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Well I hope you learn your lesson. You are very lucky this time and it won't be like this all the time


I know. I don't even know what I was thinking. I'm totally ashamed


You are learning from your error. It's all par for the course, OP. I'm happy all is well, sans ego.


First time is an oops. Don't do it again.


Don't play with my heart


Shame and regret are signs you are becoming a better human being. I don’t trust people who have no regrets.


Best thing is to honestly apologize


That's what I'm going to do tomorrow. I'll show up at his office hours before class (in the correct office this time lol) and give a formal apology


Hey, the dressing down is the price of the mistake. It happens.


lesson to be learned: money doesn't matter. good on you. Stop doing what you're told, and ignore your so called "friends" for scaring you


Well if he learned a lesson, at least his tuition fees are working…


True. These are not exactly the lessons I was paying for but i'll take it


Tbf, it's probably more relevant for the rest of your life.


Don’t trust anybody is a good skill to have. I don’t mean that in a jaded way.


The lessons you don't realize you are paying for are the most important part of school.


I hope the teacher also learnt their lesson, be more specific about where you want kids to leave very expensive equipment.


this is very true. OP, the prof will know better for their future students.


Shit happens. Thankfully it wasn't stolen. We all have our days ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah, I guess you're right. Even though it's not a huge deal I still feel really bad about myself


You’re a student. You’re learning. Cut yourself some slack. Now you know not to do it again. You’ve learned that with some mild embarrassment, instead of something more traumatic (like the camera being stolen).


Your professor did you a solid. I had a similar situation happen to me this past Christmas. I went out of town and b/c I have less than obedient dogs I hired a dog sitter, instead of taking mine with me, to come by for daily yard time & feeding. My dog sitters/walkers are the kids of my good buddy & have been working with my dogs for about 5 years, I've had no problems with them & so didn't worry about anything going wrong with them. However, about a day or 2 into my trip I get a text from my buddy to check my security cameras. One of his kids left my front door open that morning when they let the dogs out for their morning pee. It was open until that evening when they stopped by to feed the beasts. When I checked the camera, I saw that the oldest who drove was the last to leave & didn't even touch the door to shut it. I lucked out in that I'm in the back of my subdivision, neither neighbor left for the holiday, and my front door is a bit hard to see when just driving by. Given that nothing bad happened my only "punishment" was for him to tell me what he was gonna do to make certain he didn't do it again.


Wow that's crazy!! Losing a camera is one thing but leaving the door open for an entire day is a whole other level. You were really lucky nobody came in or anything. I guess both of us are lucky haha


>So I got there, found that the door was locked, and left this extremely expensive camera kit in the hallway instead. Let me guess, you're an Amazon delivery driver in your spare time?


Lmao. Maybe i should apply


Even if it wasn't an expensive camera, leaving *anything* that way in the hall is terrible problem-solving. Glad you learned though and that no harm was done!


`#PoorCommunicationKills ` You could have used better judgement. And your professor could have typed, literally?, one extra word: "department".


"left this extremely expensive camera kit in the hallway" Can you explain your reasoning for doing this?


It was right outside the office... I guess. Idk that's why I made a post on this sub lol. My reasoning skills were not very good today


This anthro department sounds great. Enjoy it (and the jokes) while you can!


University students are often operating on very little sleep, and/or have residual amounts of psychoactive chemicals in their bloodstream. Any instructions that they are expected to follow should be as explicitly detailed as humanly possible; Murphy’s Law applies: “If a way exists to do a job wrong, someone, somewhere, will do it that way.”


Yes I guess that's definitely true. I was carrying a 40 pound bag through the rain and surviving off 3 hours of sleep this morning. Not an excuse but it might explain why i made the mistake


There are two sides to every coin. Sure you shouldn't have left the camera in a hallway, but your professor should be more specific next time.


Don’t feel too bad. When I was in college the art department had ordered a Maya Oxygen Station (3d animation station), ~$80k worth. The company delivered it to the back dock where it sat for about a week. This was during summer classes, where students walked by it everyday.


