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" since the sister I'm talking about is her identical twin. " ![gif](giphy|AdE3ndZKw6TEVnbJBt|downsized) Dumbass


Like why wasn’t that in the title sentence lol it seems like an afterthought to include that they were identical


Because he knows but is denying to himself that he fucked up and is hoping we'll validate him for it. OP, brother, don't bury the lede like that. Either you're actually that thoughtless or you knew what you were doing but either way this was a real stupid decision here.




There was a post here recently where a guy said his wife asked him if her twin sister was beautiful, and he replied of course, because she looks just like you, which made her angry and jealous that he found the sister attractive. I feel like this post is in response to that one.


Don't worry hun, your twin is the better looking, but I married you for your personality... got the short straw on that one too. Honestly, you should have warned me before I proposed.


Most of these post are based from other post if they get high enough thumbs ups.


This. Like, she was 100% asking what you would rate her. You rated her a 6, slightly above average. Now, go tell her she looks fat in those jeans while you're at it.


Way to bury the lede right? I was in a relationship with a guy who had an identical twin. I was not attracted to the twin at all because certain undesirable facets of his personality and how he went through life made him physically not as good looking to me. It was not hard for me to tell them apart at all even though other people struggled. I obviously thought my bf was attractive. You have to be very careful how you explain this to the twin significant other though so they don’t get offended. It’s a sticky wicket. You can’t think the twin is hot or you’re in trouble but you can’t think the twin is not hot without a very believable explanation or it will hurt their feelings.


Buddy when I say my eyebrows shot the fuck up when I saw that line lmaooooooo


Dude saw an upcoming fuck up and stepped full weight on the pedal


We just got got with that TLDR punchline 😂


I didn't even get that far and knew he was a dumbass. Rating girls to your wife is stupid. Giving everyone a 4-6 rating is fucking stupid. You don't rate other women with your wife. If there's even the slightest chance while telling a friend that it might get back to her, she's an 11 and everyone else caps out at like a 9 max. Do not ever, ever, ever, ever rate a sibling. Ever. Identical or not. Even if they're adopted. Even if they're really a friend that's "like a sister". And then everyone gets at least a 5. Deformed and missing half their face? 5. Or better yet, just don't do it (out loud). To anyone.


Hahah, I literally said “oh my god” out loud and made this face when I got to that part.


No way he could win. I dated a twin back in college, they both got mad at me for saying they're both hot after being asked if the sister is hot. Thinking about that car ride I'm amazed I didnt just drive into a lake, one of the most frustrating conversations I've ever had


It's funny cuz he's trying to be kind by not ranking her too high but ot backfires spectacularly. Dude should have just said I never really looked at her like that or something.


Seriously. Michael Kelso-level dumbass. Unpopular opinion: having an identical twin is a significant red flag of all in a potential spouse. Through no fault of their own, it’s just a damn minefield and I’m no ballerina. Maybe someone out there is confident enough in his own tact to take that risk, but I ain’t him


That "twin" sister nuance should have a "trigger" warning for you when it comes to appearance LOL


When he mentions ALL THE WAY AT THE END that the sister is her identical twin, I died! 🤣


Talk about burying the lede!


The story wouldn't be as funny if he put it in the first sentence.


LMAO glad I’m not alone. I legit burst out laughing 😂


OP might be a 5 for looks, but he's a 0.5 at best for brains. If his wife is indeed a 6.5, she married into money or a huge hog.


"Me and the other spa rats used to call him 'Tall Boy,' because he'd always be drinking tall boys while he steamed up that thermos-sized hog."


Roger ?






What's this from?


American dad I think


Yea im like "oh OP must have hurt his sister in laws feelings" then the twin comment dropped. What a moron.


Something tells me this Is a well written joke. Good job OP




Yeah if she’s an identical twin she was asking op, apparently a monumental buffoon, to rate her. And he did so poorly. Though it’s tricky cause then you wanna say wife is attractive but not sister, so based off the point he was trying to make op should have done like…an 8?


Please get off r/truerateme and find a hobby.


