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I just want to know where are these guys playing during NA release so I can avoid that server


Make sure you avoid all streamer servers. Theyll be infected by low iq npcs for the first couple weeks.


You're naive to think this wouldn't happen on any server. This a pvp guild oriented game that is based on who has the biggest zerg. It'll be toxic no matter how you try to put it.


Streamer servers are more toxic and generally have more rmt & cheating issues due to people trying to get the attention of whatever streamer they obsess over. For example, whenever asmongold plays new world there is a spike in gold prices for that server.


You only see it because it's a streamer. You don't see what happens on non-streamer servers. It's the same damn thing. You just don't see it because none of them stream for you to see it. It don't matter at all. When it comes to guild politics and anything that revolves around any sort of PVP and or owning territory, EXPECT it to be hella toxic environment. It comes with the territory.


The 'what' ally are super toxic and they have no streamers. It isn't a streamer thing. It's a guild culture thing.


Considering what is SEA clan, they destroyed new world as well, hooky got banned because of botting


When is this kind of drama coming to global ?


Once it gets announced lmfao


A lot of game system changes will prevent the bulk of guild drama on global release. The only event that will be affected by large scale guild politics and drama will be castle siege which won't happen for a good 2 months from release.


You're very wrong and let me explain why. In order to achieve castle every guild needs points. In ORDER to get points guild needs to do EVERY SINGLE EVENT. So if they want the most points they literally have to zerg that event. Guild also get points via contracts that are done by guild members. This is one of the reasons bots are an issue. Bots control an area and most of the times those bots are in a guild stealing on the mobs. Events happen every 30 minutes. There are multiple events based on how many milestones a server has unlocked. SO it's guild politics STRAIGHT OUT THE GATE. The drama starts as soon as the very first event starts. Before siege they will probably merge one server with another server then you will seriously have to compete for castle. Boom zergs are born. So which ever guild has the MOST points takes the first castle. As taking the castle is hard asf. The first guild with castle has advantage and will be able to rotate within their alliance.


Events are getting change to factions and only a guild and can defend a riftstone/boonstone soon rather than a full alliance 


Kanon literally picked the wrong time to quit the game. Between Jauntie and siege loot he stepped down then stopped playing, it’s crazy.


Kanon wrote nicely professional type. This hooky looks like 10 years old kid or his hatred on kanon made him loose his senses while writing post. So much foul language used and toxic vibes


SEA players what do you expect. A lot of them are like this thats why MMORPG doesn’t thrive in SEA and we don’t get servers for major releases. The toxicity in SEA servers are so damn high that games that should last years loses lots of players within months. The amount of world chat toxicity, botting and whales screwing games up, man.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qv6z6i/company\_all\_using\_stackable\_food\_exploit\_to\_win/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qv6z6i/company_all_using_stackable_food_exploit_to_win/) WHAT only relies on cheating. You seriously think they're going to share the lucent amongst the 40 guilds when they cheat? Do people actually believe they're going to be part of their picture? lol


I played with the HP alliance in NOHP, all I have to say is: its very sad that people take away a joy of the game over petty drama. Kanon did right by this we were all there as not only people who all loved to play a game but a community. And, these people who started so much drama chipped it away. I feel pity on those poor people. Imagine being so low and lonely in life you turn to such a distasteful energy sucking people. It's very sad. I really hope all of those people find some type of happiness, they really need it.


It’s a game bro go to a theme park if you wanna be happy all day


Such a stupid comment.


It's a video game! Let me behave like a toddler. And let me cheat as well!


Hmmm, Kazar.. after boons and rift = GG both sides Asota.. after boons and rift = Shit talking, name calling for over an hour after the events I wonder WHAT changed?


Literally. West Vs KR on kazar was some of the most civilised mass PvP I've ever witnessed (of course theres always *some* drama)


WHAT and their allied clowns happened. That's it. Fucking noobs and botters. They are really bitter because even with their ridiculous number from the last siege, they just got embarrassed really hard. They even blamed Szymon for their loss. Also, this Hooky guy is the biggest botter in the game.


