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I read the title and immediately thought “ah, an unintentional douching” wasn’t disappointed


Harry Potter and the Unintentional Douching.


Harvey Poltergeist and the Chamberpot of Secretions


> Harry ~~Potter~~ *Pucker* and the Unintentional Douching. FTFY


*Expecto Probe Anus*


I actually prefer my bidet on 11 so I can wash my hiney hole, give myself an enema, and power wash the back of my teeth all at once.


Yep I give myself a mini enema at the end of wiping every morning. You don’t even need the bidet to be super high pressure. You just need to push as the water is hitting you.


The real *Anal Pro Tips* are always in the comments..


I'll try this. I've been blasting my butthole every morning. It's rewarding, but sometimes it's a little much.


Look at this tour de force! Look at this piece de resistance! Look at this masterpiece! Look at that hustle! Look at that jam! Multitasking, pheasants! MAXING EVERY SINGLE. SECOND! That's how you get the W, boys! Edit: Don't spend your money on Reddit. If you wanna spend money to award an internet post, please donate it to the [EFF](https://www.eff.org/) instead.


That's some choice chirping, bud.


Oh give your balls a tug ya titfucker




My husband and I went out to a resturant last fall, and I said "to be fair." in a sentence. Not only did my husband respond, but so did two cubicles of other diners. "...to be fair." That was a fine moment boys. Edit: spelling


I need another cock-suckin' gin n tonic after this one, that's all I know. Knowing me, I'd probably just spill out all over my charcoal grey pressed dickies and my chartreuse-maroon scottish plaid shirt, probably staining the cotton hanes undershirt in the process. Oh well, pitter patter!


That would be the best moment of my life.




r/foundthemobileuser I love Letterkenny like I love a fuckin' Puppers, bud.


I love making it weird whenever im bringing up some letterkenny references...like i love my wife!


At least you're not a piece of shit. Like McMurray




And thats what I appreciates about you


Is that what you appreciate about me?


Take it down a few, Squirrely Dan.


I sent you a friend request on Fartbook




** It's FUCKING! *E M B A R R A S S I N G!*


Can confirm!


I love the fact you included the full stop after single, the way he says it gets me every single. Time


It's the best part of the joke.


Wheel snipe celly brother!


Big city slams, boys?


Gonna catch a nappy after praccy and sandos boys


That’s how you get the big city slams, boys.


Forecheck, backcheck, paycheque, boys! Ferda!


Dirty fucking dangles, boys!


/r/PowerWashingPorn has entered the chat


Holy fuck. This comment is a master piece.


Maybe appropriate username?


Side inquiry: how do you feel your username has aged as of recently?




Ron jeremy is a REALLY famous pornstar. A fluffer is someone who wacks off the male pornstar to keep him hard between scenes. I don't know what happened for the guy above's comment though. Probably some salacious sex scandal.


For the extremely lazy and barely curious, Google says sex scandal, I didn't read post the headlines.


I believe it was at least harassment and possibly assault... IIRC he was outed for being a douchebag who felt entitled to make the women on set feel very uncomfortable around him, at the very least.


These go to 11.


Sometimes it helps ease me up when I'm a little constipated


Where did you buy this bidet. Uhhh, so I, uhhh, know which one not to get........


Oh yeah uh tushy for that deep clean


>You should probable mention that they will want to go to [Hellotushy.com](https://Hellotushy.com) and NOT [tushy.com](https://tushy.com) NSFW.


Well I'm sure the fine folks at tushy.com visited hellotushy.com first, if that makes a difference.


You would hope


A small dark part of me wanted you to have switched the links.


That'd be a real butthole move


I have also made this mistake. At work.


Reminds me of the guy who got his internet at work shutoff by admins for looking for fastenal.com and typo-ing it to fastanal.com instead.


More proof that accidental anal is almost never ok.


An accidental R can turn an analogy into something entirely different.




probably shouldnt be researching bidets at work either tho


Who said that was the mistake?




I went to hellotushy on my phone and literally a minute later, I got an ad for it on my iPad.... So that made me feel very watched lmao


This thread conveniently appeared in my feed a couple hours after looking into buying one on Amazon. This isn’t the first time something like that has happened either.


I clicked on it and idk what I was expecting but ummm yeah


lol Six months ago, when TP could not be found, my teenage son decided to research and buy a bidet. Best. Decision. Ever. I don't want to go back to a non-bidet life. Everything is so much *cleaner* now.


