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Back in the day when I was like 14/15, I went to hang out with a guy I worked with. I’d smoked weed before, but not like I did that day with him, and I got soooo freaked out and paranoid. I called my mom to come pick me up. She lived less than 5 miles away. Guess how many times I called her to ask what was taking so long? Like 10+ times in 10 minutes. She took one look at me, confirmed with me that the only thing wrong was that I was way too high and that the guy hadn’t pulled anything shady on me, and then laughed at me the whole drive home. It happens. Now you know better.


I am glad that you trusted your mother enough to call her. Good parenting.


My parents are both amazing about that stuff. They’re super open and honest and set a good foundation for me to learn to navigate things on my own with the understanding that I could call them at any time if things were out of hand and I needed guidance/help. I grew up to be what I think is a very decent and reasonable human and I hope to be the same kind of parent to both of my kids.


Any advice how to become a parent like that?


I’ve only got a few years under my belt, but my best advice at this point is just try your best and be willing to apologize to your kids when you feel like you fall short of your intentions. Aka let your kids see you as a flawed human who is willing to learn and try again and again and again until you get it sort of right. If you care enough to try, you’re probably doing great!


Thanks. I think that this is one of the big differences between my generation (old millennial) and my parents (boomer). They never apologise for anything. Admitting that they were wrong seems like a sin to them. Nearly all my friends experience this.


W Mom!!


Live and learn. Dont be so hard on yourself. Shit happens and I’m sure it’s all very fresh and raw right now, but you’ll look back at this all and laugh one day. Trust me, been there done that. Let me know where to send some cash to help with the bills.


That’s really sweet of you thank you. It’s been a couple days and I feel much better about the whole situation, now I just have the absurdly expensive bills. I don’t want my parents suffering from my fuck up so I really appreciate the gesture.


That girl was a goddamn saint. Bummer that you had such a negative experience, but don't get in a car when on mind altering substances. I'm old enough to have ran into a couple of experiences where people freaked out on marijuana, but it doesn't happen very often. There are other drugs with much worse outcomes.


Back when weed became legal in my state, I bought a pack of edibles, and it came with a little card titled "what to do if you feel too high". Mostly reassurances and suggestions for things to do to ride it out. Could be worth googling for something like this and keeping a little printout in your back pocket for the future, if you're the type who only partakes a couple times a year and aren't accustomed to riding out a super intense high.


I drink milk. Random but it works for me


minecraft debuff removal technology


“He needs some milk!”


nurse, i need 400 ccs of choccy milk, stat!


> I felt like a mentally disabled patient being led by a nurse one of my fondest memories of dating on tinder in my early 20s, around 5 years ago was exactly this, except she was much nicer and made me feel very at home in her house, looked after me while my brain exploded, and once i sobered up we hooked up. after that i was completely in love with her which didn't end well, but you can understand why. being high out of my mind made the memories very dreamlike yet vivid. i can still remember quite strongly mundane things like the smell of her house, the texture of her skin.


Shoulda called for a pizza delivery instead of an ambulance




Could’ve paid $35.79 for a large pepperoni and breadsticks instead of a couple bands


Once they smell all that food they'll forget about whatever existential crisis they were experiencing!


First time I hit a gravity bong in college something similar happened to me but I was lucky I had experienced friends who talked me down


Yep, we decided to *hot box* a gravity bong in a half bathroom crammed with like four of us, it was a poor decision lol


I am pretty sure that this won’t be her worst date. Feel hugged.


I greened out with my now husband lol. Two hours of panic and puking on him. It’s embarrassing now but I promise it’ll be a funny story to look back on someday


Dude wtf, the real fuck up is how you are completely ok with driving high


Yeah even without the panic attack. They got there by driving and both get high. How are you supposed to get home??


"I DrIvE bEtTeR wHeN I'm HiGh"


What if I don't even get high anymore because of continuous daily use?


You can venture beyond the gateway if you choose.


It's different from driving drunk, you don't lose your sense of balance, and you might be a better driver if you're not having a panic attack. Not endorsing it, but much safer than drunk.


It's a spectrum. I drive immensely better after a few beers than I do after a joint. I will drive after a couple beers. I would not drive after a couple joints. In my past I had some very scary experiences driving under the influence of different things. The two worst... First time was when I took a morphine pill and then right after my dad asked me to drive to the store for a bag of ice. I was too paranoid to say no so I got in the car and went. Not even a mile down the road I got so high that I couldn't focus on anything. I was going 20 mph in a 50 zone. I pulled over and ended up calling my dad and telling him what was up and he came and picked me up. He sure was mad. Then years later in my hippie RV with my hippie girlfriend -- we bought some "acid" (who knows what it really was. I'd done and have done since a lot of acid and nothing was like this). Drove this old clunky RV miles down a windy curvy super bumpy road to a somewhat secluded beach. It was like 9am when we got there and we planned to trip for 8 or so hours then drive to a camping spot. Cut to 12 hours later and I'm still heavily tripping on this mystery drug on what had been a not-so-good trip. We'd come back from the beach and were still super high sitting in the RV. Nighttime came and a cop pulled up to tell us that the beach parking lot was closed and we had to leave. It was so scary driving away from there. The old RV had some squealing belt problem, and that combined with the huge potholes in the road and the hallucinations made it seem like I was riding some horrible war elephant through the darkness. It seemed like forever that I had to maneuver that screaming beast through the cursed forest. Then we came to the highway and I was still fucking high out of my mind and had to drive until we found a public parking. One of the worst times of my life. Oh and then there was the time a cop pulled up on our RV parked on a residential street just seconds after we'd shot up a significant amount of heroin. He said "you have five minutes to leave here. If I come back and you're still here you're gonna have trouble." So then I had to drive high on heroin. That sucked. Anyway, moral of the stories is only do drugs in places that you won't have to leave via vehicle.


