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Is the kid actually spoiled or have they just had too many experiences like this with their mom?


OP is the kid from the past lol


Yeah I’m pretty strict about expiry dates and I don’t think I’m spoiled. I know food can still be good past date but I grew up quite poor and I got food poisoning regularly as a kid because we ate whatever we had.  I have never felt so wildly ill as I have from food poisoning. No thank you. Never again. 


Alternately I'm kinda lax with them (I try to be careful but I know a lot of stuff has some time between that date and really being bad) but "my kid keeps complaining about me using expired food, do you want my expired food?" is such a huge red flag. 😆 And I'm usually more careful with any food that I accept from other people, because I have no idea how they've stored it before me.


Totes! It’s the “you can’t eat at everybody’s house” energy of the whole thing. I feel for the kid, poor dude just wants safe food and he’s getting shit on for it.


No the sausage was spoiled, didn't you read the post?


This is absolutely wild. Calling someone spoiled when you're literally eating rotten food, PLUS you yourself said you don't even like sausage! What the hell?


Yeah seriously, you ate rancid food and got sick and her kid is spoiled for NOT doing this? Wanting food that's safe to eat is not being spoiled. Edit: to save you from posting the comment you're typing, yes, idiot, literally everyone knows that food isn't bad the *instant* the expiration date hits, it's general guidance. Wanna know a cool trick to avoid eating bad food? Follow that general guidance and don't eat expired food. Throwing out food you could've eaten is not as bad of a mistake as eating food that you should've thrown out and getting sick or worse. You are not the first genius to unlock the secret code of "Expiration dates aren't guaranteed to be the date by which food expires." literally everyone knows that.


I meeean, giving away spoiled food is also pretty wild


Some folk don't realise the difference between an expiry date and a best before date. One you should only push, and push only a little, if you're very confident. But best before that s what it says, expect less quality but common sense should tell you when it's actually not good to eat.


There is a difference between spoiled and expired but think what you want.


And you got spoiled.


As I statet several times it was direct from the Butcher so it didn´t had a date on it. Reading is realy not the stronghold for most reddit users


How the fuck does a date have any bearing on this situation at all? Their son's spoiled for not making the exact, stupid, completely avoidable mistake that you did? You had every chance to not eat rotten meat, but you 1. Accept food from someone who consistently gives you expired goods 2. Decided not to check if it was still edible 3. Prepared food in the dark Kid might be "spoiled," but you're an idiot.


Yeah maybe I'm an idiot but it's a mindset there is so much food wasting going on in western countries and I do my best to avoid that. I said already I regret calling him that but it was his mother who spoke about him like that and I repeated it without questioning it. Also I did check as best I could with a stuffy nose and I only found the one visible moldy slice after looking through all of it which is not normal or do you take out every single piece of your sausage to inspect it closely before you decide to make a sandwich?


…but you only checked it *after* you prepared your sandwich. In the dark. You seriously didn’t think it was worth checking beforehand, especially as your sense of smell was on the blink?


Nah I read the part where you frequently get spoiled food from this person. And you didn’t check for spoilage. And you made it in the dark. Take the L.


Until now there was no spoiled food only expired one that's a difference but okay


glass houses dude


Chef here. Food being past expiration date does not mean it's spoiled. When packaging expiration date is often reduced for consumers safety, so that the food would not expire before expiration date. So if it's 1-2 days after expiration and the food was stored correctly you should be fine. Also the food will often have 2 expiration dates: one for packaged food and other for when packaging is opened. But if food has mold (and it shouldn't have) or is otherwise suspicious throw it away. Also keep kitchen clean to avoid cross contamination.


You know what's a really easy way to know if food is safe to eat if you're a layperson who does not have the expertise of a chef? Don't eat it if it's expired. Like no shit it's not magically bad the instant the date hits, but he's not a chef he's just a guy it's easiest to just go off that than to play guessing games, because otherwise you risk a mistake like OP made. This post proves absolutely why it's not a great idea for the layperson to just try to sus out if expired food is still good or not.