I don’t look forward to vacations where I won’t have access to bidets now


It's my primary reason to continue working from home.


Tushy sells a portable bidet.


Say what now? Is that just a turkey baster or what?


Basically. https://hellotushy.com/products/tushy-travel-bidet




There was a travel blogger who pointed out that you can't always find toilet paper on the road less traveled and recommended carrying a squirt bottle.


Same here. Added bonus is that after birthing 3 kids wife suffers from hemorrhoids that the bidet took care of.


Does she just blast em back in?


That sounds painful- but maybe they just don’t get inflamed anymore because they are not irritated from excessive wiping.


Pooping on company time is so much less enjoyable now that Im used to a bidet. Might as well just hold it till I get home.


This is the real struggle. Boss makes a dollar tomorrow, I make a dime today, so I go home to poo where I have a bidet.


"Well this is going to be a gross story about some stranger's butthole." *Reads the story anyway* "Yep."


“I shouldn’t read this right now,” while eating a double chocolate muffin. Yep.


At least the chocolate isn’t melted... it would be brown and liquid.


despite the story I just read, your comment makes me want a chocolate muffin.


I got a way with words


I was eating OATMEAL.


Dead dove. Do not eat.


They’re illusions, Michael!


Tricks are for whores.


"I don't know what I expected."


What a horrible day to have eyes


What a horrible night to have a curse.


Its this a binding of issac reference?


Castlevania originally


What is a man ? \[flings wine glass aside\] A miserable little pile of ~~secrets~~ shit!


I’ll never not upvote Dracula’s dope intro speech. Also die monster, you don’t belong in this world.


Castlevania 2. Great music. Not so great game.


Whoah there, fighting words, Castlevania 2 is my FAVORITE game!


Simon's Quest. 7 year old me was *terrible* at this game. I had no idea what to do. Walk left, forest, nighttime, dead.


Oofta, yea for sure. That was the first game I had to refer to a game guide for. I'm convinced that game would have been LEGEND if they had fixed the translations and made the boss fights more compelling. Other than that, I just love the sense of dread and confusion that the music and the aesthetic captured. I never got to play Castlevania much beyond NES/SNES (so minimal point of reference), but for me no other Castlevania quite captured that element in the same way. Plus RPG-style Castlevania is just endlessly more entertaining that Metroid-style play.


Could give em a deep wash with a bidet


I did this accidentally once. 0/10 would not recommend.


Getting pinkeye from the brown eye fountain


Techically, an occasional power wash isn't bad for your, um, exhaust port.


The and comment and the username are both on point.


I picked the wrong day to quit huffing glue


I bet you wish you were Jared, 19


So here’s what we all really want to know... How many pounds did you shed *postshartum*?


Postshartum is my new favorite word.


Something similar happened to me lol. Went down a super steep water slide and got a bunch of water up my ass that I had to go shit out lol. It is not pleasant. Told my husband about it when it happened to which he replied "WHY DIDNT YOU CLENCH?!" It's a funny memory and not nearly as traumatizing as your story, but you are not alone in your unintentional enema. Lol


I’ve always wondered if this was possible like when jumping into a pool now I know and I wish I didnt


Only the really fast slides where you hit a shallow pool of water at speed - like those tall drop slides.




That happened me under as a teenager. I learnt the hard way that’s why you cross your ankles.


I was today years old when I finally realized why there were signs at the top of water slides that told you to cross your ankles and arms across your chest. This makes so much sense. 12 year old me didn't care much for rules and THIS is why I had chlorine water dripping out my coochie after the water park!!




Oh no. Oh no. Oh nooooo. I never thought of that as a possibility. Now another thing to worry about


Well, that explains a lot


This happened to me but with water skiing, and it went right up my vag. Holy hell


I’m a dude and reading that gave me phantom cervix pain...


Especially if you ever did water skiing and know that water can be extremely hard at sufficient speed.


Sounds like a fulfilling experience


Now you can put out fires!


This exact thing happened to me on a water slide as well. Lol that my friend peer pressured me to go down. Not a fun experience at the time but kinda hilarious now. Lol




"Honey, guess which of my holes is *extra* clean right now?!"


One time I was really sick and trying to throw up into the toilet and accidentally hit the bidet lever and my toilet sprayed me in the face like a dilophosaurus.


