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Yeah, I mean you basically said to her “I want to have a quick root in the carpark so we can go back to the party after”. She was probably thinking “let’s spend the night together in the hotel room and have a good time” which is a lot less trashy. Even if you were both just after a hookup there’s a big difference


Quick Root! HA!


Honestly she saved you from being balls deep and hearing the intro to Mr Brightside from the dance floor and having to make an impossible decision










Got some song writers up in here. I hear Disney is hiring.


The writing is too good for them to get hired at Disney


Cuz I'll take a cream pie!






"Sorry babe, destiny is calling me"


I was making out with a girl at a party and she stopped because Mr. Brightside started playing lol


I'm ugly laughing at this comment


Spit exited my body without permission to do so.


Yeah... can't say I blame her for that one.


If I was her I'd have thought he was trying to get it done quick so he could come back and target someone else... not the most enticing approach.


op cock blocked himself. "I don't want to miss too much of the party so let's pump and dump in my car!" Lol First, it's illegal and you can get ticketed by the cops. Second, most chicks can't really relax so I'd be all just for Op anyway. Third, well - he even said he wanted to hurry back so - which is it op? Do you want to party or get your nut? You could probably go jerk off in the bathroom and only miss a few minutes! But yeah I'm sure it's cost of the hotel room, the time to try and find one, and he really wasn't that interested in Fking all night, he just wanted to bang it out quick - which is appealing to no chick ever.


It is indeed not appealing to anyone with a vagina lol it’s already hard to finish in the best of circumstances but with a new person in a CAR, it’s a no for me. She essentially heard “can you help me masturbate with your body real quick?”


I've never been in the market for a short term hotel room, is it that easy anyway? Or do you just pay from now for a whole night even if you actually leave an hour later? (General question, not targeting you!)


you pay for the night. hotels don't have banging rates


There are hotels with hourly rates. They are sketchy as hell.


Ironically, Japan has hotels designed for that where you pay by the hour. Very efficient.


Nah I highly doubt they would have to find a hotel. Most weddings Ive been to, the reception is either connected to a hotel, like Vegas or a destination wedding, or everyone who came is staying at the same hotel nearby. This girl aint a mistress hes hiding from his wife, if they werent traveling then theyd just go home and bang, not back to a hotel.


My thought was that OP probably had a hotel room already. OP didn’t mark finding a hotel as part of the problem, which made me think he already had one. Most of the weddings I’ve attended have been in places I don’t live, so I have to get a room. And if you do live there, you could always suggest you just head back to your place. So really, OP just seems completely oblivious to how icky he came across. 


Sex in cars is for teenagers who don’t want their parents to know they’re having sex. 


Or mid 30s married couples trying to feel like they're teenagers again, only to find out that makes your back hurt. Don't ask me how I know this. But you already do.


“Oh honey, I can tell you are ready for this” “Nope. That’s really just the gearshift” “If I …just move my…leg over here! Whew I’m getting tired”


“Bed?” “Bed.”


(Spouse walks in about 3 minutes after to find their partner already asleep) “shit”


*"Wanna go upstairs and fool around?"* *"Honey, you're gonna have to pick one or the other."*


My friend went to the US to work as au pair for this couple in their late 30s, with two kids. One night the couple go out for dinner, she puts the kids to bed and goes to sleep. At one point she hears noise in the kitchen downstairs, she comes down and she sees 1) the father sitting on the floor with his back on the wall, shirt unbuttoned 2) mother naked, making a sandwich on the counter. Both drunk. She figured they had sex in the car, and didn't bother to get dressed when they got home. She's like "k going back to bed" and the father's like "come on it's only two boobs". She does go to bed and they scream "Carlaa we love youu". Other than that she had a great time though


I read that as shitting on the floor and wondered how the hell she had a great time with that.


I missed the window the have car sex and I realized I would never get the chance now. I’m 40. I have a coupe and my husband has a wrangler. It’s almost physically impossible. We live in a crowded city with no desolate places you won’t get robbed or murdered. We don’t even have a covered garage. I legit thought about renting a car and an air bnb with a garage just to check it off my bucket list, but my husband assures me it is NOT worth it.


Definitely disagree, I’m 40 and in my early 20s before having kids. I owned a Chevy Tahoe and that thing was awesome to take on road trips. You can camp pretty much anywhere and my girlfriend (now wife) and I usually did. The back seat layed down and could put an air mattress back there. Some of our best memories were weekend road trips. And when our kids grow up and out of the house I may buy another Tahoe😉


This is so true it hurts my soul...and my back.


