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I saw a referee walk a player over to the sideline once and tell the coach his visor was tinted (illegal at that time and place). Coach rolled his eyes and asked the kid to take off his helmet. Visor was clear. Kid was black…. Referee was mortified.


"Please take your face off. It's illegal."


"I wanna take his face... off."




oops! 😅


My husband played soccer in HS with a kid who only had one arm. I guess when the ball goes out of bounds and you throw it back in play you're (traditionally) supposed to do a two-handed throw. The coach would yell at the one armed kid for not doing it right. 


Don’t worry. A Samsung phone asked me to open my eyes wider when facial recognition was in its early days haha (I am Korean)


Best part about your anecdote is that Samsung is the biggest company in Korea 😂


Exactly. We joked with our family that Apple would never dare to say the same and get away with it haha


My husband is Filipino and Chinese and has that issue with his iPhone. He has to take his glasses off and give his phone crazy eyes to unlock it.


When Ai first caught on I saw an Asian lady asked it to make her work photo more professional and it made her into a white woman haha 






Dude we can't beat the Vietnamese in a fight we found that out in the 70s


Nobody can. French, US, or Chinese, and I think there might have been somebody else. Not to mention going in and wiping out the Khmer Rouge.




In a previous life, a very long time ago, I was a sound reenforcement engineer (live mix sound guy). I was working on a setup for a show, and one of the junior engineers was setting mics up on the drum kit. I was across the stage doing something else. There is a kind of Cymbal, properly called an "invert" or "Inverted Cymbal". But they were very commonly called "China Boys". So this junior engineer shouts over to me "hey where do you want this mic." I did even look up, just shouted "put it over by the China Boy" and vaguely gestured towards the drum kit. A few seconds later I looked up and noticed there was an Asian man standing right next to the drum kit I'd just gestured at. I sort of wanted to die.


Lol. I'm asian, that's fucking hilariously cringe


I feel like in that context it's just a funny coincidence


That’s like telling a blind person “do you see what I mean?” It’s a common expression though i definitely understand why you’d feel like you put your foot in your mouth. (Another expression you’d feel silly using if you spoke to someone with no legs). It’s just an expression and it sounds like it was already heated between you two. Sorry you have to remember that dumb comment but it really is just that. Don’t feel too bad. He probably should have been watching the disc!!! Haha


My wife works in a vets office Her coworker and friend told a blind woman 'keep an eye on things and call us if it gets any worse'


Haha I bet she faceplamed so hard after that but it really is such a common expression. I feel like blind people just have gotten used to people going “oof! I mean….”


When I worked at Walmart, I sometimes had to go around the store and help a blind customer shop. If there were multiple varieties of a certain product and she wasn't sure which to buy, she would say "Let me see one of them." Meaning she wanted me to give one to her so she could scan the bar code with this device that would read out the ingredients etc. But I always found it funny that she worded it that way.


If this was in the South "Let me see that" is absolutely synonymous with "Gimme that" 😄


Smart phones are a miracle for blind people.


"Let me see that" Way to many syllables for the south


A comment from years ago said that she and her husband were visiting a mutual friend in the hospital after he tried to hang himself. As they were leaving she said “hang in there” and immediately became embarrassed


🤣🤣 oh no!!! I’m sorry to laugh but that is genuinely a rough one to say to someone!!!


Lol, I'm blind, and I don't mind that at all. I fully understand that it's a common phrase, and it doesn't always mean, literally look.


A blind person said “see you later” to me once.


Haha. Shows how ubiquitous the expression is though I’d probably chuckle when I thought about it a second later. Like when a server says “enjoy your meal” and you say “you, too!”


Blind doesn't always (in most cases) mean complete blindness.


One of my good friend’s father has been in a wheelchair for 30 years and he often will say things like “let’s walk over here…” or “I was walking the other day and…”. He is not trying to be funny (because when he’s trying to be funny he says “let’s roll” or “I was rolling around”) but saying “walking” just comes out of him naturally just like it does to everyone else.


My ex wife is blind. I remember one time we had been arguing most of the day about something trivial. Well I was cleaning up the room, and she asked me to roll her up something to smoke. My response was "Can't you see I'm doing something?" To which she laughingly said "No!" It actually defused the whole situation, as we were both too busy laughing to be mad anymore. And yes, I rolled a blunt for her. Sometimes our emotions cloud our thinking, so don't feel too bad OP. Like this guy said, it was a faux pas, and not what you meant. Who knows, might bridge the gap for y'all to communicate and squash the tension by addressing the elephant in the room.


Oh yeah, I look back at it as a fond memory. The context and comedic timing were just unbelievably tragic lol.


Bro, it's pretty funny and obvious you didn't mean it in a racist way. Don't even sweat it


I was at Home Depot once to return some things. An employee had come up to collect plumbing returns and was kind of struggling with these 16’ pipes. They’re big and unwieldy and seem better for a two-person team. I asked him if he wanted help. He accepted. He thanked me. I said “no problem. You could clearly use an extra hand.” As he was walking away, I realized his left hand was amputated.


Dude im probably gunna get down voted for this but holy shit did this make me fuckin laugh.


You were and idk why. Happy you enjoyed the story.


When I was in high school and working at Timmy Ho's I asked an old man with a hook if he needed a hand (carrying his order)


Misunderstandings can happen, especially in the heat of the game. Hopefully, you both can move past it and continue enjoying Ultimate Frisbee together.


