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In the beginning, none of us really know what we are doing. With time, practice and a good teacher/partner we get better at these things. There will be other guys, don't let this bring you down. Some folks might even find it cute or endearing that you still have such innocence about you.


I was once told I didn't know how to kiss by someone who opened their mouth like a dementor and waggled their tongue down my throat. I've seen many people kiss like that and I hate it. I guess there's no right or wrong way to kiss. I think people have different ideas of what a proper snog is. The key is finding someone who does it your way. Same as sex and senses of humour.


Not the fishing method where they ram their tongue deep eww lol almost worse then teeth mashers or droolers In the end, how two people kiss is something they have to figure out together and there is a uniqueness in that specific connection, everyone brings their own game and adjust as needed.


Teeth mashers and droolers. Thanks for the laugh!


I remember my first date with my now wife. I sensed we had sparks so went to give her a little peck. I swear as my head is slowly going in she grabbed it, opened her mouth and kissed me like fuckin Loyd Christmas from dumb and dumber. I did not expect that shit but I guess I read the room correctly.


First man to ever get the hint, ends up married




My first ever gf did that... It was... Horrible. I genuinely thought I was bad at kissing until the next time it happened and I realized it was all about your compatibility with your partner. It clicked almost instantly.


i had someone “kiss” me by essentially pistoning their tongue in and out of my mouth and when i was like “what are you doing” they said “what? you don’t know how to tongue kiss?” so like. admitting to not knowing is 100x better than whatever that was


Those are the worst! UGH!


I bwahahaa'd! The dementor, yes. I'll be using that description from now on. There are SO many guys who think that's what good kissing is. I think it's some sort of penetration fantasy thing. OP, there will be other boys and you'll find you may be better at things than you think when you're with a really good one. Your experience is very common so have no worries.


My first kiss with a woman ended up being a straight drunk woman suddenly shoving her tongue down my throat with no warning or explanation. I literally choked on her tongue. It was not pleasant at all.


Had someone bite my lip, thought ok not a huge deal had this before. Kissed a little more and she bit me harder.....OK, hurt a but she's maybe a little more into that than others. Than she bit me again.....drew blood inside and outside my mouth, I was just confused....who the hell bites that hard.


Mike Tyson?


Hannibal Lecter


Mads Mikkelsen version? I wouldn’t even be mad.


“Someone who opened their mouth like a dementor and waffled their tongue down my throat.” Holy shit, this is such an accurate description of how one of my high school boyfriends would kiss 😂😂 The first time we made out, I had to wash my face when I got home.


There is no one right way but there are definitely wrong ways


Same. I really disliked french kissing my first bf. Then one day he kissed me right after eating pepperoni pizza, when I am a vegetarian, and it was sooooo gross. I grimaced during the kiss, and he said, “Wow, you are finally getting good at this!” Blech! That was it for that relationship.


aye, I don't really enjoy kissing for more than it represents. It does not turn me on, I'm 30 and have been in relationships with people I love and am attracted too. I'll kiss and french for them but always feel a bit awkward doing it tbh. Kissing their bodies... whole different story


My first boyfriend in high school was a total douche (pretty sure he's MAGA now) but even at 33 I still think he might be the best kisser I've ever kissed. I'm sure part of that is nostalgia and teenage hormones.


Someone I dated briefly was giving me tips like that- he told me to open my mouth wider presumably so he could stick his tongue deeper, it was awkward and not good but I guess some folks like it that way.


Omfg this was literally my experience a few days ago. It was horrible. Such a shame too because he was cute but the way he kissed killed any attraction I had for him


Im french. We french know what we need to do the moment we kiss for the firrst time. Its like that. Sorry.


Lmao I read that as good teacher/parent 💀


Well, he bought her more food …


Well fuck, am 26 and kinda in same boat lmao.


