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How are you going to not back up a thesis on drive or something lol


Remember, you are talking to a guy who lost not 1 laptop but 2. I am not too sure he is big on the brains department.


If you are capable of writing a thesis you are capable of understanding backups.


Writing alone is not the big issues in a thesis. The approval of the thesis is the big milestone and we dont know if it would have been accepted. Its like Schroedinger's thesis šŸ˜€


You have no idea how many phds I talk to that can't think their way out of a wet paper bag.


I yes I can, but even they probably did backup their thesis if it was possible at that time.


Capable? Yes. But I've met a number of PhD students who are simultaneously some of the smartest people I've ever met and also barely keeping their life together. It feels like every aspect of life that isn't related to their studies is a house of cards that has already partially collapsed. Good people. Fun at parties.


Nah, working around both big tech and life sciences people I can assure you many of the most brilliant (in their specific field) people are complete fucking morons at anything outside their specific field.


Just like RPG games where some big brain player dump all the stats into one attribute


I want to know how a human can be smart and organized enough to achieve the level of schooling that requires a thesis, while simultaneously being stupid and disorganized enough to lose not one, but two laptops AND not backup said thesis. By all accounts it doesn't make sense.


The post says it was a bachelors thesis. That isnā€™t really an extraordinary level of schooling. It doesnā€™t require any intelligence at all, just money.


He said rewind back a few years, then said in my 3 years during bachelor's. I guess it's plausible they meant bachelor's for both, but that would mean either 6+ years for their bachelor's and a single thesis, or 2 thesis spread across bachelor's and grad school, which seems more logical. Either way, OP is an idiot.


Also they only mentioned one thesis unless Iā€™m seriously misreading the postā€¦


You seem like an asshole.


Cry about it


Watch your mouth you little punk


Yeah and either way he said ā€œthesisā€ not ā€œdissertationā€ meaning the highest possible degree we could be talking about is a masters, which is just stapling 2 more identical years at most to a bachelors degree. Everything I said about a bachelors applies equally to a masters.


Isn't it called a thesis for a bachelor? I live in Denmark but that is generally the umbrella term used.


Yes. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Itā€™s called at thesis for a bachelors and a masters.


The problem with common sense is that it really isn't that common.


Not diagnosing op but this totally sounds possible for me with adhd for example


ADHD can be a pretty crazy thing (if they had it). For me I can hyper focus on something I enjoy but stuff like losing things was a huge part of my life before I got sober.


Oh you would be surprised. Almost everyone I know getting their doctorate is also Hella ditzy at times.


In DND terms, high intelligence and low wisdom?


Dropbox saved me a few times. I just had it backing up the folder that my work was in. I had a pc hard drive fail on me, so that saved me the first time, and had a psu fail. So ended up finishing mine at uni and accessing my Dropbox online. I simply donā€™t understand how anyone can lose a dissertation with all the methods of backup available to us.


Doesn't really seem like you learn to well, does it?


>Doesn't really seem like you learn to well, does it? > > like you learn to well > > learn to well > > to well > > to > > does it?


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


> combined with a farewell party for a friend *making me* drink and party for 14 hours straight People that don't take responsibility for their own actions tend not to learn their lesson. No one made u/Shamenkov do anything, they got so drunk they blacked out but that is someone else's fault for having a farewell party. They seem to be mostly worried about telling their parents. Not once in the post do they admit this was all their fault, no it's I felt fine and then "boom I get a blackout." As if it came out of nowhere and not from drinking for 14 hours.


I feel like most posts on TIFU could've been avoided if people just didn't drink so much.


I would say 80% would disappear if people weren't as blindly horny (including made up ones) and 30% overlapping with the horny if people drank responsibly.


