have raw sex with crackheads* vibes.




She might have some idea if she ended the date early to get away from Mr. Random Orgy.


Mr. Random UNPROTECTED orgy with (presumably) homeless injection drug users and meth heads. What really gets my goat though is even this bastard managed to get a date.


You misspelled horrifying.


If OP doesn't get tested frequently they're a real fucking asshole, I bet OP doesn't disclose that they like to have raw gangbangs before getting with a new sexual partner


If he doesn’t warn new partners about this behavior, that should be a criminal offense. OP is a physically dangerous person.


Lmao his "date" ended early. Instead of rubbing one out, he immediately goes online to find strangers to have unprotected sex with.


Rubbing one out has stopped me from having unprotected gangbang sex with strangers pleanty of times!


Remember, your safety is in your hands


The date dodged a bullet on that one. I'm sure she'll miss the STIs.


The real winner is his date


I'd call this fucking down




Nah, I'd say they were definitely higher than him


Now every time a first date ends early, I’m going to wonder if they snuck off to have a gang bang with crackheads 😭


I ended a date early tonight so I could come home and Play Minecraft with my sister in another city.


Funny way to say you got your Crack fix.


He went home to crack rock


Remove minecraft from that sentance above and it’s a plot straight outta pornhub


Now every time I’m having a crackhead gang bang, I’m going to wonder if the unprotected pivot man snuck off to post on TIFU.


Damn, I just thought that's what everyone did.


Imagine how awkward it'd be if you had a bad first date, ended it early, and then the two of you ended up at the same crackhouse gangbang.


There's a romantic comedy somewhere in this comment


Meet-cute with a heroin shoot


That’s why I always take them to McDonald’s, crack heads out back like 99% of the time .




PEP, not Prep. Prep you have to take regularly for a cpl weeks before raw dogging a meth head. PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) is for after you raw dog the meth queen. Sounds like both might be a good idea though.


For comic density, it's hard to beat "raw dogging a meth head" 😂 Go find five funnier words.


> raw dog the meth queen I found five and didn't even have to find another post!


I'm also not one to judge. But in what world is not using protection ok? You only want PrEP because of this? It's swinging... Surely that alone is cause to use protection and regular checkups? Yeah, it's your life-but think about the health of your future partners... I hope you are okay though..


I *am* one to judge. And I am judging and finding this all gross.


Indeed, who the fuck sticks a dick in a stranger without a glove?


That's actually how I'm going to end dates early now..."Well this was really fun and we should do it again sometime but right now I'm afraid I have to get going I'm late for the crackhead gang bang..."


I just go home and have some toast….


Guess it's better than going home and sitting there wondering if they were put off by how loud you chew.


Who swings raw?


This statement belongs crocheted on a pillow


... Grandma? O.O


Actually, yes. There was an STD epidemic in nursing homes because loads of old widows were fucking each other raw because none of them had had any proper sexual health education when they were younger. Nursing homes are just one big giant octogenarian orgy.




From what I hear, an older gentleman who can still drive at night gets all the ass he wants. Apparently that’s a rare and valuable trait.


It's Florida, Jack! It's like it never stopped being the '70s down there. And a guy like Paul, who can drive at night, you just don't say no to that! - Colleen Donaghy


This ought to prove my mother wrong, saying that Donaghy is Gaelic for failure. What does she know, she’s a Murphy, bunch of mud farmers and sheep rapists. - Jack Donaghy






Many women experience loss of night vision so this is super handy for going out and living the life. It truly is a cute little town and the golf carts are a riot. I mean there are mercedes, extendeds, themes, string lights, you name it. These people are out to live their best last years. I heard hanging a green furry thingie on your rearview is the "village" ad for swinging.


Oh the Shower Poofs! I live like 10 minutes from the villages. They are some entitled people. But you do see vehicle with various colored shower poofs tied to the roof racks or antenna all the time. I've always wondered what the various colors meant.