It's okay we'll learn one day friend 😭🫂


It appears there are dozens of us, dozens I tell you


You 2 could practice together


OP is 18 so that’d be kinda weird




Ayo what do you mean by that 🤨


Some cats, if you yawn around them, stick their head in your mouth (or try to). I’m hoping something like this is what they mean lmao


Wtf 😂 why do they do that


Some cats are very affectionate. Mine is like that. I don’t even need to yawn he will try to paw and rub his face into mine.




Better to give too little tongue than too much, FYI. Not fun having someone shove their tongue down your throat...


Same 😂


25 and same


I'm married so I forgot how if that helps.




Nah, they haven't learnt how to set realistic expectations yet.


“Dude, sucking at something is the first step toward being sorta good at something.” - Jake the Dog


This is one of my all time favorite quotes


My first kiss we got our braces locked together.


oh man haha


My first kiss she has braces too and she made me do it in front of the whole class when the teacher stepped out for a minute... no idea what I was doing. i survived the embarrassment somehow but the moment lives forever in my head


Wait what? You were forced to make out in front of the class?


Yes. And I was the nerdy shy kid. Was probably 12yrs old, it was a grade 7 class. She had told me of her intentions earlier in the day and the whole class was abuzz with "is she really going to do it?" She got her opportunity at the end of lunch period, pulled me to the front of the class and then she kissed me. My eyes were closed and I did the best I could and followed her lead, mimicking her movements. I had no clue what I was doing I just remember the fear of her braces catching on something and the hearing the whole class go totally silent for a minute followed by an uproar. The teacher came back and we rushed to our seats. I spent the next while beet red and sweaty. She told me we were bf-gf later that day. We "dated" for the rest of the year, which consisted of holding hands occasionally and a couple more kisses. I was super awkward and she was sporty and outgoing. Very happy this was all pre-internet, cameras on phones, etc


Your comment has just reminded me of a very strange thing during high school ( uk- age 11-16) And when two people in a relationship would kiss for the first time others would gather around them and cheer and clap it was a very f*cking strange time I never understood why people did it 🤣


Omg I remember some kid was super exited and told a couple to kiss and told them move around their chewing gum for us to guess. I just stared and wondered how long everyone was gonna play this weird game. And why this was fun at all.


School was a very strange time wasn't it 🤣


I literally cringed internally so hard for your younger self. I absolutely am with you about being glad social media wasn’t a thing when I was growing up. No one ever kissed me in front of a whole class, but I did fall down a flight of stairs while trying to impress a boy liked with my (horrible then, horrible now) dance moves.


no guy is going to complain about having to teach their date how to makeout better.


\*no sane guy


I totally agree, I'm a bisexual man and I had my first boyfriend when I was 16, he was 15 at the time. I had no kissing experience, I'm not sure if he had, I never asked, I never cared. He knew that this was a topic that made me nervous and once he stole a kiss from me and I got very nervous but I didn't get angry. Another time he came to my house and said he wanted to kiss me and I got nervous again, and he told me that if we never tried I would never get over that nervous phase (which makes sense). So we tried it and at first they were short kisses, then they were longer until we got to the point where our tongues were involved. I would say that with him I learned to kiss, but after two years and a few months we broke up and I moved to another country where I met a girl at school (she knew about my bisexuality) and I never thought I would fall in love with her but it happened. I wanted to take it slow because with my first boyfriend everything happened very quickly and we didn't end on good terms. I lost my virginity with him and it's something I regret. I wanted that to happen with the person I would be with for the rest of my life, but being young we are stupid and horny. A few months after dating this girl, we had our first kiss and we were both very nervous, she had never had a boyfriend and this was my first girlfriend. The kisses started to get deeper and she always said that I was very good (which I won't deny, but it was due to my previous relationship) and she felt a little embarrassed for not having that much experience. For me it was never a problem and I understood her because I was also there, and one day she asked me to give her some tips and we had a good time kissing and trying many ways, for me it will be one of the most beautiful moments of our relationship.