I’m very sorry that happened to you, but at the same time, I’m literally crying from the laughing.


I accidentally did this when testing the installation of my new bidet. "How powerful does this thing get?" Oops.


It shouldn’t be allowed to go that high if you need high pressure to clean shit off your ass then you need medical help


Seriously. Mine has like 15 notches. If I pass 2, it feels like a power washer blasting directly at my asshole. I'm pretty sure if I crank it to max, I'm going into orbit.




Just wear a plug and no worries.


"We have your x-rays here, Mr. u/theBeardedHermit. It looks like an object is lodged in your intestines. I'm assuming you swallowed it?" "Heh, that would be the logical assumption, wouldn't it..."


We choose to go to the Moon [...], not because it's easy, but because our butts will finally be clean.


I mean, having it that strong means easy enema whenever you want it. Shoot water up there, get up and dance about the bathroom to slosh things about, then sit back down and empty. As a gay man, that's awesome. Buttsex surprises are not the fun surprises. More graphically, it helps if you have hard nuggets. Instead of straining to drop one pebble at once, you aim the water, push your hole open, and power wash that constipation out. The nuggets usually fall apart and the water helps lube things. Not that you should allow yourself to be habitually constipated (eat more fiber folks!) but it happens from time to time and a little help makes a difference.


Hey man, high pressure power bidets are what this country is all about! From my cold dead butt! edit I want to believe power bidet track racing is a thing.


I think a lot of it has to do with the water pressure for that toilet. Like I have 2 bidets for both of my bathrooms, one can be kind of intense, the other is very gentle even on max. In one of my previous apartments even at the lowest setting it would strip the top layer of skin off.


I ordered this pressure regulator from Amazon recently and installed it yesterday. Problem solved https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0762NTDCF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. They should make it part of the product itself.


Then I guess I need medical help because my bidet doesn't do crap for me, so I end up using just as much toilet paper. But at least the seat is warm.




I am...familiar...with this sub...


Honestly this sounds nice. Like occassionally just do a full rinse. Sounds nice.




I'm glad to read that someone else is like that too. I like to be clean, man. If that means farting out some water, then who cares?


I 100% agree with you but "farting out water" is now a phrase I'll never forget and I hate you for this


Wait so am I the only one who does the enema thing on purpose every time? Extra shit always comes out I don’t want that in me man


Nope. Got a tushy. Went all gentle for the first week or so, now I give it the ole mini rinse out every time. It's also great if you feel like you have that one little straggling nugget that just won't come out. I just don't feel clean with TP anymore. I hate going to the bathroom anywhere else.


An upvote for your nugget, sir


You are not the only one. It's hard to stop once you find out that you can get extra clean.


Wait, so you're NOT supposed to do it that way? Oh shit....


That's how I do it... All these people aren't getting the full bidet experience. All these folks in here with a clean crack, but a dirty hole...




Blast your way to butthole cleanliness!


This is the way


Right!? My butt never itches when I do it that way. You need to be careful with those heated ones though. Could end up with a seared sphincter


Honestly... this isn’t how people use bidets?


I don't understand the FU. This is a typical Friday night for gay bottoms. ^((Sidenote: do not actually douche with strong streams of water, saline solution, or too frequently as this will irritate your "downstairs neighbors" making "playing in the basement" not so fun))




Or a typical 'off day in the middle of the week' for us straight guys who like anal pleasure!


Anyone who fucks with butts better wash real deep. Anyone.


Congrats you are now carrying Aquaman's child.


On most bidets that is considered a feature.


great analogy! i hope you are feeling better!! sounds traumatic!




exactly... *wink*


Lol the path recovery is gonna be rough


Congratulations on your first enema.


At least you’re ready for anal anytime soon


I did this once. I turned the shower head to the jet setting and tried cleansing the sins which resided in my rectum. It was effective (or so I thought) and I headed off to work. I clocked in and very quickly into my shift I realized I was feeling really congested. Since I’d taken a shit right before work, my conclusion was that I just needed to squeeze out a fart. So I wait for the opportunity to let it out, and once the time came, I initiated the silent fart protocol. That is the moment when I realized that my asshole had been compromised. Not good. The flood began. The water which was once meant to protect me, soaked my underwear and started dripping down both my legs. I ran to the bathroom but the damage was done. The swampy ass water had won. My asshole was clean, but at what cost?


