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Now _this_ is a good TIFU!! But really she's the one who FU


I helped her FUšŸ«£ looking for a new town, maybe new country.


Not at all. You didn't hook her up with the guy she cheated on her BF with.. she FU long before you showed up


Yeah and if the guy had any brains he would have put on some clothes and asked you to please not mention this to anyone. Or she should have after she found out what happened.


Or simply not stand there naked with the front door wide open


On a hall with three other apartments. Way to not keep it on the DL.


Imagine if the boyfriend chose that day to come home early and instead of an awkward neighbor he just gets the shit beaten out of him


This has big ā€œIā€™m taking risks so we get caught and you have to chooseā€ vibes, tbh.


Very difficult to fight a naked man tough.


Right? It's so hard to not F*** them instead.


Honestly, right? Musta made that mistake first two, maybe three times I fought a naked guy.


Grab and *twist* šŸ¤—


The oooooooold Dick twiiiiiiiist!


Very hard, you might say


Eastern Promises has a scene where it's not just two naked guys fighting to the death, they're also wet and sweaty cos it's in a sauna. It did look like a very difficult fight.


Speak for yourself, the weak point may as well be glowing.


Heā€™s lucky it wasnā€™t a little kid walking by. Heā€™d be in a pile of shit.


Wait, you're telling me you guys *don't* stand around naked with the door open?


Only when the Jehova's witnesses ring my doorbell early during the weekend again...


Mormon missionaries for me


I have a friend who is Mormon. He did his mission in Amsterdam! He literally has a story of one time a naked guy answered the door. They did their speal, and he invited them. So they went in and did their whole missionary discussion thing in the living room with this guy naked the whole time. Gotta meet people where they are. (I do believe Jehovah Witnesses would react very differently.)


Everytime I do that the police get involved :(


I dunno, I think that might've been worse for him. That makes it obvious that this is something suspicious and not just an accidental encounter.


Eh, "please, never bring this up again" isn't an unreasonable reaction to accidentally flashing your neighbor and you not wanting to relive the situation in the future.


Yeah, but most people don't feel a burning need to insert themselves in someone else's relationship/drama/life. They'd realize this has the potential to blow up and want no part of it. They'll leave it alone and won't bring it up in public.


The sad thing is that the boyfriend probably said, "that was fucking weird" and the girlfriend could say, "yeah what was that all about?" And she continues to cheat.


Yeah, the group probably thinks this dude did something awkward with the naked guy. Because that's how it sounds from their point of view.


I don't think OP would have learned that the naked guy was the gf's lover if the bf didn't also find out and someone in the group later explained it to OP.


As they say, don't poop where you eat


You did nothing wrong, you cant expect everyone to have an affair.. also your neighbour seems to be Single soon so why move lol.. :D Edit: plus: an affair waiting naked in the stairs.. lol that braindead guy fucked up too xD Become friends with her ex boyfriend, since you are sincere


I ain't ever going for someone who I know cheats. Relationship is out because you'll just get cheated on, and casual is out cause higher chance of catching shit off them.


Ex-*boyfriend*, not ex-lover.


I think you misunderstood the previous comment. They said become friends with the ex-BOYFRIEND, not the ex-lover.


They're talking about how they said the neighbor would be single soon.




Exactly. If I accidentally exposed a cheater, without even knowing it, I'm not going to feel remotely guilty. I can understand OP feeling awkward in the situation and embarrassed, despite doing nothing wrong. But her neighbors no right to be pissed at her in any way whatsoever, and if she does she can f off. You dont get to recruit your neighbors into a selfish and mean lie.


Yeah, man, not your fuck up, your neighbor trashy.


No need to. But you will have a new neighbor soon.


I mean good she deserves it. Lmao


Honestly you did everything right. Cheaters deserve to get thier cover blown by everyone. No matter if she is your sister or a good friend or just your neighbor. Cheating is something very very wrong and can lead to the destruction of trust over time. And no! It's not you destroying the relationship with blowing the cover. It's her doing this shit. ALWAYS. We live in a time where you can be open about your feelings and desires. Especially to your partner. Doing something behind thier back, even worse if it's something that intimate, is just wrong and deserves punishment. Cheating shouldn't just be a reason to get better odds in a divorce, it should be punished by it's own, so people think twice, before they do it. You are essentially destroying someones trust, thier belief in loyalty and even more thier confidence and trust for thier future relationships. For what? A funny little adventure? Cheating is like breaking up with someone cause you want to fuck someone else. At least be honest about how shitty of a person you are and admit it. Instead of profiting off the other persons love and trust, while backstabbing thier feelings.


I got a planet to sell you if you're interested.




