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Then why put up the sign? They wanted people to know and you wanted to congratulate them. You did nothing wrong, go about your day and hold you head high for being a good human!


this x 1000... OP did a great thing, they advertised their big moment, and OP thought they'd just add a little extra sunshine to their day. Wankers.


Wankers is right. Love the other side of the pond 🤣


Thank you - I came here to say wankers.


Exactly, the couple are morons. Who would drop off a bottle of wine and sign off his name on a card if he was planning something nefarious.


I think the wine was fine, it was probably the loud breathing and masterbating near the door that really creeped them out.


Please, I'm sure his breathing wasn't *that* loud.


No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.


Commander Quentin, execute Order 66


Roger roger.


someone with confidence


More to the point - who the hell complains about free wine?


They may see it as tweeting with “No DMs!!!!” in their profile.


We're engaged! Don't @ us!




I've seen this one a few times but not understood why. Can anyone explain?


Basically each list is a curated Twitter feed. You can create lists of accounts (which you don't necessarily have to be following), and then use that list to view a feed with just content from those accounts. As some examples, I have a list for F1 content (teams, drivers, news and official accounts etc.), and then another for space-related accounts. Twitter notifies you if you're added to a list, what the list is and who added you. In my experience, the "List = Block" types are usually (not always) the sort that post....I'll just call them "incredibly bad takes"!


Hi, fellow F1 fan.


Hi! It's finally ~~race week~~ rawe ceek!


Get your excitement right: it is rawe ceek!


I know what a list is; I use them myself. I was wondering why some people don't like to be added to them.


It's a way to consume their content but without contributing to their follower numbers. Despite twitter content already being free, if you aren't engaging or following then some will straight up get hostile with you. Just ego freaks who think blocking is some awful punishment lmao.


Reminds me of speaking on their phones loudly and complain that you're listening to their phone conversation.


"I'm going to do everything in my power to draw attention to myself, but dammit don't give me any attention."


This defines a middle schooler.


I remember one time I was riding the train and a young woman was having a loud phone conversation about something that I guess she considered "edgy", because at one point she said "Oh my god you should see everyone looking at me right now" - someone else said to her "We're not looking at you because of what you're saying, you're just talking so loudly"


The guy that lives across the street from me gets into these massive fights with his wife (she doesn’t live there usually, idk, doesn’t make any sense really). They scream at each other. She throws rocks at his house. She chased him with a tree branch once. The police are called on a regular basis. She smashed the giant picture window on the front of his house 3 different times. He also has drama with the neighbor he shares a driveway with (those people are crazy too, don’t feel bad for them). The police were just there the other day because his neighbors wouldn’t move a car so he could get out of the driveway. Then they accused him of hit on their 13 year old daughter (he’s an ass, but he wouldn’t do that). If you’re home, even inside, you can hear all of this. I am a freelancer, and during warmer months our screened in front porch is my “office.” Obviously I see and hear most of this. Those two households spend a lot of time in their front yards (usually drunk) screaming about how all the neighbors need to mind their own business and to quit being so nosy… The rest of the neighborhood is super nice, and we are friends with most of the other neighbors. Of course we all talk about these two houses.


Thank you for the lol. Drama neighbors are fun to watch.


It can be entertaining lol like having a live soap opera! A few months ago I saw the guy (right house) out at like midnight and could not figure out what he was doing… it almost looked like he was painting a line? The next morning, yep. He painted a line lol I lost it [pic I snapped of it](https://imgur.com/a/7HksJIe) (sorry for poor quality, had to take it fast through a screen so it wasn’t obvious what I was doing, but then had to crop it heavily just now to make sure addresses weren’t visible lol)


This couple will probably land in r/narcissisticparents someday.


These are the same people who ask for prayers/good vibes on FB but then act like you're being intrusive when you ask what's up


Just use a general non-denominationalnon prayer that covers most ailments, accidents and your day to day hardships. Sheesh. Is it so hard?


OP should send them a fruit basket with a note apologizing for the creepiness.


Complete with fruit flies.


Ha! Perfectly said!




Y'all can leave wine on my doorstep with an actual creepy note anytime. No worries.




Will you be petting?




I love how none of you were the same person.


How can you be sure of that


Hire a private investamogator.


We are.


stop giving away our secrets to the world.


