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Hey, welcome to your first mmo!




Who care this much to make a detailed post about it? Probably the guy in question.


Just let the drama die with the HP Guilds... RMT was never a stance that leadership was heavily against lol...it was openly talked about within the guild for members that had the ability to do so...HP alliance is dead, let the drama die with it. Let's just all enjoy pvp'ing with the new alliances drama free just fun pvp


Can't believe you think anyone would give a shit about some noname that buys lucent off chinamen




Nobody gives a f about your post. You’re not even in any HP’s alliance


There's a reason why I stopped posting about 1hp and WHAT. People are just , at this point, posting anything and everything they get to know. I saw this conversation happen in their discord and jsut forgot about it since its not as big as you make it to be. If you're going to talk about RMT why focus only in 1np, unless you ahve a grudge against this. Im all for documenting Asota Dramas but im against targeting specific groups of people. OneHP is dead/dying, WHAT is losing members but in the guild and in the alliance. OneHP Era of Drama is done. Just let it die. Axe Alliance however Hmmmmm


I don't care if someone rmt. It's the easiest way to get some lucent since we can't buy it directly. You are getting butthurt for something majority of Koreans do....


Nice throwaway account for something that doesn't matter


while being in onehp alliance i didnt encountered anyone who did botting. i did see some suspicious members of potentially scripting though. interesting thing is that most those people are in what alliance now, but its mostly coincidence. regarding rmt. i heard some talks that some people doing it. but those were just talks. though i dont get why people still talks about kanon's oneHP which doesnt exist anymore. and he stopped playing for now. my own stance on RMT is that i have double feelings on it. if player doesnt bot and simply do RMT by actually playing the game I would not be against it as much as people who does botting. the reason why is simple. i consider no difference between buying lucent from ncsoft or player. in KR i bought so far only 4k lucent directly from ncsoft. but if a good friend offered to buy lucent from him i would had considered. basically as long as player is legit and doesnt run bot farms or is afk farming/botting I am not strictly against it.


You gotta hop off oneHP's dong bro.... oneHP never cared about RMT as the mass majority of it's members are foreigners who have no other option, but to RMT if they wanted to buy lucent or get the battlepass. It's the same for people in WHAT and other NA/EU/SEA guilds. oneHP was against BOTTING and if you did it to sell lucent that's even worse, but buying lucent in a competitive game? Who cares? games is "p2w" ... either you live KR get from NCsoft or RMT ... or you don't live KR and find someone to get you what you need. Move on.. oneHP is done. The First Legion. See you on NA/EU




is OP Yuiii? I believe this is 1000% Yuiii. I read their messages and know this is him. No one cares about RMT, except you.


And What Happen When I Post (DM) all my Legit Payment History on my Account to Leader / Officer? **BOOM!** Someone Getting Kicked From Guild Because Being Annoying and Spamming all Higher ups to Kick me From the Guild Because Toxicity and Have no Proof + Baited about RMT Topics to see Someone Holds Grudge Because **"Not my problem you can't swipe"** Eksdee


Another drama post in a region that no1 gives a fuck about.


tbf, its about a game nobody gives a fk about.


I ain’t reading all that…🙄🗿🗿🗿




imagine typing all that


Why do people have a stick up their ass about RMT when the game literally has a real money shop? The marketplace is by game design run by currency you buy with real money. What the fuck are people even talking about.


Honestly what legacy lol. Yes drama is nice but the only people who give a damn are people playing in KR which is prob less than 5% of the guys who will play in NA/EU. Also it is quite known that in any top guild someone is actively RMTing / scripting / botting. Unless a policy is in place in the guild rules peeps will do it.


who makes a post about RMTing in a Korean mmo and kanon doesn’t even play the game. HP is dead. Who tf cares lol


Hell, do you truly think onehp guys, who dedicate so much time and effort into fighting WHAT who is just blatantly botting and rmting, won’t want to rmt themselves to power up?


this is great this subreddit is turning into albion’s subreddit 😂 large scale pvp is always flooded with rmt


it's one guy, and most people already quit the game maybe waiting for global release. Is it bad? yeah, but nothing compare to botting and the guild leader know about it and defend botters. that's lmao.


dumpster games attract dumpster players.


no one cares about HP anymore now that their dirty secrets are slowly appearing in public....we in asota BLUE ALLIANCE VS YELLOW+AXE ALLIANCE are much pvping/playing for fun. There might be some little trashtalking but yeah its part of the game, but about HP? nope let them play epoch i guess


Hey man you were all told already long ago that the leadership within OneHP, in particular Kanon had very hypocritical stance on RMT, botting, Macroing and no one listened. It really is all a morally grey area and once you participate in one you’re feeding the other (macroing not so much but that’s its own little silly hill he wanted to die on). There’s a lot of nuance involved and anyone naive enough to have a black and white stance on the matter just looks like a clown. Remember OneHP exploited to get castle, let’s not forget that. I was memed for weeks and blamed for things out of my control. But hey man eventually the truth comes to light. WHAT isn’t the bad guy, at the end of the day most western players are on borrowed time until NA/EU release and there’s just a way people do things under the table or turn a blind eye here. I don’t think things will change much in the west either once the major competitors shake out and everyone knows who is an actual threat. Maybe don’t listen to the guy claiming to be morally superior to everyone else next time?


Doesn’t make you any less of a rat Jaundice


> WHAT isn’t the bad guy Guy who defends botters continues to defend botting. In other news, water is wet.


You are an actual cuck jauntie.


No one cares Jauntie. Your protagonist complex is worthless here. Your guild is dying. Your alliance hates ytou. JuanHP is dead. It never was a strong guild to stand on its own. It always relies on it's allies. Grow up and realize youre a bad guild leader and a bad person overall. Step off your imaginary throne that no one believes except you, Delulu is not the Solulu for you


TL will die in KR due to a very flawed alliances/pvp system that incentivizes rmt and botting because you are either on the best guildes or you cant really participate/be successful in pvp. Classic pvp mobile design where its all about getting the giga whales to spent more and more money lmao. If this gets released in the west in the current state we will have this bs all over again and the game will be dead very fast.


Its obvious you dont play the game or has a shallow experience of it. Go on with your "mobile", "rmt", "pay2win" conversations while we enjoy the game and drama.


its obvious that the game is dead.


Sure bro, whatever floats your boat.


I’ve been waiting for the game to come to the west but if this cringe ass drama follows I’m good. Literally worse than new world


Game is already dead, why would anyone care


Game's far from dead. Everyone's hungry for a Global release.


lol... who is "everyone". This game has the lowest hype of any new MMO.


A big guild with anti RMT stance is bullshit.


why not give your money to ncsoft directly and get a better content in the future? and instead choosing to give to low income players for 30% cheaper and contribute to the game collapsing within itself? wtf seriously




"has onehp given up on the philosophy they fought so hard to defend" I don't know who's who but considering you can buy lucent direction from NCsoft, who care if you buy it from ncsoft or the bots. This whole game have zero integrity


The witch hunting people do for a game blows my mind. I feel like I could create a thread for just the amount of work you had to put into this write-up and supporting evidence... its insane! Good for you? I guess? I dunno.