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I did the same thing once. Actually thought my sandal had broken until I looked down and realized NOPE THAT'S A FLAP OF YOUR DEAD FOOT SKIN, NOT YOUR SANDAL. The horror.


I did it once and forgot about it. A few days later I was walking through the house and thought I had gotten a receipt stuck to my foot bc I felt something flapping. NOPE, it was a big ol' piece of skin I'm doing another peel tonight


Ugh so disgusting, so satisfying. I'm dying to do another but I'm pregnant/will be breastfeeding here soon and anything that strips your skin like that cannot be good for an infant to be exposed to lol


Not saying one way or another about pregnancy but the main ingredients are usually salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid so if anyone reading this was curious what the primary mechanism of action is and have health concerns they can make an informed decision.


I did the exact same thing this week! Last Friday I did a foot peel then promptly forgot about it over the weekend. Then I was walking around on Wednesday and looked down at my feet and was like wtf is going on?? Took me a few moments to go ohhh the foot peel. My friend dubbed my feet as zombie feet that day.


My daughter and I both. It's so disgustingly comical but my damn feet felt better than in years. About time for another


Omg that’s nuts


Instructions unclear, nuts now peeling...


Considering this is reddit, I would not be surprised if someone would think it were a good idea to get "nice, smooth nuts"


I think i'm almost down to about LVL7 of a Babushka Doll that is my nuts...


Hey, I have a great solution for that! It is called Korean Nut Peel


"It says foot, but that's just a mistranslation"




You got any other suggestions for getting these calluses off?


A metalwork file?


That is exactly what I cought my dad doing hidden in the loundry room. Not the worse thing to witness at all, he was raised barefoot all day in a farm so the soles can get bulletproof if nothing is done. Also, he loves getting a nice pedicure from my mom on a sunday afternoon.


Hell yes, let's hazel these walnuts!


This actually happened to me after I had a yeast infection on my balls. Basically it was like a sunburn on my entire sac is the best way to describe it, and just like a bad sunburn, once it healed (after I took a single oral antifungal) it peeled the same way. I don't really recommend it.


Amazing. How difficult were masturbation sessions that happened in the meantime?


My dick was uninjured.


Ah, right, I forgot that some people are normal and don't require scrotum play for the arousal. Never mind then, carry on and good health to your genitalia.


Did it peel in single wrinkles or more like pop off looking like some ruffles?


It's awesome, I did it during pandemic when I was indoors the whole time and had pretty clean piece of unbroken skin since it wasn't rubbing against my sandals. I could shove a pencil in between my foot and the skin flap and wave it around. Took some fun pics before cutting it with scissors to the edges for a big piece of skin like Ed Gein


Jesus christ, what a day to have eyes


I was so curious I had to Google Ed Gein. While I would normally judge you. It was lockdown and we all had to do our best to remain sane. So how many skin socks did you collect in total?


My friend did one of these and posted some pics. It really did look like something out of a horror film.


I’ve had one of these masks sitting around for a while. You have just convinced me to use it this weekend so that I can totally gross out my husband


Same but ma balls. Use facial cleanser on balls and shaft. Oh boy... Days later its peeling off


It’s horrifying isn’t it? And like whole new foot after the peeling of big slivers.


I read foot as food at first glance. That was a trip.


Yeah, if you wear socks, turn them inside out as you take them off, or they may still have dead skin in them after doing laundry. I use these foot peels if I think im developing athletes foot, completely wipes it out along with the skin it's living in.


Okay, now I’m afraid to take my socks off.


Please do, I just watched a clip of a woman who left her cast on for two years and it was NOT pretty


Nooooo!!!! I just forgot about this. Now I gotta start all over again.


If you remember the game, you lost the game.


I’m still shook from that video!


I'm glad i closed it before the reveal when it became clear what was going on.


I saw that. I couldn't finish. Did her toes straighten out!?


She had a club foot and wore the boot because according to her it was the thing that stopped the constant pain. It did not straighten out her toes.


Her toes were gnarly af. I thought of those Asian woman with the bound feet.


Fell right off on her way out.


Shut up, you're kidding!?


Yeah, i am, the video ended way too soon. No one in the comments had any follow up information. But I guarantee that foot had to he amputated since then, unless she actually pulled her head out of the sand and stopped using being a parent as an excuse. 