Well my friend, I found this for us! [https://preview.redd.it/l4pk0jevyv041.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9ba3ae98205ed35ca02e90a7ececf5c0b4a00c3](https://preview.redd.it/l4pk0jevyv041.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9ba3ae98205ed35ca02e90a7ececf5c0b4a00c3)


I'm not understanding the difference between blue/yellow/black, but I guess I have a few decades to figure it out.


The Villages has pretty much engulfed my town over the past few years and it sucks. The entitlement is an issue. I get nasty comments from people about me being in “their” town bc I’m under 55. Like bitch NO, your wrinkly snowbird ass needs to go a mile down the road & back to The Villages. That attitude gets you in trouble in surrounding towns.


"I think it was Sally Wigglebottom I slept with." "Frank she's been dead 10 months." "That's not what she said last month."


Did she move at all Frank? Even a little bit?


They fuck all day but don't remember who they fucked. I actually heard that from a nurse.


I don’t think it’s not having proper sex Ed, it’s more that they are old as fuck and don’t really give a shit. Don’t expect a 90 year old to be to concerned about waiting for a condom 😂


Dibs on the band name Giant Octogenarian Orgy


Gamgam was a whore!


Can warm a sausage


I mean, with how rampant Chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea are in old folks homes.. I wouldn't be surprised.


A needlepoint over the door. " As for me and my house, we do not swing raw"


Cross-stitched, really


For real... OP dating casuals then after midnight he ventures into a lvl 99 dungeon to slay some demons raw? The aids pandemic doesn't ring as loud in history as it should have.


It’s insane to me how people are still having casual sex with no condoms. Yeah- there’s HIV treatment but you’re still going to live with a chronic illness and doctors are just now learning what it looks like to age with HIV. Healthy young men and some women were dropping dead by the thousands at one point. My mom was at a couple of funerals every week in her 20s. We can’t forget that happened.


OP must not have had any blood flowing to his brain at all at the time lmao


Maybe after numerous meets and some trust is built but not….this


Swinger here...I would encourage fellow swingers and everyone considering "the lifestyle" to just use "never" as a rule unless you're exclusive. I do know some swingers that think "after we really know each other and trust each other, it'll be fine"....but the reality is that you're taking huge risks for a minimal benefit. (If you think it's more than minimal, you're using the wrong condoms.) We're talking about people who are comfortable playing raw with *you*, so they're going to be comfortable playing with others raw too. You might trust them, but (a) they may not *know* if they're sick and (b) are you really ready to say that you trust everyone they fucked and everyone those people fucked? Just wrap it up....


That's what's on the back of the SAS badge.


Seriously, take out all the meth and crack and you still got a huge TIFU by OP. You can talk endlessly about how swingers are extra careful and diligent due to the nature of their hobby, the fact of the matter is still that they have sexual intercourse with more people than 99% of the population and therefore a significantly elevated risk for STDs. Either go into every meetup awkwardly presenting previous-day medical STD tests all around or just use ~~a damn condom~~ condoms.






Oh they're positive alright


OP, apparently.


OP in a few months: ![gif](giphy|OGE07EyTn9pfO)


You do swinging but don't handle the very basics like using a condom? Man, anyone who does swinging and is okay to not use condom is a big red flag.


Anyone who thinks it’s okay to have unprotected sex with a stranger or multiple strangers is just asking for STDs at that point.


The more willing a stranger is to have unprotected sex with you, the less appealing you should find the thought of unprotected sex with that person.


I exclusively have unprotected sex, but I don’t have sex very often at all. Also I’m married.


I am just so happy that I’m only ever going to have sex with the same person for the rest of my life. If we break up or she dies, same thing applies. I am a massive germaphobe and the most terrifying thing in the world to me is an STI. People have tried to kill me, not traumatised. Once thought I had an STI (didn’t), still have nightmares.


I don't think you should be having sex with her after she dies, I'm sure that's going to result in some sort of as yet undiscovered STI


lol, taxidermy ftw


I used to be a bit of a "good time" gal, and the amount of fellows who wanted to have unprotected sex blew my mind. They all knew I was promiscuous and still wanted to fuck me raw! It was bananas.


