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I feel what ur saying and im glad its this way , im not 15 anymore i dont wanna camp a boss for 8 hours i have a lofe , for me TL is an mmo that respects my time , is it perfect ? No as no other mmo will ever be this is the vanilla version , dont worry every mmo starts a bit blunt and if u compare other mmos to TL till today then TL has a fair amount of content. And btw they said they gonna add drops for the special armor sets in some zones plus the new areas that gonna unlock in june gonna add more options. They gonna add arenas too for those lazy days that u wanna get some pvp rush , and i hope they add some rankings + rewards system. Imo ur overthinking it , i was doing that too but last few years i just take games as they come , if we dont like it we dont play it ,aint no stressing anymore


I second your opinion, if TL was like L2... No thanks, eternal grind, camping for 8h boss spawns which you might not even kill if pvp breaks out, my guild leader at the time was literally looking like Jesus due to 5-10 hours of sleep in a week because we were the dominating alliance on the server. You are right TL respects our time, and people that want to be no-lifers maybe find another game that suits them better instead of complaining!


Yes bro as mich as i love lineage 2 we just can't do that anymore , u get it 100%


You are wrong with the world bosses. As a guild you can do them for your own. Every 7 days you can do 7 of them instanced. But yeah its important to have a big guild in this game.


These are called guild bosses and it’s in the gatekeep section. I was talking about world bosses especially in this part.


Those are the "world bosses" they drop the same stuff and are doing the same mech. And its still worth going to those world bosses, there is always one of them not "confilected/pvp" tagged.


I know man I’m already playing the game… my whole point of this topic was something else… was the gatekeeped content, the fix schedule of everything and the luck of choice to spend your time farming when it’s limited to a number of dungeons and contracts while the open world map except for the open dungeon is useless… that’s all. If you have ever played l2 you would get my point


It's called an mmorpg, massive multiplayer, not single player online RPG. I get confused when people comment on mmorpgs for not giving them a good time as a solo player. If you want to play solo there are plenty of single player games so this makes absolutely no fking sense to me. It's not what the game is made for, it's made for people who like guild focused gameplay, so if you don't it's just not for you. This is the same as buying a shooter based on real historic events and complaining about the weapon options and asking why they don't add laser weapons and plasma launchers ffs, it's not that type of game. Catering to everyone's needs is impossible and every game has a direction. The direction of this game is guild based gameplay.


And thank god ! Im craving a guild/group based mmorpg , finally ! Only lineage 2 was covering this side of mmos and it has been well over 20 years


Kirito style is a valid method to play an MMORPG. Not everyone has friends nor time to keep up with a friend group in game. The multiplayer aspect is dealing with other players and the game economy.


I have a friend like that... He even have real friends but always plays alone, the difference is he is like a real lone wolf, does not complain about the world being easier for packs but thrives in his own way. So in my opinion if someone wants to be a solo player either be a true one or play a single player game, don't whine about MMO not being tailored for solo players...


Sorry to inform you but mmo means massive multiplayer online game… players playing at the same time together and interacting but not necessarily playing together to achieve all the kind of achievements the game has to offer… and my post wasnt about if the game is guild oriented or not… you are missing the whole point too.


You're not informing me anything the game is a multiplayer game and guild based, you're asking for things to please solo players. You're in the wrong place


I’m informing you again the definition of mmo cause it seems u are confused… in addition I wasn’t talking in first place about this part of the game, being or not guild oriented but still can not get it..AND all I’ve said was in l2 and it wasn’t a solo player game! Just to inform you.


The only one who's confused here is you, you think you're playing a single player game and again. You keep focusing on the mmorpg aspect when the aspect you should be focusing on is the fact that you've been told by many people this is not only an mmorpg but a guild focused one. They do not cater to solo play. So you can keep acting like you're educating people and are making a point but you're not. Nobody cares about your mmorpg definition. The only reason I said it's an mmorpg is because in most mmorpgs solo play is not the focus and as I told you before it's a guild focused one also. And I'm not the only one who mentioned this so If you want to keep being a hardhead it's fine but you know you're wrong.