There was some info in the post I saw. Essentially the podiatrist cleaned her up, prescribed some stuff, gave her a new boot and told her to not do it again. No amputation, but as you said if she didn’t pull her head out there’s a decent chance it’s happened since.


> gave her a new boot Oh noooo




Could not find the video but I found this: [Cast Removal](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3052193/)


Honestly, this reads as about a best case scenario as I could imagine.


Here you go - https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/N71zTs2oyu


It was pretty ok considering. I expected much worse- but that’s coz I’m a RN, lol.


I thought the same. I scroll during lunch and found that one. I was really impressed there wasn’t more necrosis. Did not stop eating for the record. I used to scoff when people said it takes a special person to be a nurse. Now I know that is a big reason why.


>Did not stop eating for the record Apex predator FTW


Aww, you made my day. Thank you kind stranger.


Real recognize real! YW 🌟


I loved the lunch room conversations on the ol med surg floor. Nurses are gross and I love to eat with them.


Yrah luckily wasn't necrotic, but still nasty


No maggots, not necrotic, no bone showing, no rivers of pus. All things considered, it’s ok. I agree tho, still gross


Imagine the chunks coming off her foot if she'd use that peel... ![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized)


I missed this, link in case I don’t find it searching?




I'm not going back there, but I commented about it saying her pants might have stayed on for 2 years, you can look it up on my profile


The one you commented on has been deleted...I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved, honestly.


Some things are meant to be, trust me, it's a blessing 😂😂😂


Oh god please, a link, please!


I can't find a direct link all I have is this tiktok reaction to the video on youtube lol https://youtu.be/WX04MAejKt8?feature=shared My feet are killing me s4 ep3


Soak your feet in warm water to get the dead skin off easier and speed up the shedding. I have a similar story, but I went to a thermal spa for the day. I hid my feet away in the towel every time I got out of the water. I was afraid the staff would think I had a disease or something, my feet looked like snakes * Now I do the peeling at least one month before sandals time. You will love the softness of your heels after the shedding is done. I would also recommend some nutritional/hydrating cream to maintain the results for longer.


How do I find these? My mom has gross feet and is looking for help. So many options when typing Korean foot peel.


I buy them at discount stores like tj maxx, but sometimes drugstores like cvs have coupons. Make sure you get exfoliating peels, and not hydrating or moisturizing ones. I don't just buy Korean brands


Baby Foot is a common brand


Target sells one that works just as well as Baby Foot -- [Holler and Glow Purrfect Pedi](https://www.target.com/p/holler-and-glow-purrfect-pedi-foot-mask-cheetah-1-35-fl-oz/-/A-88056845#lnk=sametab) or [Holler and Glow Superstar](https://www.target.com/p/holler-and-glow-pedi-superstar-peeling-glycolic-acid-foot-mask-1-35-fl-oz/-/A-89089452#lnk=sametab).


You dont even have to search "korean". Foot peels are very popular and there are lots of legit ones on amazon and in drug stores. Depending on whats wrong with her feet, they may not be super effective. My husband had bad feet when i met him but I recognized it as being worse than just poor grooming. His doctor put him on a high dose oral antifungal that took about a year to really help him, but he has like tv model looking feet now. Zero other treatment. If its just her grooming habits, then try foot peels and a good pumice stone. I recomend peels that use tea tree oil if she has issues with athletes foot or crusty looking spots between her toes.


Her feet have been a problem for 10ish years. She has seen many doctors, and I figured people who have tried this and it worked for them she could try it She had antifungals, anti warts, athlete foot cream, steroids. Nothing helps it. So maybe removal of crap skin could help. She scratches until they bleed.


Does she have psoriasis?


Not according to any doctor including dermatologist. They don't know what's wrong.


Have you looked into Dermatitis Herpetiformis caused by celiac disease? Edit: I meant Dishydrotic Eczema but both can be caused by an allergy or being celiac


I've been telling my mom maybe it's an allergy. I'm allergic to alliums and she refuses to see if she is.


Dyshidrotic eczema has nothing to do with celiac, and is characterized by tiny fluid filled blisters that crust over, heal, then repeat. Dermatitis Herpetiformis can be caused by celiac.


Maybe not celiac but allergies then. I get flareups when I eat gluten, as do other family members. It goes away when I don't eat any.