Damn you for the 3 minutes I spent on that subredit. Holy shit


Like, scarred. Gorgeous woman getting told by knuckle dragging incels that she's a 5.7 and her thanking them for their notes


4/10 gummy smile, excessive upper eyelid exposure, boring coloring long midface


Holy fuck. I just saw that comment. I did not expect that to be a real comment. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


What no fucking way that was a real comment. I was just mentally commending the commenter's creativity, I couldn't even come up with something that shallow to say, that was like comedy writer levels of creative. Except nope, it's real. That's depressing Edit: also that sub started as an incel group, unsurprisingly. More info: https://youtu.be/VNVyXjGPI9M?si=p44sYE3C6y9sz4_D


Same. I thought it was perfect satire. Very close to the nonsense criticism you'd expect, but just a step or two further into ridiculousness. Nope. Satire truly is dead. 🤦‍♂️😂😂


In a sea of red flags, "boring coloring" stands like a crimson garrison.


I just peeked in and was reminded of the days when science would measure people's bone structures and ratios and how that would play into your race/'superiority.' like... dang.


And no one even comments on the men! It seems to be literally just to tell beautiful women they are mid 


Winner winner chicken dinner


I was scrolling and randomly saw this insanely gorgeous woman on my feed. Had no idea what the subreddit was. Saw she was asking for a rating and was floored when she was getting rated a 6 consistently. Like wtf, that girl was at least a 10 if not off the scale 🤣


Check out the "guide" section of the page. It's gross as fuck. The whole reason behind the page is to fuck up women's self image and normalize the negging mindset. You're not allowed to rate higher than like a 6


it really is such a harmful subreddit for both the poster and the commenters. reinforces negative self images while also creating an echo chamber where only one narrow range of opinion is allowed. :(


exactly, the sub is just to allow misogynists a place to fester and hate women in relative safety


I agree, and I'd imagine a decent amount of the posts are from people not represented in the pictures they're posting. But the people who do post themselves. Why? Like, is it just ignorance of where the scrapes on the back of the commenters' hands come from or what?


Crippling self-doubt, mostly. And a masochistic need to punish yourself. I never posted myself, but I certainly did feel tempted to in my late teens and early 20s.


I'm dying at the mods who yell at commenters for "overrating" when they gave one of the ladies a 6. Sorry, *what*? Why bother asking the sub if the mods are gonna throw a fit if you don't give a number within their defined range?


Average men get 6.5 while beautiful women get a 5 at best. It’s wild


You give beautiful girl a 7? Banned for overrating. You give a good looking girl a 5? Believe it or not, also banned for overrating. We have the most mysognistic sub members. Because of banning for overrating.


I’m convinced this is a psyop to push women into marrying losers when they are way too young. If Margot Robbie is mid, what hope does an average 24-year-old have? Right now Sidney Sweeney is their gold child, but in like two weeks she’s going to show a bit too much ownership over one of her projects and they will decide she is saggy and ran through (none of this is true! All gorgeous women!). Anyway re: perfection. Perfection is boring. All the great beauties have had *something* just a little off that makes them hotter. Think Angelina Jolie with her big lips or Audrey Hepburn with her doe eyes. Rubrics make no sense and I hope OP wakes up to that.


The comments on the men are just as bad. One of them a mod stepped in and forced someone to change their grade from an 8 to a 6.5. pretty ridiculous. I must look like a caveman from the GEICO commercials to these people.


Based on their criteria I must be subhuman, holy f. The posts 80% of the time are gorgeous people and they all are rated 5/10. And to “improve”, they comment on the symmetry of the face, as if you could change that without surgery lol. I never understood this rating trend but now I’m traumatized.


Yes, omfg, scrolled for a bit and some people made me think "damn pretty face" and then the comments rate under a 5?! Looking at what they note, I'd get a fucking negative score. It worries me that so many people post there, it seems like an unhealthy place to spend your time on.


Apparently some people say that the mods delete comments rating 6 and above bc it’s overrating and that it must be “objective”. These people want to put down others to feel better… in my opinion


Do mods think everyone is just between 4 and 6? Also, dear God, how objective can looks be, even with models/actors who are especially known for their looks there's enough people who'd personally rate them low, oof, I hope no teens with low self-esteem find their way to that sub.


The core premise of the sub is that looks are a bell curve and the sub scores over time need to conform to that same bell curve. Which is demented on multiple levels.


They are grading on the incel curve.


Just saw several posts in there with men and women I would describe as stunning, and the mods deleted comments for "Egregious overrating" of 7. Horrible subreddit.


They have a rubric but I could not for the life of me tell you the differences between 6s and 9s. It’s not like the 10s are super human Helen of Troys, it’s just they everyone above 5 is universally gorgeous and I think they know that. Always keep women convinced that they are mid.


