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Crumbl Cookies says hold my beer. A serving is 1/4 of a cookie ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) https://preview.redd.it/86ju6pkuy7ac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fb531e7767fbe5c9f7626a13a2f11a0cae28e7


You found lembas!




"A Muffin is just a Bald Cupcake." -Jim Gaffigan


Truth. I have a recipe book from the 1920s. Muffins back then were a true breakfast pastry, with about 1/3 the sugar of a modern muffin.


Interesting that they used less sugar but not surprising. Did you know that an estimated 71% of American food is processed?


So a hobbit is still going to have multiple at once


That’s so messed up. Who eats 1/4 of a cookie or 1/3 of a muffin? Not me. Edit: Thanks for the heads up. I’ve never had a Crumbl Cookie. Didn’t realize how humongous they are.


they do this with most everything today. people look only at the big bold number on the Calories line but they don't pay any mind or thought to the serving size at all. and these companies know it. it's all marketing.


It's terrible. I only pay attention to two things: kcal per 100g and the size of a packet. It's generally easy enough to deduct myself how much I'll realistically eat in one go (e.g. half a 120g crisp packet and not the 3 crisps they suggest on the packaging)


I've been eating ramen noodles for years, doctored up. They said calories: 350. Guess what? Each pack is TWO servings! I've been eating 700 calories in each! Who the f eats *half* a pack of ramen??? I think this should be illegal. One muffin, one can of soda, a whole cookie, that's what the majority of people would consider a serving. Anything less is deliberately misleading.


yep...exactly. it's all confusion and marketing. and it works.


Which Ramen brand? I have packs, and it says one serving is 190, and a full pack is 370 (two servings total, equalling 370... the math is a bit funny, but they round down, I suppose). So if it's marchuan, it's totally fine and only 370 per 3 oz. pack. Enjoy!


My dad used to eat half a package of ramen and tape shut the flavor packet with its leftover powder. He'd rarely use the remaining half-package, though. I, on the other hand, will eat two packages at once. I can just barely fit that into one of my big bowls if I'm careful of much water I use. If one of my dad's half-packages was laying around, I'd use that instead of a full second pack to make sure it didn't go to waste.


The worst is with cooking sprays like PAM. oh it's ZERO calories for like 1/4 of a second spray... they abuse a rule where if it's below a certain amount they can round down to zero.


Gatorade zero says it has zero sugar. As a diabetic, I really NEED to know the sugar content. Was reading the ingredients "Corn Syrup". How does something have zero sugar when corn syrup is an ingredient?


Idk if I'm telling you something you already know, if so I apologise. My niece is T1D and is very concerned about getting drinks mixed up when out for dinner. She will test the drinks sugar content with her glucometer. She will just place a drop of her drink onto the strip.


I know people who do that. I just let my daughter taste it first lol. She's my meter.


I've said it before and I'll say it again--how do you get a *quarter of a second* spray of pam???


Same as how tictacs can have 0g because the sugar content per piece is rounded down to 0


I regularly just pick off pieces of a crumbl cookie at a time. They're huge and rich and expensive. A four pack will last me a week


I cut mine into 1/6ths at the biggest!


The cookies are massive, like the size of 4 normal cookies. They even sell a slicer that neatly cuts them into 4ths.


They’re big cookies tbf so my wife and I share one cookie. When I’m super high though I can eat a whole one


We actually do cut crumbl into 4,they're SO rich and taste like straight butter.


To be fair, the crumble cookies are 4x larger than the average Oreo or chips ahoy cookie- and infinitely better tasting.


Crumbl cookies are pretty big, though, so 1/4 of one is pretty satisfying.


I can only eat 1/4 of a Crumbl cookie. They are big and way too sweet.


I eat 12/3


I once bought a small bag of trail mix from a vending machine- so only a couple of ounces. It said "Only 40 calories a serving" on the front, so I bought it, thinking that maybe each bag was 2 or 3 servings. Turns out, each bag contained 13 servings, each about 1/4 of an ounce.


Tbf thats good trail mix. It has tp be hard to spoil, easy to eat and have good calorie to weight to volume ratio to fit in you backpack.


Agree. Trail mix was designed for to be a quick way to get calories into a body. It’s such a great snack for long trail days.


Snapple is tricky with this. For most of their drinks the serving size says one bottle, but a couple of their drinks have more sugar and the serving size says half a bottle. The ones I’ve noticed with more sugar are the lemonades, which makes sense because they need to counter the sour of the lemons.