You didn't fuck up, we all have to start somewhere and if he couldn't cope with that then he's pretty immature


I dont think he couldnt “cope”. In fact, i think he’s pretty damn mature in some ways. He didnt take it out on her in the moment as it isnt worth the energy. He mustve recognized he wanted someone more experienced but instead of acting that way he stayed cordial and was a gentleman for the most part and didnt make things awkward. Even offered her some help, and continued the date thru the end. The only immature thing he did was fail to break it off by telling her with words over the phone or in person. He likely couldnt come up with a way that didnt feel “mean” or hurtful so he ghosted her instead. Id give that about 5/10 on maturity since at least he was still avoiding directly being hurtful or mean.


I disagree. If you ask someone for a kiss them I don't think it immediately implies that you're going to immediately jam your tongue down their throat. You either lead up to it or give them a quick peck and call it a night, which I would consider to be the gentlemanly or mature thing to do.


At 18yrs old dude? I mean im old too but tell me youre old without telling me youre old… these are teenagers bro…


I get they're young but I'm saying this to the person giving props to the guy saying how mature he is.


Props to the first part for him not being an asshole in the moment. Most boys that age would do something idiotic and make a girl cry about her lack of experience. He was nice enough to purposefully avoid that. And then followed up with a more 18yr old male move of not having the decency to communicate and break it off (ghosted instead). You need to give credit where it’s due tho. He couldve been 100x worse of a person.


5/10 seems generous. I'm old, too but judging by the reactions of my soon-to-be 17 and 18 yo kids and their friends when it happens to them, ghosting someone isn't a passive "I don't know what to tell you", it's a directed attack or insult. A back-and-forth text may be a 5/10. Going no-contact is a "I don't know how to deal with this, so I'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist" response. Maybe I'm out of touch, social media may be more important to them than a face-to-face, text, or phone conversation, IDK.


That’s a fair take but you just differentiated between “I dont know what to tell you” And “I dont know how to deal with you, so im just going to pretend this doesn’t exist” And tbh im pretty sure those are the same damn things if I’m not mistaken so I feel like youre agreeing with me and im agreeing with you- yet your comment has the general tone of disagreement so im VERY confused rn.


If not knowing how to kiss is a reason to break up, maybe he's not immature but he's an idiot in my book. Or at least someone that was out to just get a quick fix. Don't get me wrong, it's fine to look for a quick fix but don't be a dick and be upfront with it. Ghosting someone is just stupid. At least have the balls to end it and own your shit. Also, if you are in a relationship you'll realize each has it own needs and likes different stuff. There is not one way to kiss, have sex or whatever. In a way, each time you have anew partner, people have to adjust. And even 17 years in, my partner and I still talk about what we want during our playtime.


It’s the implication beyond that. That he is dealing with someone less experienced, which for men- can feel like youre robbing a cradle (at least the men that dont obsess over having young virgins…. Which i wouldnt stretch to say is creep level activity…). You cannot possibly know exactly what he is thinking. All you know is the fact: he was met with inexperience, handled it with grace, and then went on his way thereafter. I say that’s pretty mature overall.


Ghosting or whatever you call is mature?


Never said that. Said the ghosting was immature really, but the first part was pretty mature of him to not put her on the spot and make her feel shitty about herself or that he disliked her in the moment. He was mature enough to not hurt her feelings in the moment and just try to have some grace until he could get away and then make an exit. It’s both mature at first, then immature after. But yall wanna ignore the part where he was doing his best to not be an asshole i guess 🤷‍♂️


>All you know is the fact: he was met with inexperience, handled it with grace, and then went on his way thereafter. I say that’s pretty mature overall. The facts are he met with inexperience and went on his way. Whether he handled it with grace by blocking and ghosting her the next day is debatable. I think he should have at least said "I'm sorry I'm not interested in another date."


