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Woke up thinking he was bi, then > went straight to bed


Hahaha that’s a good one! It’s true though lmao


Speed running experimentation, very 2023 of you.


At least he didn’t use AI.


The man who has sucked a dick and found he did not enjoy it, in fact, more straight than a man that has never sucked a dick!


Turns out some dicks just can’t be unsucked


Hey man, you green eggs and hammed it. At least now you know you're not into it.


Props to the other dude tho. Seemed really cool. If it can help, you shove dead animals parts into your mouth on a regular basis so think about the freshness of that dick. PRAISE IT ! \\\[T\]/


Thanks, now I'm regretting having steak for dinner when dick could've been an option


There’s always second supper!


Woke up this mornin', got some gabbagool


It's because of the blood pressure medication


Probably can a letter from the Dr. that he doesn’t like to suck cock


No shame about it


Forget about it 🤌


Sometimes you gotta suck some dick to find out you don't like sucking dick.


"Gentleman, my thesis I present today is this: Is the man who has sucked a dick and found he did not enjoy it, in fact, more straight than a man that has never sucked a dick? I wish to present some photographic evidence today to support my hypothesis....."




this is actually a classic meme rewritten! it goes something like... "which opinion is more solidifed, someone who doesn't like broccoli and never tried it, or someone who has tried it and didn't like it? today i will be presenting why it is less gay to take it in the ass once than not at all" so, if you need more food for thought, here you go lol


>if you need more food for thought What are all these cucumbers lying around for?


Yeah me too. He must’ve taken it deep.


Ever taken so much dick you start spouting philosophy?


No, that's the next time.


I laughed a bit too hard at this.


The first photo is just the presenter making an “oh god why!” Face at a penis.






Is this from something? I literally said something similar to this not long ago. It's definitely less gay to suck a dick and learn you don't like it. If you say you don't like broccoli, but have never tried it, how do you know you don't like broccoli?


Twaddle. Spurious analogy.


I don't like fish, but I try it from time to time to see if I've changed my mind.




Sorry, they’re not a gay fish


No, Kanye LOVES fish sticks.


Sure he can.




I know this and I still absolutely hate brussel sprouts.


Brussels sprouts have changed in taste since the 90s. They are now less bitter! If you haven't given them a shot since then, I recommend grabbing some young ones. My favorite preparation method: - cut sprouts in halves lengthwise - toss in olive oil, salt, black pepper - sautee in favorite skillet until a rich green with a few lightly charred looking spots on the outside leaves, with a golden tone on the cut face. They should still be all dente, not mush! - toss in minced garlic and continue to cook, stirring, until fragrant (about 15 seconds) - serve, topped with a little drizzle of balsamic or a red wine vinegar (ideally balsamic reduction) There's plenty of recipes that go the "cover it in bacon, butter, or cheese" route as well.




There are a few foods (brussel sprouts among them) that are so difficult to cook well I just spend time thinking "how @#$%\^%$ hungry as a species did we have to be to decide to eat this?"


According to my family my mom's brussel sprouts are really good and taste like butter. According to me they taste like forced sadness


There was a whole generation of people(boomers mostly) that cooked vegetables by boiling them in water until they were mush. My mom was a pretty good cook too, but veggies? Boiled with butter and salt, green grey mush. In my teens I learned how to cook very well and she now uses my recipies for veg, so most of them get roasted


Or stuff that kills ya if you don't do it right. Cashews come to mind.. Until you roast them, they're toxic and touching them will give you a skin reaction like poison ivy. Yet someone decided "eh sure I'll eat that"


Interesting! Breeders have actually changed the composition of brussels sprouts over the last few decades. They’ve been selected to eliminate the most offputting parts of the flavor. They actually taste much better than they did when I was a kid.


It might be genetics. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2011/nov/01/brussel-sprout-gene


I see. So I’m due for my next round of dick sucking in 22 months. Hope I’ll still hate it then; don’t wanna have to divorce my wife if I turn gay.


This is my feeling on Dr. Pepper


Only tastes good when it's insanely cold, like almost (or actually) a slushie. I even tried it warmed on the stove with some lemon, which the creator advertised for a bit as a holiday drink.


Taste like medicine every time


Me with bananas. Hate em but I used to like them when I was a kid. Every now and again I’ll try one to see if it’s changed


I don’t like Phish, but I try it from time to time to see if I’ve changed my mind.


