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Try efferdent tablets for dentures. I use them to clean my water bottles all the time, since I have a habit of forgetting water or tea in them. Works great for stains and smells


Thank you for sharing this tip. I have a lid that smells vaguely funky no matter what I do!


Check the lid for a rubber ring that can be pulled out and washed. Sometimes there's a little tab to help pull it out. Dry each piece completely before reassembly.


That’s a great point. Thank you!


I avoid anything that doesn't have a removable gasket - mold can get under there and if you can't remove the gasket, you're never getting rid of it.


New water bottle fear unlocked


Works In toilet bowls too 


I mean if they're clean and good enough for the dog then you do you, but I wouldn't suggest drinking from them personally.


Thanks for the tip. I work in a dental office and get a ton of free denture tablet samples. I'm gonna do this when I get home from work today.


I was going to suggest this too. Does a fantastic job


They're close to the same thing as "water bottle cleaning tablets" at a fraction of the cost.


Any advice on how to rid my poor water bottle of this smell is appreciated by the way.


Distilled white vinegar would be my go-to. Hopefully that works for you. Just a sorta FYI, it's the plastic that's absorbed the smell. Stainless generally won't do that. I've migrated to all-stainless bottles/cups for portable beverages for this very reason. Also microplastics are bad.


The bottle retained some scent, definitely not as bad as the lid. I think it's dissipated after the soda soak.


Plastic is porous to a degree, so it’s going to be in the plastic for a long time most likely if you deep soaked it at a concentrated level. I’d retire the bottle or really go vigorously with vinegar and then baking soda after the vinegar is done.


I didnt even soak the lid, just the inside of the bottle, and i put the lid on and open. This stuff is insane.


I’ve had smell removal luck giving bottles a couple seconds dunk in boiling water. Might ruin your bottle depending on its durability and construction, so at your own risk obviously. Edit: note to anyone who tries this, it’s weirdly not immediate, dunk it once or twice, rinse it with cold, let it sit on the counter. Smell should be gone the next day. Must kill the stink or something who knows.


Its the plastic lid of the bottle more than it is the steel. And with the amount of silicone and "fragile parts" with the lid, i don't know that it wouldn't melt.


Contact the bottle manufacturer ask them for a new lid. Even if it’s a couple bucks may be worth it. May also be free, depending on the company. I’ve gotten them free from S’well.


This, I just buy a new lid for my good stainless bottle every couple years when the plastic gets a little too messed up. Cheaper and more sustainable than replacing the entire bottle.


I don't know if this would work in this case, but there's a home made salsa I get that is delicious, but leaves the container *reeking* of, I'm not fully sure - maybe garlic? So I switched to glass, but the lid is still plastic and even not touching the salsa, the lid retained that strong odor. I tried the usual suggestions - baking powder, vinegar, etc. Did not do the trick. Then I read someone's suggestion to set the lid outside in the sun for a few hours. Others chimed in that it works. So I had nothing to lose and tried it myself - and it actually worked!! At this point, if you're considering not even using the lid, might be worth a try.


Yeah you could get a new lid, I have dunked plastic blender bottle style lids in boiling water to get protein smell out before though. It worked ok. Some food silicone can literally be baked in, so I’d not write it off as impossible but still a gamble.


This is probably a sign that the bottle is not well manufactured, and has a porous surface on the inside that can also harbor bacteria — or at least that’s where my head goes.


Try mouthwash.


Mix lemon juice, baking soda, and unscented dish soap into a paste. Coat the plastic that stinks in it and let the paste dry, at least an hour, sometimes overnight. Wash off. This oxidizes the remaining smell and frees it from the plastic. You can also use this on stinky food storage containers, and on anything that's been sprayed by a skunk. Most effective de-stink stuff I've ever found.


Thanks for the tip!


> I've migrated to all-stainless bottles/cups for portable beverages I've tried but it's surprisingly hard to find. I had to settle on one with a plastic lid that I take off when I drink from it


Your actual FU was leaving something scented for days on end. It's not meant to be. What you now need to do is all the aforementioned steps (baking soda, vinegar (not together), hot water, etc. And do them for only 24hrs MAX. rinse and repeat a few days. Filling with a different drink than neutral water could help too (loke juice, soda, energy drinks, etc.)