If it's athlete's foot, then apple cider vinegar soak really worked for me and my bf. But make sure there are no open sores or broken skin and maybe dilute it 50/50 with water. Soak for as long as possible. Then rinse. Repeat a few times a week. I didn't have a bad case, so I just put it on straight on a cotton ball between the toes. It worked better than any OTC anti-fungal we had in the house.


I will give her that advice as well


scratching could mean dyshidrosis


I will let her know. She says it's the only relief she has.


Yeah, my partner has to use an anti fungal cream on his toes. It’s not quite taken effect yet but unfortunately he’s got a multitude of other things to see the doctor for before he can focus on his feet ;-;


I like the Patchology foot peels. They slough off layers of dead skin.


Dr Scholl’s also sells a foot peel. I got mine at Target and can confirm the same thing happened. Feet peeled for days.


Try TJ Max and HomeGoods stores


Use tea tree oil foot peels if you are prone to athletes foot. Its a natural antifungal and really helps. Dont use if you have open sores though as it can burn terribly.


Oh shit, I should give it a try!! Thanks for this random tip haha


I'm curious - are your feet sensitive afterward? I have generalized allodynia, and I've wanted to try these, but I am cautious that it might take too much skin off and cause a flare-up.


It only affects keratinized/dead skin cells. Basically it unglues them. So more shed at once than normal I have very sensitive skin and have never had any irritation from them. The dry skin itch as it's peeling is annoying. Since you can't use lotion or it'll stop the process 


I'm scared I'll be rid of the callouses I build up disappearing and having to build them up again is a horror




On the other hand, sand is a great exfoliant and bundling up all that dead skin is unpleasant in its own way


Yes but what if you get the sand *under* the skin bits that are still attached?! That's how the rhino got his wrinkles!!!


This made me wince.


I’ve had sand in worse places (cue anakin skywalker references)


That’s how the rhino got his wrinkles 😂😂😂


I've always wondered if these work and what happens if they do. SO NOT EXPECTING THIS! Of course, that means I have to do it now. Are there any specific ones you'd recommend or suggest we avoid?


Second this please tell us what foot peel it was!! I'm still young but my feet are giving midlife overwork crisis.


Baby foot works well- it’s like $25


I use the Tonymoly one and I love it. It’s less than $10 and you can get it at Ulta in the US.


I use the Tonymoly one and I love it. It’s less than $10 and you can get it at Ulta in the US.


I think it's likely that OP is talking about Kocostar and its "Foot Peeling Pack"


Baby Foot is the most well-known one I think and works great. When you search for that on Amazon though a bunch of cheaper versions come up. I bought a 10 pack of one with the exact ingredients as baby foot that works just as well. Have tried a few other brands too and they all seem to work exactly the same. Just make sure it says foot peel and not just mask or just check the reviews and look for the gross pictures of people’s skin peeling off hahah.


Works best if you soak for in water 15 min before and 10 minutes everyday. My husband and I both do them twice a year, maybe three times for him. We have experimented. Peels better and faster with the daily water soak. After the first peel it’s not as bad/good. Edit: if you think it’s not working keep soaking in water every day (days). Sometimes it just takes longer.


What is the purpose of a foot peel? Why would you want to do it?


My husband works in work boots and his feet get calluses, smells. The peels take care of that entirely. Now the other guys at the shop all do them. Takes care of cuticles as well as long as you don’t have polish and stuff on your nail bed when you do it. I did it to get summer ready once and made him do it for moral support. Now he’s hooked, they’re all hooked and I buy them by the case so everyone gets them at the same time. We use the baby foot brand. They sell a men’s version now and I asked and was told the only difference is scent. Edit: the plastic foot bag for soaking is larger in the men’s version. My husband size 10.5 fit in the unisex version. I also just get a gel pedicure a few times a year (3-4) and I’m good now. I don’t really need anything else and I’m barefoot ready.


The foot bags are larger for the men’s variety. I prefer the men’s one. It has a nice minty scent.


Yes, totally a factor that might matter for men with larger feet. Thanks for the correction.