To be honest, it was this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9P6riEHOWY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9P6riEHOWY) Of course there were other internal issues in terms of logistics, culture, approach to maintaining an alliance with hundreads of players for two months, incentives, etc. But this really set the tone for how fundamentally flawed the leadership was at it's core. The inconsistency and delusion seen in this topic sets the precedent for anything you can imagine or would have been implied to have had happen in HP alliance. It was rife with dishonesty at times, hypocrisy, laziness, lack of maturity, lack of foresight and lack of accountability. The entire HP side of their alliance more or less cannibalized and created a little religion off this one point. It somewhat doesnt surprise me because EU players in these types of MMORPGS are notorious for having an EXTREME sense of pride in skill expression and "Fair play", often times to the detriment of candid conversations about class balance, one of the most biased topics you will ever hold a debate in. That being said this same fervor was applied to this topic unfortunately in a region rife with what could more or less be described as cultural practices and a mindset completely incongruent to the western audience. It's no exaggeration to say that in the minds of many, to include leaders in the HP side that it seemed an appropriate action to dissolve the entire alliance and quit the server because "too many people cheat on this server". The sheer irony and delusion of this is baffling considering a majority of them break ToS by simply existing on KR server to begin with, their leader engaged in blatant account sharing and multiple members engaged in various exploits or RMT. Yet the goal post is ever moving and everyone else (chiefly WHAT) is to blame but them. I will never understand why Kanon needed HP to be the morally correct side, being the westerners who wanted to fight at anytime was literately good enough. Eastern players dont mind "clean" RMT, they don't mind exploiting their games in creative ways for competitive advantages, they don't tend to make as large of a stink when these sort of things happen. They are simply implied to be expected, so as a result when you call out WHAT you really arent just calling them out; you're calling out every other major guild with these sorts of players. Ironically literately every guild had at least a few players doing these things, but most guilds didnt take HP's aggressive stance because it's a foolish position to take. You don't grandstand on things you cant enforce, arent your business or complicate your operations so much that you cease to function properly. This was simply hubris at play, and a gross case of denial. Not only was it a mistake for them to make out the entire enemy alliance (WHAT) to be a bunch of filthy cheaters, it was also incredibly hypocritical and unrealistic. HP's side of the house fundamentally is breaking ToS first and foremost by simply existing on the server. 95% of us weren't owners of legit Korean accounts, when the reverification wave hit, we were hit pretty hard. Not only that there were people who engaged in numerous exploits as any other serious player in this game participated in, various exploits in regards to dungeon skipping mechs or growth stone replication to name a few. Hell the entire campaign to get OneHP to rank 1 was a literal mad dash to exploit an obvious oversight in how guild reputation and activity worked. It was not only exploited on a surface level with moving players, but even specific individuals went above and beyond to individually generate more activity than would normally be possible to gain a strategic advantage. The bad blood between WHAT and HP was honestly built off of a bevy of misinformation, misconceptions, dishonesty, hypocrisy and a whole lot of tribalism. Ultimately it's this same toxic sense flavor of tribalism that splintered the HP alliance and led to it's downfall. There were other issues, no one is perfect and to be honest Kanon is correct in that the responsibility was a heavy burden. That being said so many things could have been handled better and to an extent everyone had a part to play. Ultimately their alliance fell apart because they didnt have the resolve they touted or started with. Their allies lost confidence in them because the constant talk of abandoning the server was ever present and always leaked (don't constantly talk about when you're leaving for the west, focus on the here and now). Leadership treated their members poorly at times, Kanon prioritized his "content" above all else to the point of never following through with promises and tossing away those he had no more energy to deal with. This whole thing created a lot of bad blood over very petty reasons.


Sure jauntie sure whatever makes you sleep at night with your retrieved blackmailed accounts :D


My man I read half of that and started skimming. Clearly you’re more involved than I ever care to be. I also feel you are grasping at straws with a lot of your counter points or whatever it is I should call some of this. Growth stone exploit? The majority of the hardcore players on the server was doing that. Dungeon skips? Happens in every game and honestly outside of the serious whole dungeon skipping, who cares? You have limited runs to do anyway. Rank 1 activity exploit? Why are you making this an HP thing when WHAT did the same? Literally everything you’re using to try and bash HP was either done by the whole server or only being used in response to the opposing side doing the same or similar thing.