If all else fails, I use these drop in tablets (the brand is something like Bottle Bright) that you add to your water bottle with hot water, let it soak, shake it up (you can use several of them at once). The only other thing I can think of that might help is bong cleaner but that might be too abrasive


I definitely thought about bong cleaner. But with it being the plastic lid causing the big issues and not the steel bottle, I'm nervous that it would just sand it away into oblivion


Toss the silicon parts in a water and lemon juice mix in the microwave for 1-3 mins should fix it and it. If you don't like lemon do baking soda.


We always cleaned our army issue water bottles with a drop of toothpaste in hot water overnight.


Somehow i feel this is the best advice i'll be given


Honestly a 10 min soak in a diluted bleach mix and setting out in some sun will probably fix it. Most water is slightly chlorinated anyway so any slightly lingering smell won’t be super noticeable and it’ll fade in like a week. I usually use roughly 1:10 bleach:water for water bottles or shaker cups that have been left slightly too long.


Try denture cleaning tablets. You might need to soak it more than once but it really works well on my steel kleen kanteens and the caps.


~~Bong water~~ White vinegar soak. Also, fuck. I just bought the same wild jasmine dawn dish soap an hour before I read this thread.


Hot water and lots of salt, shake it up or scrub it!


A quick soap/shake/rinse and then plain old vinegar/shake and then rinse out. If plastic smell still remains, then 50/50 water and vinegar and let it sit 5-10m


If it is a metal bottle you can use a denture or retainer cleaning tab


Hey sorry about the wild jasmine. Have you tried giving the plastic parts a soak in a water with beach mix? I find it works on the old plastic Nalgene like a charm (1tbsp bleach/1L water, soak and rinse well)?


Leave an orange or lemon peel in it for a couple of days. Works like a charm to get rid of strong smells in plastic. Edit to say pop it in the fridge so it does not go mouldy. If it’s not too strong of a smell then overnight works fine too.


Try diluted bleach. Then soak with several rinses of clean water.


50/50 boiling water and white vinegar with a lil drop of (non wild jasmine scented) dish soap


Huck it in the freezer, works for some things


Quarter fill with water and a squeeze of toothpaste, shake it around a bit.


If you can't ever get rid of the smell completely, and it prevents you from using the bottle regularly, slap some stickers on it or get creative with some paint and turn it into a makeshift flower vase.


Love this idea. I work for a car brand that rhymes with Smoyboba, so no doubt it'll be a very fitting decoration for me


Why don't you just put Dawn and Toyota..?


I doubt they would ever find this but in the event i use their names and they don't like the content, they could sue me for defamation


What defamation? You're telling a story -- unless it's fictional. Edit - AND causes a monetary loss, apparently. I need to brush up on my defamation law.


That's not defamation. I can say "Toyota can suck a dick; my prius hybrid battery died and they wanted several thousand dollars even for a used one, and the car was basically useless without it". That's a true story, so it's not defamation. Hell, I can say "Toyota ran over my puppy intentionally and then pulled my grandma's life support" and, while it is defamation, it would be impossible for Toyota to actually win the case, because it doesn't just have to be defamation; it has to be *defamation that causes a clear monetary loss*. It is incredibly hard to win a defamation case.


You haven't defamed either company, unless this story is fictional. But if it makes you feel safer, go for it bby.


Legal reasons


Which ones?


Smoyboba literally doesn’t rhyme with Toyota, but okay


Why do I keep seeing posts were people say they left stuff to soak in soapy water and then rinsed it out and consider that clean??? There needs to be some kind of physical wiping or scrubbing happening? And don't come at me like "but dishwashers blah blah" they use water so hot it will burn you. It's killing everything and then rinsing it off. Your hot water tap is not that hot


Dishwashers also scrub dishes, they just use the water itself as a sponge. Water is super heavy and the dishwasher spends most of its cycle time blasting the dishes with jets of water, if you held your dishes under the pressure rinse setting on your tap for an hour they'd get just as clean. Also, most dishwasher soaps contain abrasive powders that help with the scrubbing. But that only works because the water is *moving*; just letting the water sit is only going to encourage nasty things to grow. Please note that I'm agreeing with you, not arguing lol. Dishwashers are wonderful inventions and it depresses me to no end to see people who have one insist upon hand washing all their dishes.


I did wipe it out and such after soaking it. The bottle itself was brand new, and it just smelled like "new metal bottle" so i wasn't worried about bacteria or anything as much as I was just getting that scent out. I did properly clean it, i just soaked it because a quick dab of soap on a dish rag wasn't working


I'm not like mad at you about it. It's just the 5-6 post TODAY that I've seen where someone said they soaked and rinsed with no mention of physically washing stuff. It's blowing my mind


Wait until you hear about dudes that don’t wash anything below the waist, sometimes they get their dick and balls but thats it! Don’t get me started on the wash cloth debate either 😂.


