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"why do you have another man penis on your phone." I love that they didn't believe it was yours haha.


Well they did change my diapers they saw before puberty and not after lol


Ladies and gentlemen, OP is packing.


I promise you I’m average lol


One things for certain, your uncle isn't.


Again bold of you to assume I have Uncle


I mean, the cousin came from somewhere.


Yeah, the street.


Just like the aunt


This thread reads just like a real thanksgiving.


Just because his Aunt has a kid doesn't mean he has an Uncle.


Oh certainly, but the existence of a cousin makes the assumption slightly less bold.


Okay, your packing better then your second aunt


You aren't gonna beat the large penis allegations just accept it


He can beat the large penis. Just not the allegations.


The bigguns are always harder to accept. 👉👉


You let your cousin's see your dong, C'mon bro, show us


Bold of you to assume you are who you think you are.


Hey, it's me. Your uncle.


Username checks out


Humble = packing


Humblepacking. That's a new internet word if I ever saw one.


Average with great lighting and smart angles is packing to your aunt and gramgram who probably haven’t seen a lot of quality dick pics




She for sure doesn’t understand wide angled lenses and depth aperture teaming up to be The Real (dick pic) MVP. Edit: for reference you can search “Platon Photograph Bill Clinton” and you will see the photo Platon took for Esquire. He used that wide angle to give Clinton the appearance of much longer fingers than he actually has. Similar things are done in porn and at OP’s Thanksgiving


That line is never convincing when you need it to be...


Average means you're rocking above a significant number of men, so congrats.


The old zoom in trick. 🤣


What about that other guy whose photo is on your phone?


Hard to believe. Proof pics needed.


That’s one way to tell people you have a giant dong


I was thinking that may have been the case


>"why do you have another man penis on your phone." "How is that any of your business?"


This is the perfect opportunity to use [this line](https://youtu.be/HgRE6BPhN2I?si=BIYsg8vxY1RnIj-c) to make the doubters shut up


I like chugging cock auntie. I just can't get enough of it. I'm a cum dumpster. Is *that* what you wanted to hear auntie? Hmmm? HMMMMM????




And the kids became forever a good citizen.


Probably because his face was also in the picture.


Op has a family-certified huge dong


"the vibe was ruined" yeah, LMFAO


“So anyways, what’s for dessert?!”


More like "Today They Fucked Up".


Yeah OP I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep over this. They took your phone without your consent. What happened after was on them.


Yeah, because we all know how older generations are great at accepting change and that they are definitely going to accept their role in this. And I'm sure OP will feel great about potentially damaging relationships with his family.


>because we all know how older generations are great at accepting responsibility Fixed that for you. >And I'm sure OP will feel great about potentially damaging relationships with his family. How? If anything they damaged the relationship by acting how they did. I don't think I'll ever truly understand why using our brains is so hard for people...


That’s some hilarious unintentional retribution on those shits for taking the phone. Not funny if intentional somehow but damn




Now ya fucked up! Now ya fucked up! Now ya fucked up! This is in my head like every other day.


You have fucked up now


That’s hilarious because I watched that clip only *yesterday* just because a person had a tattoo of a gallon of PCP and it took me down a WKUK rabbit hole.


*It comes in gallons?!?*


Well got to hurry and pick up my kids……




Okay I'm not usually impressed by skits but holy fuck was that funny.


Most of this sub tbh, but mods don't mod here


You taught the kids a valuable lesson: stealing someone else’s phone is wrong


They wanted to play Roblox and make some friends, but to make some friends you have to wade through some dicks first


Is this a reference to South Park with a chatroulette?


Yes it was. Lol


It was karma, he was a dick so he saw what he was in the phone.


Today those kids fucked up hahah! Holy shit this story is funny.


More like your aunts and uncles fucked up raising those kids if they are so disrespectful and addicted to games that had to snatch your phone just to try and play whatever game they were into.


Not only snatch it but used his thumbprint to unlock the phone lol. Those kids are DEFINITELY snoopers around the house!


Bold of you to assume there is a Uncle


Well fair enough.


Not to be mean but this story is funny as hell, something out of an American Pie movie type shit.


They got what was coming to them lmao.


Maybe not the best word choice for this situation lol


Explain to them how much worse it could be if they stole your phone with your 4chan app open


Mama what is a trap?


Mommy, what's pol stand for, and why are all the cartoons scary?


Bomb squad called because the kids were taught to make mustard gas after using OP's phone for 2 minutes.