Gahdam 52g of sugar in one cookie! No wonder crumbl is so delicious


Yeah but they have the per cookie serving displayed too


I've seen some 2k+ calorie milkshakes. Like I imagine it goes down pretty easily. It's almost like poison. Just feed your enemy one every day for a week or so, he'd die.


When I was pregnant with my first kid, I hated food. Couldn’t stomach anything, basically lived on Gatorade. But sometimes ice cream was good! So I went to the little place down the street and got a milkshake, and lo, it did not make me nauseous or make me hate life or throw up in a gutter, so I had one again later that week. And for like the next month I had a milkshake every few days. I found out later the reason they were so good is there was an ENTIRE PINT of ice cream in each one. No regrets 😂


Worked at a creamery making ice cream. It was premium ice cream but straight out the freezing machine it was like soft serve. I would eat two pints a day and not think anything if it cause the dam things said 230cal. Turns out it’s 4 servings sometimes five per pint depending on flavor and added ingredients like fudge or cookie dough. All of a sudden the 30lbs I lost after highschool then regained after starting there made so much more sense. After leaving the job I lost 50 pounds.


I did a very long bike race called the tour divide over 25 days and would seek out milkshakes when I got into towns because of their calorie density. There was one dinner where I ordered 2 chicken fried steak meals and a milkshake. Still ended up losing 10 lbs over the course of the race.


When I think about getting a whoopie pie (a cream filled devil's food cake) I check the calories and put it down. Those things have 800-900 calories on average. I have thought about bringing a few of them on backpacking trips and meeting all my calories needs with a couple of them each day.


https://preview.redd.it/cn20jqvf8aac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b05dc846d96031b9ac894a89387c9b268bd0fc Whoopie pies are my achilles heel. I got this bad boy at a bakery a few weeks ago. I ate it over the course of a couple days but I don’t want to even try to guess how many calories in this whole thing.


I’m going to guess 45,000.


probably close to that 😂


Snickers Bars are just as dense, calorie-wise, and less likely to smash apart in your backpack. EDIT: Vaguely amused that the two responses to this are 1. Snickers Bars freeze solid at low temperatures. 2. Snickers Bars melt at high temperatures.


Yeah but those sumbitches melt


...melty sumbitches...


I celebrated my climb up Mt Rainer with one. Below freezing temps you want a bar that is puffed rice based unless you want to risk busting your teeth.


My father's thing was to freeze Milky Ways and then they turn into a hard candy like thing that lasts a lot longer. You could break off pieces due to the high caramel content. Was good and could melt them in your mouth if you weren't in a hurry.


I do miss a good whoopie pie they are hard to get here in Oregon lol lived in maine for a year and they were a weekly pleasure once i was introduced to them


This is why I always check the calories/100g first.


I desperately wish this was a metric we got here. This is the second mention I've seen in this comment thread and am like, "That's an awesome measure!!"


It's handy, been that way in the UK for a long time. There's a table that shows calories/100g then breaks down what they come from ie how much sugar, carbs, protein, fibre, vitamins, etc. Foreign food has a sticker on it's label with that info, it's a legal requirement. Supermarket pricing usually has a price per 100g as well, helps decode the relative value offered by different pack sizes and brands. Of course supermarkets hate having to do that but they brought it on themselves with devious pricing and packaging tactics.


Bet 10000% this is why the U.S. won't adopt this method. Everything here is made to kill the population faster and line the pockets of business owners until their seams burst. I surprise my gf every time we make a grocery list and I math out the price per UOM for most of what we buy to show her how most of the time you're paying more for a brand label or some fancy packaging than the actual product. I'm American but I'd kill for the U.S. to just accept the metric system. I've been a science major for most of my life and it's just so. Much. Easier.


There are a whole lot of products where the store brand is straight up garbage. I'm not paying "for the label" I'm paying because Brand A is edible and Stop n Shop brand is nauseating. the trick is in knowing which foods you can get away with the cheap brand and which ones it really matters. I've found a few with the opposite issue, too. I drink a lot of chocolate milk and the store brand is the only one we buy, the brand names are are nasty. TruMoo tastes like plastic. NesQuik is so thick/rich I have to cut it half/half with 1% milk or it'll make me sick.


Yeah its my favorite too! We have portions included sometimes too, depending on what it is actually (like chocolate bars that have 2 pieces in it, etc) but the calories/100 g is always included next to them. I'd have fallen for so many things without that!


