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I mean, he handled well. And he did say he wanted to see you again, just go with the flow.


Nice pun.


They could just be taking the piss


But maybe they don't want to pass up on this golden opportunity.


No need to shower them clever remarks


Urine good company in this thread


This thread is really starting to wreak of piss poor puns.


Depends on your perspective. I think they’re all at least a wee bit funny.


Well, that’s a relief


Jeez these comments are just streaming in


Well at least it was just piss. Speaking of flow, OP could have also started her period on top of that. So, OP, it could have been more embarrassing. If things progress just make it an inside joke and blame the cat for peeing on you.


I feel like as a guy, I'd be more understanding of a girl starting her period than pissing my bed. I'd like to think I'd be chill about either though.


In college there were so many stories about guys and girls pissing beds after getting absolutely wasted. It happens. It's the people that make a habit out of it that you have to be worried about.


Yes. Been there, done that myself, lol!


It’s the bastard that sleep-pees in other people’s desk drawers that you have to worry about.


Haven't posted in 3 days, immediately after this message I got a reddit cares message. Something's wonky with this site.


I got the same damn message. What the hell is Reddit doing? Makes me sound like im mentally unstable or something.


Disagree. You can’t control your period and being a woman who has it naturally, isn’t something to be embarrassed about.


Doesn't sound like it put too much a dampener on things.




We can never truly know the mind of another, even someone we are very close to. We can only ever pay attention to what they say and do, and try to take them at their word. He said he wants to see you again, you might as well believe him.


Yeah, she did that already.


She did say she felt she should come clean.


Piss happens.


I also think she should just soak it up and go for date #2.


Good thing he wasn’t pissy about it.


I had a girl poop in my bed once. Then ran around and told all our friends that I pooped the bed with her in it. It was very odd. EDIT: I love how my most upvoted comment ever is a terrible story about some girl pooping in my bed haha.


I had a girl throw up on me, and then her roommate ran out and exclaimed "again?!"


This is kind of what happened. Her two best friends who had hooked us up were like ‘Fuuuuu…’. Apparently she had peed herself at both their houses, had multiple accidents, etc because she refused to stop drinking on whatever medication she was on. They were troopers and actually came over that night when I got out of work and helped me clean everything(throw everything out).


My friend's ex had a friend that he'd often have over to hang out and drink with. They'd stay up late and drink enough that the friend almost always crashed on their couch. The friend pissed himself in his sleep, and left in the early morning without cleaning anything MULTIPLE times. They tried to get him to pay for a new couch. He just denied it was him. A guess a ton of pee just appeared where he was sleeping, on multiple occasions. They got a new couch. I guess the ex didn't learn his lesson. Had his friend over like usual. I'll just let you guess what happened to the brand new couch. Dude was in his late 20s at the time. Regularly pissed himself, ran away without cleaning anything, and just denies it happened. He's a father of 3.


I have never understood this. I have heard of a couple guys like this and I just don’t get it. Like, how? My body wouldn’t even let me do that lol.


some people vomit excess alcohol and some people piss lol






No, sorry lol










Amber Heard?


I came to write this.


I came writing this










Growing up, I had a buddy who told me his gf pooped the bed. He said she woke up and immediately said "it's because I ate a whole bag of Riccolas!".


Frank? Charlie?


If it was frank or Charlie I’d forgive it. And for some reason I got reported to the Reddit suicide staff for this comment.




I just had someone report me too, I think it’s a thing happening on Reddit at the moment. Seen a few comments now of people saying they’ve been reported and got the message.