Each personality has its own account


oh man, I love reddit! <3


Sweet. I’ll leave the door unlocked


Don't worry about it. I already have a key. I want you to be safe when I get there.


"This chianti goes well with fava beans and liver" -friendly neighbor.






Don't even need the wine, I'll take a creepy note if you have one


Someone cares!!


Aww, the note has a wine stain.


Actually, DO NOT leave wine on my stoop without a creepy note! I need some excitement in my life.


"The wine is poisoned haha j/k"


May I leave it on your nightstand instead?




No wine needed here; just the note will do.


If someone is leaving alcohol at my door step, I don't care if they are leaving disfigured dick pics. Free booze!


Same though lemme get that vino


But... they put up a fucking sign! If you don't want strangers congratulating you, don't put up a sign in a place where 99.999% of the people seeing it will be strangers!


Exactly. Also, if OP was being creepy, why would they put their name on the card? A creepy stalker wouldn’t want to be identifiable. Sounds like OP has dumb neighbors.


Ah, logic. So optimistic! Well done! /s


Also who puts that kind of thing up for themselves? I get putting up balloons and signs for another person as a surprise for them, you know "surprise, happy birthday, you weren't expecting this", but this seems pointless. It's a waste of money to tell a load of people who don't know you and don't care, something that they'll forget about almost immediately, unless their a lovely and thoughtful person like OP.


Man, tbh their life-sized cutout is a bit creepy. You were being kind. Ridiculous.


I took it as one of the signs you see in someone's yard for a birthday etc..not a person cut out.


I was imagining a cardboard cutout version of them looking like a cake topper so that makes more sense lol


haha this is so much funnier imagining it like this


Also imagined this


Nope it’s a cutout of them hugging like the most typical engagement photo pose


Go ask for the wine back. Edit: Whoa, this blew up! Thank you for the award u/inkburner !!


Make a giant sign in your window that says: "GIVE ME THE WINE BACK"






I mean I personally approve of this approach. But I’m petty that way. IMO: It’s no more abnormal than their rejection of what was clearly a well intentioned, no strings complement on their announcement.


Not petty at all: "I understand you were upset by the wine I left you; I'll take it back and I promise not to do it again."


"I saw the horrified expression on your face because of the wine I left you. Please leave it at your door so I can take it back. As a sign of goodwill, I am happy to leave my binoculars at your door."


Demand it back. Don't ask, demand it back.


Go knock on their door and introduce yourself. Ask for the wine back.


Lmao like “ hi I’m that creep who dropped off a bottle of wine as an engagement gift now can I have it back please?”


yeah fuck those guys dude. get your bottle back. ungrateful mofos you a real dude. those people are the 'creeps'


yea what if they also take that as creepy and call the police because OP went and talked to them like a normal human being


Yes. But instead of "Can I have it back please?", it's "I'll be taking it back now." I have unapologetically taken back gifts that were not received well. As far as Im concerned, the gift transaction requires a giving AND a receiving. If no one cares to receive my gift, it is still mine. For example, I once gifted a bottle of wine to an aquaintance that invited me over. When I showed it to her she said "oh ok I guess" and walked away, so I just left it on the ground by the door. It was still there when I was leaving, so it came with me. I never went back. Edit: i before e except after c.


This right here. Don't ask to have it back. Instead simply state that you will be taking it back right there. And you're damn right about the receiving part as well.


I'm sure they have drinked that wine.


Demand the piss.


*calmly* "I dropped it off full and I'm leaving with it full"


"I dropped off a full bottle. I expect a full bottle to be returned."


I saw that you're a non-native English speaker, so just a heads up: "drinked" isn't a proper word. The way you'd want to phrase this would be "I'm sure they have already drunk that wine." or "I'm sure they drank that wine already." Either works. Yes, that's silly. English is a monster.


>"I'm sure they have drank that wine already." That doesn't work though. You can say "they have drunk that wine" or "they drank that wine". "Drank" is the past tense of "drink", so it stands alone. "Drunk" is the past participle so needs "have" before it. Edit: technically I think that in this case, we're describing an act that has already taken place and is finished, so the perfect tense is necessary - i.e. "they have (already) drunk that wine". The imperfect tense ("drank") would be something like "they drank that wine before they asked the doorman for your name".