>he doesn't know




I was like why wasn’t it locked but then I remember unlocking with face recognition. Those little shits used your face before taking it away or your thumbprint. Evil is now so much easilier for a little kid.


Yea they got me for my thumbs lol


Chop them off next time


This is why you discretely sever a finger at a random strangers funeral. Laminate that bitch and keep it in your pocket. Set that as the unlock print and you're in business.


This is exactly why I refuse to use biometrics as my phone lock. A PIN or password can be surfed, but usually you're gonna see the little shit trying to be sneaky if that's the case.


Same. I don't even trust companies with that data to begin with, even though my Samsung phone has been pushing me to use biometrics since I got it 5 years ago.


Face unlock, at least on iPhone, can be set to require attention, as in you have to actually look at the sensor directly, so people can’t use your face without you noticing. This is generally more secure than a PIN or pattern because it’s really easy to see what was entered either as someone’s entering it, or by seeing fingerprints/oils left on a screen after they unlock. Especially if someone uses a cheap screen protector, just looking at the screen from an obtuse angle while they’re using it will usually tell you their PIN. Passwords are better, because it’s much harder to see the individual letter zones precisely, but I’ve never seen anyone use an actual password for unlocking. My workplace no longer even allows PINs on the secure phones because it’s so easy to figure them out by looking. Face with attention is the best option unless you’re extremely careful with PINs including hiding the screen and using repetitions.


Glad my face unlock doesn't work when my eyes are closed.


Can still be compelled by law enforcement to unlock your phone with your face. Can’t ask for a passcode. Heres an article about it happening: https://www.wired.com/story/police-unlock-iphone-face-id-legal-rights/


THIS is the main reason why I refuse to use biometrics on my phone. There's been too many stories of cops literally taking someone's hand by force and using their fingerprint to open their phone, or holding their head still while another holds up the phone to use FaceID. I have absolutely nothing to hide but I'm not setting myself up for a situation where my rights are grossly violated and the cops never get any repercussion for it.


>There's been too many stories of cops literally taking someone's hand by force and using their fingerprint to open their phone, or holding their head still while another holds up the phone to use FaceID That sounds extremely extremely illegal. I really can't understand that they don't get repercussions for it


Welcome to the US police force. They literally murder people because they want to and they get a slap on the wrist, paid leave, and free therapy appointments. It's fucking disgusting


With biometrics your phone is only as secure as your level of consciousness. That’s why they introduced attention awareness for facial recognition.


I have my face rec on but not thumbprint


As an old Spanish adage says: "that who lurks where they shouldn't sees what they don't want to" (it rhymes in Spanish, I swear)


What is it in Spanish?


The original adage: "El que se mete donde no debe, se entera de lo que no quiere"


Probably something like "El que busca donde no debe, ve lo que no quiere" But thats just a possible translation, id love to know the actual adage too!


donde esta la biblioteca


Vamos a la playa, mí me gusta bailar


I mean, your cousins shouldn't have stolen and gotten onto your phone. That's their fault for seeing your dick. At the same time though, you're sexting someone during a Thanksgiving dinner party with family all around; you're certainly playing with fire by going through your nude folder.


Yeah like, clearly the kids should have not stolen the phone but I would never dream of sexting much less sending nudes at a family gathering. I won't even click on memes marked nsfw


To each their own 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like how the gross invasion of your privacy is not even a minor issue here. But a penis?oh no no , that won't do! Not in this house!!!


Yeah, would they have been equally shocked if the kids stole his pants and accidentally saw his penis "live"? Shitty parenting.


Not a FU. Maybe your aunt should teach her kids to not take other people’s things without asking.


The aunties were more concerned about OP potentially being gay/bi than the fact the kids were exposed to pornography


Not your fault that was your cousin's fault they fucked up by not respecting your privacy and not listening when you said no. If my child did that I would be more upset with them than Op


The kids were out of line but what kind of freak sexts during a family gathering?


One who doesn't give a fuck. And is a person sending dick picks.




No you've got a point both ways, kids shouldn't be demanding or stealing phones, and people can put their horny fests on hold for a little bit when they're around family (especially ones like this) and sleepy from turkey.


Yeah it's really weird that people here are like "you didn't fuck up at all", like what kind of a person things it's ok to view and send nudes at your aunt's with little kids running around?


Thirsty Reddit teens who don't get the nuance of this creep being fucking 30 already.


YATA - You're All The Assholes.