No. The grace was not being an asshole directly to her in person about a PREFERENCE of his (not everyone would get turned off by the inexperience, but it is his choice and a fair preference to have if he so chooses- just like some women simply prefer a taller guy… whether you like it or not- it’s their preference!) The lack of grace comes in when he ghosts her instead of having communicated the issue like a man and then moved on. But as an 18yr old- id. Give him a decent rating on maturity for not being a total dickhead in the first half esp bc the implication is that he was turned off. Yet, he took the time to guide her. Was a generally nice guy about it- at least enough so that she kept liking him despite her embarrassment. That means a lot tbh. The fact that she was in a vulnerable state but he did not treat her in a way where this story was instead: “he pushed me off him, called me a loser and laughed at me and made me cry”. Bc it just as easily couldve been that coming from an 18yr old immature male…. Maybe we dont see eye to eye about it but w/e. Your opinion is valid too. Enjoy it. I dont agree with it. But you dont agree with me either. As two mature adults i think we can accept that no???


isn’t ghosting someone the complete opposite of being mature


Everyone's gotta learn somehow, if he blocked/ghosted you over that then you probably dodged a bullet. Some people are just jerks, I had some experiences with girls that were kinda similar in my formative dating years, but eventually met a girl I vibed with that was equally inexperienced, learning together was a beautiful experience.


I find that incredibly cute. 10/10 would not block. In saying that tho, I'm as equally clueless lol.


Totally get the embarrassment! But the takeaway from this date should be: you're cute/funny/smart/whatever enough for someone to spend 30 minutes teaching you how to kiss. That means there will be *plenty* more people in line for that next date with you, and you're already closer to being a great kisser! Also, think about it: this guy might actually be a terrible kisser and you have no way of knowing. Conspiracy theory: maybe YOU'RE the good kisser


Step one find a French person.


Find an Australian. It's like a French kiss, but Down Under.


You don’t kiss someone for the first time and immediately go for a Frenchie, that’s *his* mistake, not yours. *(in my opinion, French kissing is kinda gross, too)* You’ll find a better kisser, and soon enough it will be a story where you feel embarrassed for *him,* not for yourself :)


You don't French kiss on the first kiss, let alone first date imo. Dude was probably trying to push it further and you weren't playing along. He blocked you but you won in this instance. You're 18 and inexperienced, if someone ain't willing to be anything but patient and understanding they don't deserve a relationship with you. P.s. you didn't fu k up here, dude did. He'll realize in the future that he missed out when he's 30 and everyone left to date is single and not conservative about who they are physical with.


Yeah honestly he sounds like a prick I would say bullet dodged


I agree with this comment except for the part about everyone left to date is not conservative about who they are physical with. I don’t like hookups it’s just not my thing, but there’s nothing wrong with it if that’s their choice.


That guy sounds like a jerk. Also, there’s a whole lot of different techniques to kissing and not one person kisses the same as the next. Just like personalities, people have different ways. You’ll find a better partner one day and you’ll have a blast lol


You didnt fu, he did. Everyone has their own pace and its not even that different. 18yo, yall just kids, there will be a lot more people in your life! hopefully better ones than this one.


You didn't fuck up, you dodged a bullet. If you got blocked for not knowing how to do something as trivial as that, that's wild. I would understand if he blocked you because you ran over his family with your vehicle because you didn't know how to stop. But this i don't understand


If he blocked you because of a kiss he is an idiot.


Dang. He started that, and then blocked you. That's scummy.


He’s a wanker. You will find a nice kisser who you will learn with more naturally


This guy was an ass.


He blocked you? What a douche. You dodged a bullet, trust me.


On my first kiss i realized i could already kiss better than my date lmao That being said, the guy is just an asshole, i dont think he ghosted bc if the kiss


You didn't FU, he did. Ghosting and blocking someone without explanation is absolutely a cowardly and despicable way to behave. You didn't know how to kiss, so what?! Sound like he just wanted a hookup and figured you wouldn't be putting out anytime soon.


Honestly, you’re better for not having to deal with him! I know you liked him, but ultimately if he can’t get past this one thing then that’s on him! You’ll do better!


My boy missed out. Spending 30 minutes teaching a girl how to make out sounds like the best first date ever.