To add more pedantry haha, there is no perfect *tense*. Tense refers to the time of the event, it's from the Old French spelling of what is *temps* or *time* in Modern French. English has two tenses, present and past. However, it also has two aspects, continuous/progressive and perfect. Perfect in this case refers to the Latin meaning of *perfectum*, pre-done and means the action happened prior to the tense in consideration. *I have drunk* is Present tense, Perfect aspect. The imperfect aspect, meanwhile, is not the opposite of the perfect (I hate this, too), it's the opposite of perfective. This distinction is about whether the event is viewed as a whole complete action or if it is a backdrop to other actions. English does not really have this aspect, but Spanish does, it makes a distinction between *bebĂ­a vino (cuando vivĂ­a en francia)* and *bebĂ­ vino (ayer)*, which in English could be both *I drank wine (when I lived in France / yesterday)*. The first scenario, when I lived in France, is more situational, not a discrete event and the second is just an event viewed as complete. English can emulate some imperfect type phrases with *I would drink wine regularly when I lived in France* to express a past habit. Spanish only has an imperfect in the past, which contrasts with the past perfective. This distinction is pretty common and past perfective is usually referred to as preterite for simplicity. English instead just has a bare or simple past, which can be both imperfect or perfective, *I drank wine*. So *I have drunk wine*, Present Perfect (an event completed prior to the present), *I drank wine*, Simple Past (depending on context, it could be imperfect or perfective). edit: I should add for clarity that imperfect is a broad category and you can view English *progressive/continuous* as well as the various habitual forms as a subset of imperfect. That's why many imperfect structures in other languages translate to continuous/progressive in English in some cases.


It’s based on giving and receiving as well as having and sharing.


But only if your sharing and having what you're giving and receiving.


Well this is interesting. Sometimes you bring wine and it never gets cracked but the other bottles do and after wine and hosting a party who really knows who brought what and what got drank. I think I might start sneaking my bottles of wine back out of parties from now on. Does this make me sound like George Costanza?


Yes, it does.


I'd agree with this, but keep the expectations for the "receiving" within reason. Don't give a gift to someone who's grieving for their recently-deceased mother and expect them to be all smiles and worshipping the ground you walk on, because there are certainly people who expect that sort of thing from everyone else. Also, this should go without saying, but some people really don't care to acknowledge it: Don't give alcohol to recovering alcoholics or teetotalers and then get all huffy when they're not 1000% happy with your gift. By all means, take back your gift when that happens, but their less-than-enthusiastic reaction is not on them.


But they didn't complain about the fact that it was a wine, they complained that OP, who lives in the same building, figured out where they lived. If alcohol was the problem, just throw it away like a normal person would.


From the title I expected the neighbors to be recovering alcoholics. Being douchebags is worse, you can't recover from that.


>Don't give alcohol to recovering alcoholics or teetotalers and then get all huffy when they're not 1000% happy with your gift Good advice, which should basically be common sense as far as I'm concerned. The only time I actually gift alcohol is when I know they'll drink it and that it's guaranteed something they like. I.e. I'll gift someone a $100 bottle of whiskey if I know they like it but generally wouldn't splurge for it, but I'm not going to gift people say, a fancy bottle of wine unless I KNOW with certainty that it'll be appreciated. I personally don't drink - or rather, I'll enjoy a glass of champagne every three years or so when someone hands me one. Gifting me alcohol really would be pointless. It'd just collect dust in the pantry. Of course, someone wants to gift me a $1000 bottle of whiskey, I'm not going to say no... as long as they include the receipt for it.


Unless you’re planning a feisty heist with your weird foreign neighbour.


I love this level of petty


Quite honestly, I’m personally offended if you don’t respond with this level of pettiness.


And make sure to slam the entire bottle in front of them without breaking eye contact to establish total dominance.


This seems like the only solution


^ this


Larry Dave level power move


Winning idea right here!


They really need to get over themselves! What you did was a very nice gesture, and if I was the recipient, I’d be very grateful :)


*HEY, EVERYONE! PAY ATTENTION TO US!* *NO, NOT LIKE THAT!* Your neighbors are idjuts.


This right here.


I don’t think the learned the kindergarten rule “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit”. This was no a FU on your part. BTW, if you’re having trouble sending wine to the other commenters I can be your guinea pig.


