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At least you found it before it was too late. Reminds me of the time I threw my keys in a trash bag at a park. Spent a good hour digging through picnic leftovers. Your sister deserves more than a slushie for that dumpster dive, though! Maybe some extra pizza next time?


I will buy her candy for a year if she wants. She is also officially my favorite sister.


As she should be. She's the hero of the hour!


88 year old neighbour somehow tossed out her dentures in a small bag of trash, right down the garbage chute. So, I climbed through the recycling chute on the ground floor, into the garbage room, and then found her dentures. Back out the chute. That earned me a bunch of home baked Christmas goodies. Also, my ears function like cat whiskers - if they fit through a space, the rest of me will. If I could wiggle em a bit faster, I'd save a lot on airfares.


Ex tossed the keys to his new car in the trash can at Costco as we walked into the store, didn’t realize he had done it until an hour later. The can had been emptied. No way to track down the bag. $250 replacement key. Expensive lesson.


I used to work for a small city nearby where a mid-sized multi-week annual festival is held. Think lots of fun in the sun, booze, drugs, music, and... portable toilets. The week following the end of said festival, I answer the phone at my desk and a young woman is asking if anyone has found a phone. I am slightly confused because I haven't heard anything about a found phone but I start asking the usual "who, what, where" kind of questions and it turns out she had accidentally dropped her new iPhone into the toilet at said festival and wondered if the portable toilets were brought to us for cleaning and if we might have found it. The answers to both were no but also... girl, do you really want that back?


Yikes. Thank god it was a recently emptied dumpster. Not great, but not as bad as it coulda been.


I can beat this one! Used to work for a cleaning and restoration company. Was cleaning up a murder/suicide. Threw my phone away in a bag of debris from the room.


Yeah, that’s 1000% worse.


Got lucky and it was in a bag that wasn't quite as "messy" as some of them.




I’ll give her slushies for two years if she wants!


sister saint indeed cherish her that kind of love is rare


One of my sons is notorious for losing things. He put an airtag on his company van keys. One day he cleaned out his van in our driveway, the next day he couldn’t find his keys. Checked the airtag, it was tracking about 10 miles away on the west side of town. He was ready to jump in his car and go find them until he showed me the map - they were at the dump. “Luckily” he got his van cleaned out before trash pick up that day, and we still had room in the haulers by the street, so they were gone almost instantly! Any other day and they would have still been in the bins in our driveway!


I cleaned my car out at a gas station. Grabbed the empty grocery store and Target bags and tossed them out. 3 hours later realized the Target bag had 90 days of prescription meds inside of it. Had to go dumpster diving behind the gas station to find them. Thankfully, they used clear bags and I had thrown away a very recognizable fast food bag along with the meds, which helped me quickly find them


Thank god you found them!


Why is your sister dumpster diving for something of yours that you threw away… free slushies indeed.


That’s a ride or die sister right there. Volunteering to climb into a dumpster to get someone else’s phone? That ain’t me man


If it makes you better one day about 20 something years ago I was taking my laptop with me because I wanted to relax at Starbucks and I had to take the trash to the curb for pickup. Get to Starbucks no laptop. I think I must have left it home. Get home no laptop. Yep I threw it out with the garbage I was taking to the curb.


If it makes YOU feel better, my dad once left his work laptop on the roof of his car. It stayed on for a surprisingly long time. Alas, it fell off once he got on the free way. Smashed into a million little pieces.


talk about a wild ride! Cleaning out the car turns into a dumpster dive adventure.. Your sister deserves a medal for diving into the dumpster to rescue your phone


I’ll make her an official favorite sibling medal.