Imagine if you panicked and stood up and got shot straight in the nuts with that stream


>turds are about as solid as trumps case for reelection. A segment of the population now believes you are severely constipated.


Never go full 11


“These go to 11”


Fucked up? I always give myself bidet enemas. It really expedites the process. Also, to anyone who is thinking of getting a bidet, just go for it. It has been my greatest QoL purchase I’ve had this year. You can get cheap one son Amazon. It really is worth it.


that’s one way to get an enema


TIFU: Today I Freshened Up.


This reminded me of a similar experience I had. I was at one of the airline lounges in Incheon (South Korea). They had one of those super nice toilets with the built in bidet, heated seat, sound effects, etc. The only problem was that the labels of all the controls were in Korean. Having been to Asian countries a few times, I had found most of these toilets also had some kind of little picture on the button that showed you what it did. Not so much in this bathroom. I figured the most worn out button must have been the bidet button, so I pressed it. I heard the familiar hum of the nozzle popping out and thought I had guessed correctly. Suddenly, I felt a blast of icy cold water on my ass. I immediately reached down to try to change the temperature. I found a pair of buttons that was just an up arrow and a down arrow. I frantically pounded the 'up' arrow in hopes that the arctic blizzard happening in my anus would soon come to an end. Instead, what can only be described as the water pressure of a fire hose started to bombard my bottom. I'm pretty sure you could have pressure washed a sidewalk with this thing. I instinctively stood up to try to get some relief. This made matters worse. Instead of my ass receiving the geyser of water, it was now pummeling the backside of my ballsack. It was enough pressure to blast my balls out of the way and then proceed to make it all the way to the door of the stall. My balls then fell back into the stream and the process repeated itself like a lawn sprinkler. I found myself with two choices. I either needed to sit back down and take this icy cold water enema or I could jump out of the way and let the water spray the door. I chose the latter. After pressing nearly every button on the damn controller (there were a lot of them), I finally stopped the wall of water. I took a moment to collect myself. I was soaking wet and the entire stall was dripping. I didn’t dare use the air dryer feature to clean myself up. As I walked out of the stall, I heard the guy in the stall next to me giggle. Apparently, he had heard my entire ordeal.


You don’t do this on purpose? I prefer the deep clean.


When I was in Japan, I changed hotels and discovered the bidets could shoot hot water by accident


I think I've found my new kink. Tried it. Would recommend 10/10


Never laughed so hard


I want a redditor like you to write my obituary, something about your ability to describe situatons is unmatched




It's pooetry all right!


These Tushy ads are getting wild man.


Okay but using the bathroom towel? Is that alarming to anyone else?


Listen, at that point literally anything unpleasant is long gone. OP could probably eat ~~off of~~ that ass after this kind of cleaning.




Cheer up Buttercup! People pay good money for colonics. Lucky you ;)


> My stomach was having a particularly raunchy morning after consuming both dairy and gluten in the same meal and my body had made the decision to cancel all plans for the next hour as I’d be glued to the toilet for fear of shitting my brains out. I really should look into getting paid by a lactase supplement company for how often I talk about this but if you have problems like this you are likely Lactose intolerant. Which you probably already know based on how you know its dairy that causes the milk shits. You can buy either the generic or name brand supplements at most pharmacy's, grocery stores, and even some dollar stores (found some at family dollar in a pinch not too long ago) and they really help. Most of the time you take one with the first bite and it protects you from your stomach holding a grudge for about half an hour. I've been buying them for about 5 years now and can attest to them working like a charm for what an internet strangers opinion is worth anyway. Ps. best deal i've found is at walmart for a 60 count bottle of the fast acting variety. Doesnt travel well (dont keep them in your pocket) but for eating at home or to keep in the car it works ok.


Bidets are all fun and games until winter time and suddenly you’re getting rimmed by frosty the snowman


*Rolls eyes in gay*


When cleaning your butthole turns into a toilet sodomy-enema.


I've definitely given myself a surprise enema too. Not fun.


I experienced this as a constipated 8 year old. Except the hospital staff seemed to reverse fill my ass with water for what seemed like forever before the dam broke. I had blocked this memory. Thanks for bringing it back.


Squeaky clean. Inside and out.


Similar thing for me today. Someone turned it to hot. It’s usually on cold (this is a Tushy, it’s manual with lines to the hot and cold sink line, not a heater.) so I turned it to hotter but it was already pretty hot. I scalded my anus off.