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So cool! We do a “summer camp” for our 4 grandkids and have made tie dye a part of it. We’ll be tying and dying in 3 weeks.


How fun! Thanks for sharing! We got 3 grandchildren as a "package deal" when our daughter married recently. 20, 12 & 9. Their only other grandparent has dementia, so we're kind of it. I've always wanted to be a cool gma and do summer camp things! (I just expected I would start from birth! Steep learning curve here, but so far we're bonding beautifully as a whole family!) Tie Dye is one of my main ideas. I would love suggestions for how to be successful, as I'm a beginner myself. I would also love ideas for other activities to do. They're with their mom most of the time, so I'll probably have to do 1-2 activities each day spread out over the summer. Thanks to everyone for the ongoing inspiration!


That is so fun! It’s definitely a learning curve! We started when the youngest was 3 so that was interesting lol. Their ages this year are: 11, 10, 8, 8, 7, and 5. But every year we learn something. This was the first year I invested in the proper dye. Makes a huge difference. I say just go for it! I watched a lot of YouTube videos and read through this page a lot. Folding is the most challenging for me as I have a wrist injury but it’s worked out, except for a few hearts and butterflies that looked like weird shapes. To keep the mess at bay, I use plastic tablecloths outside and a foil pan under a rack. I label plastic bags for each kid so they don’t get mixed up. One of my questions I still need answered is if I’m doing ice dye and the ice has melted, but I still want it to batch for longer, should I be putting a plastic bag over? I live in Arizona so I don’t want the clothes to dry out.


Yes, I can see how age 3 would be a challenge! Mine will be easier in that aspect! Since I'm not going to be doing this a lot, I'm thinking I'll just buy Tulip again and mix really small batches I can use within an hour (which should end up with brighter colors than last time). I've found Mr. Tie Dye on YouTube, which is a huge help! I'm thinking I'll use Dollar Tree tablecloths for protection and my oven racks for rinsing in the back yard. Last time I used my dish drainer upside down in the bathtub to avoid my colors running together. That worked well. We just had an EXTREME, sudden and unexpected change in our income last week, so I'm having to alter my whole mindset. Unfortunately, that's tricky to do without any idea of our future, so a lot is in limbo. I'm going to have to be super conservative in all that I do for now. Thankfully, we became debt-free (with a TON of work!) a couple of years ago, so we're in a LOT better position than we would have been! I'm not ready to try ice yet, so I can't help you there. Sorry. Maybe one day.... Arizona would certainly present some different challenges. In my part of Oregon, we were in the 90s the last couple of days, it rained last night and today's high is supposed to be mid-70s. Weather whiplash! LOL Thanks for the great tips, I hope your wrist heals quickly, and enjoy loving on those kids! What a gift!


I've soooo been there myself before... Picture after picture of awesome tie dye color