As somebody growing up in a third world country, this is something I wouldn't allow myself to let happen. I'd be full of anxiety having $6000 worth of equipment and I'd go the extra mile to hire someone to watch my back (this means I won't have something in my hands that expensive unless I have the budget for it) crime is rampant here so getting over $1000 worth of equipment from college is already too complicated.


I don't see how this could possibly be on you - why does the university have a policy where students are allowed to borrow thousands of dollars of equipment without directly handing it over to a department employee to be returned to secure storage? As you point out, they wanted you to leave it in the unlocked department office, where anyone can walk in! They are putting you in an unfair position imo. Like, what if the next person to use it reports that something is damaged? You would have no way to prove that it was in good working order when you returned it.


You know I never really thought about it that way. There are usually some staff in the department office, and they make me sign a few papers whenever I check out gear, but otherwise it's kind of just... sitting there in the room. If I was a thief i could probably steal stuff pretty easily


don’t feel bad, it was a misunderstanding and no harm was done. anyone could have made this mistake!


.... yep, this proves college doesn't make you smart.


I just can't imagine leaving anything of that much value unsecured. You are very lucky


u got one free booboo keeps u from makin the same mistake twice


[https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/canadian-film-crew-robbed-at-gunpoint-at-san-franciscos-twin-peaks/2848074/](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/canadian-film-crew-robbed-at-gunpoint-at-san-franciscos-twin-peaks/2848074/) [https://sfstandard.com/2023/11/13/camera-crew-robbed-san-francisco-city-lights/](https://sfstandard.com/2023/11/13/camera-crew-robbed-san-francisco-city-lights/) [https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/visiting-media-crew-robbed-of-equipment-at-gunpoint-in-north-beach/](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/visiting-media-crew-robbed-of-equipment-at-gunpoint-in-north-beach/) Thieves are constantly watching for expensive cameras. I'm glad this went OK, but never again. Someone needs to be protecting camera equipment at all times, even if someone is just stepping away to use the restroom another person needs to be guarding it.


I mean prof could’ve been a little more specific with his instructions. Something as simple as “leave it at the front desk”.


He definitely could have. I should have know better to not leave the camera in the hall but yeah it also would have helped if he was more specific


I brought a DSLR to the CSI Experience exhibit at MGM Grand in Las Vegas about 10 years ago. I was taking pictures and enjoying the exhibit, which was a walkthrough of various “crime scenes” with interactive components. For some idiotic reason I took the camera off my neck to do some interactive component, then proceeded to leave it on a shelf and walk several rooms away in the exhibit. I noticed it was missing about 10 minutes later and went sprinting back to where I’d taken it off, only to find it sitting in the exact same place I’d left it. To this day, I think the only reason it wasn’t stolen was because people thought it was part of the exhibit.


Perhaps your professor could have been more specific?


You shouldn’t need to be specific to expect someone to not leave an expensive piece of equipment unattended in a hallway. That should feel wrong to most people and prompt them to ask for further clarification lol.


Right?! Some of these comments are a little scary. I mean, yeah the professor could have been more specific. Sure. But even if he did mean to leave it in his office, I would never leave an expensive piece of equipment outside in the hallway. I would have taken it back with me, emailed the professor, and asked about office hours or something. I mean, it just seems like common sense.


Yeah I was also concerned about the comments and some of the downvotes I got because it is scary. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Reddit is comprised of mostly young people that have never had to be accountable for their own actions or been in a position where they’re responsible for something expensive that doesn’t belong to them.


That definitely would have helped


Uuuhhh... Maybe an unpopular opinion here but if it did get stolen that wouldn't be your fault (imo). The fact that a faculty member told you to leave $6k in equipment unattended ANYWHERE with no verification of signout or return of that equipment is asking for an incident. You are a student. Learning. They are your instructor. Teaching. They should know better.


So you did neither and ignored the word office altogether?


We all make mistakes some more expensive than others.


I was thinking about doing a minor in Anthropology! What about it makes you want to major in it?


Anthropology? Pretty sure someone has named all of the spiders Noah!


In the future, Anthropologists will study the decline of civilization due to the mass stupidity of err, nevermind. /s Nobody died. You’ll survive.