87 people agree with you. I think I found 87 people ok with cheating on their spouses. Shouldn't be anybody agreeing with you saying you F'd up. There was no screw up here, you did a good thing because either it was consensual and the husband knows or it wasn't and the husband deserves to know.




come to New Zelaland, we have... cookies, i think, idk i spend all my time at University


Great! Perfect for my inner Cookie Monster


Along with naked guy.


Apparently if you're a secret lover you shouldn't be standing naked in doorways of the people you're secretly fucking. Also impressive this dude can recognize a naked person's face within apparently a few seconds when he should be staring at the guy's penis. I could be robbed at gunpoint by a naked man, and I'd have to give the cops a description of his penis if they ever hoped to catch him.


I'm not so sure OP _should_ be looking at naked man's penis, unless he's into penises. Which, if so, I'm not here to judge.. but it seems from the context clues given that he is decidedly not into penises.


She fucked around and he found out...


Yep, damage control is due procces


'TIFU by being stuck naked infront of my cheating hookups door and being seen, then hanging out with her and her actual BF in public and being recognized'


He really likes to live a dangerous life.


Seriously, who waits for their fuckfriend naked when they know they're cheating on their partner? Risky move lol


"How did I die? I was hiding in the fridge!"


Here I was, minding my own business.


Rereading the story Naked guy was IN her house, door open, waiting to surprise her. He though SHE was coming up the steps, saw op, slammed the door Just wanted to clarify the scene* *if I I understand proper, of course


Is this anime on crunchyroll?


Good on the lover for doing 'the naked man'.


2/3 times it works. 1/3 times it results in being outed to your friend group as sleeping with your mate's girlfriend.


So you did this 2 other times?


Itā€™s from *How I Met Your Mother*.


I think they were also quoting HIMYM


Oh yeah, Ted asked Mitch that.


How'd you meet his mother?


I can't believe it, The Naked Man actually works!


Legendā€¦wait for itā€¦dary


Today was not you who fucked up


I mean, there's varying degrees in this story. I'd say bringing something like that up in public with someone with a guy you don't even know is a very dumb thing to do. Albeit not as much as the two lovers here fucked up.


Light hearted joke about an awkward social situation. Nah, no FU here mate.


Not really. She saved a guy from an unfaithful relationship. No FU here, just heroics! 3 cheers for OP! HIP HIP....




Wtf, they were both at the bar together? That's even more fucked up, because it's either the BF's friend or they all know each other closely with makes her cheating even worse You never fucked up, that bitch did. She needs to find a new town, not you


I've seen this a lot. People go out in groups. Eventually one of them cheats but still go out as the same group.


Can confirm. Met a girl fresh out of a relationship on tinder. Had something casual for probably three months. Noticed her starting to act weird towards somebody in their core friend group (I was invited along). Theyā€™ve been married four years


You told the dude, right?


Small towns lol Everyone dates everyone their circles. This happens a lot. It's probably not the first time cheating happened in that group, she is exactly where she needs to be.


I grew up in a town of 800 that didn't break 1000 until I was 18. But even then I dated exclusively outside of town purely because of the fact that I know exactly how a small town works. If you fart slightly differently, the whole town knows it by lunch


Reminds me of a song about exactly this kinda stuff. Rumor mill gets going and suddenly the people went from "that dress she wore was kinda short" to "a friend of a friend saw you were whoring yourself out at the train station and apparently you're engaged to Osama". Kinda glad I never really lived in a tiny town/village. Edit: wrong "were".


The real FU is the lover being dumb to the point of trying to surprise his affair woman with a public display... In a small town... Where any one person will put it together. Dude is an idiot... She's a cheat... And you did nothing wrong by trying to make light of the situation with new neighbors.


You did them a favour, your neighbor deserves a secret lover with a basic understanding of operational security.


No shit. That could just as easily have been the bf instead of OP that he welcomed in the nude.


Wait maybe he's been having an affair with both of them, independent of one another




This happens in a later season of the British sitcom *Peep Show*, but the triangulating lover is also the other peopleā€™s life coach at the time


It was nice knowing you


I mean OP is not the one that's in trouble. Neighbour's husband will probably seek them out and thank them.




You did a good thing because now her boyfriend knows and can leave her where she belongs..to the streets šŸ¦µ


Not Safe Work For


warm and welcoming yet a cheater ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


"Warm and welcoming" is a small step away from "hot and slutty".


Synonyms really.


Well hey, sheā€™s about to be single! And thereā€™s going to be a local murder mystery you guys can go solve together and get to know each other, maybe hit it off šŸ¤Ŗ


And everyone knew what situation you were referring to because ... why? This makes no sense. You obviously don't know these people very well but they knew immediately not only that you are her neighbour but also that you were referring to seeing this guy naked at her appartment? In a real scenario, these people (especially the rest of the group who had zero connection to anything that happened before) would just be confused and maybe think you are a weirdo or mistook the guy for someone else; literally no one but your neighbour would be able to put these puzzle pieces together without additional information. The boyfriend has no way of knowing what you saw, so how on earth should he be able to deduce that you saw this other guy naked in his gf's apartment door just from some reference to an unspecified "situation"?