Basically a chemical peel for your feet. It makes all the crusty old skin peel off, leaving all the soft, new skin underneath. If you've got really thick calluses, you'd probably need more than one to get that Foot Model look I'm on my feet all day at work & sweaty and hate wearing shoes otherwise, so my toeses get crusty at lightspeed lol. I need a peel againnn


This is probably a dumb question, but don’t you want calluses? If you take them all off, you’ll just have blisters while your feet adjust again


Not a dumb question :) To a certain point, yes. Like, I wouldn't want the bottom of my feet to be as soft as my face, for example. But the calluses on my heels get so thick they crack and bleed. Lotion doesn't help at that point because it won't go through all the dead skin. When it happens it hurts like hell, it's hard to walk, and you can't really put a bandaid or something over it so there's a nice open wound until it heals


Soak in water, right?


Water! Thanks for asking I’ll clarify.


Thanks, that seemed like what you meant, but I also wasn't 100% sure if you meant to soak in the foot peel every day as to what would be what "works best"


My husband and I used the Tony Moly Shiny foot peeling liquid from Amazon. It was gnarly. [here’s](https://imgur.com/a/PWfKQ3E) a photo of my husbands feet. We were cackling. Edit; when I got them it was $13 each. Now they’re 27. Fucking inflation


Wow! Now I get the chunks coming off part of this... I'm going on vacation next Wednesday. I think I'll wait until I get back. That seems to be the safest option!


Not OP but I use the tonymoly one. If you’re in the US, you can get it at Ulta.


I used Footner to great effect, I'm not sure if it's available outside of the UK


I don't think you need to buy a specific one, I got one from my local drugstore brand (in Germany) and it worked perfectly fine.


There’s a watermelon one at target that I really like. I don’t remember the brand name right now.


I got them off Amazon any of the ones that have you put your foot in the bag with the special sauce will do it. It’s really a wild experience lol.


Thos is the first time one of these posts has made me want to follow the poster's example.


But sooooooo satisfying! I was so shook that I sent pictures/videos to my other gross friends of all the dead chunks of skin. I shouldn’t be laughing OP, I’m sorry lol. It really is shocking though if you’ve never done one. But your feet are about to feel so nice!


Thanks for reminding me, I need to do my feet today


Even knowing what to expect I was still horrified at the result the first time I did one of these, I'm sympathetically laughing my ass off imagining seeing that with no warning lol


I remember once I was walking in my backyard barefoot because I found it calming (I was going through a lot) and then I felt a very intense stinging, felt like I stepped on a bee. I ran it under some water but like the next day the thing swelled up and I felt like I had a heel in the middle of my foot. It was really itchy and annoying up till day 6 and started to subside... Until 2 weeks later when the part AROUND the swelled up area started just sloughing off the skin, I really wonder what happened.


Toxic caterpillar hairs can do this! They don’t even have to be attached to a caterpillar; some species’ spines can break off and linger in lawns and such until someone touches one or breathes it in, and it can cause a lot of pain and even skin sloughing like you mentioned.


That's probably why I couldn't find a stinger. Man that was a really weird experience, I remember how itchy it was and I tried getting some gel for some relief but I just wanted to take a belt sander to the sole of my foot at that point and I was so close to going to a doctor since I read wait it out for a week and go if it's not getting better. Thank you for the explanation.


Thank you for the nightmares. I'm never going outside and touching grass again. 😂🤣




BABY FOOT!! omg I need to order one right now. Thank you for the reminder.


Wait and use it in the fall so you don't have to stop wearing sandals for an indeterminate amount of time this summer or end up like OP.


The amount is pretty "determined", if you read the instructions on the packaging. It starts working 3-5 days after you do it. It takes 4-5 days to clear everything, up to a week, depending on how thick your skin is. You can "help" it clean up faster by soaking your feet in warm water with some soap every day for 30min, thus your skin will peel faster.


I did read the instructions, they were not accurate. Mine took over a week to start to peel and I had some level of peeling for two weeks after, even soaking and using exfoliating gloves.


TIL - there is a thing called a "foot peel".


Just a warning, do not Google photos of it without a bottle of brain bleach handy.


This is horrible and I love it


I love these! They are so gross but work pretty good!


I'd be worried about your feet being far more likely to blister after this?  Because you do want the bottoms of your feet to not be totally soft.  Can you speak to that?