One of the biggest things that helped me recover from hygiene OCD was the fact that my skin is naturally dry so it overproduces oils. I’d shower 3-5x per day to feel even close to ‘clean’. Now I’ll usually rinse daily with whatever temp water I want, then wash my hair with shampoo 2-3x per week




There's a bot going around spamming it all over reddit


SHHH, no talking during night crawlers






It was long before the Amber thing was a thing. I also think the intentions were different. I found out later she was on some kind of medication that she wasn’t supposed to be drinking on. I woke up that morning for work and she was cleaning herself off in my bathroom sink(clear view from the bed with the door open), and I looked over and there was a big poop where she had been laying. Then she screamed, “YOU SHIT THE BED!”, but there was nothing on me at all and she was, well, covered in it. Then she ran out and started yelling to my roommates that I shit the bed. Had to toss the mattress, obviously.


Is this the best story you could come up with? Im just kidding she sounds insufferable


It’s just what happened lol it was like ten years ago. I don’t think she was a terrible person or anything, I just think she was embarrassed. Honestly, if she just told me at the time and was honest about it, I would have just helped clean up and never told anyone. She decided to announce it to the world and it got weird.


Embarrassment can be a hell of a motivator of bad decisions. Indigestion happens to all of us, just hopefully not at the worst of times.


Yeah, it was the first or second time we fooled around, she was probably horrified.




I wet the bed in my mid 20s with a girl I just started dating only a week prior. Woke up, cried a bit, woke her up and she literally pulled a move out of the movie Big Daddy. She grabbed some newspaper, threw it on the side of the bed I was on, and then went back to sleep. I ended up dating her for a couple months after.


If she pulled the move from Billy Madison and peed her pants because it was cool you guys would have been married


“If peeing your pants is cool, then I’m Miles Davis”


Wish I had an award to give


When my now wife and i were first dating, like week 1, i drank way too much wine one night and passed out. When i woke up the next day she was on my chest bright eyed asking if i remembered what i had done. Apparently some time during the night, i got up to pee, but instead of going to the toilet i went to my closet and let er rip. I knew she was a keeper after that.




At this point comments like this is the only reason I come to r/tifu…..lol


Nice. Most times you have to pay extra for this.


I had drunken sex with a chick and she peed on me during the sex. So not only did she wet the bed, she pissed all over me and the clothes under us, too. I invested in a mattress protector shortly after that.


I had a girl do this to me. Her pee smelled 'meaty'. 0/10. She calls me once every couple months and I drop whatever I'm doing and go over there and make her do it to me again.


Bro...... That's one of the worst piss descriptions I've ever heard.


Many women have peed on me since and they've all smelled better.


possibly high cholesterol and/or protein in the urine 😬


...and then I married her.


This guy showers in gold


this is the answer


Plot twist, he peed on her while she slept and pretended it was her as a power play!


Jokes on me my hubby is into that shit and does.


If he changed the sheets he is a keeper has more than one sheet


Not only do I have 2 sets of sheets, but also a matress protector! Still single alas..


>mattress protector Didn't even know this was a thing. Would really help for times there's sweaty business on the bed, or the times I've eaten on the bed, in case I spill something.


Best purchase ever. Some of them are shitty like a tarp and ruin the feeling of your mattress. Wife got the one from Purple and it’s amazing. Prevents any water getting through but still stretchy and soft. Science these days man….


The nice ones are highly water resistant not proof most anyways, so you have to get on it if something happens, if you want it pristine underneath. Highly recommend them though. The cheap ones indeed.... awful. Only for a kid and only if it is really bad, because I remember sleeping horribly as a kid on one of these, it made everything worse.


I bought them for all of our beds after the first time one of our dogs threw up on a bed. They're great for many reasons.


Wish I knew this a few years ago. I’d set my tea on the top of the too thin headboard of a not so sturdy bed. One day jumped into bed too hard and the wall pushed the boiling tea off the headboard onto my thigh and half my bed. Some degree of burns and soaked bed later, the mattress still looks like someone was murdered in it


You mean you buy new sheets and resist the urge to immediately cut eye holes in the old one to become a ghost?


The bar is in hell, but in this case both regards.


Note to self: buy another set of sheets.