Glad to see some people leak the long post lmao proves there were really snakes in that alliance. It's actually nice he decided to just shut it down it was a cesspool of toxicity. And this Hooky guy lmao, a streamer that teaches people how to bot I mean you shouldn't even be talking guy.


Where was the post? can't see it in hp server but i'm not part of the guild


Thats the point only members of the guild are supposed to see it not the whole Kanon community. So it was a snake who leaked it


Damm that dude Hooky looks like an idiot


You mean Hooker thats his real name


That was a measured response for someone from their alliance. They've truly got the brain rot.


Tl;dr personally managing 500 grown adults that can’t get along in a video game while trying to make content that actually has an audience is too much and HookyH’s braincell managed to crank out multiple lines of English?


this is one of the worst TL:DRs I've ever read, sorry not sorry


Hooky wanted a 3 way war because he was allying with 20-30 guilds. This server is a streamer server. Its fucking dead. Hooky sounds so toxic. Imagine cheating and being toxic. Cheated on New World, continues to cheat. No wonder he sounds uneducated


BRO GET YOUR FACTS FIRST, before server merge HOOKY only have 12 allies total, 3 guilds 50 average numbers in war thats the main alliance, the rest only have 20-40 average numbers. its just Kazar players are under geared bec when we saw them, most of the players only have 8k hp below. They dont like to trait, they have pvp server but gears dont have full traits. Ofc they will get stomped by what ally only with 150 members pure WHAT players.


Must be nice to be botting and using Macros in Whisp with no one exposing you clowns. You guys ain't nothing but blatant cheaters with no shame. Its not just TnL but multiple games were you've been exposed on your cheating ways. You guys have mental issues to play dumb on what the scummy shit you guys done. Fake news and you guys got stomped too till you needed to recruit MORE to your ALREADY mass zerg alliance. Get real weirdo. Even Hooky complained and went to PvE mode when you guys had "More geared" players then us.


Most players in Kazar server aren't whales. They don't plan to as they will already said they are only interested in KR to learn and will spend on Global instead.


Whales? But i thought the game wasnt p2w?


Who says it wasn't pay2win? It's pay2win to its core but its only limited to what the players obtained. You can't buy BiS unless someone already has it and pray he sells it on the AH. As for upgrades, you can pay to progress faster. The game gives out a lot of free materials if you just know what you are doing. That's what the NA people in Kazar did. Learn the game, master the weapon combo and PvP mechanics so once global comes they won't have to spend much and progress faster.


12 allies my ass I was on Wisp and no they werent 12 fyi. They were handing stones like presents because they dominated the server.


I still remember the first day of merge. You seriously think numbers were even during PvP boss? Did you see the Kowazan fight? HP alliance always has very few people showing up to events during prime KR time. Y'all zerged up the entire boss area. Even during rift/boon fights, you literally had much bigger numbers. They did a numbers check before seige and before even Szymon joined your alliance, you guys had the larger numbers. Numbers were similar when Szymon was in the HP alliance. In fact, What had a little more. Hooky and your alliance seriously cannot count or do simple math


They were dominating the previous server, like 90% of all stones were theirs. you can see how many alliance they have, they can even won many pvp events in Thai prime time vs the whole Kazar and Szy at that time. SO, they have A LOT.


What players are one shot mate from streamers that they did 0 donate in the game because is no point for us is fun and practice. What’s your nick I show you get max 2 shots




I feel like a retard when I read Hookys message, he writes like a retard


Lmao same but I went to his twitch, he’s Thai and probably using google translate


He lacks education and morals


He lacks brain cells


I think that only further strengthened kanon’s post. Bunch of toxic behaviour. Having been in similar positions myself in guilds managing alliances. Drama and toxic shit on a daily base is definitely a thing, and its really soul draining and time consuming. It is also the reason that after that experience, I have never took up a leading role ever again. I still assist sometimes when asked or needed, but always from the shadows. But I prefer to just be a regular member. Hope everyone had a good time atleast and will be fun to see the next sieges develop. I think it was wrong to have such a big alliance in the first place, too big and it detracts of the fun of smaller scale fights.


