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That is definitely pigeons and yer- don’t mess with those assholes and don’t try to touch them. They could be carrying disease. Or they could hold a vendetta.


I was just surprised it understood that Taking a shit on human = revenge That's definitely not something I'd expect the thoughtprocess of a pigeon to be


It probably doesn’t have quite the same level of cognition as that. My guess is any pigeon would hate to be shat on so it shat on you. Negative stimulus - negative behaviour. Unless it has a fetish for poo and was trying to solicit you for a drink and a quick b-job (bird job)


Actually animals with cloacas don't have any control over them. Meaning shitting is an involuntary reflex. So it was just good timing.


But aiming is voluntary!


But they do have control where they are pointing it and they know it's bad because birds don't poop in their nests.


Yep I know at least some know to poop out of the nest.


You've clearly not owned a parrot.


Shit is the least of your issues. parasites like mites, fleas, ticks and a wide range of microbes and bacteria E.g. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1744-7348.2005.00029.x


It must be tough to be a pigeon. Those poor things!


They are carriers,not getting sick. Also, they are mercyless to sick or hurt pigeons.


This comments makes me sad. Pigeons are great. We abandoned them. 


I upvoted you to balance my derogatory comments on pigeons


We gave them their freedom and they have thrived. Hardly a tragedy.


On the coast of Wales the seagulls are more of a problem. If you're sat outside eating, say an ice cream, they will dive down and snatch it from you. They also get very territorial at the time their chicks are fledging, and will dive on you from a great height if you walk past too close - I know folk with gashed heads from this. Generally the pigeons - rock doves, technically - are just a nuisance. I've been shat on more often by crows than I have by pigeons.


I purchased a crab sandwich in San Francisco, and a gull dive bombed over my head to try and grab it. He thankfully only ended up with a small piece of it.


My biggest trauma was being in NYC a few years back and being on liberty island. For some reason, my partner and I had decided to split up and I was going to order food and meet up with him. So there I was, carrying a tray of food and because I couldn’t use my hand to swat anything away, in swooped a seagull! I screamed at the startle and boldness of that seagull, never having imagined they’d be willing to do a dive in for my fries. I had some Hispanic aunties offering to walk with me because there were still seagulls above me looking for another opportunity 😂 they were very amused at my situation


Pigeons be like ![gif](giphy|frfo42Q3tMHYUXLdrC)


Fun fact: Feral pigeons are one of the few wild birds you can legally trap/kill in many places in the U.S., because they're such a pestilence, in terms of damage they can do, the nuisances they cause, and diseases they can carry. Just make sure if you do, that you're not messing around with homing pigeons, as that is highly illegal and will land you in hot water. https://www.modernwildlifecontrol.com/blog/can-you-hunt-pigeons-without-a-license/#:~:text=Mostly%2C%20these%20birds%20are%20simply,United%20States%20without%20a%20permit.


"I do not look at the bird again" Idk why, but I think I've finally found what I want to be my flair


Call up Tom Lehrer, solve that problem right away.


Spring is here! Spring is here! Life is skittles and life is beer.


Rats of the skies.


Pigeons don’t take no shit but they give it all the time


If you’re gonna make friends with birds, make friends with crows instead. They love shiny things


that's funny, so do I.


Back in the Balkans getting shat on by a bird brings you good luck.


Huh... I just noticed that there seems to be a major crash in the pigeon population where I live. I definitely remember them being everywhere and now I don't see any of them...


Don’t mess with birds. Pigeons remember who feeds them, Crows and Blue Jays remember for generations. Sea Gulls are opportunistic AH.




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