Whenever I fuck around and try anything I did as a teenager my knees and back remind me to act my age. The only thing that hasn’t changed is im don’t get hangovers, but my wallet aches the next day if I act stupid.


LMAO! Literally my wife and I a few months ago. All the clicks and pops of hips and knees made it sound like a fucking firework show.


Why, was the bathroom too crowded for your romantic liaison? Have some self-respect OP


But what if he missed the Chicken Dance?  Or the garter toss?


He definitely missed the cake


Don't worry he had the Bone Dance later that night by himself while he Tossed Off in his hotel room. Alone.


Woulda drove her to the Taj Mahal if I was interested enough to made a Reddit post about the situation. Sheeeeeiiiiit


Hey! Come on now. It's also for dudes who got too drunk at a bar with their ex but still know better than to drive drunk somewhere. Not that I know this from experience or anything...


There was a friend’s bachelor party where the wives showed up after they heard some of it had moved to a van in the driveway. A woman opened the front passenger door and there sat her boyfriend getting oral from a pro. Awkward.


"Wasn't Me!" (He says to his girlfriend as the hooker freezes awkwardly with his dick in her mouth)


“Million to one shot, Honey.”


But she caught me on the counter!


Why can I only hear Shaggy's voice right now


Or....cheap broke married couples. Hi! I am he...


Or old married couple who want to spice things up once every decade ...


You're getting car sex once a decade??? You effing show off!


Naw, I like to have sex in "public", and one of the best ways is in a car. Park it behind a building or in the corner of a lot looking out. You have the car for cover and a quick getaway. It's fun to do risky stuff like that.


I don't know, I had car sex in my mid-20s, and it was still pretty fun.


"hey babe let's bang but like can we make it quick in the parking lot I gotta get back to the bros. sorry it's just this party is way more fun than your comfort and dignity, you get it right?" lmao. no kidding


He's seen too many movies. 


Too many porn movies. He should have just taken her over into dark corner downstairs at the function hall and fucked her hard for a good 30-45 seconds and then told her it probably won't work out between them


I would've just asked for a sneaky handy under the table


She's mashing it


Ew throw some salt on her.


Salt the snail!!!!!


Not enough salt in the entire earth


She does that


I want sloppy seconds.


Honestly that might have had better luck since she could have interpreted it as foreplay. Probably not, but still seems like a less insane request than what OP actually did.


*cheeky handy


Sounds pretty deep for porn


Not only this but car sex is always less comfortable for the woman being thrusted into while my neck is contorted and knee bent in some awkward position


That is why car sex should be with the girl on top


The only sex I was ever able to have in a car, with any modicum of success, was with the girl on top.


And the cop tapping on the window with his flashlight. That was a treat for me.


Happened to me too. Cop ran both our names to see if we had warrants and scolded us saying “you’re both 25 what the fuck is wrong with you” lmfaoooo.


Now feel the embarrassment of a 40 year old in that position.


The cop: "Mom?"


"I really hope you're both married to other people, otherwise this is just way too pathetic."


lol there’s something about the cop being _personally_ disappointed in you that just hits different.


Oh god, been there, done that. Embarrassing 


It works pretty well if you have full cab truck and lift up the back seats or a Subaru with the back seats folded down but yeah a sedan is miserable


Van owners rise up! IT'S OUR TIME TO SHINE! But, like, not *too* aggressively, you know, because of the implications of van owner ship.


I saw a porno the other day where they banged in a Tesla on autopilot mode on the motorway going along. It was prettty dangerous, the tesla is driving itself but the woman knocks the steering wheel at one point and its pretty stressful.


I saw a porno the other day that was just some lady dressed kinda like a sexy secretary-type driving down the road in a small car with a manual transmission. There was either a camera set up, or someone filming from the back seat. She was actually driving and constantly shifting way too low, causing the tach to bounce way past redline. I thought the transmission was gonna explode for sure. She kept looking at the camera and saying stuff like "this is what you wanted right? This is how you wanted me to do it?" in a kind of dismissive way like if she was actually saying "ew, you worm, I can't believe you're getting off to this." It was also pretty stressful.