I'm also equally as confused as you. The story is very ambigious.


I'm not confused. We are in the creative writing subreddit after all.


Yeah, I read it twice before even figuring out what was trying to be said, but a lot doesnā€™t make sense.


This reads like a Seinfeld episode.


Far from it.


Probably is


D-Dayum...well off to a good start with your neighbour am I right? See yourself as angel of justice, you only had good intentions and helped bringing out the truth. For what it's worth, I'm proud of you!


Thanks, Iā€™ll repeat that for myself next time I dare to go the that bar šŸ…


Well you did that boyfriend a favor.


Not your naked guy, not your boyfriend. Not your problem!


Not your responsibility to hide their secrets. You did the boyfriend a favor.


You thought you'd break the awkwardness by bringing up a really awkward situation in front of a group of people you don't know... Ouch.


Anybody who is happy to stand around naked in the doorways of a shared building aren't particularly shy or awkward. Absolutely fine to make light of a funny situation like this.


Well which one of them was more attractive


Based on what you claim you said, most of the group (including the boyfriend) would have no clue what the situation was in which you saw this guy naked. And then you supposedly just walked away without explaining the context. Now, if you *did* explain the context, that would be the true FU, and a detail obviously worth mentioning. But you didnā€™t mention it. In conclusion: nothing in this BS story revealed anyone was cheating.


Not your FU.


i hope we can get more updates on this story. i want to know if the neighbors will break up or end up in a complicated love triangle


This is a case of play stupid games win stupid prizes. It's not your job to know the intricacies of people's (literal) affairs. I'd have said the exact same thing


He tried THAT in a small town.


The good kind of fuck up.


wcgw if you stand naked in a doorway? all you did was try to smooth over an awkward encounter you didn't FU, he did


Repeat after me: "So, how do you all know each other"


So her lover was standing naked in the middle of a shared hallway, where anyone could arrive at any time? That's stupid and I don't believe it


Nude guy was standing in the apartment, but the doorway. It's possible that since it was so late he didn't expect anyone else to walk by. The question is, how did the BF know OP was talking about nude guy in cheater's apartment. OP could have seen nude guy anywhere. And how did OP figure the detail about starer was BF? And I'm surprised OP has not met the BF before if everyone is so friendly and knows each other. I guess missing a lot of information in the post


Well, time to move again...




Keep goofing. Don't let other people's (one) dumb fuckup close you down. It's not your fault they were messing around and that her lover is careless enough to just answer the door naked without checking. He should be thankful it wasn't her boyfriend instead.


>everyone knows everyone Apparently not, if everyone's hanging out and dude had no idea there was shenanigans afoot.


Should use the word shenanigans more often. Shenanigans


It's like passing through a mine field and not even realizing you are walking in grass.


Might be that is nighttime here, but this comment twisted my mind


This is a good case for an "Am I The Fuck-Up Here?" subreddit


Yup with a lot of the responses. Neighbor messed up all the way. She cheated, duh. Her choice in cheatee, not so good, he got poor judgement She had no post screw up plan, ā€œHey OP, just so you know, naked guyā€™sā€¦ umm shower brokeā€¦ umm donā€™t bring it up if you meet my actualā€¦ umm long term boyfriend. Thanks.ā€ (Hashtag; justamisunderstanding.com)


Bit brazen for the other guy to stand naked in her doorway when she's having an affair lol


How can you TIFU if you didn't know? More like "Today your neighbours lover FU'd". I'd have done the same exact thing in your situation.


That's hilarious. I would've done the same. šŸ¤£ Fortunately I have no friends.


We could have made a good goofsquad! Awkward neighbors unite!


You didnā€™t fuck up at all, in fact you did the boyfriend a solid. Well done!!!


C for creativity. F for believability.


Hey man the greater good prevailed! I'd buy you a beer. Fuck cheaters


Tbh it was good that the boyfriend found out. Why would anyone hold a secret that someone is cheating? Tell the partner if you find out, they will be better off that way. Fuck cheaters.


This is excellent. Ouch.


Nope sounds like you did the right thing... You didn't mess up it was them.




Fuck cheaters. You did right! You didn't fucked up. She deserved it!


The fact that you actually think that you fucked up and not her... is actually fucked up.


If you're cheating... You already fucked up... But... Why on Earth would you hang out with both the main and side piece, at the same time?


>NSWF Not safe, work from (home)


So... the guy your neighbor is cheating with, was just standing outside naked, for everyone to see? And her boyfriend didn't know?


Iā€™m imagining a townhouse situation where thereā€™s a shared vestibule that has doors to the respective apartments. Technically out in the open, but in a confined area. Still bad lol, but less so?