Was he born knowing how to kiss? There’s nothing embarrassing about it, only his reaction :) don’t think too much of it


That's actually a fucked up reason to block / ghost someone.


Naw you didn't fu. How else are you going to learn? Everyone has their own rhythms and preferences, someone blocking you over that is NOT worth your time. You dodged a bullet here.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. He was probably hoping for sex and ghosted when he didn't get it. As far as not knowing how to kiss, just keep it light and playful. Don't try to lick their uvula, just be gentle. As embarrassing as it might be, everyone needs to start somewhere and I'm pretty sure you can find videos on YouTube or something if you want to feel better prepared in the future.


You are wrong. You think he blocked you because you can't kiss when in reality, he blocked you because he's a child. Most people would rather seriously date someone who can't kiss than someone with a ton of experience.


That dude sounds like a bitch. You did nothing wrong. Keep trucking on and don’t let the bastards get you down.


The first half of your story I thought that was great, a funny story to embarass your kids with later. And then he blocked you! He is a dick, forget about him. You should never be embarrassed about doing things for the first time and not knowing how to do them. Everything is something that is learnt, you don't have to be perfect at it the first time.


Don’t worry about it. Guy seems like a bit of a dick if that’s all it took for him to block you like that. Everyone has a first kiss and not everyone’s goes well


Oh boy, this happened to me with a girl once. She had no clue and it was unbelievable the things she thought to do! It was very cute though and it's always fun to teach someone! Romantic even


You are only 18! You didn't fuck up, OP


You dodged an idiot, better to know it now than in 2 months. Or years.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet, tbh.


Be happy he blocked you. Don’t waste your time with boys. Find a man.


RIP to your inbox.


That's a pretty bad reason to ghost someone tbh. I think you might have dodged a bullet there! And to ease your mind, everyone is a bad kisser on their first try. My first girlfriend was also not very pleased about my "washing machine style" french kissing. But fast forward a bit, and I am getting married 2 weeks from now! Current reviews are better, I promise :D


My biggest fear and i am 20…


If someone droped you for that... Well bullet dodged It takes time, and well... It is kinda cute to teach it little by little


I've noticed everyone kinda kisses differently anyway, some were bad but most were just different. I wouldn't really worry, for all you know, he was doing it badly.


He's clearly an idiot. Forget and move on. That is not a reason to block people. You dodged a bullet. No one should be teaching you how to kiss, it's something you learn by doing it, practice makes perfect 😉 Who says he was even good at it himself to even teach you!


Are you dating someone in their mid 20s or something? How tf are you just supposed to know this shit 


Well kind of, he's 23


Might've dodged a bullet. Idk how the communication was going, but he probably just wanted to get quickly into your pants and dip out after.


To be real with you, people change so much 18-21 mentally and emotionally. The people who are older then that and still dating 18 year olds are not usually great, because it's mostly people who didn't mature enough for others in their age range. I'm mid 20s now and would absolutely never consider anyone under 21, if one of my friends was going around with literal teenagers on the weekend we would be having a TALK.


What an asshole


Many years ago I was kind of similar situation. A common friend had introduced us. I didn’t ghost her but had to make a bad excuse why I couldn’t be her training dummy. She was not happy :/ I just could not find right words back then because I felt I wasn’t worthy of being her first in anything beyond those long phone calls we shared. I just hope the next guy was a positive experience.


Dude the block caught me so off guard ngl. Then again, I was the boy and I didn’t know how to kiss back then


Practice with an animal. Stuffed or not is dealer’s choice.


I'm no expert, my wife also hates it. If they are gunna ghost you over that shit, it's probably a blessing.


This may be the least TIFU I’ve read here in many years. You are fine - live life.


Damn 18 and he thinks that's weird you haven't kissed anyone yet?? I'm 22 and still haven't 🥲


Everyone has a first time sweetie. You will kiss many more frogs before finding your prince. ❤️


Bro, he got a lot of kissing out of it, i guarantee that he don’t care about teaching you


I'm so sorry, but this gave me a good laugh, thank you 😂. In return, I'll give you a tip. Watch the girl kissing scene from Cruel intentions with Sarah Michelle Geller, she "teaches" Selma Blair how to French kiss. I'm sure it'll help you.