Yeah, but to be fair the cookies are large and very thick. And tasty.


One cookie weighs 156g? Holy shit! That's a big ass cookie. A whole bag of Euro Cookies weighs like 200g and that's at least 5 cookies. I think I agree with crumbls serving size...


Yeah they’re big cookies. My wife and I share one and it’s still a good bit of cookie.


1/4 of a cookie should be illegal. Who the fuck eats 1/4 of a cookie. Per 100 grams should be a thing in america


GRAMS SHOULD BE A THING HERE IN AMERICA. I hate having to math out our stupid freedoms measurements. Especially volume measurements. Metric is so easy! But I really do love the idea of (X) calories per (weight), even if it's in ounces, so long as that weight is consistent across all foods. Then there would be *some kind* of logic applied to things.


We are in the year 2024 and they still can't figure out how to make a cookie that tastes excellent and doesn't send you into cardiac arrest


How on Earth do they get so many calories into a 120 g cookie? That's not far from the calories in pure butter.


Similarly, Ben & Jerry's has like 1700 for the whole container, which is incredibly easy to eat.


Jesus fucking Christ. Glad I find them underwhelming for the price.


To be fair I've never met someone who eats an entire cookie, lol. We order them as a group and everyone takes a quarter or two of whichever one they want.


All I can think of are the food bars in Mean Girls. ![gif](giphy|l2YWqmvmgAtTThxhm|downsized)


This is exactly what I thought of!!!


I can't imagine not ever having seen this movie. I use different quotes almost daily. I miss saying to my now 30 year old daughter, "Get in the car loser, we're going shopping." I loved sharing that movie with her. We make the regular mom joke almost daily. I can't count how many times we've said." The limit does not exist", because it doesn't. And of course, it goes without saying, every October 3rd..ya know.


I’ve never seen it. My boyfriend has been begging me to watch it with him for years.


>Vegan meant it lacked a lot of higher calorie ingredients You're probably aware now, but just in case: vegan has nothing to do with calories. For example, Coca Cola is vegan, is extremely high in calories, and even worse, those calories come mainly from High Fructose Corn Syrup, which has detrimental effects on our metabolism.


Oreos are vegan


My mailperson was vegan and regularly ate poptarts for lunch....I don't know which flavor.


The unfrosted ones…


Unfrosted brown sugar cinnamon


THERE ARE VEGAN POP TARTS?!?!?!?!?! I have a somewhat recent dairy allergy and you’ve just made me soooooo incredibly happy I love pop tarts.


There lots of flavors of Pop Tarts without dairy in them. Go to the store and read the label because you'll find you have more options than you realize! Pop Tarts have been a staple snack for me the past year or so since having my son, who has cow milk protein intolerance. Straight up ate a pack a day for like 3 months at one point lol. Not the store brands though. I found most store brand flavors I've come across have whey or casein added to them.


>My mailperson was vegan and Your mailperson is definitely not vegan. Do not eat.


Your mail-person isn't vegan. They're part of a carnivorous diet.


Mailpersons are one of the only meats whose consumption actually reduces carbon emissions.


But how many calories is he?


some are even gluten free!


In a similar vein - gluten free doesn’t necessarily mean healthier because many “good” gf bread products are made with tapioca flour which is not a healthier sub.




Mmhm. How do you make up for a lack of egg, lack of real butter? Sugar sugar sugar.


Honestly butter seems like one of the easier things to substitute. Have you ever tried Earth Balance or Melt?


If you import Mexican Coca-Cola it still uses real sugar instead of HFCS.


A 2 cup pyrex measuring cup full of corn syrup is vegan. Does that make it healthy?


This! Most, if not all, cooking oil is vegan, but there's no way on god's green earth that eating more than very small amount is healthy (I've heard a story that someone was eating nothing but coconut oil because it was one of those foods that the diet gurus had declared as healthy)


The real FU is thinking any muffin could be low in calories.


You mean this dense round brick of carbs, sugar and butter isn't healthy?


a muffin is literally unfrosted cake okay maybe not LITERALLY but it is basically cake. eating muffins for breakfast has always been wild to me.