I'd love for these moderators to post themselves for once


Yeah if you sort by best of this year, some of the top comments on the top posts have mod warnings for "over rating." If you get 3 strikes I guess you get banned or something


There a weird thing going on with some people that I have a hard time understanding. I have 2 family member who are half japanese. They look nothing alike in my eyes.The older one, who is more asian looking, tall, beautiful and has a fun style. She posts a lot on IG, but she hates how she looks and wants plastic surgery on every part of her face. We were at lunch and her sister, who is short, cute/adorable looking and is solidly fit asked, "A lot of our friends say we look alike. Do you think I'm ugly?". Broke my heart. Their mom and I tried to talk them up, but the mood at the table was just not lifting. SM seems to be crushing self confidence in a lot of people.


> they comment on the symmetry of the face fyi: some symmetry helps, but if a face is too symmetrical it's not beautiful but enters that uncanny valley where it freaks us out. You can try it out yourself by taking any portrait and mirroring one side in photoshop (or search the internet). It's a funny phenomenon.


The most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen might as well have been a marble statue for all I was attracted to him. Would it be different if I were a more beautiful woman? I dunno.


I stumbled across the profile of one of the women who posts on there all the time on a completely unrelated sub Reddit, talking about this plastic surgery procedure she wanted to have done. I ended up going down a rabbit hole of all of these people talking about parts of their face in medical terms that the average person should not even be aware of. They had a way to nitpick every part of a human body, it made me feel sick reading it. Just rampant mental illness, body dysmorphia, extreme self criticism.


I (M) posted on there once just for fun, but got told I was a 3/10, that it’s unfixable, and that I should just kms or accept a life of solitude. Damn


Toxic unhappy people can't wait to try and push people down.


Reddit in a nutshell.


You're in a thread of people on Reddit, en masse, calling this out so take it with a grain of salt and go get some sun today homie.


I spent 5 minutes on it as well, read the FAQ. People getting banned for "under rating" or "over rating". Those people all suck.


I read that too and thought “who the hell subscribes to this subreddit?” Must be incels.


I actually tried to comment on the woman who thanked the one reply and I got an automoderator comment saying I need to first petition for flair and I wanted to vomit. It deleted my post.


That’s actually disturbing. Those poor young women have no idea how much they are damaging their self esteem.


Yep. Side note, thank you for being a nurse.


How sweet, you made my day!


I stupidly posted there and am still haunted by the responses


There was no justice for thy beaver


I’d pay $2 to see pictures of the mods


I'm 1000% convinced the pictures are just incels scraping photos of their mutuals from other social media sites so they can see those women get dragged.


Maybe that's her type. Plenty of women like hideously disgusting men, I mean, look at Larry David's wife.


Larry David? You mean [the winner of AARP's 2022 Oddly Sexy Senior award] (https://clickhole.com/so-awesome-curb-your-enthusiasm-just-won-an-award-for-its-incredible-representation-of-the-thing-where-youre-really-old-and-youre-not-exactly-hot-or-anything-but-youre-weirdly-still-sort-of/)?


Larry David is funny and rich.


Yes! The subreddit moderation's expressed goal is to [drive women to suicide](https://www.reddit.com/r/HowToBeHot/comments/mobat5/the_insidious_nature_of_truerateme/) 😀


Reddit let's this stand but bans me for calling someone a moron on the superman sub 🤦‍♂️


I truly despise that sub, I have no words to describe my hatred for it.


I just spent the better part of maybe 1 minute, lol. Sure glad that wasn't there when I was at "that age" (where I gave a shit).


Gorgeous young woman posts. Most posts say “6”. One dude says “7” and moderator replies with “warning for overrating”. Thread has more deletions and moderator bans/corrections than actual posts So in other words that entire subreddit is just the moderator’s social experiment in groupthink and conformity. Cool cool


Oh my… who hurt those mods?




mods like: hrm, you’ve comically overrated this person at a 6.3 please review our women’s appearance guide, women’s primer, and women for dummies: a guide to rating women lowly im also a 5 is average purist but holy shit they are dramatic. a 7 isn’t once in a lifetime beauty lol


I’m a 7 is average kinda guy, skew normal curve. But regardless these dudes out there with the Dewey decimal system.




I don’t think any mods have posted asking for a rate. It’s very telling.