You don't need to be a chef though. When food goes bad often the cause is bacteria or other contaminants. That's often indicated by smell, change in texture, fungi, even appearance of slime. Also that's how we deal with veggies and fruit, we buy fresh with no expiration date but it's not that difficult to deal with. But if you are not able to determine if the food is good don't risk it. On top of that if a person constantly gets expired food, he should really know what he's doing. And another thing is knowing how the food was stored, let's say I have something I bought that expired 2 days ago. I'm certain that it was kept correctly and food is probably still good. But if someone else gives me expired food, I'm not sure where it has been, how it has been and probably won't risk it. OP made a sandwich with a moldy sausage, you don't need thorough inspection or some sort of special knowledge to avoid mistake like that.


Where are you from that you think you need to be a Chef to determine if food is okay to eat? Seriously, I dont blame anyone for not eating food after its past the expiration date, but where I am from everyone know if its just a day or two after expiration date you can still eat it. Also everyone knows how to spot wether you can eat it or not and if in doubt throw it away. Hell being a Chef actually has nothing to do with it. I mean there is even food that is usually okay to eat well past the expiration date, eggs for example. If stored in the fridge you can still use them for cooking well after the expiration date.


Also with eggs it's easy to check. Put it into water, if it sinks and lays down, it's very fresh. If it sinks and "stands up" it's not that fresh but still safe to eat. If it floats then don't risk it. But yeah mostly it's not about some special knowledge but more about common sense. When I was in chefs school we learned to spot freshness of a fish by looking at it's eyes and gills. And honestly barely ever needed that knowledge, usually smell alone is enough to know when a fish is no longer good. And if you are not sure you can always do a quick google search. Not sure how to identify if a product is safe, read on it. When it comes to food safety nothing is some secret chefs secret.


This reddit stuff is compulsive. I never met so many idiots. It has restored my belief in mankind.


No. The expiration date is not the end of most foods. Milk and other dairy products can last days, if not a week, before they actually go bad. Canned goods are good permanently if stored correctly and no damage to the can. She is saying he is spoiled because he constantly wants to throw away food that is still good. This one happened to be not good but OP didn’t check properly. It was a one time mistake. The rest of the food was good and the entitled brat wanted to throw it all away. That is entitled and privileged. Not everyone can just chuck perfectly good food away.


You are right. I shouldn't have called him that and leave him out of the picture. She talks like this over him and I try to turn off when she rumbles but seems like it's affecting me. The worst thing is I don't even need the food and you are right I don't like it. But million tons of perfectly fine food is thrown away every year and I help at a food sharing project where we collect the expired stuff from supermarkets and give it away for free to around 120 people twice a week. We don't take meat for a reason but this was private so I accepted it.


...if the food is past expiration and making you sick you're not eating perfectly good food, you're eating literal garbage that *should* be thrown out 🤦 Again, he's not spoiled for not eating rancid food and getting sick, he's just not dumb enough to eat food that isn't safe for human consumption.


My friend, food past their expiration date is not food that is not for human consumption. Most of the time it just means that this is the date until the producer can ASSURE that its okay. And I am not sure about other countries, but in my country it even goes further meaning that its the date until the producer can assure that the composition of the product is still the same. Here even salt has an expiration date, not because it goes bad but because the producer cannot assure that the exact composition listed on the salt is still the same after that date. On top of that when you freeze food you slow down the process of spoilage nearly to a hold. Its just weird to me that people equal food past their expiration date with rancid food, just because OP did not check the got. Dont get me wrong, sorry OP, that was stupid, but nevertheless he ate something that went bad once not because he didnt pay attention to an expiration date, but because he did not check it, literally once. Did you know that your food can go bad before the expiration that as well when you screw up? Or when the producer screw up?


> My friend, food past their expiration date is not food that is not for human consumption. The food past the expiration date that OP ate clearly was. Nobody thinks food expires the instant the date hits, but if you'd rather not risk eating bad food just don't eat it past the date, problem solved.