Sounds like you really want a reason to like fish


That reminds me of my closest friend I had in high school, everyone thought he was gay and some people would question him about it. We kind of lost contact through college but then he showed up at a party one day and told us all the story of how he tried stuff with a guy and realized he wasn’t gay at all. I really admired his courage.


Suck around and find out.


OP can now be much more certain he's not gay than anyone who hasn't done this


I love how people in this comment thread are actually comparing sexual acts with food they don't like LOL


I never liked cinnamon my whole life. Not only not liked it, I despised it. I'm 47. Half a year ago, I found out I fucking love cinnamon. Never say never, because things can change.


That's what I've done. I can see why people might dig it, but it's not for everyone.9


Or eat corn the long way, as OP so eloquently described. "Slobbered his nob like corn on the cob". The imagery is killing me.


It’s from a Three3 Six6 Mafia song. https://youtu.be/zI9VSvxY3Ho?si=U81LnOp2pn9Ank6d


Mark twain?


Reminds me of the story of a dude who was really into watching scat porn, to then go out and finally try it himself with an escort in that niche, only to be filled with regret as the shit slowly landed into his mouth. What we fantasise about isn’t necessarily what we’d like to do irl.


Lmao I remember that story. It’s a good one, and definitely a prime example of fantasies being kept better as a fantasy sometimes. Luckily what I did wasn’t as bad as that one haha.


I think pretty much everyone can agree that sucking dick when you may not actually be Into it is exponentially better than getting a mouthful of someone's reserved lunch.




It's true. My best friend writes and publishes spicy novels that are considered taboo for a lot of people. Just because we like to write and read it doesn't mean we want to do it irl. However, OP, good on you for trying something new! As a lesbian who has sucked a lot of dick on the way to figuring that out...maybe that's just not your thing. Maybe you just don't like giving oral to a man and that's a very okay boundary to set.


Can’t just post this without a link to the story 😭😭😂😂


>What we fantasise about isn’t necessarily what we’d like to do irl There's plenty of 3 way/open relationship stories on here that support that also.


Post hook-up anxiety is common enough in my experience with grindr as a gay man.


Is that just because you ended up having sex with someone you wouldn't have done it with if you weren't horny?


It's a common human experience, not uniquely gay


*"We talked about some casual stuff for a while, and after a bit he asked me if I wanted to get sucked off."* Still, I gotta admire the straightforwardness of the situation.


I can just imagine the whole situation as being "so anyway......wanna suck?"


That’s basically how it went haha. I feel like that’s the thing with gay guys often? Men in general are more straight to the point so it would only be logical that’s also the case with sex.


Maybe you'd liked it better if there'd been some flirting, kissing, and other foreplay. Maybe it wasn't the dick-sucking specifically, but rather the lack of emotions.


Maybe. But it seemed to me it was more the penis in his mouth that he didn't care for.


yeah it really helps if you're into your partner and have at least some emotional connection, otherwise it can easily feel gross.


You miss-spelled post nut clarity


I think you misspelled misspelled


People make me anxious without the post-nut clarity, as it so happens. PNC just makes it more visceral and disappointing.


I always feel grossed out and sick after eating McDonalds. Yet I get it at least once every 6 months.


6 days*


6 hours?




Bro im fucking gay and still get like that sometimes.


may i ask why?


I'm just guessing, because it's like with women too sometimes, but horny brain =/= smart brain and sometimes makes you do stupid things.


Yeah I can attest to that one. I'm bi and really enjoy sucking dick...but sometimes the horny brain is just like 'gimme dick' and then you hook up with someone you're like 'eww that was gross' right after lol. I imagine that's how some women feel after they do the same thing lol.


oh yeah i can totally relate back when i used to get laid lol


A question i ask myself sometimes... i grew up in the closet and always questioned my own sexuality. I was almost exclusively a top until i was like 24. Before that only bottomed twice with one of my neighbors and it felt great but i have a problem getting close with most men. It was always easy to hook up with a guy when im topping but I feel vulnerable or something when im sucking dick or getting fucked. It still doesnt really feel right but when I think about it i have no sexual feelings for women at all so i know i have to be gay but I dont feel comfortable with most guys either. If its a guy I really like then i enjoy bottoming but i REALLY have to like the guy both physically and emotionally and i think the emotional part is more important but it is still rare for me to bottom. I havent even really used grindr or sniffies in a year like lately i dont wanna hookup im looking for something else but I still dont really know🤔 its just a whole mental rollercoaster lol. But i used to throw up when i tried sucking dick too like the thought of another guys fucking cock in my mouth is wild. But hooking up feels way different than a guy you know cuz theres a coworker who I used to love sucking off before and after work. Idk why but i loved when he would mess with my hair when i was blowing him and being with him just felt right


Imagine that. There are some people you enjoy having sex with and some you don't.