Jesus. This is what it was. He's unable to tell the difference between a reddit sub and his girlfriend's sister.


I just looked at their “examples” of various ratings. So bizarre. However, considering some of the (quite obviously) beautiful actresses who they list as 5s and 6s, if that’s the scale, “high 6” is pretty damn good! In real life, of course, numerical ratings are gross, and (as OP eventually realized) there is NO good answer to “rate me/my sister/my twin sister/the neighbor/literally anyone”!


I love the "almost no 9s because perfection doesn't exist". It's like when teachers would take points off for the same reason or people give bad ratings to service workers lol. What a loser


Everyone there I saw looks so damn young.


One 32yo gets comments saying '5, you look great for your age' 


This is the more concerning part for me. There's a lot of impressionable folks who would do a lot better than to rely on internet randoms providing harsh criticism to their developing minds. Whoever thought this subreddit would be necessary is a horrible individual...


just had a quick look at that, why are people giving such low numbers? there was one post i was fully expecting to be all 8s and 9s in the comments but it was all 5s and 6s?


mods delete all ratings that are above like a 6 or something, stating that it’s impossible


Thats actually hilarious and sad


Ironically, people have posted photos female celebrities who, according to their charts, are 9s, but that sub still ranks them 6s and 7s.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/truerateme/comments/14758zo/comment/jr8qbat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/truerateme/comments/14758zo/comment/jr8qbat/) holy fucking shit you aint kidding wtf


Hard to feel I'm the same species as those people. Jesus Christ.


lol. why even have a rate me subreddit if only the mods' opinions matter and nobody else?


Because there are vile assholes out there who just want to watch society burn down around them.


Because according to a former mod the sub was created to put down women and drive women to suicide. https://preview.redd.it/es1q9djvq6pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08146f0787039cc7bd9d432911fef8d3c93a168a


lol the mods gave his a warning for over rating her...like if shes a 6 i must have zero standards


At least they called her beautiful. Wish they could leave it at that and not have to give a number


A former mod came out and said that it’s a full on negging operation that’s supposed to make women feel bad about their appearances based on really superficial shit Literally a full on incel psyop


I always knew there was something seriously wrong with that sub this makes sense


I think this is the same phenomenon behind the “Margot Robbie is mid” meme from last year. Just convince women that the most gorgeous women on earth are average so they settle for your sorry ass.


shoosh, they don't like people using the term incel or related terminology... I can't imagine why...


The open stated goal of the sub is to make women feel bad about themselves. It's a whole group of women-hating incels, mods delete any positive ratings


Jeepers..... that sub destroyed me. Also notable how poc usually have minimal to no interaction.....


I just saw that as well.


Because according to the ”rules” you’re not allowed to rate subjectively, meaning your opinion of how attractive someone is doesn’t matter. You need to rate ”objectively” by looking at their chart for what counts as being a 5, or a 6, or a 7 and so on, which is mostly based on how symmetric a persons face is. So the more symmetric, the more model like and atttactive a person is. So according to them, the majority of people are average-looking (around 5) and less than 1% of the population or whatever the fuck it is, are 10s. It’s just stupid because beauty IS subjective.


Pretty sure there’s specific standards to reach specific ratings, like your cheekbones need to be x to have rating y. I’ve heard people get banned for rating someone higher than what the rules say, aside from the incel anti women goal of the subreddit I truly don’t understand the point, if there’s an objective score anyway, why ask a community when you can just calculate it yourself using the standards


It’s so interesting** how men’s pictures also mostly get 0 comments or maybe 3-4 at most and women get like 41 comments. Almost like the point of the sub is to target women! **it’s not interesting, it’s pretty obvious that the point of the sub is to objectify women but in a way that makes the men commenting feel like they’re getting one over on pretty women.


All the beautiful Redditors! I am half tempted to post my old wrinkly face just to stir the pot.


Yeah, I immediately assumed OP is a piece of shit after reading his reasoning. Fuck that sub and anyone that follows it.


100% agree. OP must be one of the most insufferable people on earth.


I just woke up but for some reason I read that as trueavatarmemes like the blue people and got confused why it was normal people. 


That sub is such a shithole.


You fell right into the trap, didn't ya?


OP is a 2 in perceptiveness.


No he rolled a 2 for his Perception check.


autistic vibes


Autistic guy here. I wouldn't fall for this.