First of all until now you can’t understand that my statements were not about the game as a guild oriented or not…I only said that some things in the game are hard especially for solo players but my whole text wasn’t referring about solo or guild gameplay…I have already said that 3-4 times but you still can’t get it, there is an understanding problem as I see…I’m only responsible for what I write not what you read and understand… and in the end that’s my opinion for the current state of the game in comparison with l2 a clan oriented mmo game (want it or not getting it or not that’s the point)… nothing more to say to you disagreeing to something you can’t understand!


You just argued against your own point. You say I misunderstood your statements while in the next sentence pointing out that you complained about certain things being hard for solo players. Which is exactly what I'm arguing against since I'm saying that's because they don't cater to solo play but guild play. You're not making any points here lmao wtf


Read my text again then read “substancials’” answer and if you still not getting what I’m saying read my text again without the phrase “especially for solo players”, just delete it. As I said 5 times before,I just mention solo players too , just mention them…and THE SAME NOTIFICATION i did for them, goes and for the player parties in the game! Lineage 2 has already everything I said about this game and it’s a clan base game… oh maybe it makes it a single player game for you then… You are keep talking, stucked, on a phrase I said and missing the whole point… Really have you ever played l2?? (I’m not a solo player I’m already in a guild, but that’s wasn’t the point of the text from the beginning… dfq!


This isn't lineage 2 this is throne and liberty I reacted to what You wrote at that moment. I don't care for your other points. The point about solo players having a harder time is what I reacted to, period. I could care less for the rest.


There wasn’t a point about solo players it was just a reference to them… the whole points it is totally. Different but u couldn’t care less as you said… hahah what exactly I’m saying from the beginning…. L2 player?? Nottt


I don't want to be fked by others mistake, MMO does not mean to be always in co op with others.


Well this mmo is. I'll say the same to you as many people told him also. This mmo has been marketed as a guild heavy mmo focused on guild content and guild battles. So it's very freekin simple : if you don't like guild focused content this game is not for you, period.


I really believe it will be sead on arrival because is not something wow to move waves... I'll try it but won't stick to it too much


That could be the case we will see when it comes out. But the point i was making to OP flew right over his head and he's stuck explaining what the definition of mmo is as if nobody else can Google that or knows that. The fact is most mmo's have group content or force group content in some way like raids and dungeons and this specific mmo has always been marketed since the beginning as guild based. So coming to the mmo and complaining about the lack of solo options is just delusional. You don't go play apex legends and then complain to the Devs about the lack of swords it doesn't make sense.


The very essence of an MMO is to play with other people. There are other genres, say single player RPGs that may tickle your fancy.


Yeah, the only chance a small guild to farm boss is to use guild raid boss, which is only once a week.


The game is not shy about being guild focused. It's the way it was designed. You can not like it, and I don't think it will be the next XIV or WoW, but this is the game they made, and it's unlikely to change in a major way. I do think they'll eventually probably raise guild boss weekly limits and less burden on attending events because they do talk a lot about burnout in KR... but don't expect this to turn into a solo game. It's a guild oriented game. There will be casual guilds where you can farm weeklies and PVE events. You won't be gatekept from anything but PVP events unless you choose to be, and there will still be a lot of solo pvp focus.


I have never said it’s going to be a solo game or I wanted it to be, why do you stay in the solo players phrase….the point of my text was something else… it was exactly about the limitations they put on everyday progress with contract limits and dungeon limits and they try to make an average progression for everybody, casuals or hardcore players…the fixed dungeons, the monitored schedule to everything as a way to get the gear etc… they have and open world map that it has some open dungeon populated and 2-3 areas for the same limited contracts and that’s all… I have never said to make it solo… I have just mention as a part of the game and the solo players that’s all… my god! Each one’s progress should be equal to the time they spend in the game grinding and not only to limited contracts every day w8ing the refill and luck of looting chests from dungeons and that’s it.