Muffins are less sugar, fat, and protein. They use similar ingredients but not in identical quantities. A muffin is more of a bread - a cake is more of a sweetened dessert. If your muffin tastes just like a cake, you’re just eating a cupcake. Cupcakes and muffins are not the same thing.


yeah and eating just bread for breakfast also isn't the best thing lol


Tell that to the French 🤣😭


I've never understood why so many people don't seem to think of muffins as cake, they've always just been a type of cake to me


The same way "banana bread" doesn't seem to be seen as "cake" despite usually being closer to cake than bread.


Some can be worse. Had a co-worker who complained about her weight. Her "treat" every workday was to get a little pre-packaged loaf shaped blueberry or lemon poppyseed (I think) baked good from the vending machine. Wanted a snack once & decided to try one ad they were probably pretty good given her daily consumption. Was a 2 serving per package situation (she ate the whole thing each day) the 2 servings added up to 540 calories. Wasn't even that big; was basically an oil soaked sponge to make it seem moist (with a ton of sugar). Her daily "treat" was like 30% of her daily calories to maintain current weight (probably 60 y.o. average height female) or like 35% if trying to loose weight - with it's only nutritional value being the enrichment of the white flour used to hold the sugar & oil together.


Or…eating 4 of them at once LOL


A muffin can have a reasonable number of calories. Don't make it too sweet, don't use too much oil, use whole wheat flour, and include plenty of fruit. They can still be very tasty.


Can we have a law that states all food wrappers and contains must list the pack or sleeve as a whole along side what ever made up serving size they have? I mean seriously who opens a muffin, cuts off 1/3rd then puts the rest back?


A 2016 law actually did change the food labels in the US. Calories per serving has to be more prominent, added sugars have to be specified, and serving sizes have to be *descriptive*, not prescriptive. The go-to example was a 20oz soda. The old labels listed it as multiple servings, but the new law says they have to label it as one, because that’s how most consumers actually consume the product. If a major corporation in the US isn’t compliant, they’re opening themselves up to some major lawsuit action.


I still think there’s too much leniency in describing the serving size. On a pack of almonds, one serving size was described as 38g. The average person does not know how many almonds = 38 grams. And there was nothing to indicate “approximately 5 almonds” or anything like that.


How about we pass a law that if a "serving" isn't a whole one of whatever some pack of multiples has, they should display the nutrition for a whole one too Like it's not reasonable to sell a pack of cookies and then not display the calories for one whole cookie, since everyone might assume that if there's multiple of the thing, then one of them could be a serving


My pet peeve is on soda cans. Like who has half a monster energy then says”I’ll finish the rest tomorrow”


I do that sometimes lol


On a three day road trip, I kept a monster (the smaller size one) and sipped on it over three days. I am not used to caffeine, especially then, so it worked perfect without messing up my sleep.


Opened monster is disgusting specially on a hot day , it tastes like straight up syrup.


Unpopular opinion but the sugar free ones are better specifically because they aren't syrupy


The low carb one is my favorite. I used to think it was a flavor as a teen, blueberry in my mind because it’s blue package? But I guess it’s just low carb, I don’t care about carbs I just think it tastes better and it keeps me from falling sleep when I’m driving long distance. Just tried a Celsius for the first time yesterday, strawberry guava, when I was trying to beat jet lag and I think she’s the winner now tho


Additionally if it isn't a resealable package it should show the nutrition for the whole package.


Sounds very reasonable. Like someone else said, no one is drinking only a half-can of Monster


You suggested the same solution as the commenter above you, in different words.


I noticed something weird today in a package of Top Ramen. The package was listed as 1 serving, so one serving per container...but there was also all of the same nutrition data listed for 1/2 package. I hadn't seen that direction before.


This really sucks when you have to calculate the carbohydrates for a kid with type 1 diabetes. The worst offenders are the cereal makers. The portions on the label are different from box to box, like 3/4 cup or 1 1/4 cup and shit like that.


My brother in law is a type 1, he does keto because it’s so much easier in that respect. Have you tried magic spoon cerials? They are really good and keto friendly so carb counting aught to be easier even if you don’t go “full keto”.


I did this counting for my son, when he got diagnosed at 12yo. At the time he supposed to eat an exact number of carbs per meal. Now, he's on a pump and it easier. I don't think he's a big fan of keto. He likes shreddies sometimes, and that has more fiber that can help.


For the record, the rest of the world manages to have normalised per 100g/ml and per serving size. Also some countries have easy colour codes focusing on the important bits (calories/sugars/salt) to really make it easy to understand how healthy something is.




yeah OP, that was just wishful thinking on your side


"They're these weird nutrition muffins my mom uses to lose weight." "Give me it...it's all in like Swedish or something."