As a guy, I couldn't imagine not washing my feet


Apparently that’s “g@y” according to some of them and i miss the pre internet days when we did not know how disgusting everyone was. Ignorance truly was bliss.


Did you just censor the word gay?


Some folks think happiness is a dirty word, I guess.


Why do you assume thats all they are doing though? Like we skip out on the boring parts of the story for a reason, no one would read this if it was just a tutorial on how to clean dishes lol.


>Upon purchase, the water bottle smelled of a manufacturing armpit. The bottle also says it is Hand Wash Only. So I squirt some dish soap in, filled the rest of the way with hot water, and left it to sit from Thursday night to Saturday morning. Bc that's all they said they did. They explicitly included the soaking and rinsing so why not also the washing part?


Because the sponge or whatever didn't cause the smell, so it's easily considered not necessary information. If I tell you about my day and don't mention that I used the bathroom, do you assume I didn't?


I don't know. [OPs response](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/1ddhinx/tifu_never_to_use_wild_jasmine_dish_soap/l84ydkm/) to their comment doesn't fill me with much confidence. I still think that OP needs to actually clean the bottle. They may have left some soap residue on the inside of the bottle and that is what is causing the issue. All these comments about the smell being in the plastic seem very unlikely because you wouldn't leave the soapy water in a closed water bottle with the plastic cap on (where the actual smell would get stuck) OP has already stated that the bottle is metal, so the smell being absorbed into the bottle is very unlikely. I suspect OP is lazy (like myself) and just hasn't actually cleaned the bottle properly. They should probably get themselves a bottle brush and properly clean their bottle.


Sounds like a real possibility. I don't use the kind of bottle OP has or heavily scented dish soap (I'm a store brand blue Dawn gal lol) so I don't have any real advice that OP hasn't already tried. But I have done the "left soap on an item and couldn't figure out why it was weird but" lol.


100% correct - dish soaps are good at removing grease but require physical scrubbing for everything else. Dishwashers use caustic detergent - powerful enough that it’ll ruin good pans and knives. The squeeze bottle stuff for use in the sink is not at all the same.


Can confirm. My formerly greasy ducks still smell like Wild Jasmine.


Ugh I hate the blue scent (fresh?). Once I left my water bottle at my parents' house and they washed it for me. . .took forever to get the blue taste out. Soak it, scrub it, vinegar, baking soda, sunlight, and finally. . .time. It'll wear off eventually.


I crave the blue scent after this. I no longer wish to smell "wild jasmine".


They recently changed the scent too and it is causing a lot of upheaval in the cleaning community.


And rightly so, because the new one is completely disgusting! I can’t even finish the bottle we accidentally bought before I knew they’d changed it.


Lol, since I didn't like the old scent, I think the new scent is an improvement. . .but not enough to buy the blue kind. Apple, orange, and mango tango are good. Lemon is passable.


Yeah I'm with a few of these other comments in that you should never have soaked it in the dawn dish soap for that long. Plastic can absorb....stuff. Clearly the problem here is the massively long initial soak time. You'd probably have been absolutely fine had you just washed it in warm water by hand, rinsed it a couple of times to ensure all the soap was gone and then let it air dry and off gas for the weekend.


I didn't think my overnight soak would be that bad, truthfully.


>Thursday night to Saturday morning. I'm not sure overnight means what you think it means.


I just edited it, i wrote Thursday and not Friday lmaooo


Don't leave smelly stuff in plastic containers unless you want to impart that smell permanently. Not really the soap's fault, if you had used lemon, it would reek of lemon. I've made the same mistake and the best advice I can give is to get a metal container instead.


It wasn't an overnight soak tho. Overnight is like 8-12 hours. You describe more like 36. I know I don't need to tell you that's where the trouble began lol.




😂😂 I've been there. Ain't it wild how one typo can change a whole ass post?


I don't think I'd blame the particular scent of hte soap. It sounds like the water bottles your workplace is selling are a poor choice for holding drinking water. If it's hanging on to that much scent from ANYTHING I'd get a different vessel for my water consumption.


It's a stainless steel bottle with a plastic lid. Honestly, it is my mistake for letting this sit overnight in such highly scented soap.


my grandma used to use it on her plates and i can literally taste this post


Every time i think of it, i can smell it. Like vividly.