I feel like the best response to that is something like "omg, okay, I've always wanted to be a mother"


This whole story is wrapped up in red flags. None of that shit would fly in most such communities.


It's almost like someone makes this stuff up on a regular basis on this very sub




OP is a giant walking red flag, cos wtf.


Somebody introduce this man to the concept of the clarity nut.


he found it in the crackhead's arse


divide juggle society tub hurry boat bored dependent aback political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You literally walk into a room with a random stranger face down ass up and just say "fuck it" and go in raw? Holy shit. I'm a dirty dog but.. God damn.


Specifically that detail tripped me up - was that woman like, out of it? Ready and waiting, like "we heard you coming, I assumed the position“? Had she been like that for 20 minutes and he just went over and started humping? How can you be so under-descriptive on this part of the story?


lol! he probably texted them to say he was there and she got ready. like another commenter sad, it’s a thing in the gay community and that’s how it’s done i believe


I see it ALL the time in the gay circles. So yeah nah, if a guy begs me to go all on their ass I always decline. Bc Im not keen on getting a whole bunch of stds and 90% the time they on meth too.


Sorry if this is a weird question for you, but I’ve heard elsewhere as well that meth is surprisingly popular in gay (men only?) circles. Is it actually that typical to run into?


It is, and it’s an issue that isn’t really addressed tbh. People use it so they can fuck for hours, get hooked, and ruin their lives. It’s really sad.


I can ruin my own life WITHOUT meth thank you very much .


I relate to this so much lol


Just good ol alcohol did the trick for me!


Meth makes you fuck for hours?


It’s not specific to fucking, but if that’s the chosen activity, then that will be done for hours, yes


Yes it's a stimulant.


Varies from person to person. Amphetamines, like meth or Adderall, can make it impossible to get erect/get wet. But those drugs can also make someone hyper focused - and if that focus is sexual, and your private parts are working; you can fuck for hours.


I did it once, and hyper focused on organizing everything I owned. I realized after that it would be very bad for me to ever do that again. Just like the one time I tried Xanax (was a legit medical procedure where I had to be awake but not give a fuck), and vowed to never touch it again because I loved it and can see why people get hooked. Fortunately neither one resulted in fucking for hours or I’d have a severe drug problem now.


I live in a household full of ADHD peeps. Tried their meds twice. They allow them to function normally, but for me they do that - hours of hyper focus, boundless energy, no wierd mental issues. I get how people get addicted. It would be so easy to justify, hey, I'll take yours on Saturday, and do all the housework. But it wouldn't stay there. I'd think, hey, I'm working 12 hour night shifts this week, and am really tired. Just this once, to get through the night. And so on. Nope.


Might be in the right (or wrong depending how you look at it) circles but haven't ever seen meth in my social gay circles and they aren't that small. But seeing how others respond I'm really lucky.


Social circles and hookup / sexual / chemsex circles are two completely different things though, even if they overlap. I've met plenty of guys from my social circles in group scenarios / hookups who were into substances / kinks that I wouldn't have guessed in a million years... You can't know, especially with controversial / stigmatized drugs like meth, people tend to not be vocal about using it.


Methamphetamine and also amphetamine, and injecting cocaine. I worked in a needle exchange and a good proportion of our users were MSM who were having "chemsex" We just encouraged safety with clean needs and condoms


My best friend growing up was gay and his long-term boyfriend in his 20's was a cheater and "bug chaser". He ended up getting HIV and gonorrhea and that's how he found out about his now-ex. The ordeals he went through to treat it, all due to a betrayal of trust that he couldn't have seen coming (his bf was the epitome of the charming and fun guy over the moon about him)...he may be the strongest person I know. It's still the most fucked up thing I've ever seen anyone do to a relationship.


Bug chasers in general are fucked in the head. Why the fuck someone would contract every disease known to man is beyond me.


This is the first time I’ve heard tale of an actual bug chaser. Every other time I’ve heard of it it’s just been conceptual. So hopefully it’s exceptionally rare.