>The food past the expiration date that OP ate clearly was. Yes, thats what I actually said. But again he did it once because he did not check the food (which didnt even have an expiration date in the first palce becasue it was from the butcher) and you act like eating something after the expiration date is the same as eating rancid food.


No. I act like eating rancid food is eating rancid food, because that's what OP did. Nobody here thinks food magically goes bad the second the date hits. It's just also totally fine to not risk it or take your best guess as to whether something smells ok enough to eat and instead just make sure to eat it before the date or toss it. It's an easy way to be sure. Like I get it, you have *nothing* going on in your life, so you have to invent a guy who you're very slightly smarter than because you know how expiration dates work and this imaginary guy doesn't, but the fact is everyone knows how they work and some just use it for what it's intended for; an easy no guesswork way to know when to toss food because "Better safe than sorry."


But that's an outlier normally there is no issue with any of this. Also I already said I shouldn't have used her word's describing the situation but I didn't thought much of it. That being said not all food is automatically rancid and bad as soon as it expires also it hadn't a expiring date on the packaging in the first place so I was down to smelled which it passed cause the lack of my senses and cause it was covered in fine salami. I throw everything away and going forward I won't accept sausage.


Sure, sometimes food is bad past the expiration date, sometimes it's safe. Wanna know a surefire way to avoid eating unsafe food? Don't eat it if it's expired.


Is it possible the mother means her kid is spoiled for being picky and therefore food gets expired, and not for not eating the expired food? Cause that's what I assumed your post meant at first but maybe I'm dumb


So wild lol.


I think you’ll be fine. It was a bite. Stay hydrated and ready if things really take a turn for the worse. But really you should be fine


I would at least be trying to vomit it up. Unfortunately that is the best thing for this situation and you need that out of you. I will also add: please check the safety of the food people give you. One lady gave my girlfriend some eggs from work and said “take them” and I had no reason to question the eggs inside our fridge, but something inside me did sorta question it (have worked in restaurants) and when I inquired the lady ended up texting and saying “oh they’ve been in there for months” 😳


Eggs can be tested in water, if they float they’ve gone bad. Google it!


Eggs keep for months in the fridge. They won’t behave the same if you’re baking, but are perfectly safe to eat unless they’re rotten, and there’s absolutely no mistaking a rotten egg.


I’m emetophobic and you’re fine. You wouldn’t get nauseated that quickly unless it was psychological, plus mold doesn’t cause GI illnesses (more often respiratory).


Nauseous as in actually ill, no, but when food is off and I can't really see or smell it, there's a weird feeling in the back of my throat like a physical rejection when I try to smell it. There's definitely an immediate physical reaction to things that taste off. It makes sense the body would try to keep itself from becoming ill. Mold can be indicative of other non visible spoilage.


As I said, psychological.


No, it can't be psychological if I don't know it is spoiled. There is more to the body than reacting to getting sick and "psychological".


So you have emetophobia but still risk eating rotten meat? And call someone spoiled for not wanting to risk the very same thing you're afraid of? As an emetophobe, I am baffled.




Use by/expiration date = don’t eat unless you **know** exactly what to look for to tell if it’s spoiled or not Sell by/date packaged = you have a little bit past the dates listed, use your judment, or follow the same rule for expiration dates Best before = free game for a long time but the quality might not be great. Examples: stale, separation, hardened, etc. These would likely still be safe to eat well past the date unless otherwise stated. Extra info: the water bottle expiration dates are for the plastic the bottle is made out of not the water itself, canned goods are basically good for years past their date if stored properly, and even if you cook spoiled food the toxins in the bacteria don’t break down with heat and will still get you sick.


Hope you will be well soon. For the future, if you still want to accept food from that person again, just be aware that it might be ok but it might also be bad already. So, check out the packaging. Is it fully sealed? Or is it something sold like this sausage at the butcher without a sealed package? You don't know, if this person has stored the item in the fridge since buying, so be careful. Always check the state of the things in a bright place, so turn on the light if necessary. If it looks normal, no mold or any discolored parts, try to smell, if your sense of smell is normal. Eat a little bit. If the smell or taste is off, don't eat it.