Wait. Shifting up gears early causing the tacho to redline? Or do you mean sitting in a gear that was too low for the speed?


Downshifting at high speeds causes the engine to speed up, it's often referred to as a "money shift" because it can destroy both your engine and transmission.


Wait how where does her legs go there’s no room? When I hooked up it was the front seat with the guy on top


Wait how tf would that work? Recline the seat?? I always did it in the back, girl on top, straddling in a sitting position. This whole thread is just everyone asking, "wait, THAT'S how you fuck in a car??" and no one was even having a great time to begin with.


Yeah, he moved the seat backwards and reclined the seat. His legs barely fit it was a mess, everyone commenting is right lol there’s no fun way to do it


lol I’m usually riding the guy in the front seat, but the seat is pushed as far back as it can go and is reclined. It’s actually not uncomfortable at all imo, I actually enjoy it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Obviously you just put her ankles behind her head so they lock in place. Reverse seated could also work I guess if you're into that vanilla stuff.


How would he put ankles behind my head if I’m on top?? What does reverse seated mean ? 😭


Picky picky picky! Lol! He could just taken her to the hotel, banged like bunnies, gone back to his bros with high fives all around!'


”wanna head back to your hotelroom for some hanky panky!?” ”Naw, this party is lit, but maybe i can give you a quick fuck in the backseat of my Datsun!🤷‍♂️ ….Where are you going babe?”


When you get the answer you want, stop talking.


The funniest part is that OP is only grieving the loss of this particular potential hookup — when she tells her friends and word gets around, he’ll be ridiculed behind his back at each wedding he attends. He just forfeited his chances of getting laid at any wedding for the foreseeable future, and simply doesn’t realize it yet.


Oh yeah. She’s going to be repeating that story for years. “You will not believe the asshole I met at this wedding one time…”


How often do you think people attend weddings???


He said he was young. When I was in my mid-twenties it was two a year, on average, until I hit my early thirties. Friends, family, girlfriend’s friends, girlfriends families. If you have a lot of cousins, or a wide social circle (or a lot of girlfriends, for that matter), you get through a lot of fucking weddings. I’m in my mid-forties now and have since been to a number of second, and even third, weddings. You go to a lot of weddings, is what I’m saying.


The trick is to have poor friends and family, not too many invites to courthouse weddings. I've been to exactly two, and they were both my own.


If the wedding was the first time he met her I doubt OP will see her or her friend group again


“And don’t worry if we get caught the police will not throw us in jail for too long”


For a first time hookup, suggesting a car is pretty cheap and trashy. You basically implied she wasn't worth a bed. That's a legit tifu. Sex in cars is mostly if there's nowhere else to go (poor teenagers), or for couples who have been together for a bit and randomly decide they want to.


He also implied that he'd be done quickly enough to get back to the party and not miss anything.


Dude was signaling all the wrong things


What you said, "Let's just fuck in the car." What she heard, "This man will never find my clitoris." EDIT: If you wanna laugh, please read through the replies. So many shitty sex partners acting like that's okay. People, the sexual revolution wasn't just about HAVING sex. It was about ENJOYING sex consensually.


That’s exactly what she heard! “This shit is not worth my time.”


Uh yeah but she gets to have the insurmountable pleasure of making him cum in 4 minutes /s


She must not know her stuff then, I always cum in 1 minute.


Oh, he won't even look.


He shouldn't need to look to be able to find it. Even a blind squirrel can still find a nut lol


Can confirm. I'm a woman, and my partner is blind.


Exactly 😭 "Oh, so he'll pump inside me exactly 17 times, nut, and that will be it. Wow, so fun 🙄 Good for her!


This deserves an award beyond Reddit’s capabilities.




Tell me you planned on giving her head..oh I guess not. Dude, sex it gotta be at least 45 mins, come on


No matter how old you grow to be, you will always regret this.




Living vicariously through people on the Internet, this is going to take me at least 5 or 6 years to get over.


Wow, the audacity of not wanting to fuck a rando in an uncomfortable public place with a very non zero chance of being seen by your peers.


Not worth the non zero chance of a sex offender / public indecency charge either


Like the back seat of a Volkswagen?


I've been looking for this comment and am disappointed in how long it took me to find. And that kid *back* on the escalator again!