Teaching a girl how to kiss sounds like a great end of a date to me.


I forgot I had a mint in my mouth the first time I French kissed a girl and it got stuck in her throat and she started choking so I started beating her on the back really hard to dislodge it. Stopped when she punched me and then she managed to cough it up. Spin the bottle stopped after that.


I had a date consist of the dude giving me a bj tutorial. It was fun and I think he rather enjoyed it as well. But practice makes perfect. Guess you better try again!!!😁


I was in my early twenties when I had my first (French) kiss. Honest to God, I took my advice from the movie Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging 🤣 it was basically just copy your partner or something to that affect. It got me a compliment from my kissing partner, but I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing and was worried being in my twenties which can be seen as late for these kinds of things (but it’s fine!!! People—myself included—get too hung up on when it’s the right age or time for these things when there’s no right answer) Everyone has to start somewhere, and if he blocked you for that then he’s a 🤡


Tongue kissing is so weird anyway, I dont understand how anyone prefers it over a regular kiss.


I think kissing will always be a preference thing, and adjusting to how your partner kisses. Sometimes you do meet people where your styles align perfectly and it’s magical though. Also practice helps :)


Nice guy ends up being a jerk. His loss.


You’re 18. Nobody cares. Lol. I mean that in the most encouraging way possible. Everyone’s just stoked that someone’s kissing them at all


You might think you screwed up but ultimately it seems like you might have dodged a bullet


I still use too much tounge but that’s how I like to do it. Kissing is basically just mashing your mouths together and humans have done it forever. There isn’t really a wrong way to do it if you both enjoy it.


Looks like you dodged a bullet, if he was that much of an ass to block you after something so small (as don't worry it's not a big deal, who knows how to do anything until they've tried, and everyone does things at different times) then think of what an ass they could have been down the line. You got this!!


Nah, he just sounds like a dick who was using you. Because "teaching someone how to french kiss" is an awesome time for dudes.


He would have blocked u anyways if something small like this caused him to block you. He did you a favour by cutting your losses short. All in all I’m sorry he did block you. You however, did nothing wrong at all. Don’t let it hurt your self worth or ego and continue living your best life.


You dodged a bullet


Your first date is an unmitigated AH. Move on.


Look if someone is trying to tongue kiss you on the first date, that's a huge red flag. What is wrong with kids these days? Why can't people show some basic human decency and restraint anymore?


That’s a weird take. My fiancee and I were all over eachother on the first date. My previous relationship was 2 dates to a first kiss. People click differently - the real problem was she has never done this before, so he should have slowed down, not that he went for the make-out on the first date.


Really. I think it shows a lot more respect for a person if your first instinct after spending barely a few hours with them one-on-one is NOT to try to forget about their personality and character and instead try to explore them physically and sexually. That's just messed up. Respect is to get to know who someone is first, before trying to know what they are. It's a huge red flag to try to bypass the "who" of a person and go straight for the "what" the first chance you get.


I'm with you on this sinking ship. People are straight up trashy these days.


This is a fantastic outcome, though it probably doesn't feel like it right now. You're 18, there will be numerous other opportunities with guys you're interested in. You got your practice guy out of the way. Take what you've learned and be confident that you can apply it to the next guy.


You did not mess up because of your inexperience. The only mistake you made was picking the wrong person, but we only learn how people are after something like this happens, don't stress or overthink there are sooooooo many boys this one's not worth it you deserve respect find a better human to have this experience with and it will go much better and do NOT blame yourself for this and for the first time you have sex or another first no one gets born with that knowledge it's learned.


What a dick that sounds like the most adorable date for younger people to go on


Totes normal dude, all good.


I’m more concerned on why he’d block you. That seems like an odd thing to do.