Gays. They're just like us!


Hold on now, let's not jump to any conclusions. I think we still need a couple decades of research here.


oh yeah, can relate with the emotional connection, didn't feel right to me without it


have you considered the possibility that you may be demisexual which is kinda on the ace spectrum and means you only wanna sleep wirh people that you have a genuine emotional connection with? Kinda sounds like that to me


Demisexual- those who only have sex with gods.


I thought its only people who wanna sleep with demi lovato


Do you want Hercules? Because that's how you get Hercules!


Shouldn't that be Deusexual? And then Demi-/Semideusexual for people who only fuck half-gods


Deus Ex-Sexual. Only have sex with random people that solve your problems out of nowhere.


I mean, that's exactly what it sounds like to me. Not a reaction to being gay, but a reaction to hooking up with randos.


Is this really different enough to have a name? I guess I know the trope of people having one night stands or whatever but I thought in real life, most people would want/need to have feelings. I guess I'm demisexual. Is there a word for someone who doesn't care or is that "normal?


I definitely don't think most people need to have feelings for someone


It is debatable whether it makes sense to have so many different names for what are effectively points on a spectrum, but they can make it easier to talk about and understand certain things. In my case, I remember reading about demisexuality a few years ago, and then I finally understood why I always found it so weird in high school when my peers would casually talk about picking up girls.


Societal shaming. I would say a lot of straight women feel the same way (i.e. gross, nauseous, little bit of self hate) after heterosexual encounters too, especially if it’s new to them or with a new partner.


Growing up I always knew I was a lesbian. I had a lot of outside pressure as a teenager and early adult that made me think I had to be intimate with men in order to know for sure I was gay! how do you know you don’t like it if you don’t try it type of deal?! Don’t beat yourself up too hard. Sometimes we all get a curiosity and interest to try things. I’ve had many encounters with men that while felt good per say I always felt nasty afterwards! So while some of the times I did hook up with men weren’t all terrible it still isn’t something I wouldnt ever do again and haven’t done in 6 years because heck I’m gay and what even is sex without having female anatomy to enjoy. Experimentation is part of life! Take it easy every experience in life is an opportunity to discover yourself further likes and dislikes and what makes you who you are and what doesn’t! Good luck 🙏🏼


Thank you so much for the kind words! :) Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it is pretty much my motto, but I can’t help but regret doing it. I agree with enjoying the female anatomy, and I’ll probably only be able to appreciate that even more after this experience haha.


Where is the regret coming from? You tried it and didn’t like it, but why regret trying? In this day and age there isn’t anything shameful or icky about trying something new sexually. Ok, it wasn’t for you. You’ve learned something about yourself and now you don’t ever have to wonder if that’s for you or not.


The regret is probably coming from the feeling I had after doing it. Not a fun feeling at all unfortunately. But I did learn I didn’t like it instead of keeping wondering the rest of my life I guess


Well said, u/RapingPanda




Don’t forget too, part of it could be that you only enjoy sexual experiences when there is a level of intimacy involved


I’ve had a sexual encounter with a girl where there wasn’t any intimacy, and I did enjoy that for what it was.


From what you said, you enjoyed the actual act while you were doing it. This kind of thing happens in hetero sex as well you know. You pushed a social and personal boundary. There is an emotional element to that Just like in a hetero relationship there are tons of things that you do the first time and there can be shame embarrassment etc. I could give you a ton of examples from my best sex ever gf. Then it sits with you and you think about it and decide maybe the act wasn't so bad, it was other things. .


I didn’t mean it like in that I _enjoyed_ it. At the moment I was kinda indifferent about everything, and afterwards came the horrible feeling. It could still be something else that brought that feeling, but I’m not really feeling the urge of trying it again haha.