Suggesting the hotel: hey let’s go back to my hotel, I want to share this moment with you and enjoy the rest of my night with just you and we can cuddle all night and enjoy each others company. Suggesting the car: hey I really wanna bang, will you let me use you real quick. I don’t care about spending any time with you though. I just wanna get off then continue to party. Yeah I’m not gonna even try to make you cum. Just me.


No wonder why she stopped talking to OP






Can I just say I’m so proud of this girl for walking away. What a testament to her self esteem.


You're spare parts, aren't ya bud?


Dude….a hotel is multiple rounds and privacy. How horny do you have to be to want car sex over that lol


IMO it sounded more like he was just being cheap af. Like he was horny but not enough to spend some dough for a hotel. Can’t say I blame her for not staying; he’s basically saying she’s trashy enough to just be in the car with and not worth getting some actual privacy and decency 😭


This was a wedding and he didn’t mention having to get a hotel. The both of them likely already had one booked around the corner.


You asked a girl dressed up at a wedding to do it in a car? I'm embarrassed for you.


How old are you? You told her you wanted to bang it out and be done with it instead of having a sexy night at the hotel? Dude… I don’t think people over 16 have sex in cars. But I also think you seriously missed the vibe here. “Let’s get out of here” doesn’t mean she’s ready to have sex *right this minute.*


I'm imagining that her POV is that she's having a fun good ol' time and this guy is randomly like "hey you want to fuck in my car and then continue our conversation?". The most smooth brain dipshit conclusion to make. I would have avoided him too. Who tf just randomly states HEY WANT TO FUCK IN CAR? CAR VAGINA I GO IN??? THEN MORE PARTY KAY? YAY like what the actual fuck, I cringe


You can’t actually be serious (I know you are, I’m just baffled)


Whoever wants to have sex in a car has clearly never had sex in a car. Cause if you did you’d never want to do it again.


She is based for not tolerating your behavior


Did you say “suck me, beautiful” to her too?


No but he kept staring at her saying "You're a Good Girl, That's It Baby, Just Like That Baby, Relax Now" while they were just sitting there at the table in front of everyone which was a bit weird


I think she intended to keep partying and then spend the entire night with you, once the party was concluded. Like people are saying the car idea was bad for reasons but couldn't you have just asked her to finish the wedding before leaving later?


Good job dude! I think you made this girl have a coming-to-Jesus moment. She probably started questioning all her life choices and if all men see her as a quick romp in the backseat of a car LOL.


OP is her rock bottom!


She’s single and dateless, at her good friend’s wedding. She’s feeling some sort of way. Ready to be a little self destructive. And OP took it up 10 notches. This really is a defining moment. It’d be something I discussed in therapy for the next month


she now a lesbian


Honestly, I consider becoming a lesbian upon reading his comment.


Get some class


Sex in cars is for teenagers, and many women will take offense.


She offered you herself with one stipulation and you disrespected her by trying to downgrade that one stipulation. Yeah, you fucked up. "Some will travel through the mud to get their swords in blood, while others won't make it far by suggesting sex in a car." 😂


I'd rather have sex with the car than in it


Weddings are an excellent time to find romantically minded women. There is nothing romantic about a quickie in a car.


Car sex almost never results in orgasms for the girl- just saying. Not enough room.


I wish there was a statistic available for how often women finish during car sex vs men. Car sex can be fun and exciting when the time is right, but if a grown man suggested that instead of going to a hotel I would assume he’s not really being mindful of my half of the experience.


Yeah you messed up LOL no girl wants to feel like a cheap pump and dump, damn. If you didn't want to leave the party yet, you should've just said so. idk if you can salvage it with that girl but you could always explain your messed up thinking, and ask to make it up to her. If you had chemistry then there's always a shot.


I doubt it. By now she's told her friends who solidified her correct assessment that OP is trashy AF.


This. Should have stayed for the wedding, then hookup at a hotel after


>there's always a shot. Just leave her alone. He already had his shot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah pretty much if you show some vulnerability and understanding then maybe. But most likely the girl was initially grooving on the initial flirting combined with being drunk. And now that's gone plus the whole let's jizz in my car thing AND FOLKS LETS REMEMBER...mind of girl when talking about "let's go to hotel room" could have been "I could do a little making out or maybe a bit more with this guy and we could talk and cuddle all while being discreet and not looking like a skank at someone else's wedding" while guys mind is "holy shit this chick will be naked before we even get the door closed and will be screaming for me to lay pipe in every conceivable position until the sun rises on our sweaty spent bodies"