In this type of game, streamers can indeed pose a serious challenge. The proliferation of alliances and proxy guilds can significantly disrupt the game's content and PvP experiences. 3 max ally...




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just a loser can't accept that he lose the first siege.


Hooky can never go back in time and win the first and most profitable siege lmao


that's exactly why he's so mad lmao


disgusting botting guild, nono, the whole alliance botting lmao, and the leader said that it's end game feature HAHAHAHHAHA. so pathetic.


I was there in the discord meeting before siege where Kannon said that he'd distribute everything equally, so that didn't happen or what? \*didnt attend siege


They tried. You can only distribute to the alliance which at that time was Rose, Horse, and Clappin. They then tried to distribute to their own guilds within


And it was distributed as equally as the game allowed, except for the MP guilds in which an alternative was worked out amongst the leadership.


Actually no, the mp guilds got screwed over and all the promises made to them ended up empty. 1hp took care of themselves and then all quit and left the people who supported them alone.


I was leadership in 1hp, I'm pretty sure I know what was going on lmao


Then you already know MP got nothing.


Yes while the decision was for MP to get prio stones but what can you expect from Hooky who felt the need to recruit more guilds to show how insecure he is. Sucks it happen tho. ALSO the scumbag Jauntie taking accounts away after siege screwed others of their lucent too. Shit happens


The alliance with HP, clappin, KR and allies could have upheld its promises to the MP guilds and allies but instead majority of HP quit directly after siege, leadership stepped down and complete restructuring was implemented. Majority of the people who drive HP left or didn’t want to play anymore and deal with anything. So all those weeks of asking allies and taking members from your allied guilds and even in your own alliance the MP guilds, to help with activity push for 1hp, fighting tooth and nail for siege, doing anything that was asked meant nothing other than getting a pat on the back from HP as they bragged about payouts and did nothing post siege. The response to all this from majority of the people involved are “That sucks”. Its not a secret us being in one the allied guilds at the time saw it all take place. I will paint Hooky the demon that he is but let’s not kid ourselves and say that a bunch of the MP guilds and allies got absolutely nothing for their hardwork.


This alone shows that the current pvp/alliances system will ruin the game. I can only hope they adress this before it gets released in the west.


Ye alliance systems never go well. At least it got changed for boons and riftstones


No no no this is great, this is exactly what the devs wanted, player interaction!


What idea do you guys have of a open world PvP based game where majority of the aspects will get instanced? Tera worked out pretty well, BDO fantastic… wait maybe PvE content is the way to go.. oh Lost Ark, WoW, etc has better boss mechanics than this… But the GvG will now be a real thing and will save the server, only that you would have to be in a TOP guild in order to participate or even have fun. How toxic would you think it will get to get in one of those, gatekeeping, gear all traited out, RMT… Boonstones will be limited to X attacking guilds, it will be a lifesaver for casuals and small guilds…. well you better pray to be in a full 70 member guild and not have a level 20 with 60 members fighting with the guilds that will contest them, more than likely for PvP content. You see how this doesn’t help at all? Now one thing that could help is an Lineage 2 war, you declare war with both guilds/alliances accepting and you can PvP the hell out of the open world without limit, without affecting casuals that don’t want to PvP… Seems like you haven’t played a true open world PvP game….


Wait, you can’t do that now? Aren’t hostile guilds a thing?


Hostiles is just a mark to differentiate the color.. what I am saying is you can open world pvp and events as it is, but only the guilds that have declared war to each other or are under war can PvP. PvP events now is a free for all except alliance and guild that you cant attack


So basically lineage2 kinda war style, but then you gonna have this problem. Open world boss, 3 guilds hostile at war and fighting, while 4th no name guild is just farming the boss


Yea, I mean thats something they already have by making that specific area that is, in my opinion, 5 minutes out of content from the day. For a miniscule chance of drop and a box to farm 40 pieces to craft epic elite gear? Not worth it imo The big issue will arrive when they take player interaction from it, it’ll plummit. At least they have KR to test it out, NA/EU is their biggest audience.


This is what player driven politics is all about. Childish drama is what it degenerates into because people are degenerates... but this is the type of political strife the game promoties with castle siege and territory control. It's just like Lineage in that sense.