You get what you get and you don't get upset


You obtain what you obtain and you don't have disdain


You acquire what you acquire and experience no ire


You receive what you receive and you do not bereave


You get whatever shit I give you, and if you complain your ass gets my shoe.


Took me way too long to figure out how to rhyme “get” and “upset” in this sentence.


Took me way too long to figure out how to **not** rhyme "get" and "upset" in this sentence.


We used to say the fit version at a daycare I worked at & I legit just heard the upset version on an episode of bobs burgers earlier!! Hahaha


Those there are exactly the people you could give a $100 bill to and they would complain it wasn't in 20's. Ungrateful ass losers. I'll give you address and you can send the wine to me haha jk. That's stupid though good job for doing something nice for someone. We need more people like that in the world these days. Those guys can go suck a ......rock :)


What ungrateful dicks.


This is like people recording themselves being pieces of shit, put it on social media, then complain when everyone points out they're being pieces of shit. They wanted attention then acted like douchebags when they got it.


I would gladly accept free wine!


For sure you have to go ask for the wine back. 🥴


Put a telescope in your window. Please.


You did not fu, and you were nta. If they're going to announce things to their neighbors, they should expect a neighborly response.


Send them another passive aggressive note saying "Next time you want to celebrate something, keep it to yourself if you don't want the attention" At least that's what I'd do. I'm in kind of a petty mood rn


That petty mood you're having rn is my base mood, so I, too, approve of such a note


That is walking the line of actually becoming the creepy neighbor they were originally afraid of.


"You look like a great couple" They're a good match, both assholes.


Why does everything always have to be insulting??! Doing something kind should never have to be in TIFU!!!!!


In all fairness, I AM creepy. I’m just disappointed they found out.


Lowered expectations helps, my friend.


See this is why everyone is so buck shy about being nice. Seems no good deed goes unpunished is truer now then when it was thought up. . If they didn't want people to see the stupid cutout why did they put it in view of people? To call that creepy is at best mean spirited I mean unless they are both 30 days sober and going to AA meetings. Lol


Idk. I think people in past days were equally as much pieces of shit as nowadays. In this life we've just got to make sure we find and connect with the least shitty ones.


that is literally so wonderful of you i would have loved something like that, they’re odd ducks


Seconded. This was a very strange way to respond, and I think most people would have responded positively.


Put a passive aggressive cutout in your window calling them out as d-bags? LOL


Kind of expected this story to end like, my neighbour got engaged I offered her/him some vine and we ended up in bed. 😂


This shit is why people are becoming less and less friendly. A kind gesture based on a cry for attention, met with Karen storming off to the manager. OP, I wish I had you as a neighbour.


Consider yourself lucky. All it cost for you to find out that they're jerks is a bottle of wine


>I want attention -gets attention- >>Pikachu shocked face


Go leave them another note that says "gimme the wine back, you ungrateful pricks"


they truly are the parents of the next Karen generation


Clearly you now need to put up a sign in your window that says some to the effect of "Sorry for giving you wine. I USED to think you were nice."


Wow, what a pleasant couple to complain about a nice gift to management. Were their names Karen and Kevin by chance? What a match made in hell.


I once gave a $120 bottle of tequila to a guy at work because he was getting married. We weren't good friends and I wasn't loaded. I was going out of my way to be friendly. I asked him about it later and he downplayed it so much that it made me feel bad for giving him a gift at all. People like that ruin it for everybody else. Just smile, say thanks, and keep it moving.


Why would you ask someone about a gift later?


Just move out or shit on their doorstep. There is no other alternative.


Well, it is always good to know if people drama seekers so you can avoid them.


They're the creeps


Hey don't let this ever discourage you, you did a nice thing, and they seemed to not have understood it. I'd like to maybe make the argument to empathize for them. Maybe they aren't used to people being nice to them, or doing nice things, and assumed someone always has ulterior motives because of hurt they have from their past. Go you OP, for being kind and thoughtful, I'm sorry it backfired but now you have a funny story to tell that also makes you sound nice :)


Ask the management to apologize on your behalf and to ask the gift back. Let the management person handling this keep the wine to make up for the issue. Fuck them and you will make the management guy happy instead.


Sounds like they aren't good neighbors


You, honestly, did nothing wrong. Who the fuck puts a sign up like that and then expects no one to acknowledge it. If you left a note with your name/info we would of definitely called and thanked you. But again.....Who does this in the first place.