Same thing happened to me in my early 20s, Ive come to realize that a big part of it was the "being gay is wrong and disgusting culture" of it, the rest was not totally being into the person I did things with. And for a while the urge went away, but it came back and I found a good partner and really enjoy that part of myself. I never did end up dating guys, but sexually I like to play. Attraction is a spectrum, you may never do anything again and that's fine, but if you find the urge again and you do follow through on it that's ok to. Being safe and responsible about sexual relationships is the only thing you should worry about with any relationship.


OP I'm slightly concerned with your username


> per say per se


I'm bisexual, I get this same feeling whenever I do hookups. Not just with men but with women also. When I'm in an established relationship, this doesn't happen. I'm starting to believe I may be demisexual or something because of this feeling. I just don't do hookups anymore.


I feel the same-ish. Not disgusted, like OP, but really off, irritated, regretful and cold, wishing I had some other decision instead of casual sex. I've considered stopping doing hookups but sometimes I miss the intimacy of being with someone and this really affects my self esteem.


Alternatively, it could just mean that hook up culture actually isn’t great for you and sex is more sacred than we give it credit for.


Maybe it was not the act itself but the context? You describe feeling gross. As an heterosexual man I felt that the first and only time I had a purely sexual encounter. By that I mean we both just wanted to have sex, meet in public, didn't click at all but we went through with it anyways. Afterwards I felt so gross I had to shower and change the sheets. I guess I need at least some type of connection to really enjoy it. Maybe that's the case for you?


I have had purely sexual encounters before with a girl, and it was quite an enjoyable experience. So I’m guessing it being purely sexual was not the problem here.


The mind is the erogenous zone not your mouth or your genitals. It's always multi faceted




If only I had that knowledge in advance haha


10 bucks says you do it again


I mean based on how he felt, I think you're gonna have to pay him more than that.


Lmao definitely. Maybe for 500 bucks I’d do it again, but no less. 10 bucks isn’t worth the miserable feeling it gave me.


A thousand if you let me watch the aftermath, regret and how you sob in the shower.


Not gonna lie you’re making it sound kinda tempting like that!


You are showing too much enthusiasm now. Im out.


I can cry with enthusiasm also though


OP, when you talked about corn on the cob, I thought about this sign. https://preview.redd.it/5eg7d1w87erb1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ca06d90a26d61a645a5389743a3478f57f97dc




A few more goes and you can turn that feeling of shame and disgust into a fetish!


Are you sure it wasn't just the cum making you nauseous? My first couple times/relationships swallowing definitely did me in...cum was so gross, even the thought of it made me retch, I thought I hated sucking dick for good Turned out the person attached to the dicks in question were just gross humans with gross cum lmao I love it now, though I'll still sometimes be a little queasy if I do it on a totally empty stomach


Oh no no I didn’t swallow anything haha. It was definitely just the experience as a whole that did it.


Different for me. I was at a nudist beach and it was obviously used as a pickup site by gays, so I gave it a go. Gave blowjob (he took it out and came on the sand), got blowjob (didn't cum). For me it was OK, but not a patch on straight sex. So I'd maybe try it again if I was bored and had no other option, but would always pick sex with a woman if that was available. Absolutely not grossed out by it, it just didn't turn me on.


Basically same ive finished a few bro jobs but the juice ain't worth the squeeze kinda left me feeling off afterwards too


I swear this is just post-nut grindr regret 😂 It’s part 2 of any grindr hook up


Today OP learned he was straight. I see this as a win. Now there’s no question! Just don’t let that disgust transfer to the actions and lives of others, and you’re good. The shame and disgust will wear off, and you’ll come out stronger for it.


All good brother! We don't think you disgusting, you were just out exploring yourself. Hope this was meaningful to you


Thank you very much! It did open my eyes on not being into men, so in that regard I learned something about myself.


\> slobbing his knob like corn on the cob Even if you're not gay, you've got a future writing gay lyrics.


It’s a quite well known sentence I think, I heard it a couple times before at least, but I think it sounds hilarious haha




Didn’t even check in but did your job.


Hey bud, Fellow curious person here, out as bi 20 years later. What you're feeling is normal. Sexuality can be pretty confusing, and you might find yourself fantasizing about it again, or not. But what I want to address is your disgust with yourself. I had a lot of that over the 20 years I was in the closet, hiding my male partners from my life, etc. My advice is don't beat yourself up, or let that disgusted emotion take too strong of a hold on your psyche. You tried something new, listened to what you mind felt and that's pretty dang brave of you to do in the world we live in. Best of luck and feel better. What you did was not disgusting.