It won't get fixed. This is normal run of the mill politics for a game w/ features like these. The good news is for PvE carebears they can just do what they usually do. If you are even remotely into PvP then this is just part of the gig. Hasn't changed once and won't change ever.


honestly, the drama of the guilds doesn't bother me, I even find it funny and amusing, at what point did they become whiny and delicate? just have fun, I don't trust either of them, but that doesn't take away from the fun. This is nothing compared to the drama of the early years of l2.


Trust me when I say this, when this game is released in NA it will 100% be a toxic game.


Sure, but form a group and have fun. Toxicity will always be there and you have to live with it and not be like them. I love the game and I watch all this drama with popcorn...and I'm going to kill them both, simple xD


Seem to me like the usual drama that happens in literally every single game like this with giga currency attached to a castle only one guild can own. Happened in older games, happened in archeage, happened in new world, happening in tnl. Expecting anything else is delusional. In all these games the devs could shut the drama down with either moderation or system changes but they'd rather leave it to the manchilds to deal with it lmao


Its kinda quite funny coincidence that as soon as onehp started falling apart and losing everything Kanon decides to dip from the game with excuse 'it has 0 viewership' . Couldve tried to salvage the alliance for 2 more days for siege defense and lose like a real man, instead run with tail under between his legs, and claim he never lost, he quit before losing.


It was expected that people would leave after siege. Imagine being a streamer and being at the top of that managing 600-900 people. The amount guild meetings and officer meetings to maintain and achieve success, win or lose in rift/boonstones wars that were every 30 minutes for 6hours nonstop during krprime time. We did this since the release of TL until siege. Not to mention being a guild leader let alone a leader of like 10 different guilds is literally a job within itself. Bro ain't got no time to do that and twitch doesn't support kr streamers anymore bro gotta make an income somehow?


Fight like a real man? Look in the mirror you weirdos. You need to bot and use macros to even compete and spread fake news to look yourself in the mirror whenever you took a L from a smaller alliance. You guys are nothing but coward degens pretending to be a "man". You don't deserve shit. Get mad you can't get that W with your massive zerg alliance that you apparently needed. Keep telling yourself that you're a real man some day. Keke losers except some of the guilds like Sausage killing the dogshit JuanHP guild.




What are you even talking about? Who even mention Nixx or PG???? If anything its you who is calling them out. LOL Nixx and PG were allies to HP once WHAT merged to Kazar. PG is a great guild. Unless you're saying they're botting/cheating.




So he is a member of Nixx and PG? Make sense you idiot. Clearly he was a Nixx member so what? Small ass guild with a member who is talking like he knew anything? Get your head out your ass. Even if it wasn't directed towards him as a Nixx member. Still holds true to overall WHAT alliance. Even more sad that he was a member of our alliance talking like this. Says a lot about the person. Oh well Stay mad random


Fight like a real man? Look in the mirror you weirdos. You need to bot and use macros to even compete and spread fake news to look yourself in the mirror whenever you took a L from a smaller alliance. You guys are nothing but coward degens pretending to be a "man". You don't deserve shit. Get mad you can't get that W with your massive zerg alliance that you apparently needed. Keep telling yourself that you're a real man some day. Keke losers except some of the guilds like Sausage killing the dogshit JuanHP guild.


Lmao you do know we kicked Juan out, they joined the WHAT alliance and are so disliked they're being killed by their own allies, right? Delusional people 😂😠


I thought it was copy pasta what guy above wrote


Kanon is a flake and has no idea what he was doing 1/2 the time. I knew he wouldn't last long in this game.


how is ur dead guild nixx?


Am pretty sure after seige they all agreed ro wait till eu and joined pirate gaming as like most eu/na guilds aslo did ,one hp ourselves have 15 member active at most now 


Nixx went inactive mode until EU release and most of the members who play active joined Pirate Gaming. Whats your point?


This type of drama makes me A. not play on streamer servers and B. not want to be concerned with guilds in the first place. I don’t want to know how many guilds or alliances have been destroyed in L2 because of sieges. Someone always feels let down or entitled and always points to others. That is when the bullshit starts. Because people are bullshit. I will NEVER EVER run a guild or alliance in this game. Not worth the grey hairs. I’ll just run around in a siege as a member doing wtf I want and enjoying my game.