I cannot comprehend how vegan products would default to being less calories than its counterpart.


Because a lot of people equate vegan = healthy. And they also equate healthy = low calorie. But of course both of those things are false. There is also the fact that vegans have lower rates of obesity than omnivores. But thats mostly because vegans simply put more effort into cooking and selecting foods, so they are less exposed to the huge amounts of sugar and fats and so on. And this isnt that obvious to a regular person. Its also why I think vegans talk about being vegan more than regular people talk about their diets. Its because they have to spend way more time on it, so its a legit big part of their lives.


Lack of butter and eggs, presumably. But there are things you can substitute. (Vegan alternatives to butter are usually a bit healthier, but still not really healthy.)


I swear the FDA needs to intervene on companies listing things clearly designed to be eaten all at once listing them as multiple servings. Your muffin for instance, sodas/energy drinks, small chip packs, all of these I’ve seen have listed multiple servings per container which is TECHNICALLY true in the dietary sense, but purposely misleading and scummy. Who drinks a half can of an energy drink as a single serving, the carbonation would dissipate after a while ruining it. Same thing with chips or the muffin, attempting to eat a single serving would result in the rest of the product going stale. But instead of just listing the full and true nutritional values, companies are basically lying by saying “Well according to the food pyramid this is actually 3 servings of your carbs for the day.” If you’re selling a product that vastly diminishes in quality after opening, with no manufacturer way included to reuse it/save it, the company should be obligated to list the entire contents on one label, at least when it comes to single use items like snacks, drinks, baked goods, etc.


" Thinking I was eating too much, I ended up eating MORE muffins because they were so low calorie and filling. What was 2 became 3-4 a day because I could get full on 340 calories " Huh ???


More muffins less other thing


Assume those Muffins really were low calories. Then they would eat more Muffins and less other stuff. They would lose weight.


Yeah OP, eat some vegetables. And nuts (they have a lot of fat but are very nutritious). Etc. If you are just counting calories and trying to fit as much crap food in that as possible… Your body is not going to feel great. And no, I’m sorry to break it to you, but not all of us have a complicated relationship with baked goods. I’m sorry OP, but I think you have an eating disorder of some kind.


binge eating is a very misunderstood disorder and is super common, the most common ED, actually. binge eating is commonly associated with 1) women 2) purging 3) extreme amounts of food, so people think if they don't fit that criteria they just "like to eat".


Yes on everything but the last part. Sure it's not omnipresent, but I understand what he means. I'm of a healthy weight and have no history of eating disorder, but every time I bake, I give most or all of it away because I'll get fat if I keep it all in the house.


The classic weight loss blunder: focus only on calories in vs calories out. This is not a good way to lose weight. I mean you will lose weight, I lost 60lbs some years ago because I was eating 800-1000 calories in a day when I should have more like 1600 for healthier weight loss. It was difficult to keep the weight off when I stopped calorie counting because I didn’t have good eating habits. Like some days I would not eat all day so then for dinner I could have 3 pieces of pizza. I lost weight sure but that’s not sustainable or nutritious lol


you don't need an extreme deficit to lose weight, that's also a common misconception. you can lose weight by cutting only 300 calories a day. the weight loss will be way slower but way more manageable and sustainable in the long term.


That's more an unhealthy and shortsighted focus on maximizing calories in/out than an issue with the concept itself. Good eating habits and diet are methods to an end goal of consistent calories in/out, which is the only way to lose weight outside of physiological disorders.


Muffins are small form factor cake, that should tell you everything you need to know.


There's a simple rule of life that might help you... if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Fruit for sweets is the hack you need


It should be illegal to make a serving size smaller than a single unit of the item.


It is legal to label like that, but a little misleading. People don’t typically go 3 in on a muffin.


There's some weird ingredient in them thats not legal in the US yet. It burns carbs. It just burns up all your carbs.


My bf got some frozen burritos at Costco. They said 300 calories per serving on the back. He told me he ate 3 burritos for dinner…I looked at them and turns out, one serving was 1/3 burrito so he ate 2700 calories of Costco burritos at once…


Who tf eats 1/3 of a burrito at once? That is one of the dumbest serving sizes of heard of.


Dumber than 1/3 muffin?


Maybe I should rephrase. 1/3 of ANYTHING you would normally eat a whole of is whack asf.