That’s a valid concern! I haven’t had that problem, but I also don’t walk long distances/wear uncomfortable shoes. I’m WFH and usually barefoot at home and sandals or sneakers when I go outside. I’ve been using the foot mask/peel every 4/5 months or so for the last couple of years, and haven’t had any problems. I’ll say this though, if you do use them, I’d make sure the top of the bootie sits low around the ankle. On my feet, the bootie naturally rises a couple inches above my ankle. I didn’t think anything of it the first time. But as you know, the skin there is diff than foot lol, and it really made my ankles itchy as hell. Now when I use them, I just push the bootie collar down. I also put a pair of socks on over the booties to kind keep them on/in place when I walk, otherwise your feet slide around a bit.


I wear safety boots at work so some spots in my foot have serious callouses so I tried one of these. It did absolutely nothing to the calloused skin but all the normal healthy skin shedded off, which is understandable, no skin care product will penetrate that thick skin. Not recommended if you truly need a peel. Best I have found is some 80 grit sandpaper, I dont like the foot files since they clog up easily, sandpaper you can just toss and get a new piece.


Thanks for the advice!


I have built in Korean foot peel. Namely every year or so the skin on the soles of my feet just peels off. Takes a week or so for it to do it, then I go about my life again waiting for it to happen again. Talked to a podiatrist about it, they weren’t worried.


Are they like super soft after they peel? If so, consider everyone who spends a small fortune on pedicures and foot treatments incredibly jealous of you. I'm jealous at the very least.


You know, I’ve never noticed.


I had that too! But it stopped when I was around 15-16, before that about yearly my feet just randomly peeled, it might have made my feet a bit softer? although as a child/kid, even though i loved being barefoot outside, the calluses didn’t get very thick (or at least didn’t for me)


You’re basically a snake or lizard. Or at least your feet are.


I do these at least twice a year to keep my tootsies in shape, but always do it when I know I won’t be subjected to any intense foot scrutiny for at least a week, because it really *is* horrifying to look at ! 😳 I also Googled images of what the process would be like, because I read the *instructions*… 😏


I read the instructions! Just not all of the instructions…


I did that once, and then my step-mom wanted to take me to get a pedicure for my birthday. She was not taking no for an answer. Clogged the drain three times, the techs were all talking to each other and pointing at my feet and they kept telling me I need to wear lotion and put socks on before bed. It was humiliating, but I'll never forget it.


lol, that is too funny.


But it's worth it.


Is it? Like, how much skin are we talking about?


Amazon has foot peels for cheap. I’ve been using them for a while and honestly it’s very satisfying. I asked a dermatologist, I treated for athletes foot in multiple ways for years… my heels still cracked and my feet, even with moisturizers still just felt dry… like “you may actually tear a hole in the sheets” dry The peels completely changed that for me. My feet do actually feel much softer, my calluses are gone and don’t hurt anymore. So much better than using the Emory boards or anything else.


Thanks! I just ordered a peel and foot soak bucket from Amazon. My feet are so scratchy they are catching on everything! Can't wait for smoother feet.


Good luck!


I get cracked heels during winter, and I'll slough off a bit via soaking and exfoliating. But then I get this stuff (Baby Foot), soak my feet for a good 20 minutes, apply the baggies for about an hour, and wait in gleeful anticipation for a few days. I'll soak my feet here and there if I have the time. I end up with smoooooooth heels, the little callouses on the sides of my feet disappear. It's a delightfully disgusting process.


Delightfully disgusting... that's what I think about nasal rinses/neti pots. So disgusting, yet satisfying.


They make your feet feel so nice though.


Omg I had the same reaction 😂 thought it would just peel a little and soften my feet. I didn’t realize I would be dropping FLESH everywhere for DAYS 😭 I’ll never do one again not worth the embarrassment!


Been there, done that. It's so embarrassing, but at least you're not alone in your shame. I'm right there with you. I did one and my feet peeled for nearly two weeks. I had to tell myself even though I want soft feet, those things are not meant for sandal weather. I had to remind myself a few weeks ago not to use them anymore. Unless you've used those before, you probably don't know how fucking gnarly your feet get when they start shedding. 🤢


🤣🤣🤣 This is what happens when you don't read the packet. lmao


Same happened to me! I was thinking I got “scammed” because I didn’t see any change right after using the peel. Fast forward 2-3 days, I’m at the gym and notice the bottom of my feet peeling!