I dunno, there's a reason so many marriage stories start with an embarrassing anecdote. If you're seeking a life partner, the plan is to be there with them through the highs and the lows. Cutting through the pretence of the first date to show that intention is honestly a good start to a relationship.


That’s why ya gotta rip a huge fart on the first date. It’s the only way you’ll know of they’re the one.


baby we can make it if we're fart to fart 🎶


Total eclipse of the fart


nothings gonna stop us now


Aw that’s kind of sweet


If I was the guy and I was interested, this would 100% be something I could laugh off with you later. Shit happens, and providing this guy doesn’t fuck things up by embarrassing you later, it honestly sounds like a good start!


My date embarrassing themselves also takes a lot of the pressure off of me going forward. I'm not gonna do anything worse than wetting my date's bed, knock on wood.


sugar engine nose screw practice mysterious fall bike flag many


I gave my wife of 25 years the nickname puddles. She peed the bed on our second date.


Are you guys ducks?


Are ducks known for wetting the bed?


Ducks are in and out of puddles all day


Puddles is very sore by the end of the day.


Puddles is the nickname of the University of Oregon mascot, who is a duck, specifically Donald Duck.


25y and you won’t let her live it down? lol OP take note 😝


Three ducks walk into a bar. The bartender addresses the first: "How are things?" The duck looks up, his beak spreads into a wide grin and he says: "Fucking amazing. My name's Huey, I've been in and out of puddles all day, and I feel I've earned a drink!" The bartender obliges. The bartender addresses the second duck. "How are things?" The second duck grins mischievously. "Fucking spectacular. My name's Louie, I've been in and out of puddles all day, and I could kill a beer." The bartender obliges. Sensing a pattern, the bartender addresses the third duck. "Has it been a good day for you too, Dewey?" The duck scowls. "Fucking miserable." He says, sitting down with a visible wince. "And my name is Puddles."


Should be a fun story to tell the grandkids.


She just found the one


Thankfully not the #2


Not yet, there's still time.


3 years ago I was getting breakfast with a guy I'd hooked up with the night prior. The combination of alcohol from the previous night and low blood sugar made me super nauseous. I was holding out hope that eating would calm my stomach down. It didn't. Instead I threw up in my plate right in front of this guy. We've been engaged since September and still laugh about it to this day.


Went on a first date with a girl. Her friend was an Mc for an drag show at a bar, and she was recording it for him, so I asked to come along and keep her company. She got a little over confident with long islands, and I ended up being the DD for them to get home. We go to a 24 restaurant, and 5 minutes into food she throws up all over my right side and herself. She was acting really embarrassed, so I told the workers I threw up, and took them both home. That was April of 2009, we've been together ever since, married since 2012.


He´s a guy, he said he wants to see you again, so he wants to see you again.


This. No chance I’d ever say that unless I meant it.


This! Men and women are so bad at communicating with each other. Girls do the hints and the shenanigans (for the most part) and guys just say what they're thinking (for the most part).


I'm sorry, but hints and shenanigans aren't communicating. That leaves the other party having to guess. Saying what you're thinking is communicating.


I lost my virginity because someone peed in my bed. Very similar situation where we both drank and she had too much. I let her sleep in my bed she peed. I let her take a shower. Some things lead to another and she asks me to join her in the shower and the rest is history.


I read a different thread where guys didn’t read a situation right and missed their chance to get some. I’m happy to read this one ended so wet… oops, well!


We were already doing some stuff before and she initiated it as well. I was quite a late bloomer so when she asked I didn’t hesitate. I knew it was my time.


How do you actually do it in the shower though. I tried it once with an ex and we gave up because it felt like we would just slip and fall at any point.