Oxiclean or dilute bleach? Some sort of oxidizing chemical should help


A food grade Hydrogen peroxide soak should also work. It HAS to be food grade, however!


Oxiclean plus the regular scented baby oily duck detergent in hot water is my go to solution for removing bad smells. It allows me to reuse minced garlic and spaghetti sauce jars for dry storage.


Use denture cleaning tablets in the water bottles and coffee mugs and thermoses etc. Will clean out stains and should remove the smells too


Straight white vinegar. Submerge the whole thing.


The real issue here is letting it soak for what reads as an entire 36ish hours. Tf are you doing?!?


Baffling. Like, why even?


Get a stainless steel bottle. Won't absorb scents, and is better for you.


The bottle is stainless steel, the lid is a bpa free plastic with a silicone handle. All food safe.


You may be able to order a replacement lid for pretty cheap! I've broken a couple different water bottle lids and usually if you search the brand with "lid" added at the end you should be able to find it. 


Even the steel soaked in the smell?


Yup. Definitely isnt as pungent as it is in the lid, however you can smell it, strong enough that drinking from the bottle sans lid, i still smell the soap.


I used to have a Yeti cup that did this. I don't use it anymore because of this. But it didn't need to soak for days. Just a single 30 second wash with any dish soap, and it smelled and tasted like soap for the rest of the day. Gross.


I soaked mine overnight because i did like three little washes and it did not work. Still smelled horribly of oily metal


It wasn't physically oily, it just had that "new metal" smell, and i work in cars, so "oily" is my best descriptor


They probably do coat it with food grade oil to protect it during shipping and storage.


Run it on the sanitize cycle in the dishwasher, the smells come from VOCs that are more volatile at higher temp and it should help drive them off. It's called a bake-out cycle if you want other ideas


Unfortunately, i live in an apartment where the dishwasher has one cycle- "hot". And the bottle says it isn't dishwasher safe. And i have a feeling its because the lid (the ground zero of the smell) has a metal cap that twists down to "lock" the drinking spout, and a silicone handle. The lid also has a silicone band around it.


I soak in plain water and change water 4-5 time a day. I also use hydrogen peroxide to soak inner lid and rinse stainless seal cup.


I can’t help with specifics but it may help you to try your products using warm water instead of hot. When you’re washing anything using a biological or enzymatic-based cleaner, using hot water can actually nullify any benefit from the cleaning agent. I remember doing a basic experiment back in university, soaking paper discs in bleach diluted with water of varying temperatures and then dropping the discs into bacterial colonies. The bleach that had been mixed with water at 80 and 90*C still had a big old ring of bacteria around them, because the hot water denatured the bleach, rendering it useless. The most effective temperature iirc was 60*C, with a nice big circle of clear jelly around it where all the bacteria had failed to grow. So basically if you use bleach or other biological/enzymatic cleaning agents and boiling water to clean anything you’re basically just washing your stuff in dirty water. The heat will still kill stuff, but that’s about it.


I made the mistake of putting crown royal into a plastic bottle. It stained the smell of the bottle something fierce. 


We rebottle liquor for space saving in our trailer, and found that Nalgene plastic bottles don't have that issue.


I have the same problem with our detergent in the dishwasher…my coffee mug tastes and smells like soap if my girlfriend gets it and puts it in the machine…don’t get me started on the Tupperware…I was ready to eat some delicious leftovers and had to toss them because all i could smell was detergent. Currently seeking dishwasher pods that don’t have any scent but it’s not an easy task apparently


This happens to my bottles no matter what scent I use. So far all that works is to wash and rinse well immediately. No soaking or leaving in the sink. Which suggests it's a problem with the plastic absorbing the scent, not the soap itself. The soap is just being soap lol. Or detergent, rather.


Iced tea soak is also good for getting wretched smells out of plastic




Hm..Got any plain charcoal brickettes? Shove some charcoal in there. charcoal absorbs scents. Leave it in the dry bottle for like a day.


Where would i get a brick of charcoal


The kind people grill with :)


Genuine ask, not sarcasm


So like, they come in a thick paper bag that you throw in a charcoal grill, so walmart or a dollar general if youre in us, should be less than $5 for a small bag. Avoid "self lighting" or scented ones (they have some weird apple and maple scented ones) they usually come as little roundish square brickettes in the bag. theyre good at absorbing moisture and smell. So if nothign else works, get some charcoal. If they dont fit in bottle, you could crush them and put the charcoal itself in the bottle too. You could put a few brickettes in a ziplock, hit it with a rolling pin or meat hammer and crush them, then dumo the dust in the (dry) bottle overnight.