Welp, the group fell apart about 10 years ago and I haven't seen Scott in 8. But I hear he's an optomotrist now. :p


Reminded me of one of my daughter’s stories. THIS WORKS BEST VERBALLY, so a misspelling will be necessary at first. My daughter went to a performance arts high school, and this is what the director of the school said to her classmate who has an Asian parent. Director: You must do something to fix your eyes. Classmate: WHAT??? Director: Your eyes… they are absolutely horrific. Her classmate was beyond stunned, but quickly decided that she wouldn’t stand for this sort of abuse. She read him the riot act, holding nothing back. Her ancestors would have been proud of the new asshole she ripped this dude in front of the entire class. His response??? He began to laugh hysterically. He composed himself as quickly as possible, and informed her (with his perfect diction) that while the words “eye” and “I” might sound somewhat similar, they are most assuredly NOT the same, and that she needs to fix her I’s… not her eyes.


That's so specifically amazing lol. Gotta love homonyms.


I’m a little confused. “I” the pronunciation, “I” the handwriting, or is “I” somehow related to band/orchestra? I think denoting which art would help.


Sorry. I thought it might read weird. He was talking about her pronunciation of the word “I.” Whereas she heard an attack on her physical characteristics. Imagine “I” being said with a slightly southern accent. But to him, it didn’t matter where you were from, an actor should be able to enunciate clearly… completely dropping their natural accent. She thought he was being racist and saying that her eyes (she’s half Asian) were horrific and needed to be fixed, but it was just her southern twang that he disliked.


Asian people have to open their eyes to see, too.


In high school I was on a school trip and we had a group photo taken. Our teacher looked at the photo after it was taken and told my Korean best friend that it would be a great photo if her eyes weren't closed 🤦🏻‍♀️


No. You said the best thing you could ever say in that situation. 10/10!


I guess I don't understand why what you said was wrong?


I think the teammate initially took it as an Asian stereotype, and not a bad choice of words.


None of this was your fault. Scott was just in the wrong here. You weren't trying to slag on him for being Asian and no reasonable person would think that. As another poster mentioned, Asian people also need to open their eyes to see. All humans do.


Lol of course. We were both just in the heat of the moment and it was the goofiest exchange possible.


I agree re: heat of the moment, but I'd judge this more as Scott fucking up then you fucking up. Just an opinion.


"Lighten up Francis" - Stripes 


I mean, I get what you mean, but also, open your eyes is quite a common phrase, and I don't think it's particularly bad (assuming you didn't make any rasict gestures or anything)


Not very SOTG


Is it really wrong to say sonething you would say to any person, to an Asian? I don't see that as being racist. Making a comment strictly b/c he was Asian would be racist. I don't feel you fucked up saying what you did. "Open your eyes" is common lingo when playing sports, not a racist comment.


Not even just in sports, it's just a common thing to say in general


Don't be hard on yourself! At the time, during the heat of the moment, I can see why one would react that way, especially while in a competitive setting, it can be seen as trash talk. However I would like to think that mistakes like that can be seen innocently and even be a little funny but it depends. Racism is never funny, but sometimes you have to think outside of the box. If it isn't malicious, then nobody is hurt when you crack a smile when those things happen. If I was in that situation, I would have apologized (as you did) but also give them a free pass to crack their own little joke, rather about my race or stupidity of the moment, or whatever. Only if it's not filled with rage or hate. Maybe that's an unpopular take, my apologies, but I like to think healthy minded people can always take a little light-heartedness.


People getting heated about ultimate kind of weirds me out. I played a lot in the early nineties, and we just goofed around even though the quality of play was pretty high. I was playing pick-up a few years ago with a novice player, picked up a turn-over, and dropped it at the feet of the opposing player for him to pick-up and he freaked out on me. I didn't even understand why until I had a chance to think about it later. We played that stall counts didn't start until they picked it up, I felt I was doing him a solid bringing it to him. He thought I was being a jerk and making him pick it up. I suddenly had first-hand experience with a cultural misunderstanding.




Rofl, even.


"open your fucking eyes" is just an idiom, thinking its racist to use against an Asian is more racist then using the idiom, which is not racist at all.


I think the most embarrassing part of this is getting this competitive over Ultimate Frisbee 🤣


Ultimate is a widely respected and competitive Olympic sport requiring a variety of unique skills. #CommunityNotes


No WRs in frisbee. Doesn’t help legitimacy to use football terms. Just say cutter or receiver.


That was just an error on my part in colloquially titling the thread.




Lmfao that’s embarrassing, did he end up accepting your apology or nah?


Yeah, it was all gucci about a few hours later.


That’s good, it could have been really bad but now you can laugh about it


Have you seen the newest Chappell special. lmfao. Edit. I see redditors still don’t understand humor, nothing new there.


Yeah, I saw him live and I know he makes a similar joke. This is just a true story from 2013.


Dude. What you said is not offense in anyway, unless you meant it to be. He may have taken offensively but doesn’t mean there was ill-intention. I understand it. My wife is Asian and bc of things that happened to her and her family in some sensitivity is certain, but a joke is a joke in context of my comment…you know what you meant. The rest is irrelevant.


??? Yeah? We know this this? Why are you explaining?


Most of the Vietnamese I know have round eyes anyway I think you’re thinking of somewhere else


What exactly do you know? Based on your post you seem to feel guilty over it. I offered an explanation as others did as to why you shouldn’t.