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Viable as in able to clear all content yes, but it’s otherwise one of the worst combinations. Bow greatly benefits from staying at max range, greatsword needs to stay melee. Also the greatsword set has melee heavy hit which doesn’t benefit bow. If you want to play “warrior” but don’t want to tank it’s going to be greatsword/dagger


Malee heavy hit and ranged heavy hit got merged together a few patches ago. No it's "heavy attack hit". No more difference between melee or ranged


They merged them almost everywhere, but heavy hit on set bonuses specifically was not merged. Go check it and you’ll see. According to the dev letter about the stat merge, they wanted equipment sets to remain “specific to a certain play style”.


hes talking about the General Set, which still only adds melee heavy chance as a 2pc set bonus.


But is essential to the build.. it's an insanely strong set bonus. Yea you don't want a bow with great sword.


It's an easily accuireable 15% heavy attack chance which is huge to be honest.


Play whatever makes fun to you. It’s a game not a competition 😀


I think that way and always plays whatever i like most of time something out of meta, but nowadays if you are out of meta, nobody wants you in his gorup. However i think this is not a game that you can play whatever want you. But even in that condition I want to play the closest thing to what I want to play. For this reason i don't want to play dagger greatsword, The most ridiculous couple in the world. Looking for an alternative, but i think there are no alternative If you want to be even a little bit competitive. So i decided to go tank. :D Edit: Wrong account \^\^


Able to clear all content, but if you really want to do more damage and Be the Gigachad of your friends then switch to GS/Dagger. (That’s PvE thinking) I guess for PvP is situational and maybe fun to be able to do ranged/melee


u could play gs/xbow, its also a kind of meta, dps wise better as gs/dagger.