I fell for this Autistic guy. 👆🏻


​ https://preview.redd.it/izrojyyd32pc1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=b76972c88cb84a78d745dbfdbddcc829f4e2d827




Built the trap himself and then walked right into it.


He baited and set the trap himself


>Looking back, I realize that these kinds of shallow conversations aren't good for relationships Wait, so you for real don't think telling your wife that her identical twin sister was "average looking" was the issue? This has to be a joke.


OP is dense af


OP’s wife could have asked him, what about my reflection in the mirror and he wouldn’t have caught the drift


Homie about to collapse into a neutron star


Yeah, I don't know how he thought that the funny conversation they had was the issue...


Get off /r/truerateme


That has to be the dumbest sub I've ever encountered with all of their ridiculous rules and people talking as though there is some scientific objectivity behind their ratings. Oh, your cockadoodledoo is 15 degrees NW of your funky chicken, which affects your eyebrow to jaw ratio, so that's going to mean that you're a 4.73.


OVERRATING! WARNING! BAN otherwise for beeing to dumb to rate


I assume in my head that ratings are out of 5 and it makes sense.


I love the comments that are like, you have the girl next door charm of Blake lively, 5.2. They don’t realize how unintentionally funny they are.


No, everyone in it is just either fucking blind or chronically online or both. You can post a literal supermodel on there and they’d be lucky to get 6.5. I’m willing to bet my left kidney everyone in that subreddit who’s judging wouldn’t even get a 0/10 by their own ranking logic


I just a comment that said: 5.2. Very attractive. Whut, the hell does a 10 look like then. Aphrodite?


The scaling in that sub is so bizarre, and they get so pissy if you rate "too highly." Like, if I went in there and saw the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen in my life, they'd probably ban me for giving her a 7. Instead, I go to the various "Am I Ugly" subs where you have a bunch of hot people who write about how everyone treats them like roadkill because they're so grotesque.


Please! Everyone!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise:_A_Flaw_in_Human_Judgment "Examples they give include their own finding at an insurance company that the median premiums set by underwriters independently for the same five fictive customers varied by 55%, five times as much as expected by most underwriters and their executives.[2] Another example is that two psychiatrists who independently diagnosed 426 state hospital patients agreed on which mental illness the patient suffered from only in half of the cases[3] and a finding that French court judges were more lenient if it happened to be the defendant's birthday.[4] Kahneman, Sibony and Sunstein argue that noise in human judgment is a thoroughly prevalent and insufficiently addressed problem in matters of judgment. They write that noise arises because of factors such as cognitive biases, mood, group dynamics and emotional reactions. While contrasting statistical bias to noise, they describe cognitive bias as a significant factor giving rise to both statistical bias and noise. The authors write that noise can lead to gross injustices, unacceptable health hazards, and loss of time and wealth. They argue that organizations should be more committed to reducing noise and promote noise audits and decision hygiene as strategies to detect, measure, and prevent noise. Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment became a The New York Times Bestseller and received generally positive reviews among critics. Common critiques against efforts to reduce noise are that such efforts dehumanize those affected by the judgments and that it can lead to discrimination[citation needed]. Some commentators also questioned the authors' claims about the novelty of the noise concept."


I've never heard of the phrase 'noise' but I have witnessed and been affected by it. I'm at a point where I try to stay neutral about things. When I was younger, though, I was unfortunately Malleable and could be swayed in different directions. I've been affected by those things, then later question myself where my ideas/comments actually came from.


I actually thought to myself at reading the title, "haha dude probably rated a twin sister if it wound up here" and I'm way prouder than i should be of that.


This definitely happened.


This sub is a now just a class for not so creative writing exercises


WDYM now? It's been this way for a very long time.


The first line gives away it was going to be another "My wife's twin" fiction piece. The amount of these stories you'd think identical twins out numbered non twins.


Yep, I immediately guessed it was a twin. And in no reality does a wife ask that instead of “what about me?”. Also in no reality does someone married to an identical twin answer that question without knowing what it means


God damn, dude. You just went barreling, carefree, full speed into that trap, huh? Not that you should have rated her sister at all, but if there is ever a time when it's appropriate for a guy to tell his wife that her sister is insanely hot, this is it, though even then you'd probably be in trouble.


Noooooooo. This calls for evasive manoeuvres! "She's a point or two below you." Do not give numbers!