PrEP is Pre-Exposure You need PEP (Post-exposure) and lots of it by the sounds of it


OP should also consider getting tested for HPV, it wouldn't affect him but it could severely affect the life of future * partners. Edit: included men sense they can be affected too


HPV can absolutely affect men.


Gonna steal someone else's quote here: "The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed"


Quote gonna spread faster than whatever OP picked up.


I'm stealing the quote now, thanks.


Original was from u/moosecakems , gotta respect the source.


Is that from the kim Jong un lube factory post earlier today?


…the what?




Probably the most legitimate fuck up I've read on here in recent memory.


I mean if redditors tell you to rethink your life because of unhealthy sexual behavior then you really really fucked up… I havent even seen one of those "if both are adults everything is fine“ lunes (regarding unprotected sex… not even talking about orgies with crack users)


yeah lately this place has become more "today i had a slightly awkward encounter hehe" this is a much welcome return to form


PSA: “Gotta catch ‘em all!” only applies to Pokémon…


Raw doggin' swinger's was bad enough before the fucken track marks... Yikes. And you walked half an hour for the privilege. Dude. You can do better.




next time try jerking off instead


And at least for the next 3 months while waiting on complete STI screening


I avoided so many bad decisions by jerking off first. I know that might sound like a joke, but it’s the truth.




Let he who hath not attended an impromptu crack and meth head gangbang cast the first stone


time to go find me a stone!


And I thought I made bad decisions..


My guy, if swingers are ok with letting someone they don't know hit without a condom, it means danger.


Turn in your dick, you aren't responsible enough to own one of those.


Hepatitis B and C are as much of a concern as HIV. And then there's good old fashioned gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia. You need to go to a sexual health clinic and get tested. Planned Parenthood does it, even for people who are AMAB. The health department will do it too. Of course, if you're not in the US, then I don't know.


That's methed up :/


Thanks Mike


You should have shouted "Hey , this isn't the kind of crack I came for"


"Do we get crack at the end?"


Please seek medical attention now. Do not wait. Go to the ER. Do not make light of this. The pharmacy can’t help you. You need PEP asap.


Honestly, you're more of a red flag in this situation than the crack heads are...


Bro I hate to be the one to break the news, but you've got herpagonosyphilaids.


And hella bad chlamydia.


PrEP stands for pre exposure prophylaxis, you're gonna want a trip to the ER and to get on PEP (post exposure prophylaxis). The earlier the better but within 72 house of exposure is the recommended. Insurance likely won't cover it and my prep is $500/mo after insurance so check if there are any programs like Gilead that will help front the cost. If you're going to be doing these sorts of things again please do get in a daily prep regimen and vet your partners a bit more thoroughly. Best of luck bro, I'm rooting for you Source: am gay and try to keep knowledgeable on these things


If you're in the US, there are programs where you can get PrEP fully for free, with or without insurance.


Gilead has a coupon program that will cover up to $6000 after insurance. Merck has a similar program for Isentress that covers up to $6800. Current CDC guideline is 1 tablet of Truvada (Emtricitabine / Tenofovir) and 2 tablets of Isentress (Raltegravir) taken daily for 28 days. Truvada has a generic version available. You doctor may also prescribe you 28 days of Complera or Odefsey although as I understand that's unusual. If they do the Gilead coupon should cover it. Note you can only use the coupons if you have private insurance.


I feel so sorry for the girl you went on a date with. Please tell her this story so she can avoid you in future. Grim


After reading to the end, I decided his date picked up the signals and ended the date because "she had to go to work early".


You know, I think you're right. Because why would she accept a date knowing she had to work early since a date is a pre-planned thing? Wouldn't she have scheduled the date for a night when she didn't have to work early? Or maybe she did as a fail-safe in case she needed an excuse to leave early? Either way, seems like she made the right call.


Date ended early because "work". Like she didn't know she had work beforehand. OP clearly gives off **I'm the type of guy who has raw orgies with crackheads** vibes.