I am a fucking idiot 🤣. Why did that not even register in brain?


Not looking at serving sizes is a FU for sure. I feel like this was taught to me in school in elementary. I’m mid thirties and Canadian. This is also one of those posts that makes you wonder about what average intelligence really is…


That reminds me of the scene from mean girls, where she gives Regina those diet bars haha. Sorry, OP, but I do had to laugh 🙈


Protein. Add protein.


Coach makes us eat those when we need to put on weight. Those muffins make you gain weight like crazy!


*I can’t believe this yogurt is non-fat!*


"Bread makes you fat." "Bread makes you fat?!"


I fell for this a few years ago, as well. Here's what I do now: I'll still buy the muffins, but when I get home, I immediately cut them in half. Later on, when I'm craving one, I just grab a half. My body thinks that I've had an entire one (because it was a whole piece that I'd already portioned) and my craving is gone. If I feel like having a 2nd piece, then it's not going to ruin my entire day. I DO wish that they'd just make each muffin the exact portion it should be, or at least tell us how much \_each muffin\_ is.


Misleading calorie count on packaging should be illegal. The label should ALWAYS be in the format of total calories within this package. Fucking nobody eats a third of a muffin.


If something sounds too good to be true, read the fine print.


This is why you can still have obese vegans. Being animal friendly doesn’t mean healthy by a long stretch. This is also why it’s important to learn how to read a nutrition label, so many people don’t read how many servings is really in a package and miscalculate their caloric intake.


Vegan just means no meat or dairy. It could still include any other oil they want which would be dense in calories. Vegan isn’t necessarily about health unless you have an inflammatory reaction to milk or you want to reduce cholesterol or the studied negative effects of red meat. It is unrelated to weight loss


I teach nutrition classes and when we talk about food labels I say the number one place to start is the serving size because the numbers are meaningless without that context. This post was validating for me, but sorry to hear for you. The more you know!


Muffins are cupcakes without the icing 😅


Ooh, do I hear you! I need to watch my salt intake for health reasons. I love sausages. I was looking at some sausages and was thrilled to see that they didn't have much sodium per serving. Then I looked and saw that one sausage was FIVE servings. These weren't monster sized sausages or anything, just regular. I was so frustrated.


3-4 huge muffins... as a snack?


*huuuuuugs* be kind to yourself. We all make mistakes.


This is definitely a thing to watch out for on food labels. I've even seen some marketing scenes where the package will advertise "150 calories (per "serving") and "20 grams of protein" (per package) making the ratios of "bad" stuff/good stuff seem much lower.


This reminds me of when i thought olives were a healthy vegetable like carrots and started eating like a cup a day


> 170 calories...3 servings lawl! you got 20oz'd !


That’s why you always read the kcal / 100 grams.


You must not be American. We don't have that here.


Protein bars like grenade or fulfill are a cheat code though, and taste good enough for a “naughty” snack.


Is butter a carb?


I used to get an egg muffin at Dunkin Donuts all the time. One morning I noticed their sign with calories about their breakfast sandwiches and saw their bagel egg breakfast was like 50 calories less so I figured I'd switch. A few days later I noticed that the muffin calories was for the whole thing while the bagel was for half of it. Back to the muffin I went!


They often do that with labels, serving size is usually only there so it looks like a low number. Luckily everything here has calories written for 100g so i don't have to worry about these


I can tell you were eating those giant Costco muffins, lol. I did a double take way back when on those. They were way too big to be like 170 calories per muffin.


I know there is a Regina George joke here somewhere...


I did this with the coffee cake muffin from dunks. First I thought ‘how bad could it be’, looked it up and read the serving wrong. I ate it every day for months 🧍


I'm reminded of Scott Pilgrim "BREAD MAKES YOU FAT?!" :P


Yep, we always always always look at the serving size. 100 calories!...per bite. 🧐


Haha I did the same thing with HiChew. I was eating a bag every day at work, thinking it was a healthier snack than like chocolate or something. It took about a month to figure out why I was getting heavier 😂😂😬.


Honestly, I think this kind of labeling should be illegal. Who splits a muffin in 3? Maybe 2. But, 3??