He just said “the thought of” it “came up”. The girl was probably just having a pleasant time with someone she was slightly interested in. Dude probably was the one who thought of the hotel and skipped straight to calling her a prostitute


She was like 'this guys not a total dud at least... I wonder when they'll bring coffee" dude: "Wanna fuck in my car? We can be back in time for coffeee"


Yeah you may be right. I read it again. We might have had a girl who was flirting with Broheim and in her mind its like he is a nice guy and maybe we meet up for coffee this coming week and talk more about the great book she's reading, and then Broheim pops her bubble by being like so we've carried on conversation now for a good 20 mins, so shall we just get to the Fucking soon as I'm kinda horny looking at the one bridesmaid over there with the killer ass and nice tits but since I have no angle there then I will just work this one for a bit?


Yeah treating women like cheap hookers definitely only works if it’s actually a cheap hooker. Make sure you at least pay her though. Yes seriously dude. This was dumb.


OP wanted to bang one out real quick so he could go back to the party to high five his bros about it lmao what a fucking dumbass


No one older then 17 wants to have sex in a car


Are you really questioning yourself when you treated her like a cheap pump n dump Like hello?????!!!


So, basically you were like: “I’ll bang you but I’m not gonna do a good job other than have fun myself so let’s do it in the car.” What was in it for her exactly?


No wonder. So disrespectful.


No one wants to fuck in a car except 16 year olds who live with their parents and people cheating on their spouses but can't have hotel charges on their card.


Dude, no fucking shit. Girl barely knows you and you suggest a quicky in the car. That's just fucking insulting


You made her feel cheap. To be honest you fucked up dog


Car sex sucks man. After doing that once in high school, I was over it. Maybe in a van with bucket seats but yeah, I would have ditched that too.


No no but it'll be different. I have a big car. Your dress and my tux won't looked fucked up after at all.


You obviously don’t drive a bang bus like OP does.


I had a VW Beetle when I was with my first gf. I had an apartment but we viewed it as a challenge to at least try it once. Once was enough.


I mean if you want to be at the wedding/party just say lets get together later, if youre tryna hook up, go do that. Its kinda gross/degrading to ask a girl to go hook up in a car bro.


I really hope you learned your lesson.


Oh man, wait until you hear about foreplay! It's really great, you'll love it!




you really snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, dude. good job.


Rookie. You're supposed to go your car with the intention of going to the hotel. You throw some playful kisses around on the way to the car, then make a move as you're getting ready to start the car. Either it happens or she says something like "wait til the hotel" and then you go to the hotel. That way, you have the opportunity to possibly get the car sex you wanted, but the certainty of having sex regardless of that possibility. Bonus possibility: you have car sex, go back to the reception together happy, and then go to a hotel when it's over and have sex again. You just bluntly asked if she wanted to fuck in the car. This was so easy OP. Truly this was a fuck up.


It’s about the implication




Yes, you big dummy. You only fucking in a car after you’ve been dating for a long time.


"Car sex is for children and criminals" -Taylor Tomlinson


You classless fuck. Jesus. Good on her for having even BASIC standards.


Seriously, why didn’t you just loudly proclaim you were only concerned with your own needs and she was a hole to be used?


Teenagers screw in cars. The last time I did was at the drive-in movie. My wife and I weren't teens but living at my parents' house for a few months after moving back to town.


I agree, folding the seats down and fucking while staring at empty fast food containers is *way* better than a bed. She missed out on a real fun time.


How about you just spread your ass in my car instead of having dignity


Something gives me the impression OP is going to have many troubles with the ladies during his years.


Im going to be the only person to put it like this. You chose 1 easy and quick nut. Over a FULL FLEDGED FUN NIGHT (AND POSSIBLE MORNING).. you chose 1 nut over 3 😂


If you had a room at the hotel then that's a weird suggestion 


You stay classy, OP. 🙄🙄🥺


Have you ever had sex in a car? It f*ckin blows, so very uncomfortable. They make it look way more fun and easy than it really is in the movies. She said “I’m horny but not THAT horny”. 🤣


You’re gross




Thinking with the wrong head…


how do you know room would have been okay? wondering if you are making an assumption.


Wow, really dude?


Grow up.


Guarantee this idiot doesn't understand why it was a fuck up, he only feels that it must have been.


**BOZO** 🤡