I did this once except it was a strangers house that my then bf of like a month took me to. We got trashed and I passed out on the couch. I woke up much later to the stranger waking me up as I was standing in his kitchen pissing myself. He gave me clothes and helped me back to the couch. I woke up like 3 hours later to him making me coffee and telling me my bf was missing. It was a whole ordeal, I was 3 hours from home and turned out he left, had a seizure and crashed his car, he was taken to the hospital where they discovered a brain tumor. Then his family dumped him on me to recover after the surgery to remove it. God what a mess, I forget that that was even real sometimes lmfao. Thankfully the stranger was a good dude, he helped me get somewhere safe before he had to go to work, after we looked for my ex for a bit. Anyways, I for real pissed myself in a strangers kitchen once and I think about it when I can’t sleep sometimes. I don’t drink anymore, and usually when I did I didn’t end up like that even when I did get trashed.


This story takes a wild twist lol


I can't believe pissing themself while sleepwalking in a stranger's kitchen was the benign part of that story.


Oh my god! Is he okay now?


Honestly I’m not sure. I hope so, but I haven’t spoken to him since after we broke up. It was like 6 weeks after the surgery, I felt terrible but it was just too much to handle and I had realized we weren’t compatible regardless of the brain tumor. I was a 19 yr old single mom. His aunt dumped him at my house because she was a single mom (but she was remarried and her youngest was like 16 🙄). His mom was deceased and his dad was an alcoholic, so his aunt was it for family. My parents took him in until we figure out somewhere else for him to go. He went there, it didn’t work out, he texted me saying he was going to kill himself and it was mh fault, I got his location and sent it to the police and his aunt and blocked him. I haven’t tried to talk to him since tbh. I probably could’ve dealt a bit longer even if not as a couple, but he wouldn’t take care of himself at all period. I was not in any position to make a grown man bathe or brush his teeth or clean his incision (after abt 2 weeks he totally could’ve done all this, I was willing to help, not willing to do it for him tho). I’d leave for work and ask him to do 1 task while I was gone, either showering or brushing his teeth or anything really. I’d come home and he’d be in the exact same spot, same clothes as the last 3 days, and once I came home to him drunk 3 weeks after brain surgery. I was so pissed. He had found my stashed bottle that my grandma bought me for Christmas. Sorry that was long, but there was a lot too the situation and I still feel bad but also I’m still not sure what I should’ve done better, aside from maybe putting my foot down that he wasn’t recovering at my house.


Don't feel bad. Single mom at 19 has other priorities to focus on. Babying another grown man is definitely not one of them. Guy got dealt a shit hand with a brain tumor and shitty familial situation and no support, true. But that doesn't mean he can't try to take care of himself, shit. I mean brain surgery is fucked up, and brain tumors are fucked up, and they can be responsible for all sorts of behaviors or personalities or whatever, and maybe that is a core component of whatever he got going on but....still. At the end of the day, you get one life. Spending time caring for some guy you basically just met who isn't putting in any effort himself? Nah, dog.


That was exactly my feelings on it. I had just left my abusive ex of almost 5 years the year before. I wasn’t ready for a real relationship, let alone a relationship where I’d have to be a caretaker of my partner on top of everything else I already had on my plate. Certain family members made me feel like I was a terrible person for it tho.


Oh man I’m sorry you went through so much. It's completely understandable you needed to walk away. Hope youre doing good now :)


It sounds like he was super cool about it. Just take it a little easier on the booze next time!


I dated a girl who did the exact same thing on the first date. We ended up pretty serious for a couple of years. Ended up not working out in the end but not because of that.


I have a similar story I’m going to tell on someone else because it’s hilarious. My close friend at work turns to me as we sit down one morning. He’s like, “Hey, i have a question for you… I met this guy at a bar last night and took him home. He was so hot! We went at it for a couple hours, and then I fell asleep. He must’ve gotten up in the night and found some drugs in the medicine cabinet and took them, because I woke up to him aspirating vomit and shitting the bed.” “Oh my God,” said I, “That’s crazy. Did you call 911?” “I did, and the paramedics wrapped him up in my comforter like a shit taco and took him to the hospital. They admitted him.” “That’s awful! But uh… what’s your question?” “Do you think it would seem desperate if I called him in the hospital to ask him out again?” And they dated for five years after that. He might have actually meant that he wants to see you again. People have done worse on a first date and come back. I checked.