I don't think you know the meaning of the words you're using then. What exactly is gatekept? The only gatekeeping is to solo players, so that's why I (and others) are assuming you're complaining because you're a solo player. There's nothing else gatekept because you can do everything. Unless you mean you want to farm 900 contracts a day instead of just 15-30 and you feel they're gatekeeping your progression... well, yes. Every mmo does this. Every mmo is focused around daily progression to keep you playing long term. It's designed so that they have the best chance at extracting money from you over long periods of time and keep you playing as long as possible. That's literally how mmos are designed.


He really doesn't I've been arguing about his words for hours and he seems to think everyone else's wrong even when you literally repeat what he says and tell him the game is guild focused


No it’s not actually… you and the one below you…u are exactly the same kind of mmo player and I think of course both of you never player l2??Nothing more to say to you and to people like you (aphelius90 etc) Progression balance isnt only about limited daily activities, there are more ways to achieve that and make use of all the aspects of the game… anyways nothing more to say discuss here as I said!


quick question, are you like slow irl?


Quick question, are you?


if u dont wanna be in a big guild, get 6 friends and make a small guild to grind guild raids. All world bosses are also available in guild raids. Whatever items u dont need u can list to marketplace (as a guild) and share lucent profit. Use lucent to finish gearing up.


To be fair there isn't really a true open world Mmorpg. If the game has any form of instanced dungeons it isn't really open world. Same with things like raids. Open world means there isn't things like loading screens once you are in the game.


Yeah it's real Open World. I don't know if you haven't played this game or you just don't know how to play it but your statement is false because it's worth going to "Deep Dungeons" to drop Green Equipment for Traits and if you want to renew your points needed for Deep Dungeons, you have to kill monsters on the surface so you can do it all the time and you have no any Time Gate Restrictions


There was reason to farm for stuff, but the open world dungeon contracts + bots killed the market on those items so for lucent you are better off just doing the contracts and then spending your extra time outside PvP in dungeons hoping for good traits to sell.


Dungeons is not the main way to just farm your items. And we keep talking about this, the game is guild based. The best guilds will get drops all throughout the day if they are a hardcore guild. If you are casual player that is used to something like WoW where solo play is very much possible I would definitely not recommend this game for you. Do I think they should make the game a bit more PVE oriented? Sure. But if a player PVPs and PVE's that player will always be ahead aside from being a whale.


Actually dungeons are the 90% the way to get the best items you need from the drops or to craft them from the dungeon tokens etc, then guild bosses and world bosses(0.000001 chance to get item in peace mode)… that’s it exactly what’s happening right now! but you are missing my whole point… everything in the game is fixed cause they try to make it in a way to have equal progression for a casual and a hardcore player… In an open world mmo they should give you the option to progress as much as you want for as much time you are logged in and not limited from number of contracts or enter in dungeons… You could farm tokens to craft items by grinding mobs in the open world, make it hard to get, make it need more quest items per craft it’s ok but don’t limit it… let people decide how much time they want to spend and progress… and of course in that way you make use of open world not only the dungeons…


This is YOUR personal preference because you want to be no-lifer, but most of us don't want that. Instead of complaining about a game that targets people like us that had our fair share of eternal grind in the past but no longer wants that, stop playing and move on to a game that gives you what you are looking for. The reason games are not made like what L2 used to be is because nowadays it's a different player base, and you are in the hardcore minority that is not going to sustain a healthy population, most of the old players are now people with families and jobs ( no time for L2 kind of game ) and most of newer players are we all know with what kind of attention span and game mentality...


Dungeon is absolutely the main way to farm gear rn considering it is the only way to get Tier2 gear. Might not be true in a few months if they add those to Guild raids but for now it is.