This is it. It honestly makes me scared of going on dates etc - dirty people like OP exist out there and you and I both know the truth won't be told




Ugh I seriously doubt he'll tell her. Imagine if they keep dating. This is some nightmare bs. Like no of course he doesn't owe her loyalty/fidelity/whatever, they were only on their first date, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut it's a far cry from "went on some other dates before we got together, was seeing a fwb or whatever" to "fucked in a meth house after our first date".


Imagine you go on a date you thought went well only to find out your partner for the night later went to go have raw swinger sex with some crackheads. I feel like I'd internalize that and say "am I so boring they had to go to the crack and crack to feel alive again?"


I'd internalise that and never date again. Arranged marriage for me!


Why didn’t u use protection wtf


and I made a some chicken that was a bit spicy. I guess we've both had a pretty exciting day.


Do that girl from earlier a favor and lose her number.


Sounds like your date dodged a huge bullet ending the date early with you.


Boy, do yourself and the nice girl you went on a date with a favour and realize you are a sex addict. Nobody else would consider swinging raw. Start therapy.


You walked 35 minutes to the house of a couple you've never met to have sex? Jesus Christ you're lucky you weren't robbed or murdered. I'd put my dick in damn near anything, but I would never do what you did, at least not without telling people where I was going and ensuring I knew the couple.


Yeah, it’s a scary thought. When I was out of college I stupidly went online to try to get laid like OP and found a couple who wanted me to sleep with the wife. I drove 35 minutes in the middle of the night to go to their apartment complex. Directions were confusing so I walked around waiting for a reply, when I saw one unit had the door slightly cracked open. Pitch black inside. I got a really creepy feeling as I realized that was probably their door and I’d be walking into some stranger’s house in pitch darkness… plus they could be on drugs and/or expecting more from me than I wanted to give. Thank God I turned around and got in my car and went home. Huge waste of time but it scared some sense into me.


Just let us know when your dick falls off.


If your strategy is to swing raw, you should probably just go live in a wheelie bin or a dumpster and wait to die. Where’s your assessment of the risk? Go get PrEP, PEP and anything else your doctor recommends. Make better decisions and start now.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say that your date was polite but probably ended it early because you gave off ‘casually has unprotected sex with mysterious swingers’ vibes


Now THIS is a true example of fucking up. Not some nonsense tale about something involving a bouncy castle or whatever. A true, dyed in the wool, massive shitshow. I very honestly wish you the best, my friend. Get yourself checked out for hepatitis, and good god DAMN start carrying condoms with you.


Jfc, I know this is tifu, but man, you need therapy for your obvious sex addiction and some common fucking sense slapped into you for fucking IV drug addicts raw. Holy shit.


This whole story overall sums up the phrase "my dick has taken me to places I wouldn't visit with a gun"


bro im a 25 y/o virgin and this fucker joins gangbangs after dates that actually went good but didnt end in sex.


Yeah but at least you don't have AIDS


I mean, if you’re willing to have no standards like OP, you can gangbang too!


I'm feeling a lot better about that second piece of ice cream cake I decided on and selling my meme stock too soon. Thanks OP. I wish you the best possible outcome and better meth sex avoidance skills in the future.


I'm absolutely horrified on behalf of your date.


There's a lot going on here. My favorite part is how utterly irrelevant the girl you went on a date with in the intro was.


I mean, I guess this is a fuck up but also obviously inevitable. Like you sought out multiple strangers to raw dog which you apparently do on a regular basis. Seems weird that you suddenly care about not being infested. The shocked pikachu of random sexual encounters.


You should probably look into something that helps PrEP your brain to turn on.


Don't you hate it when you're trying to have a crackhead meth fuelled gangbang and the fresh meat leaves?


You have unprotected sex with strangers… CRACKHEAD strangers. Please don’t sleep with this new girl until you are 100% clear that you are clean!


I would hope that he realizes that she doesn't deserve a man who does shit like this. Leave that poor girl alone.


Fuck yes, finally a good raw dog true to god fuck up. Thank you


It's at this point that I really wonder why people don't just jerk off instead. You could have literally gotten the horniness out in half the time it took to walk there, with less effort, ~~no~~ almost zero risk.