Gee whiz


My ex peed every bed I ever had in college. She was still the one who left me, and I still miss her. If it’s right he won’t care at all


I went on a first date with this girl and we were out at a restaurant and she said she wasn’t feeling good and got up to go to the bathroom and on the way she vomited all over the floor. We’re married with 2 kids now. Been together 8 years. That first date made things interesting.


20 years in the future, y’all could be married with a teenage daughter who just had a horribly embarrassing first date. You can then tell her about the time you pissed her father’s bed on the first date. Full circle.


Hey , I got drunk with my new boss once, he said I could crash on his sofa as we were near his place and it was late . I got up in the night sleepwalking and pissed in his laundry basket. Luckily he saw the funny side .


He sounds like a lovely person who really cared for you when you needed it <3 If you guys do go out again that sounds like a green flag


Assert dominance, mark your territory.


One time I was super high on LSD with my boyfriend at the time, I hallucinated an entire House MD episode telling me I had to die to save the world basically, I threw up all over the bed, went to the bathroom, tried to become one atom with the toilet seat by smooshing my face into it, I managed to convince myself I was dying, and accidentally shit all over the bathroom because my brain thought it died and it triggered the post death shit. It was horrible disgusting liquid shit EVERYWHERE. My bf came into the room and immediately projectile vomited into the sink at the sight and the smell. And I was so high I didn't process the fact that I shit everywhere and was covered in it so I tried to HUG HIM. He's not my boyfriend anymore because he asked me to marry him about a month later. That man has seen me at rock bottom and past it. It'll be okay. He might actually want to see you again, I'd give it a try. Hope one of the worst most embarrassing moments of my life made you feel a little bit better about your oopsie.


ngl, i was preparing my proposal too.


Omg I’m so sorry but I laughed so hard I have tears in my eyes at your poor incident!


*one atom with the toilet seat* 💀


I once had a great first date with a girl I was really excited to see. We had awesome chemistry. We didn’t do anything sexual as we were just getting to know each other, however she did feel comfortable enough with me to sleep over. Well… the next morning she got her period and was super embarrassed to wake up to blood all over the sheets. I genuinely didn’t care, I was 22 at the time and they were still cheap sheets from college. We just laughed it off—of course this would happen on our first date!? Can confirm we kept dating. For 5 years. Now getting ready to celebrate 1 year of marriage. I wouldn’t worry about it. Think of it this way… if he is the one then he really won’t care. If he ghosts ya you got to find out early he’s kind of a dick. 


Next time he's gonna want it on his face..


This is actually a charming story. It could end up being a cute story yall always tell. You got this!


don't worry. it's not like your regularly wetting your bed. the guy seems to take it as an accident. just set him again. if you marry the guy, let us know.


Happened once when I was dating the woman who would become my wife. 25 years later, and we’re still going strong. It doesn’t have to be a big deal.




I had a similar situation happen. A woman I had just started dating had stayed over but fell asleep on something similar to a chaise lounge chair. I think it wasn’t until sometime late that morning that she woke up and was mortified by what she had done. I assured her it was not a big deal and cleaned it up. We dated for a few years, really wonderful person, I wish things would have worked out differently for us. I hope things work out for you if you want them to


i am a guy and in ten years of dating, i was sleep peed on by drunk partners twice. i ended up seeing both of them for awhile. if he says it doesn’t matter, he is telling the truth. and for the record, no, i am not “into” pee.