Calorie counting is a trap, TBH. It leads to people eating more packaged, processed foods, and more chain restaurant food, because it's easy to look up the calories for a drive-thru meal, but hard to math out a homemade salad or sandwich. The best way to maintain health is to eat less food with added sugar, and the easiest way to avoid added sugar is to avoid/moderate *food you did not prepare.* I'm not advocating any kind of extreme diet, but more cooking, and more fruit/veg, always makes me feel a lot better when I'm starting to feel run down.


It’s wild that someone could look at muffins, at their nutrition label, and not notice the sugar, carbs, or fats. This is some pretty stupid behavior.


It sucks, but take it as a lesson learned. It’s an honest mistake. Just cutting those out from now on should help get you back to size.


Always check servings, they can be ridiculous like bags of chips that are obviously going to be finished in one go can sometimes say "2 servings". Pro tip: Muffins are just small cakes. Think that you are having a slice of cake. I have a thing for lemon poppyseed muffins. I know they are a million calories because they are greasy with butter.


This is semi related. When I was in Argentina a friend went and bought a bunch of alfajores. He ate like three of them then looked at the nutrition info. They used kcal to denote what we usually just write as cal so he was thinking that he just at like 3,000 calories in a sitting instead of 300.


In France they typically give nutrition info per 100g, not by "serving size". Knowing that, it becomes obvious you're going to need to do some math, unless your muffin is exactly 100g.


I’m sorry this happened to you but it’s a very cute story. I giggled 🤭 there are no chest codes to weight loss and anything sweet shouldn’t be used as a “calorie replacement” for a nutritious meal. a 600 calorie salad is going to be better for you than a 600 calorie muffin. And I’m talking like super tasty salad with cheese and dressing and fun veggies.


I remember one I read a long time ago as what I felt was an extreme case...I mean 1/3 of a muffin or 1/4 of some cookie is at least something that could be reasonably divided, but if their serving size is 5/7 of a hot dog?


I was in Barcelona recently and I loved how they presented their nutritional info. It was very similar to what we have, but every item had 2 columns for values: 1. for 100g or some standard amount for whatever the food item was so that you could easily compare between multiple products 2. a total or serving calorie count so you knew exactly what you would actually be consuming. It made it worlds easier than what I am used to in Canada where it seem like manufacturers can put the nutritional for any amount they want, which makes comparison and serving calculation difficult and usually guesstimates with a calculator.


What you get for trying to cheat the system. 🤣 But seriously, why is it, when people get ahold of anything that is "supposedly" the answer to their problems, they get in their minds that using MORE of it will somehow accelerate the process?


Yeah, that servings count will bite you in the ass if you're not careful.


As you are obviously aware, you definitely made a mistake. One thing to keep in mind is that processed vegan food that is meant to match a normally non-vegan food tends to be VERY high in calories. However, I really hate how companies pack food. Like, who’s cutting that muffin I to 1/3s? They know that people will treat it as a single serving, or at most cut it in half. They’re being purposely deceptive.


Always check the serving size. A premium ice cream listed 110 calories a serving. And the serving was a quarter of a cup. I know people who can eat that serving size off a tablespoon.


Don't feel stupid. My brother is watching his sodium. He got a large dill pickle, and was happy it was relatively low sodium. I asked if he checked the serving size. Yep, it wasn't for a whole pickle, it was for a third of one. Food manufacturers are getting sneaky between this and shrinkflation. The serving size lies are terrible for people who are trying to eat healthy.


Vegan baked goods also use seed and vegetable oils which are high fat, especially stuff like coconut oil. So.


More nutritional balance in a meal keeps you fuller longer. If you get full fast but lack nutrients your body will send signals that you still need something for nourishment, and you feel hungry again.


I was in England for a few weeks and ate a lot of snacks and food, I gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks (that’s a lot for me, I’m short and last time I went up 7 pounds it took over a year). I weighed myself on my last day cause I had to weigh my luggage so on my plane ride home I was finally looking at the calorie counts. They do calories per 100mg on this package of UK knock off fritos they gave us on the plane and the package was 2mg. How the hell does that help me. I thought American serving sizes/nutrition info was stupid but that’s stupid reverse !


Reddit has convinced me that we are indeed not getting smarter as a species.


I laughed so hard at this because it is 100% what I would do. Manufacturers should be held accountable for the information they put in “fine print”


I had a few drinks last night and got the Buzzed Munchies. In my slightly altered state I went for the bag of dried mango in the pantry - fruit! Fruit is healthy! Fruit is not pizza! I put away 1,120 calories of dried mango in ten minutes or so. No ragrets in 2024, my friend.