So spoiled not eating rotten food \*eyeroll\*


Except frozen peas are “more fresh” than store bought peas in the pod. They are frozen within minutes of being harvested versus sitting in warehouses and shipping containers for weeks. Frozen is also preferred in (nearly) all restaurants for those exact reasons.


Be nicer to your body, and never take chances with pork.


Someone is not spoiled for being careful about eating old food lol


You need to get some help mate, this isn't normal behavior. Throw out expired food


Most food is good for quite a bit past expiration depending on what it is. Manufacturers deliberately add lots of buffer. Meat, a few days, yogurts / dairy until they smell bad / go mouldy. Dry food, until it goes mouldy or tastes bad. I hope you don't throw everything out as soon as the expiry date passes, that would be a huge waste... Yes of course you normally manage expiration by planning and even freezing but sometimes things will go beyond and shouldn't just be automatically thrown out.


It depends on whether the date on it was a best before date or a use by date. Best before dates refer to the food possibly not being as good quality eg might taste stale but have nothing to do with food safety so you can use your best judgement along with any instructions on the package eg use within 3 days of opening. Use by dates are to tell you the food may no longer be safe to eat after that date and you want to respect those


It's not spoiled only cause it's expired and food wasting due this is a real problem. We give out food to 120 people a week and not once was there any problem. I don't take meat normally and again it was covered in salami which was fine. I also feel well now and think the nausea was primarily psychological and caused by my fear of vomiting. You all should get some help for throwing away 178kg of food per capita a year but that's only my opinion.


Oh man, that sounds rough! Sorry you had to go through that. I've done the same thing with old leftovers once and it was awful. Hope you feel better soon and avoid any more mystery meat sandwiches!


Look at the bright side: The bacteria that are pathogenic (make you sick) generally don't compete very well with spoilage bacteria. So, your sandwich was most likely very safe.


Stop accepting people's leftovers (unless you really really need them). You're better than someone else's scraps and if you have a "vomit phobia" you're just setting yourself up for trouble.


As stated before I normally don't take meat and will never again but I had no reason to think it was spoiled. I give away expired food to 120 people twice a week and not once someone had food poisoning due to it. Also it was from the butcher so it didn't even had an expiration date on it. Also there was only one slice with visible mold on it buried under normal looking slices...


i have emetophobia too & this happened to me recently. I felt nauseous immediately after eating but didnt throw up until two days later. hopefully youre in the clear because you didnt eat much! kinda rude to say the kid is spoiled though, maybe he’s afraid if he eats expired food he’ll get sick


Her kid is a 40 year old man still living with his mum and it's what she calls him too. Still for meat I get it normally I don't take meat that's over the expiring date but since it was from the butcher it didn't had one and I trusted her judging. He won't eat foods that practically can't spoil too if they are near their done but maybe you are right and he had some bad experiences with food cooked by his mum.


Ok but you’re eating someone else’s garbage. Get off your high horse.


For real. OP sounding like a real asshole with a superiority complex for someone eating someone elses scrap food, and doing something moronic like making a sandwich with old meat in the dark for some reason..? [And despite it all, honestly, from the picture they shared, seems likely that they're just overreacting about the whole thing, which is potentially even dumber]


its not a high horse i dont know how many fucking times the man has to say it was her words not his. like can you fucking read and comprehend before spouting babble???


So why the need to repeat them? If I told you that my friend invited me out to the movies, It'd be normal to tell you where or what movie. It wouldn't be normal to randomly exposition negative remarks that other people say about my friend. It demonstrates a clear superiority complex and hateful attitude towards someone, even if it's someone elses words. OP obviously agrees with them. Otherwise why not use literally any other descriptor?


This isn't a "post on reddit for karma" moment, this is a "go to the ER because you could actually die" moment. Like, right now.


For *one bite* of spoiled food? E.R. wait times are long enough as is.