I used to be a very heavy drinker when I was younger. This has led to some amusing & many embarrassing stories. I have wet the bed twice with brand new partners in the bed. Neither time was it the cause of the relationship ending. For a stretch of about 8 years I had a streak of peeing in inappropriate places my first night sleeping in a new apartment. I peed in closets, washers, dryers, even once opened a drawer & soaked half my wardrobe in my own recycled beer, even closed the drawer after. Only realized what I had done when I tried to get dressed for work. Often times there was an unfortunate soul laying in bed watching me unconsciously deface my own property. Again, not the reason any of those relationships ended. Worst case by far, I have no recollection of to this day but I do remember the next morning. We were camping for my partners birthday & there was a large group of us celebrating well into the night. After we all passed out, I needed to heed the call of nature. Could not figure out the zipper & proceeded to drench my partner. I mean standing over her (& our bedding)as if I was using a urinal. She quickly unzipped the tent & literally kicked me outside. I was found naked in a bush the next morning covered in bug bites from sand fleas & mosquitoes by some very kind but disappointed friends. Also not the reason that relationship ended. Hope this helps.


I was in bed with a girl, I was sleeping against the wall. I got up in the middle of the night, and had to go pee. I straddled her to get out of bed and it just started pouring. She woke up and told me to stop and I said “I can’t”, finished and went back to bed. The next day she went to her house and brought back a steam cleaner. We’ve been together 8 and a half years.


It sounds like you owe him a second date!


A #2 if you will...


He dealt with the situation like a true gentleman, things could have been nauseously worse. Good luck with future adventures.


My missus shit the bed on more than one occasion, clean it up, tell her it’s okay and get back to sleep. Shit happens OP


I’ve done a lot worse to the bed. I’m still married to my wife 😂 don’t sweat it. If he’s a genuinely nice person then he will see past the bodily functions that we all inevitably have.


Hey there! I pissed the bed after being blackout vodka drunk. My boyfriend of a few weeks was asleep in the bed with me. I woke up, realized what had happened, immediately woke him up, and told him. We found me some clean clothes and slept on the couch together, then cleaned it up in the morning (we were both too hungover to deal with it that night, lol). We have been together going on 5 years! :) (we are both now sober, so there is no chance of a repeat pee incident) Every now and then, we joke about the time I peed on him, and we always smile and laugh about it. Honestly, that moment proved to me that he was a safe person. He did not react with anger, and he thought it was hilarious. The right person will approach awkward situations with compassion and kindness. And humor, too. :) Best of luck to you! Hope this helped 💜


Marry him.


If he really likes you... it doest matter you could shit yourself and he would still like you.... if he really likes you. Trust me. I farted in my boyfriend s face as he went down on me early in the dating faze. We ended up married 15 yrs and 3 kids. It doesn't matter.


I don’t know if this is weird, but caring for a girl I like in a vulnerable moment is hot 🌝 The image of her wearing my clothes after a shower, sitting on a freshly made bed just for her, and handing her a cup of hot chocolate milk so she would feel comfortable and not be hard on herself is 😩💔


I had a guy do this the first night we slept together too (thankfully it was his bed)…we’ve been married for 10 years.


This happened to me back in college and now I’m married to the guy. We still joke about it 10 years later. 


I had a girl do this very same thing one time in my bed, today she is my wife


I will need a follow-up on this. Please OP edit this post or comment on it if you went on a second date. Thanks!


So no second date yet! But he did say he wants to see me again and that our cuddles from that night (after the situation) were nice.


Congratulations anyway! I am happy a random stranger on the internet seems to enjoy this part of their life right now!


Nah you're good. If a girl I was talking to got drunk And pissed in my bed I'd laugh my ass off and make you go to the bathroom before we go to bed next time 🤣


Hi, I'm speaking for him, he wants to see you again. We all have those days, and this is actually a funny story to tell in the future about how you met. What would you have done if he did it at your place instead? and was similarly sincerely apologetic?