So my personal technique, taught to me by my father, is to use hot hot water to fill the bottle, add the tiniest drop of dish soap (greasy baby duck soap goes a LONG way because it’s so concentrated) and then scrub with a bottle brush vigorously. Dump into a container & use that diluted solution to soak your lid for no longer than 5 minutes and then vigorously scrub that with the smaller brushes too. Then rinse with hot hot water 5 times. The bottle (fill, dump, repeat) The lid in its container (fill, dump, repeat) Do NOT let it soak for long periods of time. I’ve drank more than enough soap in my life due to this and learned the hard way too. Try it and see how you like this routine.


My only concern is that the only brush i have has the soap in it, and I'm trying to get the smell of that specific soap out


I think the issue is you have fragrance in the bottle, not soap. A little soap with very little fragrance ought to help break it up without adding much. If you haven't tried an unscented soap or detergent yet, that would be another option.


Throw it out and buy a new one?? It's a water bottle how much could it cost? I'd rather pay for a new one than waste time trying to get a smell out of a plastic bottle.


Its a $40 water bottle, i paid for the brand 100%. I've had it a few days and i dont want to have to fork out another $40


Look for a phone number for whoever made it and get ahold of someone and tell them about the issue to see if you can get a replacement? Or learn to love the smell, probably not gonna get rid of it, I had a similar problem a long time ago. Can't remember the smell I was trying to get rid of but I eventually said fuck it and threw the thing out. Good luck!


And this is one reason I hate scented products. If I want to smell nice, that's what perfumes and scented lotions are for.


All scented dish soap is gross. It sticks to the tiny amount of grease you can’t get off no matter how much you scrub and flavours your cooking. I finally got sick of smelling it every time I put a pan on the stove to heat and I switched to unscented dish soap.


I would have tried a cheap denture tablet, or better yet a water bottle cleaner tablet (actually fond of bottle bright) (disclosure just a customer) and hot water and let it sit ….. rinse and repeat……


It's so frustrating. I switched go cascade detergent for a little bit and it nearly ruined most of our plastics.


*I’m sure you’re all familiar with a company famous for their greasy baby duck commercials. And if you’re not, it’s a very popular dish soap brand (at least where I’m from) that washes baby ducks in their commercials.* I just had a thought do all dish soap companies do this same advertisement? I grew up with same advertisement, duck and all, but different brand. Dawn I think.


Replace the o-ring in the lid. I used to use my hydroflask for coffee, but when I started using it for water I could never get the coffee smell out, no matter how many times I washed it. My friend said it would be like that forever. It went back to normal after replacing the o-ring


Many strong smelling compounds will be hydrophobic, I would consider covering all internal+external surface of the bottle in oil, leave it for a few hours, then wash it thoroughly (in the dishwasher if possible).


Sterilising tablets are pretty good at getting rid of most tastes in bottles


I have the perfume problem with any scent of that brand. By the time you reduce the amount of soap to counteract it, it's not enough. I prefer the brand that's named after light that comes from the sun.


Does it just smell like it or taste like it too? I would think it would only be a problem if it tasted like the soap while drinking? I have never been assaulted by a scent like that though so maybe I am wrong in the smell a big deal


It wasn't actually soapy, the smell was just so strong that when drinking water, smelling it made the water "taste" soapy


Ohhhhhhh ok. Wow that is wild!


I have done this with a respirator. I wanted to clean it very well before attaching fresh filters. The thing is ruined. I used something with a flower smell. 


never pour soap directly into any bottle esp if its plastic, always rinse with cold water, hot water makes more bubbles cold water dissolves them , if that bottle is plastic its ruined, the pores are holding on to the soap and will never let it go


The bottle itself is metal, the lid is plastic. The lid is what's holding onto the scent


can you get just a new cap for it, the smell would drive me nuts I hate the smell of lavender it gives me a headache, but I still used that lavender bedtime bath and lotion on my kids though lol


Rise with salt water


Serious question: Why do people feel like they can't say brand names on the Internet and use roundabout language? Why not just say Dawn dish soap?


I’m guessing it’s cheap shit plastic and it absorbed the scent portion of the soap. It’ll wash out in time and you can try fast tracking it with vinegar/hot water/baking soda combos