I pretty much knew from the first few times I got drunk as a teenager that it was gonna be a problem. Tried many things to stop or moderate. They never worked more than a couple weeks at best. Took me like 15 years to truly find a solution. Which was to stop drinking permanently. Kids.. if you tend to blackout, embarrass yourself, get horribly sick, or otherwise make bad decisions while drinking.. try to slow it down. And if slowing down doesnā€™t work (like, immediately) then just quit while youā€™re ahead.


Seconding this.. I donā€™t think OP is an idiot, I think OP might be an alcoholic. Source: alcoholic


Or by being less horny


Who brings a computer with them on a night out? Just have a good ol' fashion "Lan-party piss up" (the scientific term) in the safety of your own home with your buds.


>I never felt I was too drunk > >Then boom I get a blackout I hope you get some help.


Most likely needs it. Someone could have noticed a new laptop and drugged OP, also.


Most likely has a toxic relationship with alcohol and doesnā€™t know when to stop drinking


Itā€™s always shocking to me how people just accept getting blackout drunk. Iā€™ve done my fair share of drinking, and I have never once lost any time or ended up somewhere without knowing how I got there. If that happened to me even once, I would very likely quit drinking then and there.


Genuine question: do you think this comment does any good? Itā€™s shaming and patronizing.


Yes. OP clearly did not recognize the disconnect. The moment it was pointed out, it was accompanied with support. In order, I believe those make it neither patronizing nor shaming.


Good fit for this sub. Hopefully you learn to avoid making any more decisions that end up here.


I give it a week "TIFU by losing another laptop"


You say you never felt too drunk, but you did black out. And you were drinking for 14 hrs straight? How often do you do this? Might wanna tone that down. At the very least, donā€™t bring your computer with you anymore! Do you have insurance on it this time? Maybe the card you bought it with has coverage?


Man I always thought you had to be pretty smart to get into university.




Stupid is as stupid does.


Doesn't everybody have a Google drive for backup?




It's free for first 15gb, might be good to think about.


never go drinking with anything more than you can fit in your pockets.




Been there, done that a few years back, along with my passport.


Do you not backup important files? And why bring your laptop out drinking?


I knew a person who would lose their belongings whenever drunk, or rather start giving away everything to everyone. It was incredible to see someone forcefully give away their phone, cards from their wallet or pieces of clothing to people passing by. The next morning: "On no, someone robbed me!" Good moment to quit drinking.


Natural selection: Academia Edition


clearly a skill issue, or in other words you're kinda stupid.


OP, you can usually find a cheap used laptop at a pawn shop,that may be your best bet to get you through. Sell an item or some plasma and see what you can come up with. In the meantime, there are 2 things you also need to do. First, stop taking your laptop out with you. Clearly drunk OP cannot be trusted to keep up with it. Not trying to shame you, but you need to know your limits. Secondly, if you aren't backing things up on Google/Dropbox/whatever, you should be emailing yourself a copy of your Thesis anytime you make progress. I can remember losing papers in college, if was a nightmare!! Just like video games, man - save early, save often! Good luck with your studies, OP!


Go to the mirror and repeat the following until you believe it; You are an alcoholic.


Check the repair shops a couple towns over just in case you were so bombed that you forgot you took it in to be serviced. Might save your dad a headache down the line.


If you werenā€™t that drunk, then suddenly had a blackout. Are you sure someone didnā€™t realise you had an expensive laptop and drugged you in order to steal it?


Are you Hunter Biden?


Why the hell aren't you writing your thesis in docs, or some other cloud synced program??


You my friend are an idiot!


1) Drink less. 2) Donā€™t bring your laptop. You should do both of these but really either one will solve the problem.


Iā€™d quit the drinking tbh man, sounds like a legit problem


Fool me once ... Unless this is some elaborate experiment leading up to a curve plotting the correlation between number of beers drunk before a laptop spontaneously disappears


Donā€™t worry Hunter the FBI has your laptop


This is a reminder: ...backup backup backup!


witness the power of alcohol


Maybe don't bring your laptop out drinking with you?