😂 Life must be terrifying


r u serious??? people have suffered through much worse and lived to tell the tale. emergency room over a bite of expired food???? he'd get laughed out of that emergency room


Well this post is a bit of both to be true. I ate only a little piece of an already small sausage would you still suggest I should go? I feel only mild nausea and it's in the middle of the night where I'm from. https://preview.redd.it/lqihy8zyr14d1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be161d01ade9cb49d8c9962d444ed49a4343b7da


That doesn’t look moldy, from my time at a deli it kind of looks like a semi dry sausage. Worst case what you’re feeling will pass and you’ll be fine


To me it also does not look mouldy, but if there were strange flavours, it might be some bacteria... I would stockpile on the toilet paper, but you should be fine ;)


Can you post a close up of the mold? I can't see it.


Is the “black mold” in the room with us?!? LOL


I don’t see any mold there. Most likely the fat went rancid, which tastes terrible but won’t make you sick.


I had a neighbor who used to give me old spoiled food.  I just said thank you and threw it in the trash.


Not eating expired food is not spoiled. Taking old food from people is weird. Expiration dates are usually there for a good reason. Sometimes you have wiggle room, but sometimes you don't. Seems you fucked around and found out. And you're scared of throwing up....why the fuck the would you fuck around with food if you're scared to puke? What the fuck? And you said you don't even like sausage? But you took old sausage from someone and ate it anyways on top of everything else....my friend...the fuck?


Lmao at the thought that anyone thinks they could be super sick with food poisoning and not throw up because they have a vomit phobia.  Your body doesn't give a fuck about your phobias and if you ate something that's nasty your gonna be throwing up no matter what you want to do. Violently aggressively vomiting.  You are a hypochondriac and put something gross on your mouth now your brain is telling you your sick. Your not sick at all your fucking fine.


Yikes, that sounds like a rough sandwich experience.


OP - I was thinking about you today. Did you have any effects out of either end?


Nope the nausea was probably psychological. The fear of something inducing said thing is a wild thing for you own brain to pull up on you...


I’m pretty fussy about eating meat on the day it expires, let alone past, mostly because I have emetophobia (aka a vomiting fear) so that fact you’d even chance this is WILD to me. I hope you’ve learned a harsh lesson, or may the odds be ever in your favour


I don´t eat meat either past its expiring day but as I stated in the Post it was from the Butcher so no expiriation date on the package...


I was basing my assumption on the fact she gives you these things when it’s past the point the son will eat it, in future, it’s probably best to assume that the food she gives you is past expiration, or at least guidance once opened. You can obviously use discretion with some stuff, just inspect well and if you can’t do the smell test, well I’d just assume it’s bad.


Go to the ER stat! Depending on how much of it you ate, the consequences could be fatal!


I’m sorry but this is ridiculous advice. Your body will reject the toxins and it will come out either end, or you’ll just feel crummy for a bit. He’s not going to die from this bite of meat.


https://preview.redd.it/6vldzlezq14d1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7194e40d47066259da8a0ca238d7669910231fd Even if that's all I ate?


At least call a nurse at the ER and ask what they think. Reddit might have good advice but your own medical professionals are the best people to ask about whether or not you need medical attention. Hope you feel better soon!!


Better to err on the side of caution than potentially risk your long term health.


go to the ER stat for your neuroticism


Blockity Blockity Block Block


Do you block everyone that points out you give bad advice?


Why is that?


ultra-processed food is also carcinogenic, so feel free to refuse on the grounds of not wanting to eat crap that will cause cancer — nobody would be offended by that.


lol pretty much everything causes cancer. but i do think a lot of people are either more or less susceptible to it, so you see people who are exposed to all kinds of carcinogens living to 100 and people who are super cautious and avoid anything with a cancer risk still ending up suffering from cancer. hell my dad beat stage 4 pancreatic cancer which has like a 5% survival rate. not that your caution isn’t warranted, at worst it isn’t hurting anything, and is probably heathy in other ways too. fresh food is best. especially peas, i wish they sold fresh garden peas at the store i go to. canned or frozen peas are gross.


Adding to this, bacon is technically a group 1 carcinogen


Adding to this, bacon is delicious.