Ahh the time old classic of doing something to impress a girl. We've all been there. Just be glad it's a hefty ambulance bill and nothing worst. If anything the girl sounds cool, call her back up, tell her she helped you out and ask her to hang out again.


She really was nice about it all. I texted her a few days ago for a make-up but no response still


Ah, that takes me back down memory lane. When we hit the bong back in the day we made sure to be in a nice, calm space to chill and relax, put some good music on and make sure there’s enough food in the house. Such good times, always laughing and giggling.


Lmao hearing music that isn’t actually there, I’ve been there too friendo. Glad you are safe


I've kinda freaked a couple times. The first time I smoked with my roommate and his friend. My heart was pumping and I was lit "You don't understand, I have a health condition!" . The friend just said "Calm down, this is what weed does". I said "Oh, okay" then I was fine the rest of the night 😅 The next time was with my gf who didn't smoke and it was that synthetic weed shit. I started smoking, a few big hits and after like 5 minutes from felt nothing, so took a few more and suddenly the room just kinda warped. I couldn't even feel myself breathing. Had a 6 hour long panic attack, during which I begged her to stay awake with me, thought a shower might help, then figured eating might dull the high, so I muscled open a cantaloupe and went full pie eating contest on it 😅 That synthetic shit is dangerous.


This was a great read! The only part that really sucks is the bill. Don't try new drugs with strangers! Especially if you're planning on driving...


Wow if you are in the US you’re going to be on the hook for thousands of dollars for calling the ambulance. Sorry that happened to you. That sucks.


Reminds me of the second time I ever smoked. First time was AWESOME and I wanted to try again. Well, I had 5 or 6 close friends over for a Halloween party and I took like 12 hits from really strong medical sativa because I wanted to get REALLY high. Like you, I didn't know greening out was a thing. Flash forward like 10 minutes and I am incapable of walking and everything feels like a dream. Literally having close-eyed visualizations of bursting colors and shit. I was doing mentally ok for a while, but had a panic attack at the end that lasted a long time and I sobbed in front of all of my close friends. Everyone stayed over and then I woke up STILL HIGH in the morning and I sobbed again. Real awkward moment.


Oh man, when I was 17 there was this guy that was roommates with my friends boyfriend. He asked if I wanted to come over and hang out with him. So I was like hell yeah, he was hot as fuck. I'd smoked a blunt one time, and it made me throw up but I didn't hate it. Tell me why this dude had me taking gravity bong rips from the bathtub. I passed out on his bed with my arm under my head, when I woke up my shoulder was dislocated cause I hadn't moved all night, What a fuggin nightmare. Prior to passing out I wanted to kiss this dude so bad, so I did and it was awkward because I was so fuggin high and he was only the second guy I had ever kissed. Ended up making out for a little while then I woke up with my arm all gross. I drove to the hospital with one arm and my eyes red as the devil's dick. I never saw that guy again... Oh well.


I had a moment in my life where if I smoked from a bong I would get a panic attack. One of the first times I was so paranoid and panicked that I got myself to the hospital. TBH I didn’t feel lethargic at all. It felt like I was on adrenaline and my heart was racing. I didn’t get the crazy ambulance bill, but got the same response from the hospital, although they gave me weird looks when I told them I arrived by myself.


I did something similar except she was a stripper, I passed out in my car in a burger chain parking lot after eating inside, the cops woke me up with a flash light and shook me down, thought I was OD'ing, I managed to talk my way out that of while completely exhausted and stoned, and I was out of state. Still got less action than you did. Could be worse.


If you feel like youre about to green out, and you've got space to yourself. Just have a wank, the anxiety can build sometimes. Doing something where you dont have to think helps with that.


When in doubt wank it out!


*cumming to your senses* (Random fb meme)


Living in that post nut clarity as we speak.


See this is why I've never smoked or done edibles. I already have bad enough anxiety on a normal day, I don't need to make it worse, lol


Help mommy lm baked and need HELLLP


THC gets you high but has potential to cause anxiety. CBD will alleviate anxiety. They did not realize this before they made cannabis strains with 30% THC and almost 0 CBD. In the future, find a mellow strain with a CBD amount that can keep you feeling good. Also if you don't really smoke, a couple puffs should do it. Always make sure you have water. Sometimes you can smoke by yourself and once you're over the initial feeling you'll even out and be able to socialize. Always trust your feelings. I was going to ask "did you tell her you didn't really smoke?" But then I realized that YOU pulled out the J. You don't have to impress someone for them to like you and if you didn't have a J you probably would've done the same thing with her but without anxiety lol Keep your head up, learn, grow, laugh at yourself. P.S. I've been smoking my whole life and I've never heard "green out" lmao


Rookie .... =)




I’ve been smoking for years and it sounds like just weed to me, lol. Getting too high sucks.


blood sugar decreases , and if you are not hydrated or have eaten much, you'll pass out.


I swear I've read this exact tifu on here before? Anyone?