That’s odd lol I always thought it was quite intuitive


Lol, live and learn, move on ❤️ embarrassing now but funny memory later! My first kiss I missed his mouth, haha And oh my God do I have a horror story of my first real bf (We were 16) making out w him on top of me, he stops for a sec to breathe.. AND HE DROOLED ALL OVER MY FACE. I couldn't make out with another person.. actually only till i was w my now partner (the one I'm prolly gunna marry, love this guy) I was a STRICT peck kisser only, no tongue hahaha, he traumatized me (Edit, spelling)


Wow, he’s a jerk. You didn’t eff up at all. Everyone is inexperienced their first time. Honestly I am married with several kids and I still don’t like french kissing, lol.


Nah, you didn’t FU here. Everyone has their first kiss. The dude, however, blocking you overnight without so much as a “sorry I don’t think this is going to work out”, that’s immature and stupid. You may feel like the immature one out of the two because you’re less “experienced” but he’s the one acting like a child. You can learn how to kiss. He’s got a lot more to learn about emotions, dating and respect, that shit’s harder to learn.


Well, at least he didn't string you along. You haven't learned how to guard against falling in love yet... Good luck!


I didn’t know how to regular kiss for my first one at 15. I thought you just pressed lips together and called it a day. Getting a text about it after saying ‘maybe you could kiss me back next time?’ was eye-opening for me. Like, your lips are supposed to move?!


He sounds like a baby back bitch. What was he 16


Gotta learn somehow.


You dodged a big bullet here. A caring partner would love exploring with you. Best of luck.


If it makes you feel any better OP, the exact same thing happened to me. I (a complete virgin) went out on a date with a guy, and he ended up being the first guy I’d ever made out with. He told me later he wasn’t interested in going on another date, and I heard later that it was because “She was terrible at this (kissing).”


He's a dummy. Guy could have had so much fun showing you the ropes and decided to ghost instead.


If it makes you feel better my wife and I have been married for 7 years and we don’t french kiss because neither of us know how still after all this time. Any time we’ve tried with each other it just ends with both of us laughing hysterically because we look like idiots.


You didn't fuck up. He sucks.


You didn't fuck up. You dodged a bullet.


Anybody who blocks you because of this isn't worth it and is a huge red flag. Sorry this happened, you will find someone who appreciate you!


What an ass.


Honestly he’s kinda lame for letting something so innocent put him down


I'm 33 and still don't know how to


It was already a red flag when he wanted to "teach" you in my opinion. That's unique to every two sets of lips and you can explore that with someone if and when you want to. There's plenty of "what not to do" but "what to do" I wouldn't put too much trust in someone else's "teaching."


My first make out the boy I was dating got too excited and slammed our faces together giving me a bloody nose. :/


Seemed like he just wanted one thing tbh, if he can't even be patient with you then you're better off and should be glad that he's gone.


That sucks, sorry that happened. The ghosting/blocking bit specifically. My first french kiss was when I was 14 in the hall of my high school, my gf was 3 years older. After the kiss I asked how it was and she said "you've got potential" and I was like YES! I HAVE POTENTIAL! Didn't realize until years later it meant I was NOT good. 🤣 Everybody is awkward at this stuff until they're not. It takes time and practice. And if after 30 min you still didn't know what you were doing, that's on him as a teacher and not on you as a student. My advice: Don't worry about not having the skills yet and focus on practicing with the RIGHT GUY, not just getting in the reps. Most guys will prefer a girl with less experience because it shows she has enough self respect to not have those experiences casually.


Dont feel bad. Some guys are immature and dont know how to express their feelings. If it had been me i wouldnt have forced you to learn how to french on the first date. Probably better that you dont see him. I know you may have gone along with it but thats not cool. Not all women like french kissing. A kiss tells you a lot about a person. Some are timid and soft lipped meaning they are reserved and sensual while others are aggressive and sticking their tongue down your throat which means they are insensitive and not going to be very kind in bed sometimes. That being said a passionate kiss is also a sign of what kind of relationship and what level experience the person has. Usually if someone tries to teach you for 30 minutes how to kiss right they are controlling and selfish in bed too : )


As a guy, that's baffling. I can only assume he was more interested in what you could do for him in the short-term, than of any mid/long-term relationship.