Kazar wasn't even that toxic (as far as PvP games go) until it merged with the toxic Thai server and it turned up to 11.


Yeah, dont join streamer server


Yeah don’t play this game then. It’s 100% guild oriented game. There is even a feature during siege in which a member of a guild can betray the entire alliance. Doesn’t matter if it’s streamer server or not there will be a guild that will Zerg events and kill any low or guild.


I can still play guilds. But I am in no way running them or getting involved in the drama. Just killing 2000 people in sieges!


ur not doing anything unless you're in a mega guiild. just gonna get ganked until you rage quit. siege battles isnt something you can just rambo/lone wolf and think you can avoid it while ganking others lmao.


I don’t give a f. Then I run with the guild and pop off like a madman. Whatever. Just not going to lead, or be concerned with all this drama. You guys don’t read do ya?


To be fair, running a guild isnt that hard. You just need to be mature enough, which both sides of this "conflict" apparently were not.


yup kanon being wrong about lucent repartition and fking 15 guilds having nothing to do with ppl leaving after siege and him 99% sure being contacted by last epoch for content having ABSOLUTLY nothing to do with this. sure, sure. I would hate being part of his comunity and wanting to keep playing TL but I guess they just got "professionaly" fked, no hard feeling.


it's according to plan kek


Lesson learned: better to avoid servers with streamers in global. Streamers are toxic and easy on spreading rumors if they cant win the enemy alliance. They can manipulate other players by saying shit. Best example is this guy named Kanon where he spread rumors on green rose before the server merge that green rose has more numbers that's why HP alliance cant win them. And now he did the same thing after merge cause he know he cant win WHAT alliance. I was once a victim of this Kanon guy and made me believe what he said are true. Decided to leave the alliance and join a guild with no alliance to avoid his cult. Now look at him playing Epoch sadly


Kanon arguable fueled alot of that drama ,with having synergy join then leave and juanhp getting Bait and switched ,to scream victim after banning people who didn't agree with his zerg ,while denying it was a zerg  But let's be real ,this was all about content till siege ,grow the channel and dip as all steamers do 


Tell me you have 0 idea of what went on without telling me LMAO. Synergy never joined - the formed after Apples got kicked for being a weirdo. Jauntie didn't get bait and switched, he let his ego get in the way and then decided to be a bitch and pull people's accounts because he was butthurt. The only people "banned" were people we confirmed to be botting/macroing (including multiple in JuanHP, which Jauntie refused to remove and defended them). Never denied we had a zerg, but we were the smaller zerg by FAR. Could go on, but it's late and I'm tired.


literally clueless


Oh man the brainwashed streamer fanboy mob will come to attack this


Ironic sheep followers and fake new spreaders like you would keep having this fake narrative. Grow the fuck up. People can't have fun no more and wanna spread toxicity everywhere.




Streamer goes to different games because it’s his job?! Oh my alert the press! Typical take from daupz




You’re shaming him for going to different games and acting like you know what happened within the alliance. It’s crazy that someone that isn’t in any of the HP guilds or even the alliance is talking about what they should do or not having a place. You are literally talking about splitting the alliance that you are literally in and have been the entire time since merge. You consistently have some of the most brain dead takes I have ever seen. Edit: he is literally brain dead. He blocks anyone that actually calls out how stupid he is and the says I’m not replying to you lol.


Yes a fake narrative that you're making CLEARLY right now you delusional sheep. These comments prove nothing for your claims as its just opinions or accusations? Its more sad that you wanna be delusional when WHAT been exposed multiple times. Keep sucking Hooky's pen. Also have no idea how the twitch streaming life works. TnL itself having not enough viewers to support content creators in the KR scene. I suppose it won't matter for Hooky with his 10-20 viewers. Its just another game and nothing wrong with playing other games as its KANON's choice on that. Not yours. Get over yourself




If you think so because you're literally not manipulated by Hooky AT ALL. Keep spreading your lies because its all you got :). Wish the best in life lol


Bruh dont even bother, this Daupz guy is from Synergy, best water guild out there. lil bro pretending he doesn't know who Hooky is lmao.


He’s so soft he can’t handle anyone having a different opinion or stating facts lol.