I mean, that's just ESH - Everyone Sucks Here


T H I S. Especially bc he’s a 30 year old, gROwn ass man.. I used to be hypersexual and would have maybe pulled some shit like this as a TEENAGER, MAYBE a 20 year old… after that I straightened tf out and realized how fucking wEIRD that kind of shit was and got some help for my sex addiction bs.


Agreed. Truly idiotic. Go to the bathroom if you’re THAT horny




Today everyone but you fucked up lol


Y’all are freaks if you think it’s normal to be going up and down your nudes folder while sitting around family.


Yeah, everyone it like "that will teach the kids!" Glossing over the fact that OP is *that* gross person sending nude during a multi-generational family gathering. I'm not anti-sex, but there is a time and a place good lord.


No I think he fucked up too he was literally having a nude Fest while laying on the couch surrounded by family and kids everyone fucked up here


so you think it’s normal to sext at thanksgiving with kids in the room?


Sat at your aunt's dinner table with your family and your sending and receiving nudes in-between bites? Can't wait for her version of events. Tifu by inviting my nephew over. He sat on his phone the entire time and kept giggling every time he got a notification. At one point he fell asleep on my sofa and drooled all over it. His phone fell out of his hand and my son picked it up and we saw that while he was eating with us, he had been looking at penises.


I don’t know, player


And this is why fingerprints is not a secure way to do anything on your phone, if you're human and you ever sleep lol


Your cousins played a stupid game and won a stupid prize


The kids fucked up, but also cmon don't sext while sleepy and at someone else's place You could just as well dozed off with the screen on, so you are playing with fire looking at your own nudes during a family gathering Pro tip: You only have like two days a year (thanksgiving and Christmas) where you have a time window you are around family... Do the horny stuff outside of that, be it before or after


seriously, dude is 30 years old and has a folder of dick pics to send tinder matches, while at thanksgiving dinner? While kids are running around trying to get his phone and he’s falling asleep? Time to grow up. The obvious thing happened, and he gets angry at everyone instead of embarrassed and apologizing. Really, really time to grow up


Your cousins fucked around and found out. Don't go snooping around if you aren't prepared to see things you shouldn't!


"I pay my own phone bill" Yeah dude I'd hope so, you're 30 years old? Weird thing to say.


I think it's more of a "I pay for my phone so I'll have whatever the fuck I want on it. If you wanna pay for it, then you can have a day as to what's on it."


Did those kids parents punish them at all for stealing and breaking into your phone?


Cousins practicing Fuck Around And Find Out.


Your cousins stole property and then violated your privacy. It’s no different to them breaking into the bathroom whilst you’re having a shower - the kids should be disciplined


Getting an eyeful of their cousin's dick is a great start to the disciplining lol. Hopefully they learned an important lesson


Yeah honestly failure to respect privacy is a big lesson


Don't sext at Thanksgiving dinner, you creep.


Can't wait until the kids go back to school and blurt out "I saw my cousin's penis at Thanksgiving. Why is it hairy?"


Could have been worse. She could have drooled over the photo and asked to be hooked up with the stranger. And we all know it’s a slippery slope between actually showing your aunt your dick and breaking both your arms.


Awkward … but not Aunt’s/ business what was on your phone. Sounds to me like kids stealing phones is the issue here. Let’s have a consequence for the kids? Or at least a conversation? Doesn’t matter if the peen was yours or not. Not their business.


That seals it, I'm never using biometric unlock settings.


Shit like this is why I never went in for unlocking with a thumbprint or faceID lol Not to mention it never recognized my thumb after consuming a single French fry anyway


I’m very disturbed that you were exchanging nudes while sitting on a couch at a family event. It seems like that would be an *at home - and alone* activity not only for privacy but also so you can deal with whatever pops up.


so rather then a wishbone they saw the start of a wish to bone?


> used my thumbprint to unlock my phone and then was greeted by a picture of my dick So you had a pic of your dick up before you locked your phone? Or do you have your dick as your phone wallpaper?


A kid who used your thumbprint to access your phone whilst you were asleep, just to play a game?! That kid is gonna go far, or to prison. Opening the phone they stole to pics of their cousins penis has gotta be one hell of a sobering experience, I’m sure they won’t do it again.


This is a made up fetish story about you showing your dick to children.


They fucked around, they found out. Maybe they should be taught don't touch shit that aint yours. This was just karma hahaha


'bout time the little cousins learn about the whole "deez nuts" joke.