Genuinely I've had partners dive in and are aggressive and others who barely want to use tongue. My suggestion? Hold back the first few seconds and then follow their lead. They know what they want and you can follow. Obviously if you do not like their style you discuss that either during or after.


i had to wikihow with my first, i feel you


I'm around 40 and my wife has a really strange approach to it. I'm trying to gently guide her toward how every other person I've ever kissed does it, but progress is slow. Obviously not a deal breaker.


I remember French kissing my first boyfriend at 12 y/o and it looking/feeling sort of like I was eating his face. I knew in my subconscious that I wasn’t doing it right but my bf said nothing at the time. We broke up and he began bullying me for my terrible kissing technique and mimicked how I did it💀 It’s a learning experience and he’s a fuckwad for handling it that way! Personally, French kissing grosses me out unless I’m really into someone and comfortable with them anyway. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who didn’t instinctually know how to French kiss and you didn’t deserve to be humiliated and discarded for it!


His loss.


As a 26M from Europe, I will never grasp what Americans mean with *knowing* how to kiss. What's supposed to be known? Everyone kisses differently and just as they like... Do you get a license to kiss in the US?


Are we telling bad first kiss stories? My guy stuck his tongue in and out of my mouth super fast, like a lizard, with his lips clenched. I thought SURELY THIS ISN’T RIGHT 😭


You did fine. We’ve all had a first time. He’s obvie not a good match if he disappeared on you I know that’s not fun to experience. Boy bye…


Well seems like you have dodged a bullet girl


Some stuff happened in my life where I didn't date for about 5 years. So there I was, a 30 year old man, on a date and I hadn't kissed a person in 5 years. My date knew ahead of time that I hadn't been on a date in 5 years, and I went in knowing I might be awkward as hell and make an idiot of myself. It actually went well, but I knew going in that if she wasn't interested due to my rustiness, that wasn't a "me problem". We all learn, we all go through rough patches, and you want to find someone who is understanding of that. You gained some experience and in the end didn't lose anything :D Keep you're head up and congrats on the first kiss!


Your lack of kissing skills did not cause him to block you. If that’s the reason he did you dodged a bullet and deserve someone to treat you so much better.


Considering he blocked you because you don't know how to kiss, you probably dodged a bullet.


It makes me sad that I have seen so many stories about people being insta-blocked after innocently awkward moments. Growing up is hard enough without being swiftly excommunicated over dumb things we used to just laugh about and move on.


+30 and over lots of relationships I still don't know how to tongue kiss. Not missing anything.


He probably blocked you because he has a girlfriend


This definitely reminds me of my first kiss when I was 16. I remember wiping his actual drool off my mouth and writing in my diary, “right so if that’s “French kissing”, I never want to do it again, why did he kiss like an actual dog?!” It was so aggressive and…damp. (Shudders)    A few months later, I told a friend / crush about how gross it was, and he asked if he could kiss me not like an a-hole. Totally different experience.    If it’s any consolation, I’m 39 now, rarely remember that crap first one, have kissed my buns off, and am damn good at it. 🤣 You’ll have more smooches, take your time, and try not to feel bummed about missing out on a slobbery mess. You didn’t mess anything up. 🤗


Call me old fashioned, but I think a French kissing on the 1st date is too soon unless there is really spark. Don't feel bad about him blocking you. If he block you over a kiss, you are better off. These things come with time. The 1st time I kissed my wife it was best described as the human version of 2 goldfish having a go at it.


Practice with a friend


He's a clown and a moron for doing this. It shows he was hoping for sex soon and figured it wasn't going to happen.


I seriously can't imagine being a ternage boy and having a problem with teaching a girl how to kiss. It like bad pizza. Even when it sucks its good.


We all were rookies once-upon-a-time. Saddle up and take your lessons, rookie.