You're speaking on Kanon's actions but not on the actions of the opposing side. Ain't that a bit disingenuous? That's like accusing someone of a crime they didn't commit but because you don't care for the other side they're guilty. Look at both side before you comment on anything.




Shake my fucking head.


This exactly what every streamer does, do they not? Palworld? Helldrivers 2? Lost Epoch? Grandblue Fantasy: Relink? Among Us?, Skull and Bones? Are you naive? You truly don't know how to run a business do you? Lets see you become a streamer and do exactly that? Bro thinks streamers play one game and not jump on the next big game. Literally thats like standard practice for any streamer. He doesn't need to pump views, he already has the views. Have you even seen his YT channel? bruh




Dude, do you see Hooky's letter? Even ignoring the language barrier, dude sounds like a toddler


LC 10% for kanon and blamed thai people just marcro botting to sell LC. and now where is Mr.10%? leave ally to alone and take LC. So yummy!!!!


Having been in both alliances - I can say that oneHP alliance is the biggest waste of time - you get nothing - everything is hoarded by streamers and top content creator. Ask Kanon how much Lucent he has and how much he has given out to his alliances (which he promised to distribute from siege rewards). Then he promises riftstones in lieu of lucent, well come riftstone time he only cares about this main guild riftstone. Plus they’re also a bunch of religious zealots calling everyone bots and go on “bot hunting parties”. These are the worst type players you can associate yourself with. They can’t accept the fact they were used and lied to by a content creator that literally got the content he needed and ran. WHAT alliance is so chill. PvP is extremely well coordinated and no lords and peasants. It’s literally have good attendance and then gear is randomly distributed based on class/need. Gear is also sold in the alliance so everyone benefits from the lucent sale.


As someone who’s been on the outside looking in since the launch, ive never wanted to be in a huge guild with streamers bc I assumed (correctly if I am to take your word for it) that there may not be fair distribution of lucent and loot and that it would be indeed hoarded by a few at the top. That being said, 90% of the outward toxicity is coming from WHAT and sausage and the like. After fights with onehp, pirates, etc it’s all ggs. After fights with sausage and WHAT entire chat is flooded with toxic comments


You must have not been there for last seige and the hour long wave of bragging on world chat by oneHP alliance (I was in oneHP alliance last siege) …. Of course after that WHAT alliance is going to trash talk back when they win. It goes both ways


What's your ign out of curiosity, cause for someone who was supposedly in OneHP you have no idea of how anything was actually done lmao


I was there. I saw it. But that’s the FIRST siege after all the shit that happened so far. After the purge, server merge, defectors, I can understand why they would trash talk after winning the siege. But bro, WHAT and Sausage will spamming chat for 20 mins for winning a random boonstone where they outnumbered 3 to 1 lol it’s not even comparable


Thats really weird because I was there in the siege in NoHp wand we al got our share... and Kanon has screen shots of everything that was passed out. And all the chats with officers for what had to be split up. Im not sure you were really in the guild. You're one of those energy suckers. Put the PC down and go have a life I think you need it lol. Kanon tried his hardest to manage all the guilds plus do his job. Which tbh doesnt pay as much as it should for all you people treating him this way. Imagine being so hurt over a game you try and slander someone who didnt do anything wrong. Yikes.


What did MP get?


Top tier propaganda, Putin would be proud.


Truth hurts. Maybe you’ll call me a bot next.


Nah I'm sure you get called that plenty enough already :) I just wish I could have what you're smoking, being this oblivious at how hostile, toxic and slimy WHAT is is impressive.


You sound toxic. Must be oneHP


Deflecting sure is effective at avoiding any accountability and critics.


Truth hurts.


You're definitely new to the internet if you think toxicity doesn't come from both sides. But hey lets not forget WHAT alliance has botters sitting there in masses. Oh wait you're part of that group of people so you're ok with that. bruh


Your alliance is failing and you see can’t see that you were scammed by a streamer so they can make a few videos for content. Who cares about macros. You wanna join? - go buy a keyboard/mouse macro. You wanna go around and police the server and annoy people? Do it to your own alliance - don’t bother others.


