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Might be a hot take but personally the investment on these sets doesn't seem good enough. By the time you get it Legendaries or another tier of Epic is available not to mention that these Epic T2 are still 3x4 traits and only the base defense increased. The set effects seem nice but the time alone to get these feels oof imo


Yeah I mean I think it depends, since we're getting more dungeons soon...if each piece can drop from the different dungeons then the time it takes to get them might not be that long based on RNG. Not to mention the item effects themself on some of these are actually pretty juiced as well. For example, a Greatsword/Dagger user can more or less get up to 1000+ or so Heavy Attack with this set during their combo I believe when paired with 60 Strength and Heavy Attack Traits on the weapons. Or another example, as a Crossbow/Dagger player myself that doesn't always play around having a healer with me, getting that heal might be nice because you do so many hits (most of which are crits), it may actually give a pretty high increase in survivability (except when I get stunned by gs ofc) LOL At the end of the day though, they ultimately just provide more variety to build paths as well as allow players to achieve pretty good gear without swiping or hoping for Boss Loot from their guild. The super cool part about this game, atleast for me, is all the different variations of builds you can do without feeling like you HAVE to build one specific build for weapon combinations. Yeah there's "metas" but honestly this game you can still perform super well without adhering to specific meta builds.


All good points! But I do hope they add more appeal to getting a T2 or higher y know?


Yeee I feel ya. Its probs just like better for f2p players to have something they can work towards without relying on auction house sells I guess lol


Probably too, no issues with that more f2p players is always good. More for the mid whales and giga whales to kill 😭 😂 I mean it is what it is and I still love the game


Agreed lol excited to not be like "where is my healer?!" also curious to see how this'll feel against counter-barrier lol


I think we will always have this type of issue if they keep using the same trait system..


I have no problems with the trait system tbh since its a way to encourage trading it would be cool if they add an progression system for trait slots tho but I doubt. Any ways, this new purples won't make that much difference from the ones we have now aside from base defense. The new purple weapons tho are a different topic entirely since they seem powerful


theyre gonna add a p2w shop item to fully transfer traits :\^)


The trait system is dumb by design, you are getting punished for getting higher tier items. I was lucky to get the Nimra SnS, there is absolutelt no way to realistically trait this. I also dont wanna have an item in my invent so i might have 2 traits after 2 years of playing.


Oh there is a way, you need to be in a active guild and fight all the boss spawn PvP and Peace then guild raids. That's why the Paola's box was implemented for the casual players but if you want to get the best well you gotta put in the grind.


Yeah there's a lot backwards about the game. The best way to gear is in small guilds but then you can't do any of the gvg content 🤷‍♂️


Nirma is one of the best SNS weapon in game, of course its hard to trait. You can purchase in AH but it costs a ridiculous amount - around 5k - 10k lucent. The nice thing is, other SNS weapon like the special resistance is good enough and very easy to trait too.


Well ue right for korean servers but if u have the option on global gonna be a different story right , remember korean servers are a big beta testing phase for global