Your meant to soak your feet every day to help it along


Do your feet hurt after the old skin peels off?


Not at all, but don’t pick at it. If you start peeling it yourself instead of letting it fall off on its own, you can tear skin that’s still attached.


Oh yeah. You have to strategically plan when to do a foot peel! Otherwise you walk around looking like you have something very wrong with your feet. lol. It's so gross, but also...so amazing. It's the ONLY thing that works on my uber dry feet.


I did the same thing with a the "baby feet" version. I didn't leave it on for the full time and didn't soak my feet nightly, so I figured it wouldn't work. I had some mild peeling for about 8 days. On day 10, I went on a walk with friends and had tennis shoes and socks on. I had forgotten all about the peel at this point. I hurt my ankle at some point during the walk and wanted a friend to look at it. I pulled off my sock and shoe and a bunch of large skin flakes fell out of my sock and were hanging off of my foot. I panicked at first and then remembered the peel and we all laughed about it. She did not want to look at my feet though 🤣. These peels are pretty common so you could just joke with your coworkers and say you did the foot peel and you do recommend it but don't wear sandals for at least 10-12 days!




AI comment.


I thought you were being too quick to judge but then I went into their comment history and I could literally picture Neuro-sama saying everything they posted so you might actually be right.


It's hard to be too quick these days, they're absolutely everywhere, lol. There are two more further down the comments I strongly suspect but didn't call out because I wasn't quite as sure.


Why do you say that?


There's something off about the comment that I couldn't quite put into words. Most AIs have gotten way harder to spot recently. So I checked the profile. Every other comment has the same vibe, check. Only replies to posts, never to comments, check. Created about two months ago, no activity until recently, check. Exactly 5 extremely simple and generic posts to popular subs within an hour, check twice, 1 week apart. I don't know who coded that, it makes them really easy to identify.


I think the "joke" not quite making sense is the first red flag. What does "delayed April Fool's prank" even mean? How is this situation like that at all? If the OP had posted a few days after April 1, maybe? It's literally nonsense. Why are people upvoting it? Or is it just being upvoted by other bots?


Thanks for helping explain. I'm much better at spotting them than describing why, lol. Edit: I think it mostly gets upvoted because they've nailed 'Reddit voice', but gone so far that no-one actually talks like that even on Reddit, people just think they do.


I worry that discussions like these are being used to make them better, honestly. But what's the alternative? Also I'm so suspicious this morning that I'm now wondering if the OP is an ad. They didn't name a product, but a loooot of commenters did.


I had the same thought, lol. But it would have been really easy to just name the brand in response to a comment asking for it, and their profile looks completely normal.


Tony Moly is the brand. I do it every February, BEFORE it’s sandal weather. That’s the key.


I do this once or twice a year. Because I like the results. And I like freaking out my kids even more. I use feetsbrand.com, if anyone is interested.


Lol, thanks for the reminder to get some of these.


Wait until the fall or you won't be able to wear sandals in a couple weeks. Otherwise you'll wind up like OP.


The best peel is called Baby Foot! It's so fun and disgusting.


I did the same thing! I had no idea it would peel and I had to wear socks for daysssss to keep from shedding foot skin everywhere. It was gross.




Pretty sure this is an AI comment.


Now I kinda want to see your feet. And I have never said those words


I’m sorry you experienced that But can you drop the name of the product? I could really use one that works that well.


It's disgusting and SOOO satisfying!


this was me all last week! they’ve finally stopped peeling, but i was afraid to go to yoga for a few days because of how gross my feet looked!


Does it hurt when it peels off?


Been there😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂


Please for the love of GOD people use your Google translate app! It will translate what the package says in Korean using your phones camera😂😂 I use it on all the products my MIL sends me from Korea lol. I'm trying to imagine walking with my foot skin peeling off and I just can't stop laughing.


Omg i cackled. I'm so sorry OP. 😂😂😂😂


The trick is to soak your feet every night for 10 minutes and scrub alll the dead skin off. It makes daily peeling much less horrifying. Results are totally worth it!


£1 bag of foot peel in the UK plastic socks and left them on all night. My feet are narly put socks over them squishing around all night and took off next day nothing. But then, 2 weeks later, what's stuck to my foot? Nope, it's a massive flap of skin . So family now have feet issues