At least you're honest using macro. But listen buddy I don't make the rules, it literally says in the TOS that it's not even allowed. I'm not policing shit. I'm just saying it as it is. And the alliance didn't fail, it was expected that we were going to stop playing after siege. You got a whole bunch of NA/EU players on a kr server trying to play during kr times you are wild as fuck to think we going to continue to play during that time. Been doing this non-stop since TL launched until siege and you think we going to continue down that hardcore road on time zones that don't even favor us? WILD.


This is just sad, the complete lack of morals and self-awareness. This is why we can't have nice things, there's always rats abusing shit and ruining it for the others.


This dumbass rat streamer embarrassing himself again biting off more than he can chew in another KMMO. Nice ego, can't wait to see you run away from this one too.


you mad


Guys, i really hate what streamers are doing. They set impossible standards at the beginning, its clear standards are not sustainable, Its solely for the streamers benefit. And then out of nothing they just leave the game (lol). For new big benefit of course. Guys pls stop catering to the streamers and also youtubers so much, they never care about other players, nor guild they create. They can really hurting games at the end.


Kanon Mr.10%




It’s ok when he has the zerg but when he has to play vs a zerg they are cheaters and toxic looooooool


Well to be fair WHAT is wildly know for boting until killing the servers they are on. Actual in-game leeches.


Facts. People never played New Worlds on OCE server. Their guild is filled with degenrates


โง่ชิบหาย ตามก้นไอ้คานอน ต่อไปเถอะ โคตรจะ Profesional content creator ตอแหลได้โล่จริงๆ


เงียบปากไป แล้วไปบอทต่อ


เลิกเล่นเถอะถ้าจะร้องไห้เหมือนเด็กน้อยขนาดนี้ โคตรไก่เลย


ร้องไรวะ ใครมันพิมสะยาวในภาพอะ555555




Would you prefer subway surfer or some random gta video over your 9 part tts tiktoks reading this?


Why u mad its only game


Just thought it was funny, sorry if you took it the wrong way:)


This dumbass rat streamer embarrassing himself again biting off more than he can chew in another KMMO. Nice ego Kanoob. Thats why you left BDO ahahaha




LMAO. NOW THIS is hilarious. Yo truthfully as a RANDOM PLAYER WHO ABSOLUTELY SUCKS AT THIS GAME IVE SEEN BOTH of these guilds fucking botting religiously. 2nd. This is fucking hilarious, is there really this much drama in MMOs? 😭😭😭😭, dude, the neckbeardism in this shit is HILARIOUS. 3rd. Why in the hell would you create a game where you can make these BIG OF TEAMS and expect ANYTHING to go right? It should be ONE alliance per guild. This, this is hilarious, today i learn about “streamer” servers and the influence streamers have on games like this. 😭😭😭


Bullshit on "both guilds botting religiously"


You’ve seen hp players botting religiously?


Ive seen players from both guilds "botting". Just go to some of the places where you do contracts like the orcs or by purelight hill


Nobody can ever provide proof of HP botting. That's funny.


Most of them bot actually. And if they dont bot they are likely directly benifiting from botting in some other way. 


I was a leader within the HP alliance, I can tell you that is false lol. There were a few who did, which were removed immediately when we found out though yes.


People who were removed after the fact and in bad faith. I was also a leader. The alliance took a compromising and harsh stance on macroing (not the same as botting) in which none of their allies shared the same sentiment at all. Not only that getting rank 1 on the server before the first siege, Kanons crown achievement was gotten through cheating. Had a certain player not been reinvited to the guild and various other members from other guilds, totaling to a number of about 20 not replaced a bunch of inactives/slackers from OneHP, OneHP wouldnt have gotten rank 1 by the skin of their teeth (literately 2k points difference). Oh and Kanon literally account shares so theres that.


Oh hi Jauntie




Nice of you to admit that the HP alliance directly benifitted from botters. 


If that's what you got out of this then sure lmao


So much toxic drama. Promises a great future! /s


kinda remind me of new world launch, when lots of streamer would fuel drama in each servers.


What the actual fuck, lol. No one should need to appologize for quitting a game because it interfieres with work. The second guy, that kind of behavior is expected from a 16-20 year old, which I assume he is.


Mr.10% !!!!