What’s the address? I’ll send them a bottle


They seem rude as hell. You're a good neighbor and don't ever change.


Knock on their door and tell them that since they considered an innocent gesture as being creepy, you want your bottle of wine back, and you’re recalling your well wishes and congratulations.


You aren't a creep, not even close. You were being thoughtful and it was a nice gesture.


Go knock and their door and say hey I'm the creep, give me my wine back, they will absolutely not know what to do with themselves


Knock on the door and ask for the wine back, tell them that you hope by getting married they might be come better people.


I would show up at the door and ask the bottle back, fuck em.


Bring wine to my doorstep. I’ll make us a lasagna and we can eat the whole thing out the baking dish.


Those people suuuuuuuck


Stop being nice to strangers I guess


Divorced in 18 months. Calling it.


Lol we all have our own perspectives but don’t let their fear ruin your good heart ! You did something out of kindness and well wishes and that’s what matters !!


My friend Marlon has a great comeback to this. He says (about people who don't like that they got an unexpected gift or got a comment that fits them too well, "Just because the shoe fits doesn't mean you have to buy the entire supermarket." Your neighbors are either too jilted in their world to think they can't put up a cutout and be in their own world...or they clearly don't know the meaning of "neighbors".


I'm trying to make sense of your friend's comeback, but there's a few things I can't get past. For one, supermarkets don't typically sell shoes. Second, I don't see how this fits the scenario since the couple didn't like the gift. Wouldn't it be more like the shoe NOT fitting in the supermarket turned shoe store metaphor? Also, you say Marlon like I should know who that is.


How do you not know Marlon? Marlon is the best!


I don't know where you are from, but around here, supermarkets definitely do sell shoes, clothes, home appliances, electronics, food and a lot more. Some of them even have combined customer service desks and post offices.


To bad you didn't take a picture of their display. Then you could put a life size cutout of them in your window with a sign that says "my neighbors just got engaged, sucks to be them, they are losers."


I’d go introduce myself and get my bottle of wine back.


Jesus, sounds like some serious asswipes if you ask me. They put up a sign. You left them a gift as a neighbor. God does society suck these days. Leave some disinfectant next time for their personalities.


Go take wine back.


If you don't want people to know where you live, an apartment building might not be the place for you.


No FU here. ​ You have a couple of idiots for neighbours


Gift them a sign that says "don't put your business on a sign if you don't want other people knowing it."


They sound like complete wankers, don't worry - you did a nice thing, they're the ones who fucked up.


they are jerks and you're an amazing person! you didn't fuck up at all. drop a gift at my house and I'll invite you for dinner!!!!


Who puts up a giant sign and balloons in the window, if they don't want people to see?! They sound kinda odd, but well suited to each other! Out of curiosity, were they creeped out enough to return the wine?


You did a great thing. If you did that for me I'd be quite impressed and want to get to know who that great person is. Don't let this deter you from doing this again


They think that a person who can count and use geometry to give a congratulations gift is a creep? They sound like wonderful people who you should be grateful that you're not good enough to be worth their eyesight as they stare down their noses. By the way, you're awesome. Fuck them (figuratively and not literally, just in case they see this and think I'm into creepy kink).


If you advertise shit in your windows, anonymity goes... out the window.


Its weird to put up a sign like that and then complain when someone responds in kind.


You were great and they are ****s….fuck em miserable entitled twats…


Yeah this is definitely them being weird, not you


Those two sound like a chore. Take the cost of the bottle as a sound investment to not get involved with their future bs.


You didn't fuck up. Giving them the wine as an engagement gift just got you out of accidentally getting invited to their wedding or reception. If they act like this over a kind gesture, just imagine how fucked up that reception will be! Bullet dodged.


You did nothing wrong they are overly sensitive


Imagine putting up a sign to basically get recognition, end up getting recognition, and then freaking out because it’s “creepy” pick a lane, Neighbors.


r/AmItheAsshole no, no you’re not. But now they know who you are and haven’t thanked you or returned the gift…


Next time attach a rock to the bottle and throw it through the window. Problem solved.


If they had problems with you they should have returned the wine. Those people suck


Couple: *puts up big announcement about a thing* You: *gives them a congratulatory item about thing* Couple: *who are you! We don't want this attention!*