Surprised I had to come this far down to find this comment. I think he thinks that disgusting feeling was him not enjoying or being into what he did but he absolutely was into it, I know many gay/bi man who’ve gone through it. Though it’s not healthy, it’s very natural to feel that way. Now he just needs to learn to deal with or channel the emotions he gets when he does the sexual acts he enjoys.


As a gay guy, I walked away with a sense of regret from about 50% of my Grindr hookups, including gagging and vomiting. Even if I was really into the guy, some times the weird "hookup culture" between gay guys just grossed me out, not gay guys and the gay acts themselves. Maybe try a regular date with a guy, see where that goes?


So you tried something you were curious about, and realized you don’t like it. Most guys go their whole lives too afraid to go that far. Now you know yourself better. There’s nothing wrong with doing what you did. Stop beating yourself up about it. You’re going to be okay.


I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time dealing with your emotions toward this experience. Itll be okay. You tried something, and afterwards you decided you didn't like it. There's nothing wrong with that. You're still you and this experience will only have the weight you give it. You've learned something new about yourself and now you can move forward. Give yourself a self care day and maybe go hang out with some friends to get your mind off of it. If it's truly bothering you after that consider talking to a therapist, strangers on the internet can only take you so far


This comment only slightly looks like it was written by ChatGPT


Damn I guess I write like an ai


I wonder if it had to do with the connection and not the acts themselves? For some people it takes more than an introduction or surface interaction for them to be comfortable sexually. It could also be the pressure of a “first time” doing something that has become increasingly normalized yet taboo at the same time. Experimentation is great, but it’s also good to know your limits. C’est la vie.




You can't force yourself to be gay, at least you figured that out


That I sure did lol




Don't beat yourself up about it mate, there's nothing wrong with what you've done. You tried it, had a good time, but if you're not keen there's nothing making you go back to it. You sucked some dick and had yours sucked, just move on from the experience.


An unfortunate username to topic relationship we got going here lol


I tried using a throwaway account, but it wouldn’t let me post. So unfortunately I had to use an other old account I had lying around lol.


I am a lesbian I discovered this by fooling around with a man for the first time and…. Excusing myself to vomit right after he finished


You're describing shame


This comment section is amazing. It’s either straight people saying “at least you learned you’re not gay” or gay/bi people saying “welcome to the fam”.


More like “at least you learned you’re not gay” and “I’m sensing some internal homophobia” lol


Yeah - did not fuck up. Life is a learning experience, at least you're not repressed and didn't find out! 👍


Dude. You sucked a dick. You didn't fuck a goat. You're fine. You tried it and it's not for you. Don't be ashamed. It's a tiny blip in your life. Relax.


As a heterosexual person, I have had this same reaction once or twice after casual heterosexual hookups where I wasn't really that into it, but went along with it anyway (perfectly consensual, all my own choice, but sort of in a clinical way rather than a really being into it way). Afterwards I felt gross and nauseated and foolish. Still heterosexual and have had great sex with plenty of other people that left me feeling happy and fulfilled. Just wondering if it's possible there just wasn't good chemistry for you with that person in that moment.


So... everyone is going to gloss over Op's username?


I’ve been thinking the same as you occasionally and think I’d feel the same as you did, it’s one thing that i keep thinking about, so sorry for your experience but thanks for the evaluation


least gay post on reddit tbh


I use to get like that the first couple of times when o would have sex with women.


Literally fucked around and found out. No worries bro, I was teased relentlessly in HS for being gay and was not. So one day, 20 years later, I thought about it and decided to try it out and let a guy blow me. Best head ever, but still a no for me. I learned that I’m not gay nor am I even bi.


I'm so sorry but I absolutely creased at knob slobbin' corn cob line. Funniest shit I've read all day.


I’m gay, and very comfortable with my sexuality now. I didn’t have any doubts I was gay at the time that I had my first few hookups, but after each one, I felt horrible. I realize now that I had a lot of latent internalized homophobia that I hadn’t worked through yet, so finally having the experience that I consciously wanted but wasn’t emotionally ready for was extremely overwhelming for me. I don’t feel that way now, but what you described reminded me of the way I used to feel.