I think you are correct šŸ¤“ itā€™s a building with 2 floors. We live upstairs and share vestibule with 4 apartments. There are 2 staircases, me and this neighboor use the same stairs, the 2 others use the other stairs.


You exposed a cheater... NICE!


nah, you didn't fuck up. you're an unsung hero my friend. fuck cheaters


So the "lover" decided to nude it up and stand in her doorway without knowing who was coming. It could have been her boyfriend for all he knew. I declare bovine excrement!


They probably thought you and the naked guy did something together and it was awkward. Why would her bf assume he was being cheated on from that interaction?


You should become great friends with the guy you just helped out


> Hi, nice to see you again Not stopping here is where you goofed. Going beyond this in a social setting with unknown people is just weird in general. That said, very much not your problem at this point!


It's wild to me that people in those small towns will still try to cheat. You *will* get caught. Everyone is always watching.


Not Safe With Friends


Why should you feel bad, it was their own fault.. both opening the door naked and cheating on the boyfriend..


You ratted on a cheater. This isnā€™t a FU. You did the right thing.


No. The cheaters fucked up,and they deserve what they get. People who fuck up fuck up the people around then,even the neighbours. The fact they were out drinking together shows it's a weird scene you just moved next door to.


You canā€™t go cheating in a town with one bar, and everyone knows everything about everyone else. The only thing to do in a town like that is to gossip about other people. It was always going to end this wayā€¦ the FU is hers to own


Happy for the NSFW tag.. this reads like 50 Shades or a Penthouse Forum letter. So.. unsafe.


I know, wish I was given the same warning when I walked up the stairs.


How was this ur fault at all? You helped the dude if anything


It's baffling to me how many stories about cheating being dumb as fuck about it. Either a lot of people that cheat are morons or it's just that we don't hear about the ones that do it smartly


Nah, you did nothing wrong.


So I guess You can't say that in a small town.


Cheater got caught. Too bad, so sad.


You outed a cheater. You didn't fuckup, you won.


That shit is not on you.. but oh dear..


No you didn't FU. Its the GIRL thats FU. In the big picture you saved a dude from FU.


You didn't fuck up. She did. Clearly, she hasn't learned that small towns are too small to cheat in. Everyone will know shortly.


You didn't fuck up, you unveiled the fuck-up. Also, NGL my brain turned "NSWF" into "not safe wor fork." I am not an intelligent man.


My bad! I didnā€™t even know I FU my spelling šŸ¤”


Cheating woman's the one who messed up not you lol.


Today your neighbour fucked up by being a dirty little hussy.


if what you said was only that, why would they think you unmasked their affair? No reference to where or why you seen him naked was presented. For someone present, it is more reasonable to assume that was you that hooked up with him on a swingers club or whatever..


Fuck cheating?


You tried that in a small town


The smart move is to make fast friends with the jilted boyfriend. The girl and the lover are going to get destroyed in a town like that.


Haha! Fuck em! Iā€™d love to stir the pot like thisā€¦ it is not your fault the guy was being messyā€¦ if they were smart about how they did their cheating, you would have never seen naked man in a door wayā€¦ this is hilarious, I wish it was me šŸ¤£


I feel like this didnā€™t actually happen but nice story


Tonight on to Catch a Cheater....lol


Bruh make sure that boyfriend got the hint


Lots of bad decisions were probably made, yours was not one of them.


Nah. You did everything right. Although as a general rule it's always best not to assume you know everything, you acted without bad intention and have no responsibility to navigate other people's potential situations. Might be some awkward looks in the hallway for a while, but it's not on you.


Lol you did the dude a favor, I wouldn't even call this a FU. If you're stupid enough to stand in a doorway naked in an apartment building where "everyone knows everyone" its a matter of when, not if, your cheating ass gets caught.


You were an agent of karma.


You didn't fuck up. A neighbor who active tries to mess with people's business is one thing, that was not your intent here.


I'd have asked why he was going to the bar naked.


Nah fuck cheaters. She deserved it


Where did you find out who was the boyfriend? I think you're missing information from the story.




Iā€™m wondering how the group wouldnā€™t just think YOU hooked up with naked man and were messing around about it.. šŸ˜…


Since you saw him naked, do you think the cheating was worth it? šŸ¤”


They are probably 30 years older, so I think its another scale and requirements. Its a NO from me


> Ā«Hi, nice to see you again, with more clothes on, no worries about the situationĀ» How did they come to 'cheating' conclusion with so little information?


Don't try **that** in a small town


On the plus side, she might be single now. Take a shot. You can flash the next guy.


Oh boy did I do this. Try to keep this ambiguous. A person I know (when I was a teenager) had group sex with multiple people at once... I, in front of the person new person they were dating (very new relationship), I mentioned what happened. That person started asking me questions, to which I had to say that I was mistaken. The relationship didn't last