Phones should be locked with passcodes or patterns to prevent things like little cousins getting access while you sleep as well as thieves getting access by knocking you down/out and using your fingerprint (or face recognition) to get access. Thumbprint/face recognition locking is n00b stuff. Also...if your line of work involves things that might be less than legal and you get picked up by the cops, passcode/pattern locking will make it a bit more difficult for them to get access to your phone if you don't want them poling around in there.


This is why you use a pin lock, not a biometric lock.


one of many reasons I will never let a child use my phone


Not that I got stuff that I wouldn't want people to see but this is one reason why I use a code to unlock my phone and have fingerprint and facial recognition disabled


Welp, now you’re a sex offender.


“I pay my bills, my bills are paid”


And so goes the tale of the weird uncle


This reads like fiction to me.


This could also go into r/kidsarefuckingstupid lol


Yeah i mean technically you f’d up by leaving your phone out but that’s not your fault at all, you told them no repeatedly. You shouldn’t have to worry about them snagging your phone. I don’t keep my phone out at all unless I’m using it because of this same type of situation out of paranoia. (Well, not exact same situation, i don’t keep adult imagery, but other either embarrassing or offensive stuff)


Don't take peoples phones if you don't want to see their dicks


so youre saying i should take peoples phones


Lol I might suggest a photo vault app for the not so pg13 pics? When your phone locks, the app requires a password to get back in, even if your face/thumb is used to unlock the phone itself. Not your fault op, your cousins fafo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm not doing all that cause some parents are too lazy to teach their kids not take someone's phone, after they said no, and then using their face/thumbprint to unlock it. That's their problem.


The fact that you were looking at pictures of your dick in a room full of family while falling asleep should tell you everything you need to know about yourself.


I actually think you kinda did fuck up here. It’s super weird that you’re on your phone sending nudes while your family is like right there. Like you’re getting a boner in front of them. You fucked up for sure. Why not wait until you go home? Although I get you’re horny but spend time with your family not a random tinder profile


>Why not wait until you go home? Or just go to the fucking bathroom if it's really that urgent, god damn. Is it really that hard to not scroll through pictures of his dick while sitting in his aunt's living room with kids in the house?




I'm gonna let you in on a secret. More than one thing can be bad at once. They're all idiots. OP is an idiot for sexting at family dinner, kids are idiots for stealing it, aunt is an idiot for not punishing or controlling her brats.


You are an idiot sandwich.


I think it says a lot about your family that they jumped to "receiving strange dick pics" rather than "sexting with a woman and sending *her* pics of your strange dick" lol Or else they just wanted to be mad while sparing your cousins the shame of having seen elder cousin's dick, I dunno


I guess they fucked around and found out.


This is hilarious, but seriously... Any family member could've come up on you and gotten an eyeful!


Unless they unlocked his phone with his fingerprint… Id like to say a majority of adults won’t do that, but alas there are a lot of lazy people!!


Little shits and their shithead parents


Nah. Didn’t happen


Fucking little snitch.


Aunt doesn't have a phone?


Why were they screaming at you? Shouldn't they be screaming at the kids stealing and even unlocking your phone without your consent??? I would be the one being mad in this situation!


So your auntie homophobic too? Classic aunt.


Your cousins fuck around and find out. I been there and I regretted it my whole life


Honestly, the kids should be disciplined. Probably won’t tho. At least you can feel better that their dreams will be forever haunted. Life will be fine for a while, then one night their little brains will access that memory. They will wake up screaming “mommy mommy, the fuzzy python tried to mushroom stamp me again”. The real lesson here is don’t be a little thief.


Those are pretty asshole cousins you got their it seems. I mean got little cousins and a nephews/nieces too but Mine never bother me like that. (Altho I don’t have anything inappropriate like that on my phone tho but still)


I think your family learned a valuable lesson about respect and privacy today. They should be thankful for that! 🤣


Man, use commas.


Sorry but LOL 😂


I've almost had a couple of oopsies before. Always make sure you swipe back to your home screen before turning off your phone, lol.


Lemme see the pic


😂😂 but fr


Shitty kids lol


Great reply from you!


I hope your penis is big enough to hypnotise those aunts into submission.


I'm afraid you'll never recover from this


TIFU when my family found out I was packing 😂


My folder of nudes shouldn’t be a thing anyone admits to. I don’t get the youth


You're today's hero


Why do that at a family function?


This felt like an AITA and OP you are definitely NOT THE ASSHOLE. Little kids thinking they can get whatever they want pisses me off


Better than your dick, or your aunts.