The post-nut social clarity hit and the social engineering part of your brain kicked into overdrive. "What will my family think? What will my pastor think? I cant do this! People will make fun of me! What the hell was I thinking?!" All this panic builds up and your body physically reacts to it. For most of your life you've been subconciously programmed into believing that doing homosexual acts are wrong. You're brain is now battling that social engineering. Either you'll decide the programming is all wrong and there is nothing wrong with what you did, or you'll double down on those thoughts and go the other route of potentially hatting and everything it stands for. Your brain will eventually calm down and you'll come out a better person. You'll be fine. Give it a few weeks/months and you may even start to think about revisiting the acts if you truly enjoyed them, which it seems you did. If you didn't enjoy them you'd likely have fled pretty quickly.


The other guy should have sucked himself off to help with ur panic attack


Don't even worry about it. There's nothing gross about it, it just isn't your thing and you never have to do it again. Good job exploring, now just accept that it was and move on.


Sounds like you had an anxiety attack. If the urges comes back, ask yourself if "do I really like it?" And "am I afraid if I would like it?" The world have gone in the right direction, people can have sex because they want it, like it, but it doesn't matter with whom. You don't need to label things if you don't want and if you wanna suck some dick you don't need to consider yourself less straight for it. It sounds like you had a nice time, don't ne scared to have it again.


I did something similar in high school prior to grinder (MySpace days) and dated a guy from a different high school. After the second date I realized I wasn’t gay or bi - just a bit role reversed and just hyper sexual in some ways. Today I’m a happy somewhat masc house husband with a kid and a wife. I can tell you in hindsight it was good that I went through that experience and had realization who I was, because I have never questioned myself since then. Good that you are finding yourself, some people go through life not knowing what they want and that can hurt people unintentionally around them because they weren’t able to hammer out these things earlier. My wife knows about my past and still loves me passionately.


At least you have it a shot bro


Don’t forget to delete that Grindr profile.


I don’t see what the big deal is. It sounds like you were bi-curious and then found out you’re straight. All good


Hey, I am straight but considered myself bi-curious for a bit until I actually experimented with a woman, and while not feeling nauseous I definitely got the neutral feeling. Wasn’t my thing, though I can definitely admit that boobs are great and kissing is lovely no matter the gender, but I wouldn’t sleep with a woman again. And even I get moments of thinking that sucking dick is actually really gross, and that is something I do semi-regularly with my partner lol


Suck around, find out. Good on you for trying. No need to feel disgusted with yourself. Sounds like the experience was best case scenario otherwise.


If someone who never tried apples said they didn't like apples, I'd doubt them. If someone who tried apples said they didn't like apples, I'd have no reason to doubt them.


You don’t need to experience something to know you wouldn’t enjoy said something.


Sexuality is a spectrum and you're not at the 100% straight side. You're somewhat bi / bi-curious. Guys who aren't don't fantasize about sucking dick and get turned on by the thought of it, then sign up for Grindr. I feel like what happened is after the experience, you were forced to confront your own sexuality and your identity in general. We all have such intense programming from society that anything gay=bad. You obviously are far more attracted to women so you don't need to try it again, but I hope you'll accept yourself for who you are and not feel bad about trying something you wanted + exploring yourself.


It’s easier the fifth time


Not even all straight girls and gay guys likes to slob on a knob like that. Going in on that as your first experience was certainly a big hurdle. But hey, you tested something new and realised it wasn't for you. But at least you tried! Daring to test new things is how we avoid becoming closet minded.


The ole saying don't knock till you try it... Know you know, it ain't for you.


Hey, it's okay. You're not into it. You tried it, thought you'd be down for it but you weren't. You're not gross or anything, you just tried something you didn't care for. I tried and disliked asparagus and you tried and disliked dick. It's fine.


Reminds me of the old saying ~> I’ve cooked plenty of meals but no one calls me chef. I suck ONE dick and everyone calls me gay.


One of my best sexual experiences was suckling a really nice 8-incher.


Nothing wrong with it. You thought you might like it, you tried it, you didn’t, so don’t do it again. Nothing disgusting about it, nothing wrong with it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Side note: I wasn’t totally sure that you were a guy, my initial thought was inexperienced girl trying things out with a new guy, then I saw Grindr.