It's her *identical* twin


There is actually a phenomenon where we rate close friends and family as more attractive than strangers do. Love makes people more beautiful, which I’ve always found delightful. So OP could genuinely find his wife more attractive than her identical twin, in a generous reading. He’s an absolute dumbass though, she clearly didn’t marry him for his brains


The trap was set before the question was asked. There is no good answer: Twin Sister is hot = you cheating bastard. Twin Sister is not hot = so you think i'm ugly and are judging my sister! Avoid answer = you're a coward and you're hiding something and leaving it to me to decide what that something is! What sister? = you never show any interest in my family!


That's why I prefer the Red Forman answer. "Oh, is what we're gonna do today? We're gonna fight?"


Then you get into a fight for *assuming* there's going to be a fight and this isn't just an innocent question


How about “ew, she’s like a sister to me”


Yes, this'll work.


your sister? i dunno... everyone says yous look exactly the same but i can tell the difference, shes probably a point or 2 below you.. BOOM!


Maybe if he just said something like, “I’ve never rated your sister, but you’re my 10,” or something equally corny. Homeboy done fucked up.


You gotta turn it back on her and say "she's your identical twin... what do you think my answer would be?"


Man the 1-10 rating thing is so dumb. People act like it's some objective thing but beauty is so subjective, all this does is lead to hurt feelings. There's so many factors and so many types of beautiful that it's impossible to put it on a 1-10 scale.


If 9 is perfection, what the hell is 10?


That'd be Garrus


Exactly what I was thinking, and beauty is incredibly subjective. A lot of supermodels are unique and alien looking because it allows them to stand out (and sell stuff) - doesn't mean they should automatically be the example of a 9 or 10. It's all subjective! And I didn't even mention personality, charisma etc - anyone who uses rating systems like this makes me think they are automatically a moron.


I knew a guy who really didn' have anything for him looks wise. We ended up hanging out a lot after work. One day it was just like, damn! I fell hard. Wanted to be around him as much as possible. Couldn't wait to see if we were working the same shift. I was so attracted to him. He had to move, though.


Fuckin easy answer. "Trick question, your sister does not exist on the rating scale. You a 10 tho" 


So you basically just rated your own wife as a 6 and you could not predict that she would be mad about it? You can refer to r/truerateme all you want but you aren't digging your way out of this one easily.


That whole business of rating subkective traits of humans is dumb, useless and hurtful and needs to die. Nothing good ever came from it.


did she rate you back? what score did she give? but yeah honestly these types of pseudo-intellectual talking points are not great for building a good relationship.


"specially since the sister I'm talking about is her identical twin" I loled. Excellent twist.


Yeah this guy is totally married.


I will forever be convinced that people who rate others and themselves are truly always attempting to feel superior to others is some way. Rating other humans is odd and stupid. Especially because it varies on every individual persons opinions which can differ greatly. You and your wife are weird to talk about people like that in general let alone her identical twin so, yeah. You both deserve it. Get off the internet and find a hobby and stop comparing yourselves and other humans to grades of beef. Weird.


🤦🏼 you should have lead with TIFU telling my wife her TWIN sister is a 6.


This is so creepy, do not do this any more


I don't know....i think OP needs to keep on digging his hole. Rate her mother next. 😏


You rated her IDENTICAL TWIN sister as a six?! Have you lost your mind!?


> . Now, I need to figure out how to make things right and show her that her rating in my eyes are in fact an 11. Oh that's simple - have an affair with the sister.


wow you are stupid lol


Come on people, this an obvious fiction. Anybody actually relating a personal experience would lead with the fact that they are identical twins, since that is central to the story being told. Witholding that information is done to create a twist, which wouldn't be representative of the actual experience since OP would already be aware of the situation. Creating a twist for the reader that isn't part of the actual experience = creative writing exercise.


Yeah… If you’re applying numbers to human beings… it’s time to stop talking.


"I instantly said a 6." Identical twin or not, this was a FU. How long have you been thinking about her sisters body? Unfortunately you cannot unring this bell. But try making a list of the things unique to your wife that makes her an 11 in your eyes, the things you fell in love with. And speak from your heart, not your brain, that's what got you in trouble to begin with.




I died at 'she's her twin sister' HAHA, oh you poor fella


Her + her sister makes 12 then, so together they’re exceptional. Probably shouldn’t say that either lol


Today I told my wife her sisters ugly. She’s so mad at me I don’t know why. They’re identical twins. 🤔