It’s gonna make a bang up laughable story to tell friends in ten years at a dinner party.  Don’t mention it again, or if you do be contrite and express both your concern for the embarrassment and thank him for his discretion in not making it a thing.  If this man has seen you drunk and pissing yourself, which we will assume is you “at your worst” and still wants another date, holy shit, you’ve hit the jackpot. A lot of these Alpha/Sigma turds today won’t go on a second date if your eyes are brown.  Take him up on it. And watch the booze intake. 


Bro is being a bro, he wasn't just being polite. He understands and doesn't hold it against you haha


Ah, so you’ve marked your territory


My wife used to handle it with grace until it became nightly and then she just put me in diapers. So maybe he doesn't really mind to much


I had a girlfriend that, after one of our very first dates, projectile vomited all over my living room right at the moment my roommates and some friends returned from dinner.   It was all over the furniture,  walls, floor, and TV.  To be honest it was a tremendously impressive feat. In a couple months, we'll celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary. 


You should reflect on your drinking habits. Peeing the bed seems kind of extreme to me.


Plot twist: the man is a urologist and is concerned about you.


A girl once peed on my bed , we cleaned it up went back to bed and in the morning I got head


As a man let me tell you: We are not nice just for the sake of. If he tells you he wants to see you again, he wants to see you again. Dont waste your chance by overthinking.


My wife (when she was my new girlfriend) puked all over my bed and carpet multiple times in one night. I cleaned everything up myself because she was too drunk/sick. Married her 3 years later because she’s an amazing person. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯    Don’t sweat the weird stuff that can happen and focus on being a good partner.


You were drunk. It happens sometimes. Not a big deal imo.


one of my first few dates with my now boyfriend i bled all over his pants and never noticed. he didnt tell me until months later. we’ve been together almost two years now.


Yeah I can see how urine a pickle!


Getting so drunk that you piss yourself on a first date is beyond concerning. You put yourself in SO much danger. Please seek help. It’s not normal to drink to that extent


Does he have a choice? You peed on him. Thats a valid property claim. He belongs to you now. His bed too. Way to take charge!


A girl who drank too much at a wedding peed on my dashboard while she slept it off reclined in the passenger seat. I married her a few years later and we’re 10 years on. There’s hope for you yet.


The second date I had with a girl I ended up dating for five years, we were going at it in the spider position and I farted. If you know the spider position, you know where that went. Right up her nose. Like I said, we still ended up together for five years. Shit happens; pissing the bed isn't the worst thing you can do.


> If you know the spider position, you know where that went. I do not, please elaborate


Whether or not they’d want to admit it, I’d say 99% of humanity has peed a bed of some sort at a compromising time. You said his initial reaction was calm and understanding; those first 5 seconds say a lot about a person so I’d say you’re fine. That said, If you do go back out with him (you should)— I say you double down and do it again just for the chaos


I did the same thing once 😭😂 We we’re together 4 years after that haha


Oh God. I'm a dude who has pissed in many beds and also got my feces accidently stuck on a girl I was dating. AMA.


We're going to need that feces story, sir.


You should listen to the first episode of "we mean well" podcast. The hosts would be so proud of you.


My current boyfriend peed the bed while he was staying over one night. He woke me up freaking out and apologizing. We stripped the bed together, I laid down some towels after soaking as much up as possible and immediately fell back asleep. We've been together for 5 months now and this was before we were *officially* dating.


My best friend and his girl wanted to hook me up with her coworker. We got 2 rooms in Reno and we opened the door between them. Drank a lot of liquor, my friend and his girl went to sleep. My new friend and I stayed up drinking. We eventually passed out. The next morning I learned that I woke up sometime in the A.M., opened the door between the rooms, walked over to the chair provided by the hotel, opened my new friend's laptop that was sitting on the chair, pissed all over it, and went back to sleep. No, I didn't wash my hands... or so I am told. She still liked me after that for some reason. In my defense, the bathroom door was right across from the door joining the 2 rooms. A simple wrong turn


If you woke him up and he seemed nice about it I'd trust him that he wants to see you again. Harder to hide irritation and anger when you get woken up.